riasei · 4 years
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Shoto secretly visiting Enji while he’s sleeping after the nomu fight because he cares for his father, just doesn’t like him. 
14K notes · View notes
riasei · 4 years
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2K notes · View notes
riasei · 4 years
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Keeping Up With The Todorokis
25K notes · View notes
riasei · 4 years
○Please read this before sending any requests my way.
» who i write for
a haikyuu! sideblog may be coming soon
» what i write
» basic rules 
i will periodically close my requests, so please, check if it is open before sending me something.
please be as specific as possible when requesting. my goal is to write something as close as possible to what you want.
if not specified, i will write the reader as a female
my strongest characters are definitely shouto, keigo, katsuki, and dabi. however, i will do my best to write for anyone else!
for headcanons, there is a 5 person max.
i can write for any genre, and you can request NSFW works.
» NSFW rules
please specify in your request if there are any kinks you want. otherwise, i will take the story in my own direction.
smut works tend to take me a bit longer, so please, bear with me. 
i will not write for the following:
                    ○ pedophilia
                    ○ omegaverse
                    ○ incest
                    ○ watersports/scat
if you do request any of the above, i will not write for it.
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riasei · 4 years
So you have a masterlist?
I will be making one very soon! The only reason I haven't yet is I have so little works, and my blog is extremely new
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riasei · 4 years
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my full piece+postcard i got to do for the @bnhabigthreezine! 😄☀
so glad i got to be apart of this as my first zine, thank you everyone!
➞reprints of this work are prohibited, please do not repost.
7K notes · View notes
riasei · 4 years
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Keep reading
10K notes · View notes
riasei · 4 years
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don’t trust NOBODY 🙌
32K notes · View notes
riasei · 4 years
pairing: takami keigo x fem! reader
warnings: slight angst, cursing
word count: 6,015
note: It has been one (1) day, and I am already back. however, I apologize to my sinners, but there is nothing nsfw about this. I am the biggest simp for keigo and when this idea popped in my head I just had to write it out. Fun fact: my psych class got a peek of this because I accidentally closed tabs while sharing my screen during a zoom conference :) I’ve never wanted to die more.
summary: keigo begins acting weird after the two of you attend a friend’s wedding.
The aroma of soft citrus fills the air as you carefully spray some of your perfume at the juncture of your neck. With a delicate whiff, you take in the scent, enjoying the smell of fresh lemon and the tiniest hint of vanilla. Strong arms come up behind you, wrapping around your waist, pressing your back flush against a lean chest. 
With a giggle, you paw at the arms. “Keigo, you’re going to wrinkle my dress!” You shout, attempting to pry his figure away from you.
Your stubborn lover nuzzles his face into your neck, his scruff slightly tickling you. “But you smell so fucking good,” He groans. You can feel his teasing grin against your soft skin, his hot breath fanning against you.
“If you keep this up, we’re going to be late.” You warn, a pout etching its way onto your face. 
The man breathes in your scent deeply before pulling away from you, his arms giving you one last squeeze to your waist. In the vanity mirror, you can see Keigo smiling at you with complete adoration, his brilliant eyes drinking you in. Your formal dress is your favorite color, and it complements your skin tone beautifully. The outfit doesn’t necessarily hug your figure, but it accentuates you in the best way possible. To Keigo, you look absolutely ethereal.
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer.” You hum, picking up a tube of lip gloss and looking into the mirror as you carefully apply the product. 
The blonde chuckles, his playful expression never faltering. “Trust me, I have enough pictures of you to last a lifetime. But, no picture could ever do you justice.” He murmurs.
Delicate pink blossoms on your cheeks, rivaling the blush you applied earlier. “You have the audacity to say that to me while you’re standing there looking like that?” 
Keigo tilts his head, bringing his hand up to adjust his suffocating tie, the fabric the same bright vermillion as his wings. His earrings glint in the fluorescents lights of your vanity. “I’m glad you like it, Doll, but this shit is so uncomfortable.” He groans, meeting your gaze in the mirror.
You smile sympathetically, pressing you’re your lips together to blend the gloss on your lips. “It’s only for a few hours, after that, I promise you won’t be in that suit for much longer.” You suggest, raising a brow.
The hero hums, placing a sweet kiss to your temple. “Remind me why we can’t just not show up and instead skip to the good part?”
“Because our friends are getting married and they want us to be there, that’s why.” You deadpan, flicking your boyfriend’s forehead.
He yelps dramatically, pulling away from you and covering his forehead. “Seriously,” You roll your eyes, clicking your tongue. “You call yourself a Pro-Hero?”
Keigo begins to pout, preparing to launch into one of his tangents. However, before he’s able to talk your ear off, his phone begins to ring. He fishes it out of his pocket, staring in surprise at the screen. “Oh! It’s the groom himself.”
The blonde answers the phone cheerily. “Kamui, having second thoughts? If you feel like bolting, I can totally drive the getaway car.” 
You nearly facepalm at Keigo’s idiotic greeting but resist the urge in fear of smudging the makeup that took you hours to perfect. Silently, you work on touching-up your hair while your boyfriend speaks on the phone, his tone swiftly changing. 
“Alright, calm down. Just talk to me, what’s going on?” He reassures, wings ruffling slightly as he begins to pace around the room.
The room is silent on Keigo’s end for a few moments before Keigo begins yelling into his phone. “Listen, I’m getting pissed off listening to your doubts. You’re really acting like this on the day of your fucking wedding? You should’ve thought of this shit before proposing, dumbass.” He snarls, eyes narrowing. 
You immediately turn around, shooting your boyfriend a menacing glare. Being nervous is perfectly normal, especially on such an important day like this. Only when Keigo catches your downcast eyes does he seem to shrink into himself, barely noticing just how harsh his words were. 
“Ah, Kamui, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that, don’t listen to a word I just said.” The blonde frantically apologizes, eyes darting around the room.
More silence passes before Keigo speaks once more. “Listen, being anxious is normal, I’m sorry for dismissing you. But I don’t think you have to worry. You’ve told me countless times just how much you love this woman. She’s the one for you.” He soothes, voice starkly different from just moments before.
After several moments, Keigo bids a goodbye before hanging up his phone. He avoids your eyes as you make your way across the room, stalking over to his timid form. “What the hell was that about?” You wonder, poking a finger into his chest.
Keigo shifts uncomfortably under your piercing gaze. “I don’t really know,” He mutters, ashamed. “I guess his doubts just didn’t make much sense to me.”
Your mouth twists into an unfriendly scowl. “I would be just as nervous as him on my wedding day!” You declare confidently. The way Keigo stiffens at the mention of marriage doesn’t go unnoticed by your watchful eye. “He has every right to be anxious. He’s promising his life to someone else today. That’s a huge deal. Cut him some slack, okay?”
You reach a hand up, cupping your lover’s cheek in your hand. He instantly leans into your touch, eyes fluttering shut at the contact. He nods his head meagerly at your request, eyes opening when you press a small kiss to his cheek. Keigo gazes down at you with conflicted eyes, a tsunami of emotions washing over him all at once.
“Is everything alright, Kei?” You question, snapping the man’s attention to you.
His first instinct is to muster up a toothy smile and say some corny joke before musing your hair, confirming that everything is fine. But he doesn’t. You know him too damn well to fall victim to such a lie. Instead, the blonde hangs his head, exhaling slowly. “I don’t know…” He trails off.
Eyes softening, you wrap your arms around his waist, enveloping the man in a comforting embrace. The thought of wrinkling your dress doesn’t even cross your mind. “Do you want to talk about it?” You ask, stroking calming circles at the base of his wings. 
“Not right now, Birdie.” He sighs, savoring your touch.
The way you’re so patient with him, never forcing him to talk. The way you are so quickly able to make him feel comforted and loved. The two of you have been together for years, and yet your affection and love never ceases to surprise him. How could someone as perfect as you love a bastard such as himself? 
Keigo is the first to pull away, helping you straighten your dress as he separates from you. “Well, if you ever feel like talking about it, I’ll be right here, okay?” 
The blonde presses an affectionate kiss at the top of your head. “Okay.” 
Loud cheers erupt through the reception as Keigo makes his way up to Endeavor, asking him for a dance. You desperately wish you had pulled out your phone in time to capture the No. 1 hero’s expression when your boyfriend so seriously extended his hand to him. The poor fiery man looked absolutely horrified and disgusted all at once. 
In the end, the two men ended up sharing a very awkward and hilarious dance due to the immense pressure the crowd was putting on Endeavor to accept. As soon as Endeavor took Keigo’s hand, Present Mic, the resident DJ, immediately switched the song to something intimate and slow, which only added to the mortification of the Todoroki.  
The two men sway together, awkwardly stepping on one another’s feet. Your boyfriend does his absolute best to annoy the living hell out of his fellow hero, and you have a feeling that the media is going to have a field day with this. Towards the end of the song, Keigo being Keigo, has to go out with a bang. He uses his feathers to lift up Endeavor into the sky before dropping the man, sending him plummeting down to the floor only to be caught in your boyfriend’s arms. 
Laughter explodes, no guest is able to contain themselves at the sight of the No. 1 hero being carried bridal style in the arms of the winged-hero Hawks. You have no doubt that someone managed to take a video of the moment, which will most definitely end up on tomorrow’s news. 
Endeavor is seething, escaping your boyfriend’s clutches as fast as possible. He gives a loud roar, screaming at Keigo, who dons a shit-eating grin. The red-haired man storms away, heading towards the bar for a much-needed drink. 
You can’t contain your giggles as Keigo walks back over to you, slinging an arm around your waist. “Do I have anything to worry about?” You laugh, eyeing the blonde through your peripheral.
His smile widens. “I don’t know… Enji does have quite the ass.”
Playfully, you slap the hero’s arm before leaning up to kiss him. The two of you break away laughing, eyes gleaming under the twinkle lights decorating the venue. 
Someone clears their throat, and you look towards the front of the area to see Present Mic speaking into the microphone. “After that beautiful display… it is now time for the bouquet toss! Unmarried ladies, gather round to see just who is going to be getting hitched next!” 
You turn, pressing a sweet kiss to Keigo’s jaw before slithering out of his grasp. “That’s my cue,” 
The blonde gulps, and his eyes drift to lock onto anything but you. He shifts in his spot a takes his bottom lip in between his teeth, nibbling slightly. You quirk your head and begin to walk back to him, preparing to ask what’s wrong. But, before you have the chance, you’re being whisked away by an eager Mt. Lady.
A small crowd of women gathers together in the middle of the dancefloor, all ready to participate in the bouquet toss. Kamui’s newlywed wife smiles at everyone before turning around, her dress swishing behind her gracefully. With a small count off, the woman throws the bundle of flowers behind her, several poorly wrapped daises flying onto the floor. 
Several women dive for the flowers, some going as far as to even push others around. You halfheartedly walk forward, hands outstretched. Just as you’re about to retract your hands, the soaring flowers begin their descent right into your grasp. The sharp thorn of a rose pricks your thumb, but the shock of catching the flowers outweighs the pulsating pain. 
A few people gasp, and others cheer when they see you’ve got the bouquet. Some of the women who ended up diving desperately for the flowers groan, offering meaningless congratulations. You giggle at the flowers, searching the crowd for Keigo’s expression. 
You find him in the same spot where you left him, expect, his expression isn’t much of what you thought it would be. His eyes are wide, and his crimson wings twitch slightly. From that place you stand, you can see the blonde gulp, his eyes trained on his polished dress shoes. All eyes are trained on the two of you, considering it is widely known that you two have been together for quite some time.  
Numerous men go up to your boyfriend and clap him on the shoulder, teasing him by saying he needs to start preparing to propose, alluding to the superstitions behind the bouquet toss. It is widely thought by many that the woman who catches the bride’s bouquet will be the next one to get married. While you don’t necessarily believe this, you can’t help but feel hurt by Keigo’s obvious discomfort. Is the thought of marrying you that repulsive?
Gingerly, you walk over to the blonde, hiding the bouquet at your side. He does his best to smile at you, the corner of his mouth twitching with visible effort. His mouth opens to make a smart comment, but all he can do is stare at you, eyes drifting to the flowers being held tightly in your grasp. 
Kamui, the groom from today, walks up to the two of you, not picking up on the palpable tension. He swings an arm around Keigo’s neck and brings the man into a headlock, rubbing a fist against his head. “Look at you! Am I going to need to yell at you like you did to me on your wedding day, Hawks?” He chuckles, eyes glinting with mischief.
Keigo pales. “Uh, I don’t think there will be a need for that.” The blonde manages to choke out. 
“Are you sure? Because believe me, I have a lot to say to you.” The groom teases, finally releasing your lover.
The winged man takes a moment to compose himself, readjusting his tie and straightening out his suit jacket. With one final punch to the shoulder, Kamui leaves to mingle with his new in-laws.
You toss the bouquet on the table you and Keigo had been assigned to sit. “Can you believe that?” You wryly laugh. “Some people actually believe we’re gonna get married soon just because I caught those flowers.”
Keigo quirks a brow at you, noticing how off your tone seems. He takes a breath, exhaling deeply before reaching for your hand. Your finger interlace with his, your smooth and delicate hands molding perfectly against his worn and rough ones. Keigo squeezes his hand around yours, instantly providing you with the comfort you didn’t know you needed.
He murmurs your name softly. “I love you so much.” 
“I love you too, Keigo.”
Drops of water trail down from your hair, wetting your shirt and causing the cotton fabric to stick to you uncomfortably. With a groan, you get up and head towards your shared bedroom with Keigo in search of something dry to change into. You’d neglected to dry your hair after showering, and you are now very much regretting that decision.
In the corner of the room lies a stack of laundry that neither of you has worked up the motivation to put away. Languidly, you throw off your shirt and look for another one. In the pile of clothes, there are none of your items, and with one quick glance in the hamper, you realize that you have exhausted your usual sleepwear. 
Shrugging, you reach for one of Keigo’s casual shirts and throw it over your form. It’s a plain black tee with a small white design near the breast. It hangs lowly on you, the sleeves slightly too big for your form. 
You walk over lazily to flop onto the bed, snuggling under the plush duvet. You whip out your phone and begin to scroll randomly through social media. Meanwhile, your boyfriend is still showering. Typically, the two of you would shower together, but for some odd reason, this time Keigo decided he would conveniently be busy while you were washing up.
An article pops up on your feed, its title relating to Kamui’s wedding. The media sure does work fast, considering the wedding only ended a few hours ago. 
Bored, you tap the article with your thumb. As the webpage buffers, the water shuts off in the bathroom, signaling that your boyfriend should be done. 
Skimming through the article, you find that it is quite detailed. There must have been someone from the news there, despite the fact that Kamui and his wife were adamant only close friends and family attend. 
The article talks about the beautiful ceremony, noting how the groom ended up sobbing while reading his vows. It, of course, also mentions Keigo’s dance with Endeavor, including a video of it taken from someone’s social media. You giggle at the sight, the memory fresh in your mind.
Behind you, Keigo drops into bed, snuggling up to your back. He rests his head in the crook of your shoulder and rests his hands on your waist, looking at your phone with you. Pressing a soft kiss to your bare shoulder where his big t-shirt had fallen from your form, the hero laughs. He sees the video of him and Endeavor playing and sighs contentedly. 
As you keep reading through the editorial, now with Keigo reading with you, your breath nearly hitches when you come up to the next section of the article. A huge picture of you holding a bundle of flowers fills the screen. Behind you, Keigo shifts lightly.
Thumb swiping along the screen, you read the text under the unnecessarily huge photo.
This evening, at the wedding of Pro-Hero Kamui Woods, talks of another upcoming hero wedding have begun. Number 2 Hero Hawks has been in a longtime relationship with his girlfriend for several years, and tonight she was pictured catching the bride’s bouquet, which according to popular superstitions, means the couple will soon be married. 
According to inside sources, the couple seemed ecstatic. While there are no videos available, some guests report that our beloved winged-hero expressed great joy at the sight of seeing his partner catching the flowers.
The couple has been together publicly for nearly 4 years now, but some suspect they were together for much longer before actually announcing their relationship. These two love birds have been dating even longer than Kamui and his own bride, which makes some think that a wedding is long overdue. An anonymous source we interviewed after the wedding said Hawks definitely agrees! According to them, Hawks has been on the hunt for a ring for a few months.
Stay tuned and consider subscribing to our newsletter for the best Pro-Hero news.
You snort unattractively after finishing the article. “What the fuck is this supposed to be?”
Keigo doesn’t respond, his grip on your waist faltering. You shut off your phone, placing it on the bed. Turning around, you face the blonde. “Is everything all right?” 
He grits his teeth before choking back a grimace. “Yeah, of course. I just hate seeing the media make up shit about us.” He explains, rubbing the back of his neck.
Despite not fully believing the response, you accept it. “Me too,” You roll your eyes. “I can’t imagine how it must be for you, always being in the media’s eyes. I swear, I’d go insane.”
The blonde huffs, his face relaxing, grateful that you aren’t pushing him. “Yeah, it fucking sucks, but I think I’ve gotten used to it over the years. But trust me, I did want to go insane at first.” 
You nod your head, stifling a yawn. Keigo smiles at you and reaches out a hand to stroke your hair. “You should go to sleep, Doll.” 
You sigh at the soothing feeling of Keigo’s fingers massaging into your scalp. “So should you,”
Pursing his lips, the hero turns his head away. “I would love to, but I have a report I need to finish.” He explains, sitting up in bed.
With a groan, you take the corner of his shirt in your weak fist. “Don’t you always have someone at your agency do that for you? Just come to bed with me.” You whine.
“What are you talking about,” He teases. “I’m an independent man. I always do my own work.”
You hum, eyelids drooping. “Yeah, sure you do.”
Keigo gets up from the bed and comes around to your side, leaning down to press a kiss to your temple. “Goodnight, Birdie.”
Moments later, you slip into a dreamless sleep. Before Keigo can even exit the room, he turns around to look you over, seeing your lips parted with soft breaths and eyes closed shut. He smiles down at you softly before heading into the living room to work on his report.
When you awake the next morning, your boyfriend is already gone at work. There’s a dent in the bed next to you, so you have the comfort of knowing that he didn’t stay up all night, but it makes you uneasy that he left so early. Typically, Keigo will wait for you to wake up before heading into work, and if he’s forced to go in early, he will always send you an explanatory text message. 
Except, this morning, you wake up and he’s gone with no message. You don’t want to feel paranoid, especially since this is the first time Keigo has done this, but you can’t help the sinking feeling in your stomach. 
Around his break, you shoot your boyfriend a simple message, asking if he’s doing alright. For a few minutes, he simply just reads your text message. It takes a while before he responds with a confirmation that he’s doing just fine, along with a simple apology for not be able to greet you in the morning. 
Quickly, you send back a message telling him it’s no problem. Feelings of guilt start to creep up on you as you wonder why you’d been so worried. It’s not like you don’t trust Keigo, but he was acting quite strangely yesterday. Was he mad at you? Is that why he left early?
You shake your head, ridding yourself of your anxious thoughts. No, your boyfriend wouldn’t do that. At the beginning of your relationship, maybe he would’ve, but over the years, you two have learned to communicate seamlessly with each other. If he was upset, he would tell you, He always does, and this time is no different.
 Later in the day, you order some food and wait for Keigo to come home. He’s usually a latecomer, considering his job is more demanding than most. At first, you aren’t worried when your boyfriend isn’t home by 7:00. Although that is when he usually arrives, you remain unfazed. It’s quite likely that he just got stuck at the agency.  
However, when it reaches 11:00, you start to twitch. Every few minutes, you open your phone to check for new messages, and your leg begins to bounce with anxiety as time continues to pass. Out of genuine concern, you send Keigo another message asking if he’s okay.
Your phone shows that he never even reads it. You then leave a phone call, followed by a very worried voicemail. Did something happen to him? Did he have an encounter with a particularly nasty villain? Just as you’re about to call the front desk of Keigo’s agency, the lock on your front door clicks.
In the blonde walks, his hair in disarray, no doubt from flying. You breathe a sigh of relief at the sight of him. Upon seeing you up, Keigo’s eyes fly open. It is nearly midnight, and you’re usually asleep by now. He rushes towards you. 
“Doll, what are you still doing up?” He asks, pressing a hand to your cheek.
“I was worried, you never stay this late without texting me. I thought, I thought that something had happened.” You explain, words slurring together with the overwhelming need for sleep.
Keigo curses himself. “Fuck, I’m sorry. I’m fine, baby, I swear.”
You smile, eyes drooping. “Good, I don’t know what I’d do if something happened.” You managed to mumble, barely comprehensible. 
The hero picks you up in his arms and holds you close to his chest as he walks to the bedroom. Carefully he places you in bed, tucking you snuggly under the covers and kissing you goodnight.
When you wake up the next morning, Keigo is gone once more. Although, this time, he’s texted you like he usually does.
This time, when he isn’t home by 10:00, you opt to go to bed without him. Faintly, you remember waking up to him coming home in the early morning, only for him to lull you back to sleep with his soothing voice.
For weeks, it’s the same thing all over again.
Keigo leaves to work before you wake up, stays late at work, and comes home after you’ve gone to sleep. The cycle is brutal, and every time you try to confront your lover about it, he skillfully avoids the question. 
Unpleasant thoughts soon invade your mind, plaguing you every second of the day. Is he actually mad at you? Are you not enough anymore? Did Keigo find someone else? At night, you can’t help the tears that leak onto the mattress as you sob, wondering just what you did wrong. There must be a reason for his obscure behavior, and the only connection your brain can make is that you are somehow at fault.
You endure several weeks of avoidance before you work up the courage to confront Keigo.
Instead of going to sleep at your regular time, you stay up, waiting for him in the lounge. A blanket is wrapped tightly around you, comforting you as you wait for your boyfriend.
 However, you can’t help but fall asleep as it becomes late. You spent so much energy worrying and stressing over confronting Keigo that you wore yourself out mentally. 
Hours later, you awake in bed. It isn’t the time you usually wake up, far from it. The bright light of your phone nearly blinds you as you pick it up to check the time. 3:00am.
Looking next to you, Keigo isn’t in bed. There isn’t even a sign that he tried to rest, the sheets still undisturbed.
Tears threaten to fall from your watering eyes, but before you can begin to cry, you hear a noise coming from the kitchen. Gingerly, you walk out of the bedroom, rubbing sleep away from your bloodshot eyes. Sitting at the kitchen island is Keigo, in his hand an empty glass. Next to him sits a bottle of whiskey.
Immediately, Keigo looks up, having heard your light footsteps. His eyes widen at the sight of you awake at such an ungodly hour.
You sigh at him, taking the seat next to him. You snatch the glass from his hand and pour yourself a drink, downing it in one go. If you’re going to talk to him right now, you’re going to need the liquid courage.
“What’re you doing up?” He croaks out, watching as you gulp down the alcohol.
You laugh dryly. “I could ask you the same thing.”
Uncomfortable silence envelops the two of you.
It’s been weeks since the two of you have seen each other properly and had a decent conversation. Most of your interactions, as of late, have been dull and forced.
Next to you, the blonde shifts in his seat, his wings shuddering slightly. You purse your lips. Is he really that uncomfortable just being around you? The thought makes you want to scream. What the hell happened to the two of you? Where did everything go so unbelievably wrong?
Choking on a sob, you lay the glass down on the table and abruptly rise from your seat. You exit the kitchen and head to the lounge, plopping down onto the couch and burying your hands in your face. 
The legs of Keigo’s stool scrape the ground as he pushes back his seat, rising to chase after you. Instantly, he’s at your side, placing a hand on your shoulder, thumb rubbing soothing circle into your exposed skin. You hate how much you nearly tremble at his touch after being denied of it for so long.
Tears stream down your face, rolling down to your chin and staining your nightshirt. 
The blonde whispers your name softly. “Hey, what’s wrong,”
You look at him miserably, and immediately Keigo feels bad for asking. He absolutely knows what’s wrong, and he clenches the fist that rests at his side. Of course, he fucking knows why you’re crying. He knows because he’s the reason why.
“Keigo, I-“ You sob, taking a moment to wipe away your tears. “Did I do something wrong?” 
Keigo’s heart drops, his own eyes beginning to water. Before he can even begin to express how wrong you are, you continue to talk.
“Do I not make you happy anymore?” You weep, voice breaking. “Is there someone else?”
The hero’s eyes immediately widen, and he grabs your hands, clasping them between his own. “No!” He nearly shouts.
The volume of Keigo’s voice stuns you. “I would never do something like that to you, please, believe me.” He begs, desperation lacing his voice.
You swallow heavily. “Then what is going on, Keigo? You can’t keep me in the dark anymore! I’m sorry, but I need to fucking know.”
Instantly, the blonde’s heart shatters to pieces. For a moment, he can’t even respond to you. The only thing he can manage to squeeze out is a broken, “I love you, so much.”
“You certainly have a way of showing it, then.” You snap back, eyes sharp. 
“You’re the love of my life. I love you so much that sometimes it fucking hurts,” He cries, hot tears beginning to well up in his eyes.
The pure desperation and despair lining his voice is heartbreaking. You meet your boyfriend’s eyes to see that he is now crying just as much as you.
Keigo takes a deep breath, trying his best to compose himself. “You are so amazing that sometimes I can’t even believe you exist. You deserve the world and so much more… and I’m afraid that I can’t give that to you. I’m afraid that I can’t give you what you want.”
You shake your head, peering up at the broken man in front of you. “Keigo, what are you talking about? You, you give me more than I could ever ask for, more than I deserve.” 
Biting his lip, Keigo turns his head away. “I want to be with you forever. I want to spend the rest of my damned life with you.” He responds firmly, turning back to look you straight in the eyes.
Color flushes to your face, and your heart skips a beat at his declaration.
“But… I can’t marry you.” 
His words hit you like a physical blow. They cut deep into you, tearing you up from the inside out.
“What?” Is all you can manage to ask, eyes searching his for any sort of answer.
Keigo takes a hand to run it through his hair. “It’s not just you, I can’t marry anyone. I just fucking can’t, okay? And I’m so fucking sorry that I made you so miserable by avoiding you, but I just couldn’t bear the thought of you leaving me when you found out that I can’t get married.” He admits.
Your breathing starts to slow, as do your tears. “Keigo, what do you mean you can’t get married?”
A loud sob echoes off the walls as your boyfriend folds in on himself. He trembles against you, and you rush to wrap an arm around him. “I just can’t… there’s too much that can go wrong, and the thought of it is more terrifying than any villain I’ve ever faced.”
Tenderly, you brush a strand of blonde hair behind his hair. Shakily, Keigo continues. “My parents were ruthless drunks. They had the most dysfunctional relationship in the goddamn world, and it messed me the fuck up. As a kid, it was so damn confusing to see two people who claimed they loved each other fight and hurt each other, then to have them team up to hurt me.” He trembles, clutching onto you like a lifeline.
“Then, when my amazing parents basically sold me off to the government, I was often cared for by this other family. They were just as bad as my actual parents, if not worse. They bonded over making me miserable, hurting me helped them grow closer. It was fucking disgusting.”
You’ve heard snippets of these stories before, but Keigo would always stop himself before talking about his parents. Now, you understand why. Tears begin to fall from your eyes once more at the thought of the man you love so much being hurt by the people who were supposed to protect him. 
“Not to mention, if we were to ever get married, I could never guarantee your safety. The Hero Commission hates our relationship, remember how they threatened you when we started dating? Imagine what they would do if we were to get married…” He trails off, choking back a lump in his throat.
As Keigo takes a few moments to compose himself, you bring your hand up to wipe away his tears, cupping his cheek and pressing a sweet, lingering kiss to his face. This action only seems to break him even more, as your boyfriend begins to whimper, pulling away from you.
He cries out your name in sorrow. “I’m so sorry I avoided you. I just, I didn’t know what I’d do if you left me when you found out.”
You still at his words. “Keigo, I would never leave you, not over something like this.” You explain, stunned as to why he thought you would do so.
“But, at Kamui’s wedding, you seemed so excited when you caught the bouquet, and you even talked about getting married one day.” He recalls, eyes puffy and cheeks streaked with lines of salt.
You take your lip into your mouth. “Yes, I did all of those things. But they don’t matter anymore. Not to me.” 
The blonde jerks away from you. “Don’t do that! Don’t you dare sacrifice your happiness and the things you want just for me.” He stresses.
“That’s not what I’m doing at all,” You try to clarify, reaching out to the man again. 
Keigo avoids your touch. “Yes, you are. You just said you’ve thought about marriage and now you’re saying it doesn’t matter? Please, save me the heartache and don’t lie.”
Frustration races through your veins at the thought that Keigo thinks you’re lying. “Okay, yes, I have thought about marriage. When I was younger, I used to imagine my wedding. In middle school, I had a Pinterest board for my dream wedding. I admit it!” You raise your voice slightly.
Keigo shrinks back at your tone and words. He almost begins to prepare for the impending, ‘this isn’t going to work out,’ but it never comes. 
Instead, you force the blonde to look at you as you continue to speak. “But, even though I did all of that, it doesn’t matter to me anymore. Do you want to know why?” You ask fervently. Keigo nods slowly in response.
“It doesn’t matter anymore because I am with you. I’d be lying if I said I haven’t imagined us getting married, but now that I know it’s not what you want, I don’t care.” 
Confusion flashes over your boyfriend’s face, and you recognize it immediately. “What do you mean?”
You smile softly. “I mean that as long as I’m with you, I don’t care what the hell we are. You are the love of my life, and I also want to spend the rest of my life with you. I don’t care if we spend our relationship together married or not, because as long as we are together, it doesn’t matter.” 
The hero stills at your words, slowly drinking them in. 
“It’s you that I want, not a wedding. I’m perfectly fine being your girlfriend for the rest of our lives as long as you and I are together.” You continue breathily, eyes searching for Keigo’s for any sort of reaction.
A few moments pass as Keigo fully digests what you’ve said. His silence nearly scares you, but all of your worries are washed away when he frantically grabs your face and pulls you into a passionate kiss full of love and fervor. 
When Keigo pulls away, he leans his forehead against your, a single tear rolling down his cheek. “Fuck, I don’t deserve you. I love you so fucking much.”
You breathe out a laugh, closing your eyes. “I want to be yours, Keigo. Forever.”
The blonde chuckles against your lips, going in for a chaste kiss. “Forever doesn’t sound too bad.” 
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riasei · 4 years
Quarantine's doing a great job exposing my inner kinks
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riasei · 4 years
Tumblr media
they dont show up for one (1) week and I miss them already
5K notes · View notes
riasei · 4 years
thanks for fueling my love for bakugou even more i got 😺🦋 ngl
I think this is hands down the best compliment omg but would you believe me if I said that was the 2nd nsfw thing I’ve ever written??? the first was the todoroki fic 😳 thank you so much tho love I appreciate you so much 
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riasei · 4 years
Fuck Buddies
pairing: bakugou katsuki x fem! reader
warnings: smut, cursing
word count: 5,093
note: I honestly didn’t expect to be back so soon with more filth, but here we are. I’m definitely going to hell for this one, considering I wrote most of it while my family was watching Easter mass downstairs :) but hey, I’ll see ya’ll there considering you guys are reading this. This is pure self-indulgence, and I have no regrets.
summary: Despite only being fuck buddies, Katsuki feels the need to remind you of your place. 
The heavy boom of bass resounds off the walls of the club, sending fire alight through your veins. Multicolored strobe lights flash across sweaty bodies on the dance floor, illuminating everyone in a provocative glow. Off to the side, you occupy a seat at the rather empty bar, fidgeting with a half-empty glass.
Suddenly, a hot body slams into your side, sweaty skin pressing against your own exposed flesh. A loud giggle explodes from the culprit, and you turn to see your close friend, Mina, has come up next to you. The pink-haired girl stumbles slightly before hoisting herself up into a seat and grinning at you toothily.
Mina is quick to order herself a drink, downing half of it in one go. Your friend turns to you and shouts your name to gain your attention over the music. “Where’s Blasty? Has anyone heard from that guy?” She asks, referring to a certain explosive blonde.
You take your bottom lip in between your teeth, chewing on the already chapped flesh. Katsuki was supposed to meet you and your friends here almost an hour ago, but he hasn’t arrived. According to your phone, he hasn’t read any of the messages you’ve sent him either.
With a little shrug, you give a halfhearted answer. “I have no idea. Why the hell would I know?”
The pink-haired girl flashes you a knowing smile. “Oh, I don’t know… You two have gotten pretty close lately.”
You grumble. “The hell we have!”
Thoughts start running rabid around your head. Obviously, you’re lying to Mina. Over the past few months, you and Katsuki have certainly gotten close. At first, it was nothing more than late-night drinking together, ranting about the struggles of hero work.
After several nights filled with booze and an absurd amount of yelling on the blonde’s part, things changed. Katsuki had a particularly rough time at work one day, and he needed to take his intense frustrations out on something. That something just happened to be you. For hours, the explosive hero ravaged you, his calloused hands gripping your hips with bruising force as he thrust his delicious cock into you. The mere thought of that night is enough to make you throb.
From that time on, the two of you formed a mutual understanding. Essentially, you and Katsuki became fuck buddies. Whenever either of you needed to let off a little steam, you would go to one another.  Apparently, the increasing amount of time you and Katsuki started to spend together didn’t go unnoticed by your friends, considering the way Mina is currently eyeing you.
“You keep telling yourself that,” The girl mutters playfully, the corner of her lips rising in a devious smirk.
In the seat next to you, Mina finishes her drink and abruptly stands. She stumbles again, falling into your body and placing her hands on your very exposed thighs for support. The girl giggles an apology before straightening herself and grabbing your hand. “Well, let’s go dance!” She announces, lifting you up. “You can’t just wait at the bar until that idiot shows up. Let loose and have fun!”
Your eyes widen slightly, and Mina cackles at your expression. Before you have a chance to pull away, the girl has already hauled you towards the dance floor, thrusting you into a circle made up of your other friends that had come along.
Denki and Hanta cheer at your arrival, coming up to either side of you and pulling you into a ridiculous dance. Their laughter can be heard even over the obnoxiously loud music, and without realizing it, you are joining them in their fun. Briefly, Eijirou comes up to ask where is best friend is, and he looks crestfallen when you say you don’t know.
Filled with newfound energy, you stay out on the dance floor, swaying your hips in time to the music and running your hands down your body. Feeling daring, mostly due to the alcohol you ingested earlier, you begin to grind back, accentuating your physique. With your free hands, you run them up your body, and along the curves your outfit emphasizes. Eventually, Mina comes up behind you, playfully smacking your ass, and you play along, grinding into her further. Around you, your friends whoop and cheer at your antics.
Towards the edge of the circle, Shouto is off to the side, halfheartedly moving to the music. Grinning, you head over to him, mischief playing on your delicate features. The boy immediately becomes suspicious but has no chance to do anything as you swiftly grab him by his sleeve and drag him forcefully into the middle of the dance floor. Off to the side, your friends laugh at the reserved boy’s confused and slightly startled expression.
Denki shouts your name behind you. “Help him loosen up! Show Shouto how to have some fun!”
Your lips curl into a devilish smile as you instantly realize what Denki is suggesting. Shouto stiffens when you turn around, and start dancing, your backside hovering dangerously close to his crotch. Coincidentally, the music changes to something with a more sensual beat, and that only eggs you on further. Shouto nearly jumps back when you brush against him, but you’re quick to grab his hands and put them on your hips.
“Like this, Shouto,” You guide the lost boy, trying to get him to move his body in sync with yours. When you feel him slowly start to relax, you take your hands away from their place on top of his and begin to dive further into the music.
Off to the side, Mina is recording the two of you dancing, laughing maniacally at the sight. The remainder of your friends stare in shock at the sight of the usually cold Shouto dancing with you in such a provocative way.
Becoming bold, you harshly press your ass against the man’s groin. Rather than pull away like you expected him to, Shouto just barks a loud laugh, holding your hips tighter. “Not that I’m complaining, but do you have a death wish?” Shouto whispers into your ear.
With a confused expression, you angle your head to meet his bicolored eyes. The man nods his head in the direction of your group of friends. There, in the middle of everyone, stands a very pissed off blonde.
Katsuki dons a formal suit, and he seems to have taken off the matching jacket. The thin fabric of his dress shirt stretches deliciously over his muscles, highlighting his body in the best way possible. The blonde’s gaze meets yours, a deep fire burning within his crimson eyes.
You immediately straighten up against Shouto, and the man laughs again. He pats you on the shoulder as if bidding you good luck before walking off. Gulping, you meagerly make your way over to Katsuki. On the sidelines, your friends watch in amusement. It is painfully obvious to them that the two of you have something going on, and it was honestly hilarious to see you guys try and hide it.
When you make your way over to Katsuki, you feign confidence. “Where were you?” You question with a small frown on your lips.
The blonde looks you over, drinking in your form. His breath hitches upon seeing the scandalous outfit you had chosen. The tight black fabric hugs you beautifully, not to mention the several slits in the fabric that expose your supple skin.  “I got stuck at a damn press conference.” He grumbles, annoyance brimming in his ruby eyes.
“Oh,” You groan in sympathy. Press conferences were the worst, and you know how much Katsuki hates them. As a top hero, the media is always hounding him with dozens of questions.
With a click of his tongue, Katsuki is dragging you off the dancefloor and lugging you towards the bar. He takes a seat in one of the stools and forces you into the one next to him. The blonde is quick to order a drink. He then turns to you, mouth twisted in an unfriendly scowl.
“What the fuck were you doing with Icy Hot?” He demands, lazily taking a sip from his glass before placing it back down on the counter, eyes never leaving yours.
You shift uncomfortably in your seat. “We were just dancing,”
“Yeah, no shit,” Katsuki sneers in response, eyes narrowing.
You roll your eyes. “Well, then why did you ask?”
Katsuki turns in his seat so that his body faces yours. He reaches out a hand and grabs your chin, forcing you to look him head-on. “I just wanna know why the fuck you were grinding on that bastard like a little slut.” He spits.
Shuddering in his grasp, you smirk. “Sometimes I think you forget that I can do whatever the fuck I want, Katsuki.”
An animalistic growl erupts from the blonde’s chest, and he leans in closer to your face. “Do you wanna rethink that statement, Princess?” Katsuki demands, fingering the space in your dress where a small slit opens directly below your bust.
A shaky breath escapes you. “Shouto is just my friend… it’s not like he got handsy with me, not that it would even matter if he did. We were just having fun.”
Katsuki licks his chapped lips. “I think you need to be reminded of your place,” He snarls.
The hero’s fingers slide further into the slit in your dress, lightly grazing your breasts. Katsuki catches your soft gasp with his lips, pressing a searing kiss against your delectable lips.
You whine when the blonde pulls away, a devilish smirk playing on his lips. “Look at what a slut you are, moaning for me in public. Just a moment ago, you looked ready to fuck Shouto. Are you that much of a whore that you can’t even wait for me? Are you so desperate that you’d even fuck one of our friends?”
Katsuki swipes his calloused thumb against your sensitive nipple, feeling it harden under his touch. His other hand remains at your waist, keeping your body close to his. “Katsuki, please,” You beg, arching into his rough hands.
Roughly, the explosive man chuckles. “I think we need to leave. You need to learn just exactly who you belong to.” He whispers, hot breathe fanning against your ear.
With a low groan, you nod. Katsuki removes his hands from your body and takes your wrist in his hand. He drags you out to the front of the club and takes you to his car. You had initially gotten a ride from Mina, so you made sure to text her that you were leaving with Katsuki. In response to your message came an onslaught of very suggestive emojis.
While the blonde drives to his apartment, he keeps one hand on the wheel and the other firmly planted on your inner thigh. Every so often, he slides his hand closer to your core. His mere touch is much more intoxicating than anything you drank while at the club.
Before long, Katsuki is parking the car and leading you into his apartment. As soon as the door shuts, rough hands are aggressively pushing you against the adjacent wall, pinning your wrists above your head. Katsuki peers down at you, eyes dark with lust.
The blonde dives down, lips locking with yours in a passionate kiss. Katsuki fervently tries to force his tongue into your mouth, but you coyly deny him entrance. With a grunt, the man thrusts his knee between your legs and presses it against your heat. You gasp at the sudden friction, and Katsuki takes the opportunity to shove his tongue into your mouth, exploring every inch of you.
You moan hotly into the kiss, unconsciously rocking onto Katsuki’s knee that remains pressed against you. The blonde pulls away, chuckling darkly. “Look at what a fucking slut you are, getting off on my knee. Like a bitch in heat.” He taunts, pressing searing kisses against your jaw, slowly trailing down to your neck and biting harshly.
Desperate to touch the gorgeous man in front of you, you try to wriggle your hands out of his iron grip. Unfortunately, that only makes Katsuki hold you tighter and bite deeply at the base of your neck. “Please, Kat,” You pant out, desperation lacing your voice.
You whine as Katsuki drops his knee from its place in between your legs, the loss of contact only making you crave him more. The blonde also releases your hands, placing both of his to grasp your thighs. “Jump,” He mutters against your skin.
You yelp when the hero lifts you up, instinctively wrapping your legs around his waist. Katsuki attaches his lips to your collar bone, sucking with bruising force. The man carries you all the way to his bedroom, throwing you down onto his plush bed.
When you look up, Katsuki is standing over you, panting slightly. He brings one of his hands up to the stuffocating tie around his neck, and he aggressively loosens it, tossing it somewhere on the floor. He takes his time looking you over, nimble fingers undoing the top few buttons of his dress shirt to reveal a toned chest underneath.
The man smirks as he sees your eyes trailing hungrily over his body. He quickly climbs on the bed, planting himself over you. With a hum, he runs a hand along your body, starting at your breast and slowly making his way down to your thigh. When he reaches the edge of your dress, he yanks it up, exposing you to him.
Katsuki immediately groans at the sight of your bare pussy. “Oh? Were you hoping I’d catch a glimpse of your pussy at the club and take you right there?” he growls, spreading your legs.
“No, I just didn’t want any panty lines-“ You’re interrupted by a sharp slap to your clit.
Your back arches and you hiss at the rough treatment. “Don’t fucking lie to me. Just admit that you’re a slut.”
Katsuki runs a finger between your folds, coating his fingers with your slick. His thumb pays close attention to your clit, rubbing painfully slow circles around the sensitive bundle of nerves. Your wanton moans fill the room, pleasure slowly consuming you. You rock your hips against his hand, hoping to gain more friction.
Another slap comes to your core, causing you to yelp. “Did I say you could fucking do that?” Katsuki grumbles, fury etched on his face.
You shake your head timidly. “Since it seems that you still think you can do whatever the fuck you want and get away with it, I’m going to have to teach you a lesson, Princess.” He sighs into your ear, hand abandoning your pussy and reaching up to practically tear your dress off.
Once your clothes are removed, Katsuki takes you by the waist and turns you so that you’re on your stomach, ass up in the air. The blonde delivers a stinging smack to your ass before dragging his thumb through your wetness, watching your pussy quiver under his touch. “So fucking wet for me, and I’ve barely done a thing to you.”
Behind you, Katsuki begins to undress until he’s just as naked as you. If you look up, you can see the blonde through a mirror placed in front of you. His thick cock stands proudly, the tip red and weeping with precum.
The man spots you ogling him through the mirror and grins, landing yet another harsh slap to your behind. You groan, arching your back, the shocks of pain morphing into an intoxicating pleasure that courses through your veins.
Katsuki laughs before dropping down and licking a strip up your core. You gasp at the feeling of his hot tongue on you, eagerly pressing yourself closer to him, begging for more. The blonde obliges, his tongue returning to your mound, moving expertly in ways he knows will make you lose control. He fucks you with his tongue, every now and then going down to suckle softly on your clit, slightly grazing you with his teeth.
The blonde moans into you, the taste of you inebriating. His guttural sounds send sweet vibrations through you, eliciting gasps and whines from you. Suddenly, Katsuki has his lips locked around your clit, his fingers plunging into your pussy, curling into you deliciously. Pressure begins to build up in your core, threatening to release. “Oh, fuck, Katsuki!” You nearly scream as he grazes his teeth over your clit.
Just as you’re about to come undone, Katsuki removes himself from you, lips and fingers leaving your trembling body, mercilessly denying you your release. Katsuki brings his hand down on the side of your ass, activating his quirk the tiniest bit. Heat blooms along your body, and the blonde continues to run his hands over every inch of your skin, keeping his quirk activated.
You press your head into the mattress, helplessly moaning as Katsuki continues his blissful assault on your body. When he finally pulls away, you are wrecked, thighs shaking, and a string of drool escaping your mouth.
Katsuki grabs your waist and turns you around to face him, groaning when he sees the fucked-out expression on your face. You look him over, and your eyes are soon trained on his dick, the way it looks painfully hard, almost begging to be sucked.
Peering up at the blonde, you weakly crawl to him, wrapping your hand around his shaft. Deftly, you stroke him, spreading his precum around his length. Katsuki nearly whimpers, watching your every move.
You start with small kitten licks, kissing your way up his cock. Your hand remains on him the whole time, pumping him painfully slow. Katsuki throws his head back at your ministrations, a low groan rumbling from his chest. You can see the muscles in his thighs flex delightfully as he tries to control himself.
Before the blonde forces your head down onto his cock out of impatience, you sink your mouth down onto him. Your tongue laps at the underside of his cock, and your free hand goes to stroke his heavy balls.
You bob your head up and down, hollowing your cheeks out. When you start to use your tongue on the head of his cock, Katsuki sifts a hand through your hair, grabbing a handful and forcing you down onto him. You gag at being forced to take him all at once so suddenly, and Katsuki groans when you flatten your tongue against his base. The blonde loosens his grip on your hair but keeps his hand on you as a guide while you blow him. A silent reminder that he’s still in control.
Slowly, you begin to pick up speed, bobbing your head up and down faster and faster. You use a hand to pump whatever length you are unable to fit into your mouth; your other hand still preoccupied with fondling the hero’s balls. Katsuki curses your name. “Shit, just like that, Princess. Keep going,” He praises, his eyes never leaving you. His rough hand still remains tangled in your hair, slightly yanking the strands as you continue to suck him off.
As you are about to deepthroat the man, he suddenly pulls your hair, stilling your movements. Instead, he keeps you still while he starts to thrust his hips, fucking himself into your mouth. His pace starts nice and even, but he soon begins to pick up speed. Your eyes water as Katsuki’s cock hits the back of your throat, spilling onto your cheeks.  
Katsuki’s pace reaches a relentless speed. He’s moaning loudly, your name spilling out of his mouth like a mantra. The sound of you choking and gagging on his dick makes the blonde go wild as his thrusts become erratic, losing every sense of rhythm. The muscles in Katsuki’s thighs are contracting, and his lower abdomen is tightening. When you think he is about to come, you thrust your head down onto his cock, enveloping him down to the base.
The blonde yanks you off of him, growling and panting at you as he denies himself his own climax. “Do you want my come?” He asks you cockily. “That’s too bad, only good girls get what they want.”
Before you can choke out a lame response, Katsuki is turning you around once more, getting on his knees as you raise your ass to the air. The man positions himself directly behind you. Two fingers prod at your opening, slowly sliding into you. You gasp as he begins to scissor his fingers in your cunt, no doubt preparing you to take his dick.
The hero’s calloused fingers slide against your walls so fucking good, you can’t help the filthy moans that escape your mouth. Soon, Katsuki is removing his fingers, and you whine disappointedly at the loss. He takes his cock in hand and rubs it mercilessly against your pulsating cunt, spreading your wetness along his length. You moan at the feeling of him teasing you so ruthlessly.
“Please, Kat,” You whine, fingering closing around the plush bedsheets under you.
The blonde laughs at you. “Beg for my cock, Princess. Show me how much of a good girl you can be.” He taunts.
You nearly sob into the sheets, the need to have him inside you overwhelming. “Fuck! Please, Katsuki, I need your cock. Fuck me until I can’t walk anymore, please, just use me.”
A sharp inhale sounds from behind you, followed by another crude laugh. Katsuki leans down, his mouth next to your ear. “You’re gonna have to do better than that.” He whispers, licking the shell of your ear.
“I’m your slut Katsuki, you’re the only one who can fuck me like this. I want you so fucking bad. Please, I need you inside of me. Please.” You cry out, eyes glazed over with desire.
Katsuki slams into you all at once, his thick cock stretching you out deliciously. You moan obscenely, fisting the sheets beneath you. The man gives you no time to adjust as he pounds into you ruthlessly, delivering slaps to your ass as he sees fit.
“What a fucking greedy slut. Your cunt is practically swallowing my cock.” The hero pants out, the way you clench around him elicits a lewd groan from his mouth.
The man sinks his fingers into your hips as he fervently fucks into you, his grip will definitely leave you with bruises tomorrow.
His full balls slap against your sensitive clit as he rams into you, stimulating you to no end. Katsuki bends down once more and leaves a trail of searing hot kisses down your spine. He eventually makes his way to the juncture of your neck and shoulder, which he latches on to with fervor.
Katsuki bites down roughly, then changes to softly suckling on your bruised skin. From your position, you take one of your arms and wrap it around his neck, pressing his mouth further into your neck. Every sweet sound Katsuki let out is like music to your ears, much like your moans are to him.
When Katsuki starts to thrust into you even harder, you lose all strength. Your hand falls from around the blonde’s neck, and your other hand supporting you collapses. The side of your face presses into the mattress as Katsuki fucks you brutally.
The hero brings himself up from his position on your back, and he straightens his posture. When he notices the mirror in front of him, he groans and stills at this sight of you looking absolutely wrecked as you take his cock.
“Look up for me, Princess,” He instructs, looking at you through the mirror. “That’s a good girl. Watch as I ruin your tight little pussy.”
You groan loudly when your eyes meet in the mirror. Katsuki is positioned behind you, his muscled body covered in a sheen of sweat. His hair is mused, and you can see his muscles ripple through his body with every powerful thrust he gives.
The sight is fucking obscene, and yet you can’t bring yourself to look away. The way the blonde looks crazed with sex, his crimson eyes dark and swimming with desire all directed towards you. The thought that you’re the one who made him this fucking needy and drunk on sex lights a fire in your veins.
When Katsuki’s eyes meet yours in the mirror, he gives sharp, punctuated thrusts, hitting your cervix with every time. Your mouth opens in a silent scream, pressure building up in your core. The blonde growls as he feels your cunt clamping tightly around his cock, sucking him into you.
Katsuki looks down, reveling in the way you seem to swallow him up. Carefully, he takes his thumb and collects your juices from your pussy and spreads them against your puckered hole. You still, feeling the man rub against your ass.
“Kat, what are you doing?” You manage to pant out.
The man shushes you softly. “Just wait. It’ll feel good, I promise.”
He lightly prods against the tight muscle, his thumb slowly working it open with the help of your own slick. The feeling is foreign and slightly strange, but you make no effort to stop Katsuki. Gradually, he manages to work the entirety of his thumb into you. You groan at the new sensation, your pussy clenching around Katsuki’s cock when he begins to move his finger inside of you.
“Shit! Katsuki, fuck,” You groan, biting your lip.
Lightly, Katsuki moves his thumb, only to replace it with his index and middle finger. The blonde curls his fingers inside of your tight ass and you whine at the feeling of being stuffed so fucking full.
The man continues to curl and thrust his fingers into your ass, all the while ramming his big cock into your sopping cunt.
“Oh, fuck, please don’t stop,” You sob, breaths erratic.
Katsuki snarls at you, pulling his fingers out of you to your dismay. “Don’t you dare fucking come, I’m not even fucking close to being done with you.”
He brings a hand down to your hair, yanking you up and making you cry out. Your back is now flush with Katsuki’s chest, the new position allowing him to angle himself perfectly inside of you. With every thrust, Katsuki pounds into your sweet spot, nearly sending you over the edge.
“Remember what I fucking said, you don’t come until I say you do.” The man reminds, his grip on your hair never faltering
Katsuki’s other hand comes down from your waist, and he rubs figure eights on your clit, making you scream. “Fuck!”
The sound of skin slapping on skin resounds off the walls of the bedroom as the blonde continues to roughly fuck into you. In the mirror, the sight is absolutely filthy. With every snap of his hips, your breasts bounce, and every inch of your collarbone and neck seems to be covered in marks.
The blonde notices you looking in the mirror and removes the hand pleasuring your clit, reaching it up to grab at one of your tits. He fondles it softly before taking the nipple in between his fingers and rolling it expertly. He slows down the speed of his thrusts as he plays with your body, reducing you to soft whines. Katsuki stares at you with an expression of pure lust as he touches you, and the sight of him enjoying touching you so much is enough to make you whimper.
Upon hearing your noises, Katsuki finally removes his hand from your hair, snaking it down towards your neck. He applies a light pressure before becoming more firm with his hold. He audibly moans at the sight of you in the mirror. You submit to him so fucking easily, almost as if it’s natural.
“Look at you, fuck, finally being a good girl for me.” He murmurs next to your ear, panting in between his words.
While his thrusts are still slow and languid from when he had been exploring you earlier, he gradually picks up his pace, returning to a bruising speed. You nearly scream as his cock slams against your g-spot.
“Katsuki, fuck, I’m gonna come,” You manage to choke out against the pressure of his hand on your neck.
The blonde grunts and increases the speed of his hips, dropping his hand from your chest to have it return to your clit. He circles the bud deliciously, bucking his hips wildly against you. Katsuki tightens his grip on your neck and presses small kisses to your jawline before coming up to your ear. “Come for me, Princess,”
Stars shoot across your vision as you come undone, pleasure shooting through your veins. The feeling is euphoric as Katsuki continues to thrust into you, chasing his own climax while fucking you through yours.
Sensitivity soon overcomes you, as the hero continues his assault on your sweet-spot. Katsuki loosens his hold on your neck, and eventually, his hands drop to your waist, holding you in place. You angle your head back and reach and arm to grab Katsuki, pulling him into a searing kiss of tongue and teeth. When you pull away, a thin string of saliva connects your lips. Against his mouth, you mutter, “Come inside me, Katsuki.”
With a loud growl, Katsuki gives one last thrust deep into your core, and he moans sinfully as he empties himself into you. Hot ropes of come spill into you, filling your cunt.
The two of you pant heavily, still coming off the high of your orgasms. It takes a moment before either of you move. Slowly, Katsuki pulls himself out of you with a hiss, groaning when he sees his come begins to drip out of your pussy.
A dull ache settles itself between your legs, and you are quick to collapse with your back against Katsuki’s chest. He chuckles softly. “Are you okay?”
You grin. “I just got my insides rearranged. Give me a minute.”
Katsuki barks out a laugh, taking you tenderly in his arms and laying you down on the bed. He kisses your temple softly before entering his bathroom. The blonde returns with a small washcloth, and he cleans you up.
Just as you’re about to fall victim to exhaustion, Katsuki picks you up in his strong arms and takes you into his bathroom. He had started a bath and delicately places you in the very soothing warm water. “Thanks, Kat. You’re the best.” You praise tiredly, half out of your mind.
The man grins at you cockily. “Trust me, I know.”
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riasei · 4 years
pairing: todoroki shouto x fem! reader
warnings: smut, cursing
words count: 4,266
note: Quarantine has me fucked up and this is the only way I can gain any serotonin anymore. This is purely self-indulgent. I have no regrets.
summary: After another encounter with his father gone wrong, Shouto is in need of some comforting.
The sound of doors slamming startles you awake.
With a jolt, you sit up from the couch and blink the sleep away from your bloodshot eyes. A cold hand rests on your exposed shoulder where your t-shirt has draped down, revealing your skin. Immediately, you recognize who it is. With a small smile, you turn your head to see Shouto regarding you with displeasure evident in his eyes.
“Shou?” You question softly, placing your hand atop his, which is still pressing comfortingly into your skin.
The boy quirks his head to the side, frowning. “Why are you still down here? It’s late.” He observes, brows furrowing slightly.
“I wanted to wait for you.” You explain confidently, the corner of your mouth perking up in slight amusement.
“But I told you not to wait for me before I left. I didn’t want you staying up late.” Shouto murmurs.
You slide your hand up from its place and trek it up to his forearm, pulling your boyfriend closer to you. Shouto’s arm twitches slightly at the contact, but he doesn’t retract. “But I wanted to wait for you. It’s worth staying up if I get to see you, Shou.”
Shouto pulls away from you and pulls you off the couch. His grasp is gentle and soothing. His abnormal temperature envelops you with a comforting sense of familiarity. “Let’s just get to bed, Love.” He mumbles, the nickname causing your face to flush a brilliant red.
The two of you reach Shouto’s room, still hand in hand. As soon as the door closes, your boyfriend lets go of your hand -albeit hesitantly- and rakes his digits through his hair, musing the bi-colored strands and disrupting the once-even border between red and white.
Sitting down on the boy’s bed, you peer up at him. “Is something wrong?” You ask, beckoning for him to sit with you.
It takes a moment before Shouto moves. He surprises you slightly when he instead lays down on your lap rather than sit next to you. Your boyfriend closes his eyes and rests his forearm across his forehead. You begin to play with Shouto’s hair, smoothly massaging his scalp while you’re at it. Your boyfriend shivers in response and exhales slightly at the feeling of your fingers.
“I had dinner with my father today.”
You raise your eyebrows in surprise. “Oh,” You respond, watching as Shouto shifts beneath you. “How did that go?”
Shouto removes the arm resting on his face and opens his eyes to look at you. “I don’t know.”
For a moment, you stay silent, continuing to mess with your boyfriend’s hair.
“We didn’t do much talking. I ended up arguing with him before leaving early.” Shouto continues, his eyes now trained on the ceiling. “He didn’t do anything wrong, He’s trying to change. But I just blew up on him…”
You say the first thing that comes to mind. “Well, are you okay?”
Shouto’s eyes shoot back to yours, mild surprise etched on his gorgeous face. However, he is soon to relax, a small smile playing on his chapped lips. “We’ve been together for some time now, and we’ve known each other for even longer, and yet I still find myself surprised when you show such blatant concern for me.”
Sliding your hand from his hair, you cup the boy’s cheek. His breath hitches the tiniest bit, and he leans into your touch. “I love you, Shouto. I will always care and show concern for you.” You respond smoothly, taking your hand away from his form.
The bedsheets rustle under you as Shouto moves from his place on your lap to sit next to you. A soft pink blooms on his cheeks due to your confession.
“Shouto, are you really okay?”
The boy hums softly. “I’m not too sure.” He admits, watching your concerned face through his peripheral vision.
When you don’t respond, your boyfriend continues to speak. “I get that he wants to be better, and a part of me is thankful that he’s trying. But, the other part of me still resents him. He wants us to have a good relationship, but I’m sabotaging it for both of us because I just can’t seem to let go of the past.”
Shouto refuses to look at you. You try calling his name softly, but he doesn’t budge. “You can’t blame yourself for this, Shouto. Your father did so many horrible things to you, some things that you will never be able to heal from completely. You can’t expect yourself to forgive Endeavor in such a short amount of time. Please, love, be patient with yourself.”
Your boyfriend stills at your words, and still makes no move to look at you. “Shou?” You ask after a beat of silence, hoping to gain the boy’s attention.
When he still does not move, you reach out your hand and turn his head towards you. Even though his hair is shadowing most of his face, you manage to see Shouto’s heterochromatic eyes watering and filled to the brim with conflicting emotions.
It pains you to no end to see the person you love in such a state. He’s been through an unbelievable amount of heartache, and yet he still can’t seem to catch a break.
Softly, you murmur your boyfriend’s name before leaning in to press a soft kiss against his slightly chapped lips. Shouto’s eyes widen, and he stiffens somewhat. He couldn’t fathom how in the world you would want to kiss him while he was in such a pitiful state.
You pull away long enough just to press down on his stiff shoulders and to whisper to him, “Relax, Shouto.”
He tries his best to calm himself while responding to your soft lips that are so deliciously moving against his own.
“That’s it,” You giggle as your boyfriend finally begins to respond to your ministrations.
The feeling of Shouto’s cold lips moving gently against your own was heavenly. He was a bit timid, but that wasn’t too unusual. It was no secret to you that your boyfriend lacked experience with most forms of intimacy. The first time you two had kissed, Shouto was mortified. He hadn’t the faintest idea what to do, and ended up ending the kiss prematurely.
While you have reassured your lover time and time again that his inexperience was no problem to you, he always seemed to put himself down.
You separate yourself from Shouto and lean your head against his. He exhales shakily, and gingerly lifts a hand to the side of your head, caressing you. “Fuck, I love you so much.” He groans, cursing quietly.
At his admission, you immediately press your lips against Shouto’s once more, fervently moving against him. You nudge against your boyfriend’s closed lips with your tongue, and soon you are exploring his mouth—Shouto tastes of spearmint, which lights a small fire within you.
Shouto’s movements are adorably clumsy as he attempts to copy your actions. As soon as you feel him getting insecure, you wrap a hand around his neck, pulling him closer into you. Shouto groans, your touch feeling like fire against his already burning skin.
You deepen the kiss and use your teeth to bite against his lower lips gently. Your boyfriend moans quietly, and you smirk. As you pull away to breathe, you get a good look at Shouto. His lips are painted a bright crimson, and his whole face is flushed a beautiful pink. The sight makes you groan. He is so effortlessly beautiful.
With a soft nudge, you push Shouto down onto the mattress and climb over him. You give a small peck to his lips before moving down to leave a trail of searing kisses along his jawline. The boy brings up a hand to push his hair back as he watches you ravish him.
To his embarrassment, Shouto was already excited, his arousal prominent through the hero costume he never got the chance to change out of. You can feel him slightly on your thigh, but pay no mind to it as you continue to assault your boyfriend’s porcelain skin.
Moving to his neck, you bite down lightly and lick at his burning hot skin. Never have you done something like this to him, and the jolt of pleasure that flooded Shouto was utterly foreign. “Oh, fuck,” He moans, pressing his head back into the mattress as you continue to leave marks along his neck.
Shouto reaches up a trembling hand and rests it along your now-exposed waist. From the angle you were leaning, your shirt had ridden up. His touch only encourages you, and soon you are peering up at him with questioning eyes. “Shouto, can I take this off?” You ask, pulling at the shirt of his hero costume.
Your boyfriend’s eyes widen slightly, and you can see the uncertainty that’s plaguing him. “You don’t have to, Shou.” You reassure him quickly, cupping his cheek. “I just want to make you feel good.” You confess, absentmindedly trailing a finger down his neck and over the bruising marks you had made.
Shouto sits up and looks the first thought that comes to mind is that you’ve gone too far. However, Shouto is quick to quell that worry when he takes off his shirt, revealing his toned body to you. Unconsciously, you groan out loud and begin to reach for him.
However, Shouto doesn’t let you. Instead, he remains seated upright and shifts to where his back is resting against the headboard of his bed. You stay in your position, slightly confused until Shouto grabs you and places you on his lap, straddling him.
The boy dives to your neck, kissing you lightly. He hesitantly opens his mouth to lap at your skin, and he uses his teeth the tiniest amount. Your breath hitches and you reach your hands to bury them into your boyfriend’s hair, pulling him closer to you. “Fuck, Shouto, that’s perfect.” You whimper as he bites into your supple skin. Upon hearing your praise, Shouto snakes his hand around your waist and gathers you in his arms, pulling you as close to him as possible.
He licks a long strip up your neck, sure to go over all of the marks he bit into your skin. Shouto releases his iron grip on you and leans back to see his work. The sight of his marks on your beautiful skin makes his arousal twitch within the confines of his pants. With the position you’re in, you can feel him pressed against your clothed core.
Shouto knows that you can feel him, and hides his face. He found it shameful, how quickly he was getting aroused. Instantly, you could tell what your boyfriend was thinking. Rather than verbally assure him that everything’s okay, you opt to show him physically.
Slowly, take your hands from his hair and trail them down his muscled chest. You had seen him bare-chested quite often, considering Shouto often ended up burning the top of his hero costume when he used the left side of his quirk. However, despite seeing his body regularly, you had never had the chance to explore it quite like this.
With hunger in your eyes, you lean down to press kisses to his exposed chest. Shouto’s eyes flutter shut, and you pay close attention to his reactions. Whenever you find a spot he seems to particularly like, you make sure to pay it close attention. The soft pants and groans that leave his perfect lips are music to your ears, and they only add to the desire beginning to coat your thighs.
By the time you approach his belly button, Shouto’s thighs are trembling underneath you. As you near his pants, you reach to finger the hem. Shouto stiffens as he feels you messing with his pants. He looks down to see you staring up at him, silently asking for permission. Shyly, the boy lifts his hips up to allow you to remove the rest of his clothing.
With one smooth gesture, both Shouto’s pants and underwear are disregarded on the ground. Your boyfriend’s length slaps his lower stomach as it is finally released from its confines, the tip a prominent red and coated with precum.
You curse at the sight, and swiftly take him in your hand. Shouto immediately whimpers at the feeling of you grasping him. He finds himself unconsciously bucking into your hand, desperately seeking any sort of friction. You moan at the sight of your boyfriend. He looks absolutely perfect.
You drink in the sight of him. His entire body is flushed, covered in a thin sheen of sweat, and his upper body is marked with dozens of love bites. You can tell that he’s trying to control himself in your hand, but every so often, he’ll give a small thrust accompanied by a strangled breath.
Teasingly, you drag your hand up his length and pump him painfully slow. He throbs against you, and you are quick to notice that he is practically drenched in his own arousal. “Shouto, you are so fucking perfect,” You worship, leaning down to take him into your mouth.
“Wait,” He pants, gaining your attention. “You, you don’t have to do that.” He cries, unable to keep his voice steady as you continue pumping his length at a teasing speed, every so often swiping your thumb across his tip.
You smile deviously at your lover before shaking your head. “Trust me, Shouto, I want nothing more than to do this for you.”
You give your boyfriend no time to respond before you lick a long strip up the underside of his cock, right over a prominent vein. Shouto’s eyes nearly roll into the back of his head, the new sensation of your tongue overwhelming.
For a few moments, you continue giving small kitten licks to erection, languidly stroking him at the same time. You haven’t even taken him into your mouth yet, and your boyfriend already looks absolutely fucked. His cries of pleasure are intoxicating, and only fuel your desire for him.
Glancing up as you continue to rub Shouto, you meet his hungry eyes. You smirk at him, maintain eye contact as you finally take his member into your mouth. Your boyfriend whines and grips the bedsheets at his side, desperately trying to control himself.
Lightly, you suck on your boyfriend, hollowing out your cheeks. You use your hand to pump whatever you can’t take. With every bob of your head, you drag your tongue on the underside of Shouto’s cock, swirling it around the tip whenever possible.
Loud grunts and curses stream out of the boy under you as he relishes the feeling of your mouth. When you take your hold off of him and envelop his whole length in his mouth, Shouto nearly sobs in pleasure. He takes a hand that was clenching his bed and rakes it through your hair. Unconsciously, Shouto thrusts his hips into your mouth as you deepthroat him.
You groan at the feeling of your boyfriend fucking your mouth, and take a hand to stroke his balls while you eagerly continue to suck him off.
Shouto continues to thrust gently into your mouth, his actions somewhat clumsy and lacking rhythm. When you hollow out your cheeks as much as you can, Shouto tugs at your hair and emits the most sinful moan you have ever heard.
Encouraged by his reactions, you continue even faster, desperate to get a taste of your boyfriend. Shouto pulses inside of your mouth and his thrusts become sloppier.
You continue to caress his balls while assaulting the underside of his cock with your tongue. With a loud cry, Shouto aggressively grabs at your hair and pushes your mouth down to the base of his cock. You gag slightly and swallow around him, which ends up ruining him.
Growling, Shouto empties himself into your mouth. Thick silky ropes of come grace your tongue, the taste of salt apparent. When you swallow your boyfriend’s load with him still around you, he groans, before pulling you off of him and releasing his hand from your hair.
You lean back, and Shouto stares at you through half-lidded eyes. Once he comes off of his high, do his eyes widen in slight horror. He pants your name in worry. “Fuck, I’m sorry. I, I didn’t mean to do that. I’m so fucking sorry. Did I hurt you?”
You furrow your brows at him before realizing what he was referring to. He had thrust your mouth down onto his cock, forcing you to take all of him while he was mixed in the throes of his pleasure.
Before Shouto can worry anymore, you climb up and straddle him, pressing a searing kiss to his lips. Shouto groans, tasting himself off you. When you separate, and a thin string of saliva connects your lips.
“Shouto, I fucking loved that. You did so well. Don’t you dare feel sorry.” You demand, looking at him through hazed eyes.
Your boyfriend moans at your praise and quickly attacks your collarbone, harshly biting down. When he resurfaces, he’s toying with the hem of your shirt. You nod at him and lift your arms to make removing it an easier process.
Once your shirt is thrown to the floor, you unclasp your bra and sit back to shimmy out of your pants and underwear. When all of your clothing is successfully removed, you return to your place on Shouto’s lap. His cock is once again hard, pressing deliciously against your unclothed core.
Shouto tilts his head back to get a good look at your bare form, and he marvels at your beauty. You start to become self-conscious when Shouto continues to stare, and move to cover yourself. However, before you can, Shouto is leaving hot, open-mouthed kisses along the swell of one of your breasts, kneading the other in his right hand. He murmurs sweet nothings into your skin as he ravishes your body.
Shouto takes a nipple in his mouth, experimentally swirling his tongue around the delicate bud. When he hears your soft whimpers and muffled moans, your boyfriend grazes you slightly with his teeth. At the feeling, you arch your back, leaning into his touch.
Your boyfriend releases your breast with a ‘pop’ and switches to do the same to the other. In your boyfriend’s grasp, you are reduced to a mumbling wreck. When Shouto finally removes himself from your chest, he leans up to kiss you lovingly.
As your lips are interlocked, Shouto moves his hands around your body, exploring. Soon, his fingers are caressing your inner thighs, trailing dangerously close to your throbbing sex. Shouto groans as he feels your thighs coated in slick.
Hesitantly, the boy drags a finger up your folds, and you immediately grind down onto him with a breathy pant. Shouto becomes bolder, and continues to stroke you, coating your wetness around your heat. When he comes into contact with your clit, the boy notices how your eyes seem to roll back into your head, and he continues to circle it, applying an incredible pressure.
Your wanton moans fill Shouto’s bedroom, and they only become louder when he slips a teasing finger inside of you. He curls it inside of you, using his thumb to stroke your clit. The feeling is so overwhelming you can’t help but bury your face in the crook of your boyfriend’s neck.
Heat begins to coil in your stomach, and you can feel yourself teetering so close on the edge of your orgasm. Desperately, you whine out to your lover, “Please, Shouto, I want to come around you, please.”
Shouto retracts his fingers, and you groan at the loss. However, the sensation of Shouto stroking his thick cock along your folds is enough to make you lose your mind all over again. Before he enters you, your boyfriend looks at you, eyes filled with adoration and love. “Are you sure you want this?” He asks.
You nod your head, pressing your forehead against his. “Yes, Shouto. I need this.”
Slowly, Shouto guides himself to you, and you sink down onto his cock. The feeling of his member stretching you out stings slightly, and once he’s seated fully within you, you have to pause a few moments before moving. As you wait to get used to the feeling of being so stretched out, Shouto rubs soothing circles on your hips and thighs, kissing your body tenderly.
After several moments, you begin to move, riding Shouto’s cock. The stretch of him still brings some pain, but it soon morphs into an indescribable pleasure. Shouto hisses as you roll your hips against his, and he thrusts sloppily to match your pace.
“Shou, ugh, you fill me up so well,” You mutter, reaching to claw at Shouto’s toned forearms, which hold your waist tightly.
Shouto gasps in pure ecstasy as your walls tighten around him as if begging him to release himself inside of you. It was all almost too much for him. The way your tightness clenches around him so good, and how unbelievably warm, and delicious your pussy is.
You continue to ride Shouto, shrieking as the boy reaches a hand down to rub at your sensitive clit. At the same time, he latches his lips onto an unmarked spot on your neck, further adding to your pleasure.
Passionately, you continue to grind down onto your lover, rolling your pelvis against his, and feeling him reach the deepest part of you.
With a squeal, you are forced to stop riding Shouto as he forcefully grabs your hips, preventing your movement. He holds you with bruising force and lifts you up and down on his cock at an inhumane speed. His moans echo off the walls of his rooms, and with whatever sense you have left, you silently pray that no one else in the dorms can hear the two of you.
“Fuck, Shouto, please don’t stop,” You plead, closing your eyes as your boyfriend continues to move your hips on top of him.
Shouto growls at your words and stills your hips. You almost cry at the loss of his pace, but the thought is soon lost as Shouto instead begins to thrust up into you himself, his cock hitting your cervix with every buck of his delicious hips.
Your body nearly turns to jelly as Shouto continues to roughly fuck into you, his brutal pace causing you to collapse into his chest. You plea to your boyfriend mindlessly to please, for the love of God, don’t stop, and he is quick to comply, returning his nimble fingers to your clit.
This time, Shouto uses his right hand to stroke you, and he has your eyes rolling back into your head when he drops the temperature of his hand. His hand feels like ice on your clit, and you readily embrace the incredible sensation.
With every thrust, Shouto was pushing you closer to your climax, and you could feel that he was also approaching his own release. His thrusts have lost any sense of rhythm, and he pants harshly at the feeling of you around him.
Suddenly, Shouto drops the temperature of his fingers circling your clit even further and turns to dig his sharp teeth into your neck, sucking harshly. Just like that, you are pushed off the edge, succumbing to the sweet euphoria of your climax.
Your back arches and your mouth opens in a silent scream as Shouto continues his ruthless pace, chasing his climax while fucking you through your own. You whimper slightly, sensitive, but with one particularly powerful thrust, Shouto stills and releases himself into you with a sinful groan. Thick streams of come spill into your core as Shouto empties himself into you.
The two of you stay still for a few moments before Shouto lifts you off of his member with a low hiss. A dull ache emits from in between your legs, and you can tell tomorrow will be worse. You can only hope that Aizawa doesn’t have anything too rigorous planned for tomorrow’s class.
Shouto takes you in a warm embrace, circling his hands on your back. “I love you so much,” He murmurs into your skin, softly kissing you.
“I love you too, Shouto.” You respond, breathing in the scent of him.
Before long, your boyfriend is peeling himself off of you and returning to you with a wet cloth to clean you up. He is gentle and caring with your form, softly massaging you in the areas he was a bit rough.
“As much as I want to stay here and fall asleep with you, I think it’d be best if we both clean up in the bathrooms. I don’t want you to get an infection, and we’ll rest easier after showering.” Shouto, whispers, gazing at you affectionately.
You nod at his words and begin to rise from the bed, quickly searching for your clothes. “I’ll race you to the showers!” You challenge, frantically trying to gather your things,
Your boyfriends chuckles deeply at you. “I don’t think you’ll be racing anyone anytime soon, considering you can barely even walk right now.”
A furious blush spreads across your cheeks. “Well, it’s your fault!”
Shouto comes up to hug you from behind, his broad chest pressing into your back. “So it seems,” He hums, kissing your temple before leaving to gather his own clothes.
“Asshole!” You retort, trying to force the evil blush away off your face.
“You know you love me.”
You don’t even hesitate before responding. “Yeah, I love you.”
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riasei · 4 years
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Behold, a man. 
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