rfaimagines · 6 years
Jumin: MC I bought you something I hope you like it, it's-
707: a new dress?
Jaehee: new shoes?
Yoosung: new makeup?
V: new sunglasses?
Jumin: a new cage
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rfaimagines · 7 years
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Transparent Ray emojis!💙 
He’s too precious, I had to make these aaaa
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rfaimagines · 7 years
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okay but can we at least appreciate Cheritz allowing us to act like sensible human beings and do the proper thing of not letting ourselves get blindly kidnapped by a cult?
bad end? what bad end cheritz? have you never heard of stranger danger??
Bonus relatable MC:
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she just singlehandedly disbanded a cult but all she cares about is food
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rfaimagines · 7 years
How about RFA + V and Unknown reacting to finding out their s/o used to be a delinquent, please?
(I apologize greatly if this is super inaccurate or boring, I really tried)
Yoosung:- Mr. Good kid is honestly lowkey horrified- He never saw it coming honestly- It might be because of his general aloofness, but his partner never seemed all that “rebellious”- They’ve always been so sweet?? HOW??- When he first learns about this he makes the face that only a good kid could make- Just true surprise is his main expression- Hes always asking questions about what they did, how often did they get in trouble? what happened after? - The stories are his favorite part, he listens way too eagerly for the stories being about random and strange rebellious acts
Zen:- He is honestly so into this idea- He couldn’t see it coming but the turn around is what makes this so exciting for him- Its just??? his little baby was a punk?- Honestly its just super endearing for him, something straight out of a soap opera- Hes positive hes played that type of character before - Every chance he gets he’ll lightly tease his partner about it, but he means it in a caring way - Maybe one day his partner will think hes just as cool, but lets face it, being an actor/model is pretty cool 
Jaehee:- She just dead pans when she finds out- Seriously? this was her partners big secret?- Honestly its not that bad, sure, a bit unexpected but nothing to fret about- However, somewhere behind that cold attitude she is kind of impressed, she never would have guessed that her lover was the type to do that! they always seemed so... kind?- After awhile her curiosity does get the best of her, she cant help but ask very not stealthily- And though shed rather not show it you can see that tiny sparkle in her eye when her partner talks about it - Of course she’d never even admit to such a thing
Jumin:- This doesn’t change anything about his feelings for his partner, honestly he was prepared for the worst and this is definitely no where near that- He does find it kind of interesting though? - Like, the way his partner acts now makes a tonne of sense- you’d never guess it but Jumin doesn’t totally have “clean” teen years either, but he’d never go into depth, lets just say, none of his partners stories phase him- He finds it kind of attractive honestly? it counteracts the order and rule structured lifestyle he lives now- Its nice to have someone so... wild?- Makes him feel very free, and his structure helps even out his partner too! they give each other what they need
707 / Luciel:- He acts really shocked but inside he always new his partner was a bit of rebel, its kind of what attracted him to them- He of course will always listen to stories with full attention, grand reactions and all- He teases a lot about it, calling his partner things like “rebel” when they even do something a bit out of order, and its not like its a lie- He makes up stories about his “awesomely punk teenage years” but his partner knows they’re fake because if they’re too believable he’ll start adding incredibly ludicrous things to the narrative. - His favorite thing is seeing his partners fave change from one of wonder to “oh come on” when he tells rebellious storiesV:- Its honestly not that big a change from his last relationship if hes honest- and maybe that’s why he loves his partner so much- Like any good boyfriend though, he still likes to tease- He’ll remind his partner constantly to behave, even though its not needed, he knows his partner is past being a delinquent, its just funny to see them get flustered about being treated like a rebel still- V can’t deny he also was quite a scamp, so his partner is sure to get revenge on him for the teasing- They bond over strange things that happened in childhood and have way too many laughing fits about them - He’s glad someone can make him laugh
Unknown / Saeran :- Seriously have you looked at this kid- Nothing about being a “ delinquent ” could phase him- He’s honestly still a delinquent, if anything his partner is reacting to how much of a rebel he is. - This doesn’t stop the Saeran from taking small jabs at his partner about it, its his favorite to see them squirm about it- of course his partner could throw it right back at him- But Saeran is so clearly still in that phase that its not worth it to make jokes about it at this point - none the less they exchange stories, usually with saeran making his partner feel like maybe they weren't that bad
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rfaimagines · 7 years
Hi! I was wondering, what Hogwarts house do you think RFA would be in? Thanks! :)
Yoosung: Definitely a hufflepuff I think, he’s a good good boy. He’s super loyal and he works hard even if he can’t stay on task all the time, He’s also suuuuuuper patient, it’s incredible what he puts up with! And he doesn’t like cheating, fair play is the best way to do things, even if he is more likely to lose that way
Zen: Honestly, I think Griffindor, the image of who he wants to be is definitely someone who is chivalrous and brave! Even if he can’t be those things all the time. This man has a lot of nerve too, he’s not really afraid to talk back or be selfish at times, he knows he values for himself and his loved ones, and he’ll do his best to get it
Jaehee: Ravenclaw hands down, She is super intelligent and she does things the skills she has, and her witty remarks and jabs could shatter the values of a stone honestly. She knows how to get where she wants to go, and though she’s resistant, she will help others with finding answers (and feel happy with herself about it)
Jumin: It’s so hard to place jumin, but I would have to say hufflepuff actually, He is loyal to the things he loves, and he values fairness (or at least fairness when it benefits him). Hard work and working hard are so important to him, they’re practically key beliefs, work is the only way you’ll get anywhere. And he’s patient with those he cares about, giving them a chance to speak up.
707 / Luciel: This boy is a slytherin, He is quiet cunning, it takes some brain power to make all his pranks fall into place exactly as he had seen them in his head. He’s also pretty resourceful, using skills, relationships, objects, to get to where he needs to go, or to help benefit himself and others. He’ll do what’s necessary if he knows that it’s the only choice. He displays ambition too! He has gotten himself out of many bad situations, and to a higher standing in life.
Saeran: It’s hard to place him, I think the sorting hat definitely took a long time to figure out where to put him. But all things considered he seems like a ravenclaw to me, He’s super intelligent logically ( though not necessarily emotionally), he does things both calculated, and on the fly, developing his wit quite a bit. He also prides himself on trying to be knowledgeable, even if the truth of his knowledge isn’t always the nicest to know
V: God… now this one took me a long ass time, But I think griffindor if I’m honest, he values relationships, being brave and chivalrous, even if he’s scared and hiding most of the time… he’s quite focused on the people who are important to him, and tries to help, even if he falters because of his own wounds. He’s working though, constantly working to get back that magnificent time in his life, where he’ll be helpful, and not a burden anymore.
he may not have sight but he has vision )
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rfaimagines · 7 years
fencer mc w/ rfa + saeran ?
Yoosung:- This boy is so easily impressed- He loves that MC is so talented and he literally attends all their matches and sometimes the practices if he is allowed to- The ultimate combination of a soccer mom/cheer leader- Will literally make banners and t-shirts to support them- He encourages MC to apply for the Olympics, and even though they never have the thought that their boyfriend believes in them so much makes them much happier than any medal could.
Zen:- At first he was a bit worried about his partner being stronger than he was- But now he is totally in love with it- The theatricality of it is so… mesmerizing  - Zen is in love with how toned MC, they have amazing legs, arms, abs- Not that Zen wasn’t already in love with MC, but this just makes him appreciate them so much!- Look at his partner!! doing all this hard work!!- It makes him super proud and honored to be in a relationship with someone this incredible- He advertises all of their matches honestly! and brags about it to friends and new acquaintances alike- MC is so embarrassed but happy 
Jaehee:- She is so enamored honestly- Having a partner who’s just as bad-ass as she is makes them the perfect power couple- Or rather powerful couple- Honestly Jaehee would love to learn how to fence, but with all the work she has it gets kind of tough to find time- However she’ll always make time to go to the matches and events with MC- MC is so supportive of her so its only fair that she support them as well- Jaehee has never been this passionate about something since Zen’s last performance- She will literally praise MC for days after a match, even if they lost
Jumin:- He’ll be damned if his partner doesn’t have the best fencing gear ever- He is instantly on board with the fact MC is a fencer, its such a great sport, and probably one of the few he likes- All of the top gear and best trainers are always assigned to MC, sometimes out of the blue, Jumin just really wants MC to be able to pursue their dreams, he wants to give them a chance to make it happen- He of course cant make it to all the events because of his work, but he gets other people to film it for him so he can watch it when he has time, sometimes watching it like a movie on the TV while cuddling MC- He learned all the language for everything so he’ll compliment MC on super specific moves and strategies- tbh he only learned the words for MC, he wanted to be impressive too
707/ Luciel:- He turns it into such a nerd thing- “good luck at sword fighting today” - He thinks its cool his partner could be his knight (in polyester armor)- Together they are Defender of Justice 707 and The Dragon Slayer - In all seriousness though he is super happy MC has a line of work like this, it just, makes him so happy!- And lets face it, MC look damn cool waving that foil around- 707 will occasionally splurge on high end items for MC as well, its just… a cool warrior should have cool armor to match!- He got a custom shirt that says “ My plans, foiled again” with a picture of a dejected fencer on it- MC hecking hates the pun, but appreciates the gesture- and 707 literally looks so damn happy every time he wears it
Saeran:- He was afraid at first to be quite honest- What if MC left him because he was much weaker than them- What if they betrayed him?- He was just so nervous, but eventually he came to accept it and actually enjoy it- it gave him an opportunity to start over, to live a normal life, and to know that someone had his back, and could maybe even protect him a bit- His nervousness faded into a sense of security, which was an amazing and freeing turn around - Now hes the biggest fan of fencing ever and its incredible- HE GOES OUTSIDE SOCIALLY NOW- The sport has benefited everything in their relationship, and MC is so happy to be this close with saeran
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rfaimagines · 7 years
Hello followers
As you may have noticed the blog has been very slow to update as of late, and we would like to apologize greatly for this. A lot has happened within the last couple of months with school and personal life that makes it very difficult for our mods to have time to dedicate to this blog.  That being said I know it isn’t a worthy excuse, and again, we’re sorry. We will be attempting to clean out the ask box over the next month and open requests when we can.  In the beginning we were not expecting as many requests as we did receive, and now with the hype around mystic messenger having faded a bit i think it’ll be much easier for our mods to handle the amount of requests we will get.
if you have any questions surrounding anything just reply to this post and i will do my best to answer, but i cannot speak for everyone on the team.  Thank you for your patience and look forwarding to seeing your requests answered soon. (edit: some of these requests are very difficult to write for or answer, so if you do not see it ever posted there is a good chance that we just couldn’t do your request justice. Please keep in mind that we do this for free too... so we do have the right to refuse answering. Many apologies)
- Mod Rory
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rfaimagines · 8 years
Can I possibly request RAF and v reacting MC having panic attacks?
Panic attacks are different for everyone so I’m sorry if I forget to include a symptom! If you would like a specific one included please let me know and i will edit the post to include such ^^
Yoosung:- It happens while MC and yoosung are walking around his Uni campus- He notices almost instantly when something is wrong with MC- However he waits until they are in a more private area, he doesn’t want to embarrass MC in front of everyone, especially if the reason their behaving so strange is a personal reason- So he waits until they are alone together- He gets super worried all of a sudden when MC looks like their about to cry- While holding them close he asks what’s wrong, and that’s when he finds out that MC has been having a panic attack - Continuing to hold MC he rubs their back and asks if there is anything he can do to make it better- MC assures him that even just being held like this makes them feel better and safer- And so they stay like that for awhile- MC calms down after being in yoosungs arms- And Yoosung feels really happy that he was able to help!
Zen: - MC and zen are out at the mall, when suddenly MC seems distant- Zen is completely oblivious at first - He doesn’t often get nervous about things like being in social situations - So he just cant figure out why MC is shaking so much, and they look pale- He finally asks them whats wrong, and when he does he gets a half complete sentence, like MC isn’t fully there…- This worries him even more, so he takes MC home right away - When they get home he asks again whats wrong, and he is met with slightly more words, explaining that MC just feels so vulnerable- Zen then makes this connection to a panic attack- He cuddles and coos to MC holding them close, telling them that he would never let any harm come to MC- He will always be there to protect them, and if they ever feel like this again that they should let him know - Eventually they came up with a hand signal that lets Zen know when MC is starting to panic
Jaehee:- Jaehee is very perceptive- She suffers from panic attacks often due to stress from work, so she is able to recognize the signs as soon as they appear- Her and MC were watching a movie, when suddenly MC seemed to go pale and began repeating words over and over- Jaehee moved herself to MC’s side,paused the movie, and held their hands in her own- “Im here, you’re safe…” she said firmly, making eye contact with MC while doing so -MC revealed that there was a scene in the movie that had triggered them, and made them panic- And so Jaehee immediately changed the movie to a cartoon that she knew MC enjoyed- She reassured them that they were going to be okay, that Jaehee was here now, and that it the past was the past- They snuggled and watched the cartoon until MC calmed down completely
Jumin:- Like Jaehee, he is very perceptive - He doesn’t necessarily know what to do though…- So he does a quick google search, and finds some very useful information- He sits down with MC, on a couch, offering them some tea, and then he asks whats wrong- He tries not to put any pressure on MC throughout the conversation to answer - But he does ask things like that causes MC’s panic attacks, what are the signs or symptoms of MC’s panic attacks, and what they would find helpful in that moment- As soon has MC tells him all this he begins to implement it- Making sure to keep any eye out for every little thing, and immediately acting on it, be that getting MC to a secure location, or just giving reassuring hand holding - He loves MC so much, and that’s why he makes sure hes up to date with their mental health
707 / Luciel:- He knows whats going on, but he doesn’t really know what to do either- When he has a panic attack he mostly just delves into jokes or work- So he is not really sure what he can do to help MC- One day MC gets a really bad panic attack while stuck in Rika’s apartment- Seven does his best to communicate with them over the phone and chat, trying to make sure that they don’t do anything rash- He sends memes and speaks reassuring words, trying to make sure that MC is at least distracted instead of full panic- and when it passes MC is grateful, but doesn’t feel like it necessarily worked the best- So they tell 707 what they would prefer when they’re panicking, as nice as jokes are, they just provide a temporary relief for MC- And seven listens, he understands that he doesn’t always know the answer to everything, so he takes the advice and starts using it whenever he notices MC panicking - The panic attacks have been a lot easier for MC to handle since
V:- He is prepared- Lets get real, hes very protective, he has probably asked if MC has panic attacks before and has a list of things to do when such a thing happens- However there are times when it catches him off guard, like if hes had a bad day or just a long day in general - He is always there for MC though, in fact, he has a quirk, he likes to take pictures of things he knows MC would like, such as cute animals or pretty flowers- He likes to show them to MC when their feeling down- This helps a lot, to see such calming things, or a puppy having fun, it just really makes it all better for MC - Theyll cuddle under blankets for a bit while looking at these pictures, talking about where they were taken, if V knows the names of the things taken, be that an actual pet name, or the biological name of a flower- This leaves them both calm and collected 
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rfaimagines · 8 years
Jumin: MC I bought you something I hope you like it, it's-
707: a new dress?
Jaehee: new shoes?
Yoosung: new makeup?
V: new sunglasses?
Jumin: a new cage
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rfaimagines · 8 years
RFA+V+Saeran finding out MC is an amazing singer? I love your blog so so much, all of these scenarios make me so happy!!!
Yoosung:* He hears you sing one time by accident* Cue MC screaming because she was getting out the shower when he saw and heard her* He heard an angelic choir ???* Because:* 1) tiddies * 2) his gf is better than Beyoncé holy crap ???* Gets vvvv upset when MC says they can’t sing* “MC U SHUT UR PIEHOLE”* “???”* Never say you can’t sing or you’ll get vvv angry yooyoo
Zen:* He came home one day heard you singing* “Yo… I didn’t realize I left the radio on this morning”* He went into the room and saw MC singing* He dropped his phone in shock bc* Omg* What* A* Babe* He eventually joined into the song, which scared MC* “Babe, you have such a beautiful voice I don’t know why you said it was bad”* Now MC is helping him with his songs
Jaehee:* Okay so* One day she forgets her phone, right?* MC was getting ready to go to work * Jaehee comes back to get her phone when MC steps out the bathroom * Why was she so beautiful even when singing?* YOU CANT CATCH ME GAY THOUGHTS* wait but didn’t MC say she couldn’t sing?* UM MC* YO MAN* ILY AND ALL * BUT* WHY ARE YOU LYING* ok anyways, Jaehee can sing a bit so she hums a bit* MC SCREECHES BC SHE THOUGHT SHE WAS ALONE* “MC… you’re a great singer.”* “Thanks but it’s not my strongest feature”* “Shhh ur good ok”
Jumin:* He never really pushed since MC said she never really liked to sing* He respected MC* Kosmopolitan said to always respect your partner(s). Never push* Of course Jumin listened* Anyways, one day he wanted to surprise MC so he came home early* He had a big ass smile and a bouquet of roses* But where’s MC ???* Where is Elizabeth???* He finds MC in Elizabeth’s room* And guess what* MC* Is* Singing* To* Elizabeth * He feels so blessed ??? How did he get such an amazing partner ??* He hugged her and gave her bouquet * “You should sing more. Your voice is amazing”
Seven:* He’s heard you singing before* You just don’t know it * He’s a Sneaky Ninja™* He recorded it and listens to it when he gets upset* But one day * MC drops that “I can’t sing” bomb* He’s gone* Boom* Done* “MC UR AMAZING TF U MEAN, MAN”* “But you never heard me sing before ???”* john cena makes a hole in the wall and peeks through it* “are you sure about that”* :000* Anyways he tries to convince MC* He failed but he failed with pride
V:* One time he had a very bad dream and when he woke up, he accidentally woke up MC too* MC tried to calm him before he would get a panic attack * She patted his back and softly sing him back to sleep* She thought he would forget since it was so late in the night and that’s what usually happened* But instead* He asked MC to sing for him more* “What do u mean fam I can’t sing”* “You sang for me last night”* “NO I DIDNT”* in the end they ended singing for him every time he was feeling down
Saeran:* one day he was supposed to be taking his mid-day nap * But he wasn’t* But MC thought he was since he wasn’t making any noise* MC decided to cook :0* So they started cooking up a one person feast* Meaning a sandwich and fries* While they were cooking they decided to sing* pink season plays in the bg * Saeran comes in to turn off the music * Why is she singing ???* She’s good but she’s burning the fries ??* “Yo MC if you’re going to sing then don’t burn the fries”* “I THOUGHT YOU WAS SLEEPING”* “Nah”* “But… you’re going to get grumpy”* “IM NOT A BABY MC NOW STOP BURNING THE FOOD AND COME SING ME TO BED INSTEAD OF SCREECHING IN THE KITCHEN”
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rfaimagines · 8 years
Yoosung's S/O surprising him with sex, since he's been stressed lately. And they are really submissive as well
Yoosung was taking responsibility lately and it was going well financially for him. He had not only began to study instead of gaming but also took a job at Jumin’s company to support himself and his partner.Of course it’s a big step for him and anyone would say that he’s been doing better lately.Everyone except for his significant other that is. How could they be the only one who say how tense Yoosung was getting? He has barely gotten any rest since he started this cycle. His eyebags are even bigger than they usually were after his gaming nights which everyone thought was impossible! Anytime they would bring this up with Yoosung he’d deny it and burrow himself with more work and books. It wasn’t until Yoosung had locked himself up in his room for two days straight without food or sleep that the significant other had enough.If they couldn’t make Yoosung work less they’ll have to at least try to make him relax him more, and they had the perfect plan. When Yoosung went off to work as usual they light up candles to lighten up the mood. They dug up toys from their hidden box under the bed that they had used before on Yoosung, but this time it’s their time to be tied up. The blonde boy had been bossed around enough and now it’s his turn to be in charge. When he came back he couldn’t believe his eyes. The love of his life, lying on his bed, their hands tied to the bed and their eyes blindfolded. Their skin was barely covered by the skimpy underwear they had on, and around a note that read “I’m all yours” was hanging. Perhaps school and paperwork could wait for now.
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rfaimagines · 8 years
For valentines day: A scenario where we're preparing fondue with Jumin? :3
MC hummed softly as they stirred the chocolate in the pot, Jumin would be home soon and they decided starting off with some dessert might be nice after a stressful day. They heard a soft meow from Elizabeth which indicated Jumin was here, then the front door opened proving Elizabeth was never wrong. MC skipped over to him and hugged him, they kissed his cheek and smiled “I hope you had a good day at work Jumin! I made a surprise for you.” They skipped to the kitchen and set the fondue at the table before putting a plate of fruit down beside it. They looked at Jumin for approval hoping he would like the spread they had out for him. He nodded slightly and sat down at the table, he went to go take a fruit but MC snatched it from him and dipped it in the chocolate. They blew on it to make sure it wasn’t too hot before feeding it to their husband. Jumin ate the strawberry and kissed one of their fingers smiling. “This is delicious, thank you MC” he said softly taking a fruit and dipping it in as well before feeding it to them. MC giggled happily nuzzling Jumin a bit and holding his hand “thank you” they said smiling. “It is delicious kitten, thank you for working on this for me” Jumin said stroking some hair away from their face. “Happy Valentine’s day my love” he said before kissing them softly.
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rfaimagines · 8 years
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 3000 FOLLOWERS :0 I know we're not as active as much but to have such loyal followers is such a blessing. Thank you ❤
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rfaimagines · 8 years
Hi, I love your stories💕💕 How would Rfa, Saeran and v react to mc being a swimmer and seeing her in her fast skin for the first time at a competition . Thanks
I'm sorry but requests are closed !
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rfaimagines · 8 years
Hey can you guys please promo my friends imagines blog? It's @shootingstarscenes! Thank you!!!
Of course !
Guys go follow @shootingstarscenes !!
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rfaimagines · 8 years
Hello! Do you, by any chance, have a master post?
Yes we do, however it hasn't been updated for awhile. Just go to rfaimagines.tumblr.com/masterpost
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rfaimagines · 8 years
RFA+V+Saeran watching MC learn to walk in heels for the first time! Please! (^∇^)
//I’m sorry if you had to wait a long time! Here you go, precious anon!//
Yoosung:* Um MC * If you’re going to learn how to walk in them why not try some small ones first* Watches MC stumble around in 5 inch heels* “I got this, Yoo!”* Sure you do, MC* Whenever you fall he’s right there to catch you and kiss your booboos * “MC why are you even trying to learn anyways?”* “…Educational purposes”* “Okay”* He’s so confused
Zen:* Let’s be honest* He has most likely worn heels* For musical purposes * But anyways * He’d be happy to help* Has a hand on your waist at all times * It all started when he found a pair from one of his old musicals and showed it to MC* Cue MC trying to top Zen* Which brings us back to MC walking around in said heels * If you end up hurting yourself he won’t put you down until you’re better
Jaehee:* Wears heels everyday* Mr. Han (Solo) said it’s part of the dress code * Never found where the dress code was written* But anyways, she is there to help* “MC, keep your back straight”* “MC, your footing is wrong”* “Are you serious right now, MC?”* “Jaehee I’m trying ok”* In the end, they don’t get anything done due to arguing or they take a break (courtesy of MC)
Jumin:* He brought up the idea of MC wearing heels* And now he regrets it* MC is hurting themselves because he likes something * Gets a teacher immediately * “Jumin, I wanted to do it myself”* “But you kept falling”* “But I wanted to learn for you and without a teacher”* Still makes you take the classes* Even once you master it, he’ll still keep an eye on you and his mouth
Seven:* Pulls out his heels* He has been waiting for this moment * You know those guys who dance in heels?* Yeah he’s one of them* He’ll even teach you how to pop your booty in heels* hoo boy * you’re getting more than you bargained for* He actually would look good in heels* THEM LEGS * mod nora.exe has crashed* I would pretend to not know how to wear heels if it meant him teaching me jajaja
V:* poor boi can’t see what’s going on* but he hears the awkward tapping of the heels, the stumbling, the screeches, all that* He can’t help but worry* “Soo…”* “??”* “Why are you wearing those again, MC?”* “Stuff”* “…..ok”* sigh sigh* He tries his best to be there to catch you but he isn’t exactly fast* Might accidentally trip you with his cane* And then kisses where he hurt you* He’s too nice omg
Saeran:* secretly records you failing* “Haha MC, how can you fail such an easy thing?”* Cue MC throwing the heels at him* He puts it on * Trips over himself before he could even start walking* Saeyoung is there to catch him at lightning speed* MC is ded * He throws the shoes back at MC* He now understands the struggle * Helps her by throwing away the shoes
~ Mod Nora
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