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“to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived —  that is to have succeeded.”
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what was your life before coming to mystic like?
“I assume you meant to say New Orleans?” Rick mused as he looked over to the other. Sitting in a hunched over position on an armchair with his arms crossed resting on top of his knees, he then muttered simply with not much of an emotion to his normal sombre voice,” I had simple, middle-class childhood with my family. Well, as simple as you could get with a family who was very passionately hungry about their secret hereditary side-business,” he said wryly, not bothering on elaborating what he really meant by his family’s ‘side-business’ presently. “I hated the lifestyle and fate my parents, my older siblings and most my Stevens relatives were half-forcing and half-pushing me to do. And I hated their family legacy principles and beliefs,”he said sharply with a frown creasing on his forehead.  Thus, I never really got along with that aspect of my growing up daily life with them, and I fortunately and eventually managed to get out of my family’s side business entirely by managing to graduate from my high school veyr early at the age of 16 and then directly leaving my hometown for college and then medical school. And I’ve never looked back since.” Though, truth to be told, Rick secretly knew that he eventually did get caught up a little bit in his family’s legacy trade during the 4 years when he was unrelentingly seeking revenge for his beloved deceased fiancee’s murder. He wasn’t a hunter, but over the last 8 years, he still every once in awhile was embroiled in the supernatural world a little bit whenever he did what he could to save any innocent humans who were being attacked by some supernaturals with bad intentions. And now here he was, to his extreme irritation, embroiled back again into the supernatural world going-ons, because of some big storm looming ahead with the whole heavy matter of the deceased coming back to life. “And actually-..”he gave a very small humorous smile, “ -I did stop by Mystic Falls for a few months during my travels sometimes during the past 8 years. Cute little town, but not one I recommend anyone to stay permanently in,”he commented dryly, not bothering to elaborate further too at this part.
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My poor besotted, romantic, sap of a damaged & serious baby ;”)
We cannot be EQUAL,  because you are the ONLY one for me and I am one of many Now I am as devoted to you as I can be without crossing the LINE For you, I’ll give EVERYTHING I have  and everything I DON’T.
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I still hear your voice when you sleep next to me I still feel your touch in my dreams Forgive me my weakness, but I don't know why Without you it's hard to survive 'Cause every time we touch, I get this feeling And every time we kiss I swear I could fly Can't you feel my heart beat fast, I want this to last Need you by my side 'Cause every time we touch, I feel the static And every time we kiss I reach for the sky Can't you hear my heart beat so I can't let you go Want you in my life.
Excerpt from the lyrics of “Every Time We Touch” by Cascada. (slow version)
My poor besotted, romantic, sap of a damaged & serious baby ;”)
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To give someone the world is one thing. To make them feel like they are the world is another thing.
Lukas W. // One thing or another (via somepiecesofmyheartandsoul)
omg the latter part of that above quote is so Rick with his ex-fiancee :D,  sighh...<3</3
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was that ( m.bomer)? no, it’s just ( richard “rick” stevens). they are the ( 38-38) year old ( human ). i heard they’re ( compassionate and loyal  ) but also ( distant and guilt-stricken ). rumor has it they ( haven’t ) pledged allegiance to the hollow. i must warn you, neutrality is not an option.
Alrighty, so I finally had time to sit down and do up a proper intro post for rick!:D ⚜ So here’s somewhat of a complete but a lil informal bio for Richard “Rick” Stevens. ⚜ (do feel free to like this post if u want me to hit up yr ims to plot a connection or anything with him ;D )
He actually comes from a very long old line of excellent hunters, thus his whole family is hunters, and they are very skilled & they love it, lmao as they think the whole supernatural species are an abomination to the world, yada,yada(what else is new?:P) But Rick from a very young age never liked being a hunter, he hates it and dislikes his family history, so he got out of it and studied to become a doc instead as he loves helping and healing people.
Due to being blessed with a slightly high IQ brain and sharp-quick thinking senses, he managed to graduate from high-school early at the age of 16 and thus them promptly left his home town and especially his family legacy & secret line of work for good and way behind him (or so he thought at that time). He then went on to complete his bachelor’s degree with pretty high results within 3 years, before being accepted for medical school.
After getting his medical degree, he was then placed in a major NOLA hospital for his 1st year of residency placement at 23. At first he wanted to flee & plead as beast as he could for a deferment of location,  as he knew that NOLA was crawling with supernaturals & he wanted nothing to do with them,( as guy likes his normal & stable human life, tqvm :)P )..But then wham! Plans quickly changed when he fell head over heels in love with a human girl there and finally when they were 26, he believed her to be the love of his life, so he proposed to her & she immediately & happily accepted. But then she got killed (why do i love causing all my charries so much ache and pain, i have no idea XD) much later on, at the same year.
Now, when he and his now-deceased fiancee, embarked on their relationship together, they both at that time had absolutely no idea that she was a witch due to her being a rather unexpected late bloomer (meaning she would only come to her powers at a later age instead of during her childhood like most witches normally did or if she got triggered by a very traumatic event, which still hadn’t happened till up to the time she met Rick).  Most importantly, they both had zero inkling at all that she was actually the secretly, unknown granddaughter of the Regent of the Nine Covens at that time, Josephine LaRue (from the TO series) and hence she actually had powerful LaRue magic blood biologically running through her veins. I kinda have some sort of skeleton backstory on how the whole history of Josephine’s descendant line happened, but some details can definitely be discussed and there are still some gaps in the story which would be up to the player who takes that wc of his up, choice/say on some of those matters ;) Also, his deceased fiancee could have possibly finally found out she was a witch after analyzing a small number of events that happened to her both during her past and her few years in NOLA & could even be in the midst of secretly digging up her family’s history or whatever secrets they were hiding in their closet, before she was murdered. And yes, the murder did happen largely because she was Josephine’s granddaughter.XD Details of how, why and who murdered here can be let known & discussed thru ims if you’re interested in taking up this wc:)
Lots of shit and drama happened during the next 4 years after his fiancee was killed, that even involved Josephine taking  a part in the drama before she was killed off too during the latter half of TO’s S2 XD. What happened during the 4 years of drama after his fiancee died can be explained further if any of y'all are interested to know. Just IM me xx
And for the last 8 years, after that 4-year period, he has been traveling around, completed his doc’s course so he is a certified doctor, but he never stays still in one place for long. He has worked in hospitals or clinics b4, depending where he’s at the time, and but he mostly prefers working in either free clinics or mobile clinics. He also once in a while helps innocent humans who are being attacked by any  bad supernatural creatures with his hunters knowledge from his family, but he never kills them, only puts them down long enough for him and the person he’s saving to escape. He’s currently a rather broken shell of man on the inside causing him to be somewhat half the person he used to be in the past before that tragic event with his fiancee happened and the slightly traumatic aftermath of it.  And he doesn’t really know what to define himself anymore as he is deep down, plagued with dark & heavy guilt over two murders he committed as part of his revenge quest for his fiancee after she died. So nowadays, to most general people, he is a kind-hearted, helpful at most times,  but distant and rather brief person. He is only gentle & patient whenever he is with his patients, cos he's a trauma surgeon at a major NOLA hospital in town, and volunteers part time as a general doc/surgeon at a local free clinic on some of the nights every week. His personality can also be a lil rough round the edges/ gruff, sometimes can get irritated easily , sometimes gets impatient easily too and very blunt & directly straight to the point while speaking XD
He still has some parts of his own self in him especially like being kind, v helpful, protective intelligent, nice and when occasions calls for it, gentle,, but that’s mostly around people he knows well from the past and/or likes or his really closest friends :) He also tries to look out for his friends as best or as often as possible.
He has only recently returned to NOLA as of rn, cos he heard the news of many deceased ppl coming back to life here, so he’s back here again incase his (secretly, still-love of his life) deceased ex-fiancee happens to be resurrected too.
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Bonnie was looking down at the papers that Alaric had been nice enough to pry himself away from the twins long enough to fax to her, who knew people still had fax machines. By the time she looked up she was already hitting the male that had suddenly turned around with no warning. Paper scattered and Bonnie quickly got to work trying to grab them all, “No worries just you know two thousand year old notes.” She cracks as she tries to catch one that was still floating down from the air. Feeling like she was back in high school trying not to lose all her notes when some jock bumped into her.
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Seeing the rather bad after-effects of their collision, which was wholly his fault, he then immediately began to scramble to gather all the fallen papers , especially a few who were beginning to fly away due to a tiny bot of slight, very late autumn breeze. Pretty soon, after he was sure he had gathered up and caught as many papers, as his eyes could seem to spot from all around their surrounding area,  he then arranged the sheets of paper he had collected,  neatly with his hands, before handing them back to the brunette female. “I’m truly very sorry, “he apologized profusely in a contrite tone of voice. “I really hope that’s all of them, miss? Is there any other sheet missing?”he asked her a little worriedly, fearing that he might have accidentally caused her to lose something of high importance.  A small phrase of words she had said in her sentence earlier, suddenly registered properly on his brain. 2000 year old notes? Was she a  historian or a zealous researcher or a witch?” he wondered, raising one of his eyebrows slightly but for now, he chose to keep silent on that matter, and just concentrate on what the other was about to say next.
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“If I was hurt, you’d know,” she reassured him with a laugh, looking up at him. “Though I should be asking you that.”
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He was utterly relieved that the blonde girl seemed to be perfectly fine, and even more so that she was taking his own careless mistake of accidentally bumping into her well and even in a highly humorous manner. Not many people were like that these days. He ruffled his wavy dark hair in a slightly embarrassed reaction before smiling half-ashamedly a second later, ”I truly apologize miss and I’m very glad that you’re alright,”he gave her a small smile with a slightly genial voice. He chuckled a little at her last sentence. “Me? Oh, I’m perfectly fine. A small bump is nothing compared to what other types of accidents or more major physical  injuries I’ve sustained over the many years,”he smiled a little wryly.
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“Did I make it too obvious?” she asked with a small laugh. “You make it sound like I agreed to follow them, but yeah they brought me back”
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“Well, to be honest miss, you did mention that the internet was the best thing you’ve seen eversince you came back, which could only mean one thing in this supernatural city currently,”he grinned a little wryly.  “Did I?” he chuckled a little self-consiously at her mistaken assumption. Honestly that thought hadn’t even crossed his mind as to asking her about where her allegiance lay, at the present moment, as his mind was more preoccupied with the main reason he even came back to the damned New Orleans in the first place. Though, come to think of it, he might possibly ask her that question later down the line. “Since she brought that subject up, might as well get that out of the way first,”thought Rick internally.
“Sorry. I honestly didn’t mean it for it to come across in that way,”he apologized a little. “And I take it by your answer, you most assuredly didn’t?” he asked in a slightly serious tone, as he sharply observed and waited for her reaction. From years of experience in dealing with all sorts of supernatural, one could never be too trusting and plus one never really knew what to expect in this wacky world of theirs. For all he or even both of them, knew, she could be easily under a mind-control spell right now, casted by those dark witches. Rick sighed inwardly to himself. If he could be rid of this whole business including NOLA, he would have done so without a single millisecond of hesitation , but unfortunately,  it seemed it like he was destined to engage with the supernatural world for as long as he lived. He had long started to think that it was a curse really to be born as a Stevens family member.
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the human stared at the other man. aleksandar had worked a little when he was younger. however wasn’t the jobs the same as they are today. he had seen the mankind today sit in front of a strange looking box and clicking on something. from what he could remember not much experience was required in greece. he could help whoever to build a house if he wanted. they had never asked him to study. he had also tried to work with music, but now he was not sure he could do it or if you could earn money on it. then it was the reading, what if today’s jobs required that? he was not good at it. whenever he had to read something a friend back in ancient greece helped him with it. therefore he never saw the point of learning it. was not as he cared much either to learn new things, especially not if you were more interested in getting yourself into trouble, or steal from others.
        something else near them caught his attention now “what would that be?” he asked and looked back at the stranger who had spoke to him. he didn’t care if the other man’s response was rude. aleksandar had heard worse and he wasn’t so sensitive, unless it was something about his family. maybe what he said earlier sounded odd to say. but to come back to life again after over two thousand years, how shall you express yourself? he had no idea how to talk with people in this century. or even knew how much they knew. it made him think if the mankind now saw him as an idiot because he didn’t understand anything. everything in this century was new.
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Rick stared at the other with a hugely ludicrous expression. Was the younger male joking with him right now or was he the son of an elite golden-upper-crust society couple, who was so pampered with a cushy life till he never once did a single physical work in his whole life??  Or did the boy seriously and honestly  had  no idea? It didn’t occur to Rick at the moment that something was slightly different about the boy or that the younger male might possible one of the dead from centuries ago, brought back to life. No, unfortunately that notion failed to cross his mind at the moment right now.  Eyeing the younger raven-haired male, a little sharply and skeptically with his piercing blue-eyes, Rick then answered him,” “Oh, I don’t know, the possibilities are endless really, “he said a little sharply. “How ‘bout a receptionist, a normal retail worker, a busboy, a part-time handyman, working at the cinema, a construction site worker, a delivery guy, a cashier, a waiter,  a taxi driver, a high-school custodian or heck even a dog walker,” he rambled off a list of physical, easy-to-tackle and both full-time and part-time jobs. “Don’t tell me you’ve never seen or heard of any of them in your life before? “he asked a little sarcastically, wondering if the boy was just merely pulling his leg.
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Rick walked into the bar, his body weary, though his mind wasn’t really that tired and was actually as active and alert as ever, along with his senses. It was kinda a curse really, nowadays over these passing few years to Rick, as he wanted nothing better to have his whole being crumple down and rot away to oblivion, just to invite in the sweet release of death,  where he could be reunited with his beloved deceased fiancee. Sadly, such, was not the case for Rick, who seemed to “blessed” with an uncanny strong health, ever-high-functioning senses and a slightly high IQ brain, which helped him to graduate from high-school at the age of 16 and then be able to complete his bachelor’s degree with pretty high results within 3 years.
As he neared the bar counter, he then noticed a familiar brunette sitting with a weary expression on one of the stools. Coming to stand next to where she was sitting, he then overheard her statement and answered wryly, “Care to try out one of my favorites? It’s a rather heavy drink, I assure you,”he smiled wryly a little too, as he then proceeded to sit on the bar stool next to her. He let out an exhausted sigh, as he looked at her again. “What a day, huh?” he commented, with a slight shake of his head.
It had been a long day at the ER, people swarming in left and right injured or dancing on death’s edge. Most of the patients were rambling on about witches, vampires and wolf attacks, all of which other doctors shooed off with some excuse of them hallucinating or on drugs. But Keelin knew that was not the case. Sitting at the bar, a displeased and tired look over her features, she inhaled a deep breath, “I need something strong to drink.” 
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I miss you on the good days. I miss you on the bad days. I miss you when I am surrounded by people. I miss you when I am all by myself. I miss you. I miss you. I miss you.
fuck you i miss you // a.b (via letters-anonymous)
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“Don’t you know,” he said as he reached out his hand and caressed her cheeks, “You are the sky that holds my world,” She held his gaze as he continued, “You are the reason why everything is still in place.”
Lukas W. // Forgotten Words #171 // The sky (via somepiecesofmyheartandsoul)
Dreams Rick once in a while has, imagining his deceased ex-fiancee, his only happy night dreams. And probs, words he would have said to her once in a particular place/ scenario/ situation/scene
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