yoooo omg so again I’m rewatching obx s1 and there is this parallel between topper showing / proving his love for sarah and jj his for pope. Like when jj gets arrested for pope, to save him he smiles when he’s in the jail cell right. and then later topper gets arrested at the church to save sarah / show his love and when he is arreseted and put in the cop car he smiles. like both smile when they could take the fall for the people they love, like they could show their love and what that person means to them. IM WAITING for jjpope
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I’m rewatching obx s1 and Rafe is such a good actor what the hell, definitely the best in the entire show like he’s literally perfect
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Ragnarok Review
okay so I really liked this one, definitely not shitty at all. Characters are likable and plot is good maybe a few lil issues or questions about how they will continue in the second season 
okay always let’s begin with the setting of the show. The setting of the show is great but of course non-negotiable. But they really made the best out of it, making it cold, eerie and mysterious. Like the characters constantly saying “you should’t drink the water” making clear that something deeper is wrong with the town, something you can’t see. Making the whole thing creepy and also a bit sad, when you see the people of the town, like Grys father getting sick. Also showing the pollution and power of Jutuls company is represents the oppression and repression of the people. The big polluting company, that is destroying the nature and that controls everything, is a nice parallel to the Giants, the Jutuls, position in the town, and it also brings a very modern side to the show. So it is in my opinion a great component of the show, making it relevant and giving the show a realistic dynamic.
Now to the plot, obviously the company is a great “plot-line”. Overall I have to say I was a fan of the plot, it was a very classic build-up, with Isolde’s death unraveling everything and then a Magne finding his power and building it up and the tensions rising and then the final battle, that i was honestly kinda disappointed in. It was very much anticlimactic. Like do a lil more, I mean the biggest fucking villain in the show just died. Also I just wish Isolde hadn’t died to soon, she was one of the most interesting characters, but her death was necessary. Also I think they could have focused more on Fjor noticing that his family isn’t always in the right, it was kind rushed for me and he didn’t really second guess the actions, he was more like randomly I’m in love :/. But side characters always get done dirty. The lil question is: are there other gods in the town? other students? if not it would kinda suck very much.
Now to the characters: Magne
very good main, lovely, likable, not cringe and not the typical white straight male lead, biggest plus: has actually issues and doesn’t have a hero-complex. Also no anger issues which is nice. But I don’t know if he is a recarnation of Thor or like his son. Verdict likeable main
I just really wish the would have showed him exploring his role a bit more, it seemed as if he didn’t actually think. Maybe thats how giants are supposed to be. Anyway I liked his character, even though I do wish he did have some more interesting motivations than Gry. Lets say it like this he is a good “hot-guy”. Also he seems like he enjoys his life as student and friend more than his sister and seems to be more genuine. I feel like next season he will be really important now that he has a mind of this own and his feelings and all that yk.
I’m sorry guys she is boring at fuck
Saxa is a very interesting character and with a lot of power and influence. Definitely will be key in season 2. She is strong-minded and willed and takes after her father being emotionless and compulsive, violent and quit self-absorbed. She is a really good character and important.
Now on to the by far best character, Laurits, who according to me will be revealed to be Loki. Even though in Norse Mythology, unlike in MCU, Loki and Thor are not brothers. But I still suspect that the writers might go down that route. I mean he is mischievous and does what ever benefits him, with little regards for others, he also likes to transform into other people (Ran) like Loki does. And in Norse Mythology Loki is even half Giant, which would explain why he danced with Saxa and Fjor and it would make sense that he is their half-brother and it would explain the relationship between Laurits mother and Saxa and Fjors dad. Like he is their child. It all makes sense like that. Since it’s clear that they had a relationship. Now back to Laurits, he is the best character, he is always there to cause tension and mess things up and still get a kick out of it. He is always having a good time and has no enemies or allies. Also him being openly gay is a nice change, and he has no problem flirting with Fjor. Also I mean he is just fucking lovely, just like his way and his jokes and like he’s just chillen, but is absolutely independent. I mean u just need to love him and everything he does I cant even express why he is so cool. He’s just a baddie.
So overall the show has good characters a great setting and a solid plot with a good cliffhanger. And who doesn’t love a show based on mythology. Modern adaptions of mythology. Sooooo I give it a 9/10 not shitty at all.
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in season 2 can Kie please have an actual storyline and some character development instead of just being used as a side piece to the boys stories and development
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i need to see more of moon and her gf the homophobes just completely dropped their fucking storyline 
also like the parallels or like hints they drew from moon and her gf to hawk and dimitri is insane
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i said what i said
pope - ravenclaw
kie, sarah - hufflepuff
john B, Berry - gryffindor
topper, rafe, jj - slytherin
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Get Even- review
okaay so, idk with this one
the dialogue was absolute shit if we’re being honest and the acting was mediocre at best but imma give them the benefit of the doubt and say that is due to the shitty script (what i did notice though is that the side characters were by far better actors than the mains)
lets get to the setting, basically it was nothing special and didn’t have much of an affect on me as a viewer. the aesthetics weren’t anything special either
now we got that out of the way lets begin with the characters. they were nearly all realistic and actually quite likable for once so that is a plus. the character kitty played was kinda typical for a main character but still - likable. i don’t have much to say about her. except that she is one of the few likable main characters and has a bad taste in men. VERDICT: likable main
next olivia, she was given the best storyline as well as character which quickly made her the most interesting one. her being in love with her best friend (whose name i forgot) is the best thing in that show. i mean their relationship is definitely toxic but still interesting so it’s sad that it didn’t get more screentime. i hope in s2 they focus more on them since all the other main characters legit got to fall in love and their love dilemmas were clearly central storylines. olivia’s lovestory was kinda rushed in the end and didn’t deserve that. VERDICT: need more screen time for romance in s2
bree was nice character, they tried to make her edgy and mysterious and usually these characters are hella unlikable and annoying but with bree they just didn’t manage. she is quite funny (the only one apart form shane who made me laugh) also her relationship with john was hella cute. Her mother-abandonment complex was kinda overused and basic but it didn’t bother me. bree underwent some nice character growth during s1 and became my favorite (once again along side shane) VERDICT: predictable but surprisingly likable
margot got a terrible dialogue so im not gonna blame the bad acting on her. also the her character was cringy - victim of bad writting. im sorry margot! her character was fucking copy paste from every introverted charcater ever and they tried to make her interesting by being intravreted but it just made her cringy. VERDICT: victim of poor writting :(
now to the plot, kinda similar basis as control z, but they mad it more interesting with the deaths BUT then again it was the same plot twist: the innocent romantic the quiet girl falls for ends up being the bad guy :/ kinda lame
the good thing was that throughout the whole show they did have me guessing
the worst thing was that last lil twist that came out, the whole my family is part of a secret society was hella lame but yeah we’ll see how it ends next season.
the good thing about the show was the female leads that formed a nice friendship, which i hope is more of a central plot next season
final score: 5.5/10
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why jiara would be the worst fucking storyline that could possibly happen in obx s2
okay so there are a bunch of reasons imma just go ahead and list them:
1. jj and kiara interact, in the few interactions they do have, like literal siblings there is no other way to describe it, it is in no fucking way cute idk what y’all see
2. jj is an emotional person and puts a lot of effort and love into the things he cares about, like is friends, he especially cares for pope constantly protecting him, worrying (as only pogue) about his scolarship, making sure pope doesn’t get in trouble and generally just being super emotionally vulnerable around pope. he doesn’t show any of that towards kiara (or john b for that matter, considering he’s his best friend)
3. now lets look at this from kiaras perspective: Which fucking girl would feel comfortable in a friendship where all three of her best friends are in love with her (i’m counting john b because of the first couple of episodes, where he showed, that she presented some sort of form of stability for him) pope obviously has a crush on her which ill get to later and now making jj like her too would be another level of fucking boring and weird. like imaging how uncomfortable it would be to have your three best friends like you. no girl or actually person wants that
4. popes crush on kiara, is actually hella cute and we got tips throughout the show that he liked her but it’s clear that she doesn’t like him back like that. Kiara likes john b or sarah, that is my best guess. anyway my point here is that we got tips that pope likes kiara and can now somebody tell me where tf we ge tips that jj likes kie or that she likes him!!!!!!
5. jj is supposedly this huge womanizer or whatnot, yet he does not have one scene with a girl (not my strongest argument lol)
6. jj basically refers to kie as low-hanging fruit and says he flirts with her (what we have no proof of) just beacuse she’s hot, if that man actually liked her he wouldn’t talk about her like that
7. when kie asks if john b told jj about the kiss all she wanted to know how john b was valuing their kiss
8. also kie bearly shows ANY interest at all in jj and she deserves a cool-ass girlfriend
9. there is no reason to make a whole-ass storyline about jjpope if there is no fallow-up, the best storyline in s1 is how jj and popes relationship developes
10. lastly there are sooo many moments when you can clearly see jj has a crush on pope (kie pope kiss, why is everything about john b, going to FUCKING JAIL for pope)
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Outer Banks - review
first of all, don’t get ya panties in a twist. no, i don’t think outer banks is a shitty show. at least not at first sight.
so first let’s begin with the vibes, more formally known as the setting. I think the setting is what makes this show so successful. it definitely passed vibe check. the ocean, the hot and sticky air, with just a light breeze and the freedom the main characters have, remind us all of that one summer, we’d give everything to relive. It was that feeling of complete freedom and it felt like what being a teenager should feel like. So just the world these characters live in captures our attention. 
now, is the show realistic? No. But that’s not why we watch shows either. we watch shows to escape our trivial every-day-lives. The producers/writers clearly tried to make it at least a lil realistic. Like the fact that Kies parents at least try to keep her safe and do ground her sometimes. But other than that they could try to make it at least a bit more realistic. Liiiiike the scene where John D chases a fkn plane that is building up speed to take off, with is goddamn van, that would probably break down if it took a turn that was a lil too sharp. They were acting like john d was Jason Bourne or some shit. There were some scenes that were a lil too mission impossible (that is MY OPINION, blink).
Okay now to the characters. Let’s be real we’ve seen about a thousand variations of each of these characters. John B is Percy Jackson, Harry Potter and every other main character with a stick up his ass and a hero-complex. Maybe with a hint of humor. I said HINT. So verdict: BORING.
But no one watches shows for the main characters. Side characters carry always carry the show. So here comes Kiara. I can’t lie she isn’t the most interesting character either. She is the Hermione, smart, reliable, responsible, confident but still adventurous along with a strong sense of justice. Plus most likely lesbian, which could be a really interesting story line. If the writers would have put more effort into her character she could have been really interesting. She is still a very likable and adorable character. Verdict: Victim of poor writing.
Now on to the one everyone has been waiting for. JJ. originally JJ is introduced to us as comic relief. The Ron of the group, but farther on we get to know him better, which makes him the best character of the show. The writers finally decided to give a someone some fkn depth. His of course tragic past and constant struggle make us feel for him. The way he acts around his friends makes perfect sense. I think we can all relate to being the funny friend around our friends to make sure no one notices how we really feel. Also his character motivation makes sense. He doesn’t have any family or anything to loose so he doesn’t have a sense of caution and he will do everything and anything for his friends because they are his whole world and he wants to be something to someone. By the way this man is definitely gay no fkn question about it and has a FAT crush on Pope. The love, care, dedication, affection he shows for that man is ridiculous. ( for all the jiara shippers y’all have absolutely no foot to stand all y’all just think they would look cute together, cus y’all are straight, blind and are not used to reading into gay subtext.) Verdict: gay and well written for a teen show.
And lastly on to my favorite character with absolutely no competition. The one and only Pope. Pope is easily the most realistic character and least overused character-stencil. He has ambitions as well as a strong feeling to be loyal to his friends. he is constantly torn between doing what’s right for him or being true to his roots. Pope is the most likable character, smart, loyal, caring, respectful, dad of the group and absolutely adorable with his passions and interests. his innocent crush on Kiara shows who he really is. Pope is one character I was really rooting for throughout the whole show. I just really wanted him to do well in that fkn interview and not get arrested. I could see him in the future noticing that he may be bi lol. anyway verdict: a solid character, likable and deserves more screen time next season.
overall their friendship works really well together. They all have great chemistry as actors i think. the relations between the characters make sense. their friendship is adorable and made me smile throughout the whole season. one thing I would like to point out is that, the humor fits very well to the group, the jokes aren’t visible planned or too thought out. the jokes seem very natural and are delivered well as well. Which makes everything more believable. even just some tiny exchanges or interactions show the lovely friendship so well and makes everyone wish they were part of the friendship
did it make sense? more or less tbh. I mean for a lost treasure they did alright. there were some plotholes. like the fact that sarah would rather die that live without a person she met 2 days ago. they could of built up rafe as a threat throughout the whole season, he was introduced kinda late. the whole police search thing was maddddd unrealistic.
What should happen next season:
jj should notice, that he has a fat fucking crush on Pope and question his sexuality.
kiara should tell pope that she doesn’t like him like that and that she only kissed him cause she was so lost and needed some kind of stability.
Sarah should start to push John B away, because of her commitment issues, while they are in the Bahamas. That would be an interesting story line to see haw they deal with that.
rafe and berry should date looool, no or maybe. idk the should focus more on rafe, because he has a really interesting motivation and character.
and thats that, final score 7/10
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