#very delayed reply to this anon ask from last week
rawliverandgoronspice · 11 months
From a different blog where I sent this as an anon ask: It feels like there were different writers for each section of the game, and none of them talked to each other, so they just kept the plot and story are barebones as possible. You also notice that Zora's domain had the worst writing in terms of continuity, and Rito had the best. The story Zelda goes through is just really confusing, and feels pointless because it goes in circles, it's like the writers had actually no idea what to do. I had talked to that blog owner for like a few weeks by then, and we'd come to the conclusion about why totk's story feels so... hamfisted and empty.
So the thing is: it's generally how most AAA writing happens (at least in western settings, I think it's also how China tend to operate as well --but not so sure about Japan tbh, so take my reply with a grain of salt). You assemble a team of writers (sometimes they are also quest designer and/or level designers, sometimes they are separate people, it completely depends on the company and the project), you brief them on the general vision from the directors so you get a sense of what's the pitch/goal and what's the budget, and then you are assigned on either a questline, a character, or a "region" in open world games.
Then you are mostly on your own and very much funneled onto your specific tasks, and only tangientially in contact with what the other groups are doing. Sometimes you have to check on with them for either consistency, or to make sure what information you introduce when, or you need to double-check what the gameplay thing actually does... But the thing is, you generally see the full details of what the others have been working on pretty late. Sometimes you get companies that do writer's room and table readings where you get to workshop each other's work as it's being written/whiteboxed, but it doesn't happen systematically. Even with games that put on a lot of weight on their narrative being their strong suit!
(which is kind of dumb, we should 100% do that more just because... it's fun, it fosters trust and a sense of accomplishement and progress, people bond over the hardships, you get perspectives you wouldn't have gotten otherwise, and also it feels much better than having an overworked and/or stressed out editor/director flatten or rewrite everything without asking for your input at the last second :) :) :) )
So anyway! All of that jazz to say that it's a pretty common practice, and it hardly makes or breaks an open-world game usually. It will limit the amount of interconnection for sure, but generally never to the point that you reject the concept of interconnection and character writing altogether.
Which is why I feel like what's happening with TotK is more a case of... I don't know, an extremely, needlessly restrictive framing put in place from the beginning by directors/producers who were afraid of the complexity going out of hand and wanting to rely on BotW's workflow instead of figuring out a new one, and/or a case of the narration going out of hand while development happened, which led to a drastic simplification and rewriting pretty late in the production cycle. It's kind of my leading theory, one I'm partially basing on the fact that they used the COVID excuse when they said the game was going to be late, and I haven't heard of a single production that used the COVID excuse to justify a delay not having *major* problems under the hood --like it took maybe 2 weeks for the game industry to adjust to COVID, tops.
Again, it's speculation! I am pretty unfamiliar with how things are done in Japan when it comes to game production, so it might all be very biased in a bad way. But, just giving my two cents!
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kwockwoc · 6 months
Do you have any current WIPs? Would you like to talk about them?
oh, wow – thanks for the ask! 🤯
Long and rambling answer under the cut.
Honestly, I find it humbling that anybody would be even slightly interested in stuff I’m working on.
I think of myself as a gnome humbly tapping away on some little trinket with a teensy hammer until it’s thoroughly beaten outta shape and is completely unrecognisable, at which point I proudly hold it up by the light of my guttering candle, and say aloud to no one in particular: “ah. art!”
Now, anon, you ask about my current works in progress.
Here they are:
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(Unexpectedly large and entirely impractical nightmares arising from a desert world.)
Apologies for the following paragraphs which all start with “I”. 🙇‍♂️
I’m going to lean on something I saw On Here a while ago about textile artists distinguishing between WIPs and UFOs – i.e., Works In Progress vs. Unfinished Objects. At any one point I have a few WIPs bouncing around the ol’ word processor, but – are they WIPs, really? Or are they just UFOs? If a WIP is something I’m actively working on, it’s probably only ever one WIP at a time, with a long and melancholy conga-line of UFOs bringing up the rear.
I am not a diligent scribbler. Often I don’t actively work on a piece until and unless I have no option (some self-imposed deadline approaches, or a prompt from a reader reminds me people are reading stuff). I will work on something feverishly for days or weeks, then set it aside, and not think about it for months or years.
I generally don’t enjoy talking about unpublished stuff because none of it is “done” or “good”, so in a nod to your question, no, I don’t like talking about them. However, I also don’t think that is the sort of reply you wanted, so please find below a poetically veiled and somewhat unhelpful list of some current UFOs, none of which could defensibly be classed as WIPs today.
I’m going to assume that you’re either only or principally interested in my FENCE Comic fan-fiction, because that is – basically without exception – all that I’ve published recently which is (a) still accessible, and (b) which is of any decent length.
So here is (pretty well verbatim) the way I think about three of my longer/larger FENCE Comic UFOs:
UFO 1: 🏳️‍🌈💝Hallmark (gay), now with added gay angst (gay).
UFO 2:🫂🙇‍♂️Very long story gets even longer.
UFO 3:⏳🎣Further back in time, because I damn well said so.
Thanks anon for the ask & apologies for the delay in answering, I’ve received more asks in the last twenty-four hours than I ever have before, and it’s enjoyable but mystifying! 🕵️
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pieroulette · 7 months
Replying to this post you did
Hey I'm a writer myself and I wrote it from a writer's pov and you just saying that you have a life doesn't excuse the amount of time you have delayed a story
What i meant was that if you want time , take it but you don't always have to postpone it
And ik it takes long to write and complete a story , but then you posting everything else other than that seems insensitive to me . You can post other things because you may not feel like doing that particular project but let's be honest no it does not take months or even a year to write just one chapter even if you are a perfectionist because I am so myself. I don't post anything before I edit it a hundred times but it does not take a writer over a year or months to complete 1 chapter they have been talking about all the time and when you already had the ending in mind .
We readers have been waiting since a long time and you saying that you don't like writing and still are writing makes me feel that you're doing us a big favor and that we should be indebt to you for that ! That's very mean
A writer should always write when they feel like it makes them happy and not as a obligation! So if you're doing this as an obligation or a favor then don't because honestly it would be better for you to focus on other things you enjoy doing
And yes you saying that I "ruined it for you" does not make sense because you were open for constructive criticism and i didn't just say that you need to update faster , i never said that
I just want you to update at the time you say or just don't give false hope , because you have done that
When I say you need to own up as a writer , I did not mean that you need to update faster , you just need to accept some things
This is not to demotivate you or anything
Again it's not hate , sorry if you felt like it but it's my piece of mind
The last anon ask I've answered for R1, the answer I gave for that is the finale decision. Before 2023 ends remember? Okay, I get that it's my fault because I postpone it many times when I said I would post it, that was when I thought it was finished but every freaking time I did, I couldn't help but feel something is still missing. And even then, if you've stayed longer around my blog as a reader then you would've known not to trust the deadlines I mentioned in my posts. It was clearly stated in my old rules if you cared enough to read, that is. It was only meant to keep me working.
And when I asked for constructive criticism, I don't how many times I need to repeat this but I asked for constructive criticism for my writing; grammar errors, character development, confusions that may occur, etc. But not on the way, what, how, and when I should UPDATE a story.
And somehow you clearly didn't read the entire paragraph or even tried to understand the things I've written on that post. Keep this in mind about my character and my personality, when it comes to my passions and my dreams, I do not care what people think. Myself is the priority here, since the dream is mine. I keep going for myself, not for others. I don't owe you, and you don't owe me.
I would've deleted this blog if I keep writing out of obligation/favour for y'all, I would've updated every single week and apologise if I was unable to do so. But no I didn't, I go at my own pace. I updated whatever the heck I want to.
And if you believe that a writer should only write when they're happy and that they like it, then sure. But that's not how I look at it, we don't share the same perspective regarding this part. I keep writing even when I am not in the mood, I read even when I don't feel like it, I do the things I have to do regardless of my mood so don't you ever think that I do this solely for all of you. It's all for myself. It's called consistency and discipline.
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And again, if I cancelled R1, then that's still my right? Even if it took me a year, five years, and so on. If it did took me that long, I don't owe you anything and you don't owe me either. I made it clear that this blog was for practicing purposes in the very beginning, I've stated the rules in the pinned post, I've mentioned so many times what kind of a writer I am, and how I functioned as a writer. The pinned post is basically useless if none of you read it, right?
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basmathgirl · 5 months
Hi Basmathgirl!
No socks anon here. Sorry for my delayed answer. It took me a while to finally “force” myself to watch S4/E13. 😭
Thank you so much for your kind reply and the recommendations. Just finished “Best Laid Schemes”. And you were right, I very much enjoyed the entire story. I’m so used to rely on AO3 for fics, that I forgot that there are other/ older sources out there as well.
Like I said, I finally watched episode 13 of season 4. And I’m glad I knew beforehand what to expect. I mean I cried anyway, but if I had watched it without any warning, I would have been a mess afterwards. However as sad as the ending was, I truly enjoyed Donna’s part in the story. Plus the way they ended her story line, gave us all a great starting point for many brilliant fix-it fics. Of course I’m aware of Catherine and David’s return for the 2023 DW special at the ending of last year, so I’m super curious to see what will happen there. Kinda want to watch it immediately. Can I watch it immediately, or would I be completely lost?
Episode 13 included a scene, which confused me a little bit and I hope it is okay to ask for clarification, even though the question involves Rose.
When the Doctor started the alleged regeneration process, Rose cried she didn’t want him to leave her (paraphrasing here). However I always thought when the Doctor regenerates it is just his body, that changes, he still would be the same person (same memories, feelings, personality)? So she wouldn’t literally lose him, he would just change appearances. But maybe I’m wrong and I didn’t understand the regeneration concept correctly? Anyway I was a bit annoyed with her (as usual in my case), because my conclusion after witnessing her reaction was, that for Rose the outward appearance, at least when it comes to the Doctor, is the essential part of her attraction to him.??? Idk, it just irked me in some way.
(And as a side note: It’s kinda funny to me, that they gave Rose the “knock-off Doctor version”.😅
Although while watching episode 13, a part of me theorised for a while, if the Metacrisis Doctor will stay with Donna. But that would have been strange as well, I guess…)
I still have to watch the rest of season 4 though. I’m kinda putting it off again, because I know it is the end for David’s run.😢 Plus I read multiple times now, that the quality of the show will drop for a few seasons. Most people seem to agree that season 9 is the point when it gets better again. (What do you think?) So I’m somewhat cautious when it comes to season 5 and the introduction of a new Doctor.
And I wanted to let you know, that I found more blogs that share my thoughts on River Song, although for the most part they dislike her, because they are of the opinion that Rose should be the one who marries the Doctor. 🙄 I don’t actively hate Rose, for me she is just an annoying part of the show, I try to ignore.
I think in the end I’m just sad, that we didn’t get more seasons (at least 3...or 5 or….) of the Doctor Donna duo.
Thanks again for replying and I wish you a nice weekend.☺️
Hellon kind 'no sock' Anon! Good title although I'm worried you don't actually have any socks now...
No problem about any delay, because I've had to take my time to get here to answer you, thanks to a painful week full of migraines. *shrugs* Life just happens liek that sometimes.
Anyway. Yay that you liked the fic! I actually first started reading fanfiction on fanfiction.net; then went to Teaspoon [aka whofic.com], and from author bios on there, moved over to LiveJournal. Stumbling upon the Doctor/Donna com felt like finding a major treasure. So hopefully you'll give those older sources (and their older fics) a go.
Oooh, you have my sympathies about finding Journey's End (episode 13) an emotional event. 🫂It haunted me for ages. As for Rose, I'd always seen their relationship as "teacher-pupil" (and more "parent-child" when she was with the Ninth Doctor) so the whole "luuuuuurve" plotline shook me to the core; so you will have to forgive me for not believing in the Doctor/Rose romance. But she obviously fancied him and his duplicate like crazy - Rose!shippers have posted screenshots of her in that episode ogling the Metacrisis Doctor. It's such a fleeting moment I've never been able to catch it. The point is that many of them acknowledge Rose's flaws and love her anyway. That's true love.
Back to your question; Rose seemed to feel she was owed her prize of the Doctor after crossing dimensions and realities to find him. It must have been an awful lot of work to persuade Pete's World's Torchwood to provide the technology and technicians. Whether we think she should have done, despite being warned by the Doctor that to do so would destroy everything, is another matter. I saw her "You can't" outburst as indignation that she wouldn't get want she had strived so long for. It probably also means "I love THIS you and I don't want you to change"; and Rose often has her immature/selfish moments. Your typical 'only child' selfishness, when you think about it. All this is up for debate, and I might be completely wrong but I was going by the 20 year olds I knew, where everything is strong emotions and continual questions about yourself in the world.
Giving away another highly sentient being as her prize wil always be bizzare to me. If we had seen the Metacrisis Doctor give consent, or them talking it over, I'd have felt better about it. Otherwise, he's virtually handed over as a sex toy her pet human/hamster.
After that, we get the S4 specials. I've never rushed back to watch them again, to be honest. The Next Doctor is almost a Doctor/Rose Victorian AU; I detested Lady Christina in planet of the Dead, but loved Dr Malcolm Taylor (he gets a reference in The Giggle novelisation) and DI McMillan; The Waters of Mars was good and scary, so I recommend that one; and Catherine Tate was seriously underused (as were most of the guest actors) in End of Time. But that's worth watching for the interactions between the Doctor and Wilf. Honestly, seek those bits out. We won't mention that godawful wedding outfit they give Donna, because seriously, whoever decided she should have been put in that look needs shooting. They certainly went for 'ugly as possible'.
As for the 60th anniversary episodes, I'd say go ahead and watch them anyway. There are references to old companions (as you'd expect), a nod towards the last episodes of the Thirteenth Doctor, but you won't miss anything too drastic. The stories play out like any other Doctor Who episode, where you gradually catch up on the plot as you go. And there are loads of great bits.
Hmm. I was so ready to love series 5 and adore Amy. Well, I adored Amelia; the adult Amy was slightly worrying. Why did Moffat choose that job/outfit for her? WHY? Let's just that we weren't impressed by the acting choices. Then again, you might end up absolutely loving Amy - I know many do - but she leaves me cold so don't expect me to join that gang.
I had to double check what happened in series 9 because I'd forgotten *kicks migraines* and can say that's quite a good series. Missy was a great addition, plus Clara had rather outstayed her welcome by the time we reached this series, so I personally wasn't sad to see her go. The Christmas special, The Husbands of River Song, introduced us to the delightful Nardole, and I finally agreed that Doctor/River was plausible. Twelve and River were a pretty good combination, I thought.
Congrats on finding blogs to follow! Hopefully, you will gain loads of new friends along the way. 😊
I too wish we had had more series with Donna as the Doctor's companion; and CT did consider it, on the basis that if DT stayed, so would she. But it was not to be. However, they always say to leave them wanting more, so that certainly worked. I was gagging for thr 60th anniversay specials, and was not left disappointed this time.
It's always lovely to talk to you, despite the interruptions whilst trying to type this out (we had a sudden visitation from my grandsons to enjoy). I hope you have a wonderful weekend too! 😘
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lilywhisperer · 2 months
hello gorgeous!
this is the anon from ages ago that said they wanted to be friends, i sent a reply a while back about my thoughts on tim burton etc but tumblr's been eating all my asks
did you get that one? i couldn't find it in my stalk of your blog
anyway, i hope you're well
you make the world more beautiful x
Oh, hello dear ! I actually just finished answering that one, haha ^^*
Life’s been kind messy right now so I wanted to separate a moment where everything was calm enough so I could answer you properly, but I didn’t forget you, it was on my to-do list to answer you, actually !
Here’s the link to the answer to your last tag: https://www.tumblr.com/lilywhisperer/748276818740641792/hi-again-friend-sorry-for-the-delay-in-replying and thank you very much ! ^^ You make the world more beautiful to me as well :} 🫶🏼
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Music is one of the best reasons to travel! I honestly travel to places based on food, music, and nature!
And yesssss I'll tell you all about Samson and Delilah!!! 😁 The tickets were a gift and I was in shock because I thought they were going to be sold out. Saint-Saëns is sooo underrated and is honestly my favorite composers. And I love that you got to experience that kind of performance!!! Music is literally so transformative and those types performances give me ALWAYS make me SOBBB, especially if you know the person performing.
Goddd Habanera playing in the bathroom was sooo funny. The friend I was with also loves classical music and operas and so when we got back into the car all we could think about was associating pieces or composers with bathroom situations. I said that Brahms would feel very fitting for someone having a really upset stomach 😂😂 I actually grew up in Washington, specifically the Seattle area! So if you ever visit, highly recommend seeing the Seattle symphony or a musical at the 5th Ave theatre!! The Seattle symphony is great because it's right next to the Seattle Art Museum, and if you time it just right in the Summer you can see the symphony AND get a free jazz concert in the lobby of the SAM!!
Aahhhh that's so exciting!!!!! I've never seen Wicked live but I imagine it's SPECTACULAR!!! Nothing beats a live performances and I'm so excited that you get to go!! Hopefully you'll be able to see more live music/performance!!
Sorry my these keep getting longer and longer 😬 but your responses always bring me a boost of serotonin 💖 i hope you have a fantastic week and hopefully get a break and enjoy any holiday festivities ❤️
- paganini anon
Paganini Anon! Hellooo! I’m so sorry for the delay, I’ve been so busy this weekend with family activities.
Ahhh well I’m so excited for you- it’s awesome that you were surprised and it makes it even better that Saint-Saëns is your favorite composer!!! And yes, i completely agree! I love the way you worded that. I do cry sometimes while watching concerts, (I make jokes its due to my Pisces moon) but there’s something very powerful about watching a symphony perform these incredible works. I feel so lucky that I know how to play a lot of them, and that I’ve had the privilege to study and play the violin for almost 20 years now wow wow.
Ahdkfjdjs I’m obsessed w discussing composers in modern situations in general and I legit laughed very loudly reading this 😂 Brahms yes, the perfect choice!! I was also thinking of Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture haha. Oh that’s awesome! I’ve never been to Seattle but I know someone who’s from there, and I’ve heard a lot of wonderful things. I would love to go one day, especially to see the Seattle Symphony!!! Omg and art museums, I loveeee art museums- that’s so cool that they offer jazz concerts over the summer! Where I’m from they have jazz concerts (perhaps other concerts too, but I’ve only gone on jazz nights) at our aquarium and it’s so fun!
Yessss I’m so excited! The last time I saw Wicked I was very young- I want to say 7 or 8, but i loved it! And thank you 😭 That is so sweet!! I also forgot that I’m seeing The Lion King soon as well- and I’m so happy! My brother loves it and he can’t wait to go.
Also please don’t apologize for the messages getting longer- they make my day! I’m always happy to read and reply ☺️✨ And thank you! It was a super busy week and weekend but so much fun. I hope you’ve had a nice week of celebrating and hopefully some time to relax as well!! Thank you so much again for the ask, they always make me so happy! ♥️
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sugarybitterness · 2 years
that's okay :) how about a reader who loves to read and who loves painting and drawing and such and kate. maybe readers wiaintg for Kate to come to bed reader puts on her reading glasses and reads until Kate comes to bed then they just snuggle 🥺 also a very tired and sleepy reader pls
soft kate superior 😮‍💨🥰 apologies for the delay on this anon!
700 celebration 😮‍💨
you roll your chair back a bit, eyes glancing up and down the painting you had spent the last few hours doing. after a mission gone wrong a couple days ago, you had been given a week off to recuperate and your girlfriend, kate, had been very strict on you not doing anything strenuous at all.
you had been a little annoyed at first, but you ended up being a little thankful for the reprieve from your busy avengers schedule. though, you did miss kate a lot more since you weren’t allowed to even follow her to the compound.
a buzz from your phone caught your attention and a pout formed on your face when you read it.
katie bear: hi honey, i’m really sorry but i’ll have to stay late and do up some mission reports with the team. i’ve already ordered some food for you and it should be on the way, let me know when you get it alright? i love you
you typed back a reply, sighing softly before packing up your art stuff. just as you finish putting away the last of the things, the doorbell rang. you hurried out to receive the food delivery kate had mentioned. after tipping the delivery person, your lips curled into a smile when you recognised the logo of your favourite restaurant. sure enough, when you opened it up, it was your favourite order and your heart swooned at the way kate knew you so well. taking a quick picture to send to kate with lots of hearts, you headed off to shower the day off.
after your quick shower, you gave lucky some food before curling up on the couch to watch a movie whilst eating your dinner. sooner or later you felt your eyes start to drop close but you shook yourself awake, wanting to wait up for kate to come home. you cleaned up the takeout boxes and did your nighttime routine before settling in bed with a book in hand.
you weren’t really sure how much more time passed, but your patience was soon rewarded when you heard the door open and lucky barking. you marked your spot with a bookmark, placing it on the bedside just as kate stepped into your shared bedroom.
“katie,” you greeted, yawning sleepily as you extended your arms out as an invitation for kate to step closer. “welcome home.”
obliging with your request, kate wrapped you in a hug, peppering your head with soft kisses.
“i took a shower at the compound, so let me just change into my pjs so i can join you alright?” kate requested, laughing softly when you nodded in agreement but made no move to remove your arms from around her.
“honey, you need to let me go first.” kate giggled, lips tugged into soft smile when you whined softly in protest but let go nonetheless. pressing a soft kiss to your lips, kate made sure to quickly brush her teeth and change so she could cuddle you sooner.
you were dozing off on the bed, body turning to kate’s side when you felt the bed dip. your arms wound around her waist, smiling when you felt kate remove your glasses for you. burying your head in her neck, you placed sleepy kisses there as you asked kate about her day.
kate spoke to you softly, hoping to lull you to sleep. soon, your breathing evened out, your grip on kate still as tight as ever. gently turning over to turn off the bedside lamp, kate pressed another soft kiss to the top of your head before falling asleep.
there really was no one else she’d rather come home to than you.
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todoscript · 4 years
𝐝𝐨𝐧’𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐢𝐭
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anonymous requested: 5 angst bakugou + 2 fluff hawks please (Keep up the great work, you always have my support!)
prompt for milestone event: “Forget it, you’re a fucking asshole.” genre: angst. pairing: bakugou katsuki x fem!reader word count: 1.2k+ warnings: cursing. bakugou is the asshole.
author’s note: much appreciation anon! i’ll write the hawks request on a separate post and add the link here when i’m done!
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At this very moment, you are positively 99.9% sure you’re going to kill Bakugou Katsuki.
You’re angrily tapping your heels up and down the streets, right across from the local Chinese restaurant you had just so abruptly left after waiting at the table for a good two hours for your supposed date to arrive.
While you sat there—a cup of ice water served to you by the handsome waiter you were almost tempted to ask to fill in for the empty space—you rang calls for the blonde about ten times. All of which immediately directed you to voicemail, where you had to listen to Bakugou’s voice bluntly command to you to “leave a fucking message after the tone.” Eventually, your patience thinned and you stomped out of the establishment, not caring about the strange looks pointed at you by its patrons.
Your next destination? The Heights Alliance dormitories, where you’re sure your “date” is lounging around right now with no idea he even stood you up.
“Where is he?” you vehemently ask the very first person you lay eyes on when you set foot in the dorms. Which, to their misfortune, is Kaminari Denki.
“Where is.. who?” Kaminari knits his brows together when answering your question with another, his face a mixture of confusion and concern at your furious attitude. The delay only brings more anger on your face.
“Bakugou fucking Katsuki, that’s who!” You want to scream out your frustration, but knowing you’re in the common room right now reduces your words to a hiss.
“Oh hey, Y/n! You’re back already?” Mina jumps into the conversation after hearing your voice from the kitchen. She’s quickly by your side, gleeful and ready to hear all the juicy details about your day.
“How’d the date go?”
“Didn’t even show up,” you grumble, sadness washing on your features in that instance before it’s replaced by your temper again.
“Aw man, don’t tell me Bakugou was the one that stood you up!” Kaminari groans, his remorse for you conveyed in his voice. “Y’know, if I were the one going on that date with you, I would have never stood you up— Ow!” Kaminari cringes at the elbow jabbing into his side, courtesy of Mina, who rolls her eyes.
“Not the time, Kaminari,” she murmurs, and Kaminari looks up, immediately witnessing the pressure surrounding you that grows by the second. He’s quick to get back to the point.
“Uh, right… Bakugou’s up in his room helping Kirishi—”
You don’t stick around to listen to the rest of his sentence, already attaining the information you need to go and give Bakugou Katsuki a piece of your fucking mind.
That’s all you can think about as your frustration gathers inside you like an impending tornado during your ride up the elevator to the fourth floor. When you make a landing, you trudge to the front of Bakugou’s door, and without hesitation, pound your knuckles against it. About three furious knocks later, you hear a rustle and feet descending to the floor, with each step seeming more annoyed than the last, though nowhere near your level at the moment.
“What do you want? I thought I told everyone I was teaching—” Bakugou starts hostilely, eyes closed from the very moment he opens the door, but immediately goes quiet when he sees it’s not just any other extra from his class. It’s you.
“Y/n?” he says, surprised, and a disdainful smile shows on your lips.
“Surprised to see me? Well, you shouldn’t be.” You cross your arms, leaning forward as your voice rises. “We were supposed to meet today for our date, Katsuki.”
Bakugou quirks a brow, almost like he doesn’t believe your claims, and practically snarls back, “Hah? What fucking date?”
“The one at the Chinese restaurant you recommended because they had all that spicy food you like so damn much!”
“The hell? If I had made plans for a date, then I wouldn’t be tutoring Shitty Hair right now.”
“You can’t be serious, right? Organizing a study session with Kirishima when we already had arrangements today?”
“Shouldn’t be a problem since we never made any of those arrangements to begin with!”
Your patience, long since thrown out the window already, finally takes a nosedive into the ground as you feel fumes puff from your ears, watching the blonde’s expression go unchanged. How has it is not clicked in his thick skull yet?
“Fine. You know what? Forget it, you’re a fucking asshole,” you quip at him, finally deciding to put a lid over your boiling pot of anger and tell yourself it isn’t worth your time bickering back and forth with a brick wall. Inconsiderate asshole.
“Enjoy your study date with Kirishima then. I’ll ask Kaminari or even the cute guy from the restaurant to take me next time, ’kay? Good-bye.”
With that, you stomp back to the elevator without so much as casting Bakugou a second glance, while he stares at you perplexed from his door frame, wondering what the hell just happened.
“What the? Y/n, I—” He attempts to reach out for you, but you make a point not to acknowledge him. So he scoffs and shuts his door, returning to his red-haired friend who gives him a bewildered look when the blonde retakes his seat next to him.
“Wasn’t that Y/n?”
“Yeah, who else would it be?” Bakugou replies crudely, looking over Kirishima’s shoulder and mutters that his solution is wrong.
“Well shouldn’t you go talk to her? She seemed pretty mad,” Kirishima advises as he rubs his eraser over his incorrect work.
“Why should I? She comes to my room, starts banging on the door while we’re studying, and accuses me of forgetting some date we didn’t even plan today!” His voice escalates into that short-tempered tone of his, resting his elbow on the desk.
“It’s not my job to worry about every little thing with her, especially about something that never even existed. And besides, you need me if you want to pass that big fucking exam next week.”
Kirishima rubs his head. “Well… yeah, but I think you should still apologize for the misunderstanding and clear things up at least.”
As Bakugou opens his mouth to reply, he hears his phone ding and looks down to see the screen lighting up. He lifts the device, continuing, “Well, if anyone should be apologizing, it should be—”
Bakugou’s words are left unspoken when his eyes scan across the screen. They gradually widen at sight; every word he reads drops a revelation on him that makes his heart heavy. Then in the next second, he’s suddenly spewing curses from his mouth, feet on the move, and dashing out of his room with the door hanging open.
“Shit, shit—”
Kirishima, left behind with his unfinished homework, is even more confused than when he started, shouting out questions to Bakugou about where he’s going until he gets an answer glancing down. He spots Bakugou’s phone plopped down on his desk, remaining lit up from the very moment he discovered what laid on the screen for him. Kirishima cranes his head, and out of curiosity, reads the pinged notification himself.
REMINDER: date with Y/n @ Bazoku Chinese Restaurant this afternoon. DON’T FORGET IT.
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reginarubie · 2 years
Lady Shella Whent was lady of House Whent and Harrenhal and friend of Night Watch. She married Walter Whent who could be her cousin. She was mother of fair maid of Ashford Tourney. Hound once served her. She was mention in Cat, Arya and Sansa chapters. Do you think she is similar to Sansa or Cat?
Ciao anon!, again sorry for the delay in replying but I've had a couple of very busy weeks and tbh I wasn't in the right head space to actually either write my stories or reply to asks, but the hag is back in town so get ready!
Lady Shella Whent is a very peculiar lady indeed and I do think she has traits of both Sansa and Catelyn and I will explain in a bit why I think she encapsulates both women.
A bit of history first:
Shella Whent is a lady of House Whent who, at the beginning of the events of the series, and she is the lady of Harrenhal and the last of her line, the wife of lord Walter Whent and the mother of the fair maiden whose nameday was celebrated with the Great Tourney of Harrenhal (at which Rhaegar was an enormous twat and crowned queen of love and beauty a girl half his age and insulted his wife, the mother of his child and her whole family; putting into actions a chain-series of events which brought to the Rebellion and to Lyanna Stark's death) and of four other sons. She has not the means to defend Harrenhal from the Lannister forces so she yields the castle which is first granted to Janos Slynt and later to Petyr Baelish by the crown. By the time of AFFC lady Shella is rumoured to have died though the way she died and the place she died is undisclosed or unknown (it's LF talking, so really we can't trust that he says the truth). In ADWD she is considered the dispossessed lady of Harrenhal (which had been ruled over by her ancestors before her). The Hound, during ASOS, and prior to the Red Wedding claims to be serving lady Whent.
So, it is pretty clear that Lady Whent encapsulates both Catelyn and Sansa, at least to me, for she encapsulates both women.
She parallels Cat as both have five children (four sons and one daughter — and Cat has five children; two girls and three boys) and her daughter is considered a fair maiden (the same way Sansa is considered thus);
She parallels Cat also because her culture is that of the rivermen and because her rumoured death (of which LF is the breaker of the news) has happened in mysterious circumstances and her whereabouts (of her body) are currently unknown as the cause of death which makes me think of Lady Stoneheart as it is known how Cat died but they do not know the whereabouts of her body as it was thrown in a river and her new persona, lady Stoneheart is voyaging around the Riverlands thought the big public is unaware of whom she is and where she is.
For the same reason as point 2) she parallels both Arya and Sansa as both Stark girls are thought dead, no one knows of their whereabouts or the manner of their supposed death.
She resembles both Cat and Sansa as both are said to have high, fine cheekbones which they have inherited by lady Minisa Tully née Whent (Cat's mother).
She parallels Sansa because we are all aware of Sansa's parallels with Jenny of Oldstones and if we go by show ending (which I beg of you, Martin, evolve it and make it better) Sansa is this generation Jenny of Oldstones who ends up dancing in the halls of kings who are gone (Robb and Jon — away, Jon...you must return home like the crypt trailer suggested) with her ghost (as hinted at also by all the dragonfly details of her character in the show, which is relevant as it appears since the first seasons when Martin was still involved in it) and Cat thinks of lady Whent is dwelling in her halls with her ghosts (as most of her children are dead by 298).
She parallels Sansa because by law Winterfell belongs to Sansa as the oldest trueborn Stark (and as the male line is known to be extinct as Robb has been slaughtered at the Red Wedding and Bran and Rickon are presumed dead) because while she is the rightful lady of Harrenhal she is dispossessed from it by the crown as Joffrey at first demands that lady Whent pledges fealty (bends the knee, in a way not dissimilar to Sansa having to play the game with him while she is in KL) and then strips her of Harrenhal and gives it to Janos Slynt who is later stripped by Tyrion (on Tywin's orders) and the keep and its lands are given to Lord Baelish the same way Sansa's claim to Winterfell has been pushed down the line by Robb who has legitimised Jon in hope that if he died during the war Winterfell would not fall in Lannister's hands — a bastard born (for what the people of the 7K knows) which parallels with Joffrey giving Harrenhal to Slynt (who Tywin considers the upjumped son of a butcher) and it will never be not ironic that Jon actually killed Janos but I digress — and then by the crown who has granted Winterfell to House Bolton.
What more, she parallels Sansa as Sansa was named thus to honour Sansa I Stark the “notorious she-wolf of Winterfell” who married her half-uncle even if Winterfell should've gone to her to cement Jonnel Stark's claim to it; we don't know the truth about the kinship between lord Walter Whent and lady Shella Whent but the fact that the text says clearly that lady Shella is the last of her line, and that it was her grandfather and her ancestors who had ruled over Harrenhal suggests that something similar to Jonnel and Sansa happened to Walter Whent and Shella Whent.
Lady Whent is said to be a “friend to the Watch” the same way the Starks are said to be so; this is the only trait that seems to be unbound from both ladies (Cat and Sansa) though we can argue that Sansa's arc at Castle Black and her offering Winterfell and the protection of it to the Nights Watch during the battle of Winterfell like depicted in the show might hint toward Sansa being considered “a friend to the Watch” in further books.
Lady Shella's daughter was the original queen of love and beauty when the Tourney begun and her brothers and her uncle participated in the tourney to defend her title as thus though they failed in doing so — kind of the away Robb and Bran both are unable to save Sansa and Arya; Robb cannot save neither girl and Bran while wishing he could save his sisters cannot do so. Which would parallel her with Cat, as the lady lost her children (like Cat thought of having lost her children before her death) and her sons were unable to defend her daughters. Also, on the same line of thinking, Sansa as a fair maiden is the face used to hide a cause against the crown (as the Tourney is rumoured to have been for Rhaegar to united the lords and start talking about dethroning Aerys; the same way Sansa was the decoy who was hurt ad punished for every victory of Robb during his cause for the norther independence from the Iron throne)
Also, probably completely unrelated, but House Whent banner is nine black bats on a yellow field; nine were the iron spikes of Robb's crown (which Sansa will inherit) and Sansa is said to have turned herself into a wolf with the wings of a bat to fly away from KL after Joffrey's murder.
So, to conclude, I think lady Shella Whent is supposed to encapsulate both Cat and Sansa (though I must admit she shares more traits with the latter, even if the parallel with lady Stoneheart, especially told by LF, is very compelling as I believe that LF might have a run-in with Lady Stoneheart before his end and that is going to be very satisfactory for me to read).
As always, thank you for your ask because it was very interesting! Hope you enjoyed the read! And I wish you a very nice day!
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seeing someone else.
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❝ request by @encounterthepast: Hello lovely Aurora, can I request angst prompt number 7 with Bishop please, thank you, 💕
❝ prompt: “Don’t you dare to lie to me again”.
❝ request by @arveeee: Hello my dear, so I was thinking, and there is one sentence to that can't go out of my head. So it is: "let me in" with Bishop (I know I'm boring). Well I believe in you, I love you , and I love your writing. Say hello to Arya.
❝ request by anon: Hi, Aurora. I love your writing sm 🥺 I was wondering if I could request an imagine with my man Bishop? I was thinking of something like the reader and him being in kinda like a friends with benefits situation, but she decides to break it offf because she’s really upset. And maybe Bishop doesn’t understand so she eventually explains to him that she wants more out of their relationship and he reassures her they are more and they always have been? Maybe leads to like soft/romantic smut? Thanks so much!
❝ request by @meteora-fc: hello hello! so, that new trailer huh?😵 would absolutely love if you could write me something for a stressed out bishop with the prompts "Stop ignoring me, it’s driving me crazy!" and "Let me help you make it better." Thank you tons!!💖
❝ words: about 1.4k.
❝ a / n: as always, don’t forget to comment and reblog if you liked it!
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Another tequila shot goes down your throat, ripping it off as you almost smash the small glass on the table. Tossing your head back as you rest your back against the sofa, sitting on the floor, you take a look around you. The gloomy has taken over your house as the night has fallen a couple of hours ago. It's the fourth night you are trying to forget about Bishop and whatever you two had. But you can't dismiss from your mind his caresses —his fingers drawing patterns on your back, his lips touring your neck with delicate kisses as if he was afraid of breaking your skin, his mustache tickling your inner thighs, his raspy voice articulating your name in moans. It's the fourth night miserably failing, remembering the last time you spent together, the way he was holding his back pretending he wasn't sad because you were leaving him.
“Obispo, it's over. Don't make a big deal. We're just friends who occasionally fucks”. You scoffed somewhat annoyed because of him and his interrogation, but how could you tell him you were falling in love with him?
“I ain't making any deal, (Y/N). I just want to know what made you change your mind and keep a wide berth”.
“I'm seeing someone else”.
"Don't you dare to lie to me”. He growled, taking a step closer towards you with the intention of stopping you from picking up and packing the less stuff you had in his house.
“Think what you want”. You replied, rolling your eyes.
The first tear flows in the left corner of your mouth not appreciably at first, but then, some more until finding yourself crying. You miss him so much. You miss watching him sleep peacefully in the small hours, drifting slightly when you caress his cheek using your fingertips. Flexing your knees to your chest, you wrap your arms around trying to contain the loud sobs, hiding your face between them. How have you been so stupid to fall for him like that? The two of you made it clear from the very first moment. Friends with benefits. But after a couple of weeks, you started to notice that he used to push away any other woman that it wasn't you, he didn't spend much time in the clubhouse preferring to do it in your house —cuddling, watching movies, playing poker; kissing every single inch of flesh covering your anatomy.
Reality hit you the moment he murmured something like you're a miracle, thinking you were calmly sleeping between his strong arms and your back stuck to his chest, no distance among your bodies. You knew it was a thing produced by the alcohol running through your veins and it wasn't fair for you to fantasize about the idea he was catching feelings for you. So you just ran away, like a coward.
Some clumsy knocks on the front door of your house bring you back to reality. At first, you try to ignore them. It's not like you're in the mood for visits, knowing that probably it's Leti at the other side of the place, worried because you haven't replied to her text all day. But she insists and insists. And you know how stubborn she can be sometimes. Serving yourself another shot and drinking it in just one gulp, because you're too sober to endure another of her Ted talks about positivism and what he has lost, you stand up on your bare feet. Everything around you spins dizzyingly for a second until you can react, feeling every knock like a hammer hitting your brain.
“I've heard you the fi—”.
Opening the door to receive her, your vocals get frozen as you face Bishop in a deplorable drunk state. Just like you are.
“Let me in”. He barks, not being able to look at your eyes, trying to pass you away to the inside, but you stop him.
“Go home, Obis—”.
“I'm home, shut the fuck up”. He frowns taking a sip from a bottle of whisky you haven't noticed till now. “You think you can kick my fuckin' ass outta your life by saying you're seeing someone else? You think I'm fuckin' stupid, queri— Were you crying…?”
From anger, his tone of voice falls to one lower and lower, as the concern and the worry cover his annoyance completely. Throwing away his drink to somewhere over the grass of your yard, he holds your face onto his palms. His touch causes you to tremble. His warm touch causes you to break into aching sobs, panting as you can't breathe properly. All this time you've been thinking you have missed him, but you didn't have a real idea of how it feels until his fingers have been laid on your wetted skin.
Bishop comes closer to you, touching the tip of your nose with his. You can smell the mixed scent of cigarettes and whisky emanating from his cracked lips, it doesn't bother you, tho. “Don't kiss me, please”.
Until this precise moment, he has loved your begs and pleads to his bones, but now he hates them more than anything he could ever hate in his life. It breaks his heart. He can't deal with your rejection one night more.
“Why…? Why can't I kiss you?” He asks desperately at the edge of his tears. “Please, stop ignoring me, it's driving me crazy. I can't even take care of my own shit without you by my side”.
Your knees feel weak at his words, still believing he only says that because you're just a good lover, the best in the sheets, as he told you once.
“I… I…” You babble nervously, trying to not place your hands on the laps of his leather kutte to finally push him into the needed kiss you've been craving for the last four days. “I love you”.
And why the confession doesn't take him by surprise? Why doesn't he look confused? Why does it seem like he already knew it? Bishop can't help but draw a fleeting grin across his face.
“Do you think I came here, falling into pieces, just because it feels like being in Heaven when I'm deep inside you?” He whispers, clicking his tongue slightly. “I didn't believe you when you told me you were seeing someone else. But the minimal thought I could have about it made me lose the less sanity I have”.
You blink stupefied at his own confession about his feelings. Your fingers tour his abdomen up in slow motion, starting to have some faith in his words.
“Mi amor…” Bishop mumbles in soft giggles shaking his head. “I adore you, mi amor. I don't want anything else than to share my life with you, and only with you”.
He doesn't wait for a signal from you to kiss your lips, he just takes what it's his. And you can't hold back a painful gasp, expelling in it all the sorrow you've been carrying for the last four days being separated from him. Your hands grip his shirt in two fists, pushing him as much closer as the two of you can be, about to melt in the same figure. All this time you have been trying to not love him, to forget him; and you were just delaying the inevitable. You are made for each other, that's a fact. Your lips fit to perfection —your bodies, your hearts.
“Tell me you love me”. You whimper against his mouth, causing him to smile because of your need of making it real by these simple three words.
“Love isn't enough to express what you make me feel”.
Bishop bends down without prior notice to wrap his huge hands on the back of your thighs, urging you to jump onto him and surround his waist with your legs. You haven't forgotten how good his warmth takes over you when he holds you like that, walking inside your house and kicking the door close. Guiding his steps across your place and its hallways, he reaches your dark dorm barely illuminated by a post light outdoors. He lies you down on your bed —a bed that has welcomed you for the last eight months in every kind of state. Drunk, tired, happy.
Now, you're a mix of them. Drunk in tequila, tired of crying, but happy for having him back for the rest of your life.
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GENERAL TAG LIST: @mayans-sauce @peoniarose @destynelseclipsa @band-psycho @myakai13 @petlaufeyson @-im-fantastic- @horsesandwolvesaremyanimals @rocketqueen @rosieposie0624 @ellyseveronica @Jessprins13 @diaryofkali @ravenmoore14 @starrynite7114 @kenbechillin @miahelen @monkeyluver4546 @sheeshgivemeabreak @jadesamhart @rawrlittlepanda-95 @megapeacelovemusic-blog @katsav17 @skits90s @wildsould1221 @littlekittymeow @tenderclio @badame1240 @regalbanshee @greeneyedblondie44 @phoenixhalliwell @codenamewife
MAYANS MC: @multiyfandomgirl40 @countryash345 @skyofficialxx @lovebishoplosamiguelgalindo @bellisperennis0 @chibsytelford @trulysuccubus @purrrrfect @witching-hour @leathercladmenfics @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead @queenbeered @sesamepancakes @gemini0410 @pinguinstudiert @oscars-wifeyyy @meteora-fc @lozaa94 @arveee @joupym @hanster1998 @missswritings @arana-alpha
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jaskiers-sweetkiss · 4 years
Pairing: Reggie x Bobby’s Sister Reader
Word Count: 2.5K
Request: Hey, I was wondering if you would write a reader x Reggie imagine, where reader is Bobby’s sister and secretly having a relationship with Reggie without the rest of the band knowing about it. 
Warnings: very light swearing
A/N: this fic also doubles as my (very late) submission to @jatp-btr week! I decided to set it in 2020 with Julie and the Phantoms going on tour but the guys are alive and Bobby is still a tennager! Also, shoutout to @txrii, who’s playlist of songs that Sunset Curve would cover got me through the final stretch of writing this! Anon, I hope you like this!! As always, let me know what you think and drop a comment/ask/message to be added to my taglist! 
“Hey Reg,” you said softly, smiling shyly as his face appeared on your phone screen.
You didn’t have any reason to be shy, you and Reggie had been dating for over a year and had known each other for much longer, but you still hadn’t gotten used to your only face-to-face conversation being over FaceTime. Plus, you’d learned to be wary when the two of you called, you didn’t want to say something mushy and have one of the guys behind him, or worse, your brother.
When you and Reggie had started dating you’d decided to keep it secret from your twin brother, and by default Luke and Alex too. Reggie had reasoned that Bobby would be pissed at him for starting up a romantic relationship with you, which was fair given how protective your slightly older brother had always been of you. However, you were certain he’d be more upset with you for dating one of his best friends and bandmates. So, you didn’t tell him. And then months went by and all of a sudden you were passing one year and Sunset Curve was going on tour and they still hadn’t told him.
“Hey, Y/N,” Reggie responded with a grin, clearly psyched to be able to talk to you.
“Are the guys around?” You started to ask when you were interrupted.
“Reggie, did you say Y/N?” A voice called from the background and all of a sudden your boyfriend was being pushed out of the frame and Luke’s face was front and center.
You giggled exasperatedly at the boy but smiled.
“Hi Luke,” you greeted and he grinned at you.
He had just opened his mouth to respond when he was shoved out of frame as well, Alex now taking his place.
“Hi Y/N!” He yelled and you winced slightly, leaning away from your phone at the increase in volume.
“Hi Alex,” you said quieter, though trying to match his enthusiasm in your tone. “Where’s Bobby? And Julie and Flynn?” You asked, trying to rush through any more potential disruptions.
“Bobby’s in the bathroom and Julie and Flynn are on their bus,” Alex explained while struggling to keep Luke from pushing him out of frame.
With Sunset Curve being such a large group (five performers and their manager), and all of them being so young, their parents decided it was for the best that the girls get one tour bus and the guys get another. Plus, you were pretty sure Ray was not very keen on Julie and Luke sleeping in the same space now that they had started dating, even though they were both adults and you knew  Luke was asexual. Still, parents will be parents you supposed.
Besides, it meant there were fewer opportunities for interruptions when you called Reggie while they were on the road.
“Y/N how come you always call Reggie and never me?” Luke pouted, finally having shoved his way back into the frame.
“Don’t be ridiculous, I called you yesterday,” you protested, rolling your eyes at the boy’s dramatics.
That had been another issue you’d had to work out when their tour had first kicked off. Calling Reggie every day was starting to seem suspicious, even though you claimed it was to talk to all of them. Alex had quickly pointed out that it was weird that you didn’t just call your brother, which you had tried to excuse as not wanting him to hog the phone time but then Luke had gotten jealous that you only called Reggie. It seemed reasonable enough when you thought about it from their perspective. You’d been friends with them all for years and they didn’t know about your relationship, so it probably did look like you were playing favorites with Reggie. So, you started making regular calls to Luke and Alex, making sure to give them enough one-on-one time on the phone with you to throw suspicion off your calls with Reggie. It had mostly worked, but Luke was still a butthead.
“Yeah but you called Reggie today,” he whined and you shook your head.
“Because it’s my turn,” Reggie responded for her, pushing both boys away so he could fill the screen once again. You hoped nobody noticed the way your smile brightened when you saw your boyfriend.
“Don’t you guys have other things to do?” He whined and you could practically hear Luke and Alex pouting off-camera so you tried to put on your best understanding-but-disappointed look.
“Sorry guys, it’s Reggie’s time,” you said, though not really sorry about it.
“I feel like it’s always Reggie’s time,” you heard Luke grumble and rolled your eyes.
“Maybe I like him better than you,” you shot back, with a raised brow.
You heard him gasp from off-camera and then you heard the stomping of feet and Reggie grinned broadly at you.  
“It’s not nice to lie, Y/N!” Luke yelled as he stomped away, and you heard Alex yelp as he was dragged away with him. “We all know I’m your favorite! I’m everybody’s favorite.”
“Nicely done,” he commended you and you laughed.
“I don’t even know what I did,” you admitted, assuming it would be a much larger fight to get Luke and Alex away.
“Well, whatever it was worked,” he chuckled before his face fell. “I wish you were here.”
Your smile turned melancholy at that. It was certainly nice to be able to see him every day when you got a chance to call, but it was nothing compared to actually being together.
“We’ll be together again before you know it,” you tried to comfort.
“We still have two months of touring!” He whined and you nodded.
Sunset Curve did still have two more months of touring, but what Reggie didn’t know was that as soon as they stepped foot on US soil to finish off the last leg of their tour, you’d be joining them. You’d been in cahoots with your brother, Flynn, and Julie to plan everything in secret. Of course, you were really only planning to surprise Reggie, but to throw off suspicions you had to claim to want to surprise all the guys. You’d be traveling on the girls’ bus but everybody knew you’d be spending the most time with the guys. You did grow up with them, after all, whereas you’d only known Julie and Flynn for a couple of years.
Still, it was difficult to talk to Reggie every day, watch him pout as he whined about missing you and how long you had before you’d see each other again, without throwing in the towel and telling him everything. The look on his face will be worth it, you had to remind yourself each time.
So, you nodded along, strategically choosing your words to avoid lying to your boyfriend.
“I only have a couple more minutes, babe,” you said after about a half-hour had gone by with the two of you sharing about your days.
“Oh, right, your class,” Reggie groaned, not wanting to hang up.
“Believe me, I don’t like this any more than you do,” you sighed, giving him a tight-lipped smile. “But, I’ll text you when it’s over and maybe we can call later?”
Reggie nodded.
“Don’t find any cute girls to replace me while I’m gone,” you joked and he shook his head.  
“How can I? I’ll be thinking about you the whole time,” he replied and you smiled shyly.
“I love you, Reg,” you said softly.
“I love you too, Y/N.”
You were practically running across the airport. No, not practically, you were running through the airport.
You and Bobby had strategically planned your flight out to the east coast to meet them so that you would land a little before them and be at the airport waiting for them when they arrived. Neither of you had considered delays in your plan and so you were running from your gate across the airport to try to get to the boys’ gate before they disembarked the plane.
You could feel your phone vibrating in your back pocket and cursed quietly to yourself, knowing it was Bobby texting you that they were getting off the plane. You groaned, though in your out-of-breath state it came out as more of a stuttered whine.
You were pretty sure you were nearly there when you heard it.
“Y/N?” A voice called out, sounding confused.
You cursed mentally, having hoped to have some time to compose yourself before seeing them, but obviously, you were too late.
“Reggie, what are you talking about?” You heard Luke ask the boy and you could practically hear your twin’s knowing smirk before you saw it.
When you finally spotted the group of teenagers grouped just outside the gate your eyes slid right past your brother and all your friends, finally locking onto blue-green eyes. Before you even realized what you were doing you were running again, launching yourself at your dark-haired boyfriend. Reggie caught you in his arms, spinning you around slightly before placing your feet on the ground. The two of you stared into each other’s eyes for a moment, relishing in the feeling of being in each other’s arms again before remembering the company you were in. Reluctantly you stepped out of his arms before embracing Luke and Alex, still thrilled to see two of your closest friends just in a different way than Reggie.
“What, no hug for me?” Bobby asked with a frown once you’d hugged Julie and Flynn as well.
You scoffed, wrinkling your face as if the prospect of hugging your brother was revolting.
“If I must,” you sighed before wrapping your arms around your twin. “I missed you.” You added more sincerely. You had never been the kind of twins that were attached at the hip, but this tour had certainly been the longest and farthest you’d been from each other.
You pulled away, moving back to stand by Reggie who was staring at you with a mix of awe and adoration that you hoped the rest of the group missed.
“Wh-when? How? I- I can’t believe you’re here,” he stuttered out, pulling you into his side and you grinned.
“Bobby, Jules, and Flynn helped me plan it all out,” you explained, smiling up at the boy. “I wanted to surprise you.” You turned to smile at Luke and Alex, knowing they were included in the surprise even though it was really only intended for Reggie.
“So wait, I don’t get it, what are you doing all the way on the east coast?” Alex asked, puzzled and you laughed while Luke smacked his chest. “Surely you didn’t fly all the way out here just to see us?”
“No, you idiot! She’s joining us on tour!” Luke exclaimed before faltering, eyes flicking between you, Bobby, Julie, and Flynn for confirmation. “…Right?”
You nodded, laughing again.
“Yes, I got sick of missing you guys while you were traveling the world,” you grinned and Reggie squeezed your shoulder, a reminder that his arm was still around you. Luckily all the guys were pretty touchy so it seemed friendly enough. “So I’ll be with you for the rest of the tour!”
The guys all cheered at your announcement and you grinned, so thankful to be back with them.
You’d made it surprisingly long into the North American leg of their tour before any mishaps occurred. You couldn’t quite believe you’d made it that long given that all you and Reggie wanted to do in your free time was stay wrapped up in each other but there wasn’t exactly the privacy for that.
Still, you couldn’t help but be frustrated when the slip-up finally happened.
You’d been backstage before one of their concerts, the guys had left you and Reggie alone in their dressing room so you took advantage of your momentary privacy and leaned in to give your boyfriend a good-luck kiss on the cheek. Of course, it was just your luck that the guys would bust back in looking for their bandmate just as your lips made contact with his cheek and before you knew it you were giving the other three boys good luck kisses and mentally cursing yourself while Reggie held back a laugh.
Needless to say, you were more careful next time but you were still stuck giving good luck kisses for the next few performances because the guys insisted that they actually performed better.
Of course, that whole ordeal was completely forgotten on the night of their last performance. You were all back in LA and after this performance, you’d be returning to your own homes and beds to sleep for the first time in weeks for you and months for the rest of the group. You knew they were all excited to be back home even though they loved touring.
You were excited to be home too, and maybe that was why you completely forgot the lesson you’d learned earlier on the tour and pulled Reggie in for a kiss when the guys stepped out of the dressing room for the final show.
It had meant to be a quick kiss so that the two of you could follow right behind them without arousing suspicions. However, you didn’t stop him when he pulled you in closer, prolonging your kiss. You were so focused on each other that neither of you heard the door open as Luke came back in to grab his forgotten guitar pick.
“Holy shit!” He yelled back down the hallway, scaring you and Reggie.
The two of you jumped apart hastily, but the damage had already been done. You could hear two pairs of footsteps as Bobby and Alex came running back down the hallway.
“You both owe me ten bucks!” Luke yelled triumphantly as the two boys appeared in the doorway.
“Aw, man are you serious?” Alex whined. “You guys couldn’t have waited until after the concert?”
Your jaw dropped open as the blond drummer and your brother began rummaging through their coats that had been left strewn across the dressing room couch for their wallets, each pulling out a ten-dollar bill and handing them to the guitarist.
“Y-you… you knew? And you were betting on us?” You sputtered, looking between the three guys in pure disbelief before whirling on your brother. “I can’t believe you!”
“Sorry, y/n, you’re not slick at all,” he shrugged, smiling smugly. “All the phone calls to Reggie specifically and then the good luck kisses?” He shook his head mockingly. 
“But, it was fun to watch you both squirm,” Luke added and you glared at him.
“I can’t believe you guys,” you pouted, glaring at the three of them.
“Well, at least we don’t have to sneak around anymore,” Reggie pointed out, slipping his hand into your own and you turned to smile up at him.
You leaned up to press a kiss to his lips and heard the guys groan.
“Okay but I still don’t want to see that!” Bobby whined and you smiled into the kiss, flipping your twin off with your free hand.
“What the hell are you guys still doing back here, we have a show to do!” You heard Julie call, her voice getting closer as she approached. “Oh, I see. It’s great that you guys are public now but we still have to get onstage.”
You laughed as you pulled away from the kiss.
“Knock ‘em dead, rockstar,” you said softly before letting go of his hand so he could follow his bandmates out into the hallway.
JATP Taglist: @meangirlsx @morganayennefertyrell
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argonavis-hcs · 2 years
Hello, can I request a NSFW fic for Rio with a female mc (scenario: an argument that turns really hot and steamy) please and thanks ✌
⚠ Author's note: This is gonna be the longest a/n but hear me out. In all honesty, this is my first time writing smut so detailed and actually writing 2 characters doing the intercourse (hence why the long delay). SO i'd really appreciate a feedback on this kind of writing. whether it's grammatical/plot/characterization/writing style mistakes, just anything. I know there's gonna be a lot of errors and i want you guys to point it out to me. Just send it in my inbox and i won't share it publicly. I want to improve my writing for you guys so that i won't do the same mistakes in the future for nsfw requests ;) (or any writing, honestly). Thank you so much for the anon who send this request! I apology for the long delay and if this is not like what you expected :'D. Enjoy~
Pairing: Rio Kikyo x fem!mc
Genre: fluff, smut
Word count: 2.201
Warning: fingering, unprotected sex, bloody kiss.
Minors, please stay away from this one.
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The situation couldn't get any more worse, could it?
This past month you've been avoiding any contacts with Rio as much as you could. It was never your intention to do this but after all the anonymous messages you've been receiving, you just want some time to distance yourself from him and be alone to think about the next step. It's not that hard to do anyway since he has his own stuff to do too.
The messages that reached you are filled with pictures of Rio being seen with a girl you don't recognize. There's a possibility that she's in the same faculty as him as one of the picture was him and the girl in a lecture. Sometimes the message came once or twice a week with a little message saying Rio and you should break up because he has someone new. You won't lie, it sounded really pathetic at first that someone would actually do this cheap trick.
But you just can't help it, do you? You and your overthinking tendency.
It eats you up slowly. You start to doubt yourself. What if Rio is actually tired of you now? And the fact that he's a genius makes you start comparing yourself to other girls. He could totally get a girl much better than you without effort so why is he still put up with you?
You're also angry at the same time. If he really is tired of you, can he admit it to your face and end the relationship like a man would? You're aware that a relationship won't last if both parties don't work together so what's the point on holding on?
Now he's been calling your number numerous time because you told him not to contact you for a few days, and this one is probably the 23th time you're not picking up. You've had enough with your phone keep ringing, you huffed in annoyance and pressed green but not saying any greetings.
The second you pick up he said, "If you don't tell me what's wrong, I'm coming to your place."
"No, you're not," you said.
"Tell me what's going on with you then," Rio begged.
"Don't come over." With that you hung up his call. It's unusually hurt hearing his voice.
(ARGONAVIS Share house)
Rio doesn't know what to do anymore. Did he do something wrong? This matter is surely challenging for him but not in a good way. Well, he's persistent so the only option is coming over to your house.
Rio grabbed his coat and a few stuff, in case he's not coming back to share house. Wataru who happened to be sitting in the living room noticed Rio about to go somewhere (and probably heard his conversation earlier). "You're coming to her place?" Wataru asked.
"I am," Rio replied.
Wataru chuckled. "You really love her, aren't you?"
"It's that obvious, huh?"
"Very." Wataru gobbled his caramel popcorn. "Good luck, Kikyo."
(Your place)
Great. He did come over. Should've expected this, to be honest. All of the sudden he's inside your apartment since he has your key.
"Didn't I tell you to not come over?" you groaned. "What a headache."
"I'll make you soup if you're sick," he said. "Then we can talk in the morning."
"I don't want anything." You buried your face in your pillow. "Will you just go?"
"And why should I do that?" he asked. If he couldn't do this peacefully...
We shall do this the difficult way.
"Please just go-"
"Why are you acting like a child?"
There was nothing but 5 seconds of deafening silence.
"Oh I'm acting like a child?!" you mumbled.
Got you.
"Yes, you are."
"Aren't you the one who's sick of this relationship but don't want to say it to my face?" You showed him the pictures. "But chose to go straight to other woman. Seriously Rio?" At this point you don't care with your teary-angry face anymore.
Rio didn't expect you'd say something like this. He examined the images and soon realize who the girl was. "She's not like what you think-"
"Oh she is? What about the messages that came with it?" you exclaimed, driven by anger each second. "Saying that we should end this relationship. Was that only her doing or were you also in it too?"
"I never knew any of those things, y/n," Rio cried out. "And besides I'd never betray you like that."
"Right, haha, why didn't I think of that." At this moment, the overflowing anger slowly turned into tears. The amount of pressure you're feeling won't get let you think straight. "You never know how powerless i felt knowing that I couldn't do anything to handle this situation. Maybe you're right after all, i really am a child.
"You doing your stuff, me minding my own stuff. Both of us barely had time to call each other let alone spending time together. The amount of time i wish i had the balls to ask you to spare some of your time for me... I feel like hating myself for it sometimes.
"What can I say? You look good chasing your dreams, Rio."
That was the end of him. He should've been beside you more than across the phone. Does apologizing even work now? He's at loss for words to even say anything and judging from the situation now, you're sick of him.
"God that was... embarrassing to say. I hate myself why did I say that." You massaged your temple, irritated. "Just get out and lock the door on your way, please." You said as you step out of the room, away from him.
"No. Listen to me first." Rio hugged you from behind. "I know you won't accept any spoken apology, so listen to me.
"You can do anything to me. Cuss at me, hit me, slap me, anything to let out your anger towards me. Say you hate me, but don't say you hate yourself. I can't bear hearing you say that about yourself. Please."
In his embrace, you stand still. At least he's right that you won't accept spoken apology.
"This is my apology for not giving you enough of my time," he whispered. "I'm here now. I'm yours."
You sighed. "You're always so persistent."
"I am," he said. "We'll do all the talk tomorrow. But now, let our actions do the talking."
"I hate this."
'You do."
"And I hate you for making me lose control."
You grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and kiss him roughly. He wanted you to let it all out, that's what he's going to get. Nothing else matters as you bite his bottom lip, not caring if he bleeds. Rio, being challenged, will not surrender that easy. Sure, he said you can do anything to him but he never said he'll be putty in your hands. Not entirely.
Muffled groans can be heard as the fight for dominance goes on until you had to push him to breathe, leaving a string of saliva connecting the two of you. Judging by a little red tint on Rio's lips, it seemed like you went too hard earlier. Instead of saying sorry, you said, "Fuck you, Rio."
"Oh you want to have me so bad." He smirked.
You pushed him onto your bed and the make out continues. Hands roamed each other's body, one by one clothing being thrown onto the floor. The electric feeling of his bare body against your fingertips— You never get tired of it. Probably never will.
His hand tried to reach your breast. "Uh-uh..." You grabbed his wrist. "Tonight is about me. Isn't that right, Kikyo?" you whispered to his ear.
Kikyo, huh? "Of course. I'm under your command, babe," he replied. He leaned back and put his hands behind him.
Little did you know, Rio has something up his sleeve.
Rio's vision started to fade. He simply wanted to drown himself in your attention as you keep on brushing your lips along the side of his neck. Gentle stroke became kitten licks, kitten licks became kisses, kisses became bites. He swear if you keep doing that...
"Y/n..." he rasped. "C-Could you slow down a little?"
"What's wrong?"
Rio looked at you right in the eye. One look that explains everything.
Your hand starts to slither down between his legs, you found his cock rock-hard, leaking with pre-cum.
"You seriously get this hard from me playing with your neck?"
Up, down,
"...y/n" he breathed.
Rubbing the slit on the tip,
"You're not going to let me cum, are you?" he asked.
Up, down,
"Absolutely." You let your lips linger dangerously close to his. "Not."
Before you know it, Rio's hands are on your waist as his body pushed you off of him. He grabbed both of your wrist, pinning them over your head. You're trapped under his mercy, not being able to move.
"You're no fair, Kikyo."
"Oh we're going to talk about fairness?"
You tried to free your hand but it wouldn't budge even an inch. "I thought i was the one in charge."
"Ah, about that." His eyes feasted upon your body, laid under him. "I changed my mind. We're doing this my way."
Rio knew exactly what he does. Where to touch, how much pressure is enough, the pace that will get you addicted, he knew all of it by heart and has full control over all of his fingers. No surprise there, especially for a keyboardist.
His two fingers waste no time to get inside of you. Twisting and teasing your clit without preparation, sending fireworks all over your body. "Seems like i made the right call. The way it coat my fingers wet... Is it for me, baby?" he teased.
You look away, not wanting him to see how much his act and words affected you greatly. But the more he keeps doing it, the more you lose control over your body. You can even feel yourself dripping and your pussy throbbing. The sound coming out of your lips won't be so quite anytime soon. "S-stop," you mewled.
"Are you sure?" His hand picking up the pace, blissfully torturing you even more. "Look me in the eyes and say it again, y/n."
You stare into his eyes. You look so hazy, sensually seductive. You couldn't take it anymore. Who cares if you play into his plan at the end? "I want you inside. Now."
"That's what i thought." He coats the tip of his cock with your wetness, rubbing it against your clit. "y/n?"
"Don't take your eyes off of me, please." He slowly pushed himself into you, you couldn't hold your moan as you feel your walls widened. The feeling you've longed for.
"Ahh you feel so hot... and tight..." he rasped. "So tell me how you want it, y/n. I'm yours."
"I want you," you pleaded. "Do it hard and fast, please Rio, hurry."
He smirked. "Then allow me." He gripped down your hips hard (it's probably going to leave a mark) and starts pounding into you like there's no tomorrow. Every time his cock hits you inside, you could've sworn the head of his dick touched your womb.
"Rio," you whimpered, "I miss you. I wanna hug you."
"I know, baby. I know." He smiled softly and kissed you passionately. "Cum whenever you're ready, okay?"
"But what about you?"
"Like you said, tonight is about you," he panted. "Now shut up and moan my name."
He continue slamming his hips into you with such intensity. The wet noises that filled the room is so embarrassing yet arousing, combined with grunting sounds your boyfriend made from digging your nails into his back.
"Rio," you moaned, "I-i'm so close."
"Look at me, y/n." He caressed your cheek. "Who's doing this to you? Say his name. Let me hear it."
"Y-you do," you mewled, "it's always you, Rio."
"So cute..." he breathed. "Come on my cock."
His thrust goes faster. He gazed down on you hungrily. He's determined to bring you the pleasure that only he can give. A token of apology, a mark of his love to you.
The world stops, waves of pleasure crashing down on you as you came down your high. It left you drained with the evidence pooling between your leg, dripping down onto the bed.
Foreheads pressing against each other. There are only silence and each other's ragged breathing in the air. You asked him, "Why didn't you cum?"
"I can't let myself do that," he laughed, "i've left you feeling lonely. So I won't cum unless you allow me to."
You laughed at his statement. "Well, please help yourself while you're still inside me. I insist."
"I have no energy left." He nuzzled against your neck. "But i might cum if you say you love me."
"I love you, Rio Kikyo," you stated as your walls tighten around his ridiculously still-hard cock.
"Fuck, y/n.." He bites your collarbone and released his seed inside you.
"There, there." You patted his head. "All mine. For me."
"Every single drop." He kissed the palm of your hand. "I love you. Please forgive me for being a jerk."
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tundrainafrica · 3 years
Hi. An AOT fan here. Can I ask you a question regarding chapter 132?
You see, this question is stuck in my mind and I need someone to talk about it or give opinion to it. I read your metas and other explanations about AOT that's why I believe you will give me the best answer. It's about the scene where Hange is about to sacrifice themselves for the Alliance. Hypothetically, do you think Levi would've trade places with Hange? Do you think he is willing to die just to let them live? Why do you think he let them go instead? From the looks of it, he isn't in best condition to fight because of his injuries and an injured soldier in the battle is a suicide. He could've said to Hange, "Live, survive. I'll be the one dying instead because of my condition. " I'm not implying anything. Levi is one of my favorite characters aside from Hange and the vets. I do not wish any ill will on the character. It's just my curiosity trying to find answer.
I hope you will notice me. Your opinion is highly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
Hello anon,
Thank you for the question!
Sorry for the REALLY late reply. I’m still alive haha. I just got out of quarantine, I fixed my schedule and got through the hardest of the Levihan week prompts so I am here to stay (ish.)
Also, to be completely honest, my memory of canon is bordering hazy now because I am just trying to forget as much of canon as I can so I can have a pretty fresh experience of Seaosn 4 Part 2.
Before we answer the questions though, let’s try to answer the question of “Why Levi didn’t trade places with Hange?” This is actual deep into meta territory already so we will never have a clear answer as to why Levi wouldn’t have taken Hange’s place and will have to settle for speculation.
in canon, maybe it just didn’t cross his mind. Maybe Yams just conveniently wanted Hange dead. As simple as that.
As Levihan fans though, we naturally wanna put more meaning into Levi and Hange’s relationship and if we do wanna headcanon that 126 and 132 really meant there was a bond between Levi and Hange then for sure, Levi must have considered trading places with Hange right?
If he did, what would have stopped Levi from doing it?
Responsibility over Relationships: These two have already proven to be very dedicated soldiers. It looked like in the last chapter that Levi had some understanding that since he was an Ackerman he would be immune to most of that titan magic. Maybe even if just a bit, I think Levi was aware that he would be playing a crucial role in the final battle and he knew he might be the one that would have to kill Zeke. It’s not too far fetched to believe that Levi made the most pragmatic choice given both their capabilities and their roles in the war and that was to let Hange go.
His Own Perception of Himself: I’m sure most people would say Levi is so overpowered he would have been able to fight the titans even with two missing fingers and all his injuries. Levi’s perception of himself may be a little different though. He might have believed that he would have been too injured or too exhausted to have put up a better fight than Hange. Given the urgency, someone really needed to take down the titans to buy them time. Hange was perfectly healthy, she has the combat skills and was obviously the better choice between the both of them, at least according to Levi.
Out of respect for Hange:
“I want to look as cool as possible up there.”
I always headcanoned that Hange saw that sacrifice as compensation and a way to absolve herself of the mistakes she believes she has made as commander. They were in the middle of the war, and if Levi considered pragmatically, the situation, the fact that they couldn’t lose any of the titan shifters either and the fact that Hange would not AT ALL have wanted to sacrifice any of her own soldiers, he would let her go anyway.
We could even speculate that Hange blamed herself for Floch’s betrayal. She could have also seen that sacrifice as a way of her making up for not managing the cadets properly in the first place which eventually may have led to Floch dissenting. It was also Floch after all who shot the tank and delayed the departure in the first palace. Hange may have though buying them time was the most direct way she could make up for whatever mistakes she made with causing the split of the survey corps and of course, Floch's face heel turn.
To answer your actual question:
Hypothetically, do you think Levi would've trade places with Hange? Do you think he is willing to die just to let them live? Why do you think he let them go instead?
If circumstances were different, Levi would have most likely done it.
I think Levi choosing to trade places with Hange wouldn’t have been the most logical and the smartest move but given my own interpretation of Levi's personality, I think he would have wanted to do it.
Levi had never acted on desire though and he never had a particularly strong hero complex. He generally tends to act based on what he sees is the most logical move.
If the stakes weren’t too high, if moves didn’t have to be made carefully, if it wasn’t a losing war where they had to consider their resources carefully, maybe Levi would have traded places with Hange. I think in the end, given their larger goal, Levi decided to make a decision pragmatically, similar to how he dealt with Erwin’s sacrifice.
And his choice to consider the majority is a very Levi thing to do.
I actually wrote a one shot on Levi sacrificing himself instead of Hange. You can find it here.
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mysticpetals · 3 years
Farewell, sunshine
𝙋𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜: Jake × f!mc (Syianne)
𝙂𝙚𝙣𝙧𝙚: angst, a sprinkle of fluff
𝙒𝙤𝙧𝙙 𝙘𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙩: 4.9k (oof)
𝙎𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙮: All Jake ever wanted was to find his sister and protect the person who had helped him more than anyone. Only, he slowly began to realise that bringing Syianne into this had caused more harm than good.
𝙒𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨: mentions of blood, physical attack, violence, hospitals, medical coma, panic attack.
𝙋𝙧𝙤𝙢𝙥𝙩𝙨: Anonymous asked: 5. “Wake up! Please wake up.” MC and Jake finally get to meet for the first time, but everything is heavily dipped in angst. 😂 Also I adore your writing and keep up the good work!
Anonymous asked: Can you give us the most angsty jealous filled over protective short with Jake x MC i want all the ANGST to be seeping out of my screen
@mnrangera asked: Here's a nice angsty scenario for you: MC is in Duskwood continuing their investigation but is caught out in town after dark. They are on the phone with Jake when they are attacked by the Man Without a Face like Jessie was.
𝙉𝙤𝙩𝙚𝙨: I know this has been LOOOOONG overdue and I apologise for the wait. Thank you to all my followers for being patient, especially those who sent the requests in. I hope the long wait is worth it and you enjoy it. Also, please read the warnings before proceeding, I don't want any of you to be triggered by something I wrote. There may be inaccuracies in how I progressed medical conditions and general working of the hospitals so I apologise for that. Please do not repost or translate this fic anywhere else!! I'm literally begging you, please don't ruin my hard work like this. I would love if I could get some sort of feedback, whether it be reblogs or comments or just anon asks. I've tried to improve my writing and I hope it shows a little in this. This is my Christmas and New Year present all wrapped in one! I hope you all have a great 2021 <3
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It was a cold, winter evening with the sky painted in a plethora of warm colors and Jake felt like finally things were going his way.
He, along with Syianne, had been working tirelessly for the past few weeks to find out what happened to Hannah. They had faced a lot of challenges along the way, with cryptic diary entries and threats directed towards them and their loved ones, but still, they'd prevailed and spent every ounce of free time, getting more information about Hannah's perpetrator.
They finally had the facts about what happened the day she was kidnapped and only the identity of the criminal was hidden. Syianne had suggested that she should go to Duskwood to try and find the last puzzle piece, to which Jake had been a little apprehensive. She argued that the rest of the group had already been through enough, with getting stalked and receiving threats and insisted that she should be the one to carry out her search in secret.
She never once asked for him to come along because she knew how dangerous it would be for him and she didn't want him to get caught. Jake was instantly warmed by the thought that someone cared so much about him, to think of his well being first.
So that night, as she called him to update him on her findings and plan after she went to Duskwood, he found himself speaking his thoughts impulsively.
"What if I came too?"
There was silence on the other end and Jake thought he might have overstepped or made it weird but she answered before he could stammer an apology.
"I'd like that. But only if you're comfortable and safe."
She told him to ruminate on it for a while and bid him goodnight. Jake thought about whether it was a logical thing to do. If Syianne planned to go undercover, he couldn't very well let her go into the lion's den alone. So he made up his mind and texted Syianne to let her know.
Jake [10:46 pm]
I'll come to Duskwood too.
Is it okay if we don't meet straight away?
I...I don't think I'm ready yet.
Syianne [10:47 pm]
I was lowkey hoping you'd say that ahaha
And of course! Take as much time as you need :)
That night, he slept with a smile on his face, excitement churning in his stomach.
⊱⋅ ──────────── ⋅⊰
Syianne was looking forward to her trip to Duskwood.
She knew it was a potentially dangerous situation and she was only going there to investigate but knowing that Jake might be there too, sent a spark of thrill through her body. They had been speaking non-stop for the past few weeks and she really liked talking to him. His answers to questions about him or his life were adorably confusing and Syianne realized that she really wanted to get to know him, be his friend or possibly something more, if their flirty banter was anything to go by.
Her bag contained all the essentials she could need, along with a sketchbook and pencils to use in case of boredom. She couldn't leave Matrix with any of her friends as they were either busy or allergic to cats so her only option was to take her along.
She had never booked a flight so fast. Knowing she would have to take a car from the airport to the rest of the way to Duskwood did nothing to damper her excitement. She couldn't wait to meet everyone once they found Hannah, some more so than the others.
The trip was nothing eventful, just a lot of travelling and it made Syianne a little tired but the idea of meeting her friends and finally putting a stop to all this madness, made her keep going. She wouldn't admit it if you asked her but she was looking forward to possibly seeing Jake as well. She knew he might not be comfortable enough to meet her yet and she completely respected that, but the thought still lingered.
She checked in to the only hotel Duskwood had, not meeting the receptionist's - Lilly's - eyes and was eternally grateful that she had only leaked her number and not her photo in that video. It would have been much more difficult to move about Duskwood, if that were the case.
The room they had was pretty basic, but not too bad for a few nights. Matrix prowled around the room, getting herself comfortable in the new environment while Syianne slowly unpacked the few clothes and necessities she brought.
In the corner of her mind, there was the thought that Jake might be staying at this hotel too and that sent a shiver of excitement down her spine. But she was a woman of her word and would wait until Jake was ready and would not try to look for him.
She had a mission here and she wanted to be damn sure that that's what she would be focusing on and save Hannah.
⊱⋅ ──────────── ⋅⊰
Jake was supposed to be in Duskwood about two nights ago.
He had encountered some issues with removing his tracks from the internet, as well as trying to find a safe way to drive to Duskwood without exposing himself. Working as a hacker did have some benefits and finally he managed to find a guy who made him three fake number plates that he would interchange every once in a while, so his whereabouts couldn't be traced.
He had let Syianne know of the unexpected delay but to his surprise, she was enjoying herself in Duskwood. She had told him that Jessy gave her a virtual tour of the town once and she was excited to explore all those places in person. She talked to him at night, describing the beauty of the small town and Jake felt himself growing wistful, wondering what they could do together if he had been there. But then again, hadn't he said that he wouldn't show himself right now? He was cautious - just as he had been all his life - but something about Syianne just made him want to let his guard down, to just be selfish for once.
He had no time to think further on it because finally, all the preparations and precautionary measures were done and he could drive to Duskwood. He couldn't leave Glitch at home because he had attachment issues and couldn't go without Jake for a long period of time. So he ushered him into his carrier and told him he could claw all the wood he wanted when they reached their destination and Glitch meowed in agreement. He had always been a smart cat, after all.
Changing the number plates every hour was exhausting, especially when he didn't do much manual work but he endured it, if it meant he was one step closer to finding his sister.
When he finally reached Duskwood, he was in awe of how normal it looked, how silent; how someone who didn't know that a girl had been kidnapped would think of this place as the perfect getaway. But he knew better, didn't he? This town held dark secrets, secrets that people weren't willing to acknowledge and he was going to expose them for what they were, no matter what it took.
Signing into the Duskwood hotel was as awkward as he imagined it to be, his half sister having no idea who he was and looking at his dark, baggy clothes suspiciously. He wasn't blaming her, he would have probably done the same if a strange man came out of nowhere to stay in Duskwood of all places. Lilly gave him a tight smile as he picked up his bag and key and made way to his room.
Syianne had texted him earlier that day that she would be checking out the lake in the evening, where Jessy was attacked. Jake was against it from the start but he should have known how stubborn she could be and eventually, he had to agree but only on the condition that she stays on video call with him the whole time. Syianne was evidently bewildered by his request, judging by the way she kept writing and erasing her reply but after a while, she managed to ask if he would be comfortable with that. Jake's heart warmed at her considerate words, never really having anyone who would care about his emotions, he was always surprised when Syianne said something like that. He replied that he would just turn off his camera or point it at the lamp or something but he had to be sure about her safety.
And that's why, he was sitting with his phone in front of him in the evening, camera turned off as he watched her fondly, pointing out the strange birds she saw.
"Ah, I wish you were here! The lake is so pretty this time and the light from sunset is reflecting off the water and it makes an amazing view," she said, voice breathy with the exertion of walking for a while and a tone of awe towards the scene in front of her.
"That's sufficient sightseeing, don't you think?" Her voice suddenly took a serious note and Jake straightened up in his chair. He was afraid but couldn't say anything. He had already agreed to let her go with a condition and he feared if he asked her to not investigate, she would probably end the call and keep looking for clues by herself. At least on the phone, he could look at her surroundings and made sure no one sneaked up on her.
"If you say so," he said half-heartedly, glancing at the surroundings behind her as she narrowed her eyes at his dismissive tone.
The next twenty minutes were spent with Syianne looking around the lake and Jake looking over her shoulder virtually. She had scouted the edge and went a little deeper into the forest, looking for a car, a boat, a mask - anything, really - but the search had proved to be futile so far. Everything was as peaceful as ever, no signs of any disturbance and it made Jake a little antsy. Nothing was ever this perfect.
"Well, since we can't find anything here, I think you should come back. It's getting late," Jake said, looking at the already darkened sky. It was an ominous red color and Jake was getting more and more worried as people left the lakeside.
Syianne frowned but didn't argue and that made him sigh in relief.
"Yeah, you're right. No use trying to find something that isn't there," she said and started walking again.
"Wait, you walked here? Didn't you bring your car?" Jake asked and she shook her head.
"Nope, I wanted to enjoy Duskwood and being in a car wouldn't have helped," she smiled at the camera and Jake let out an almost inaudible sigh. Why couldn't she care about her safety a little more? She was going to give him grey hair before he reached his thirties, that was for sure.
As he began to reply to her, he caught movement from the left side of the screen and instantly grabbed his phone, expanding the background.
There was a silhouette of a hand.
"Syianne, run!" He shouted, as the figure's arm came into view and she looked back in surprise before starting to sprint, the camera shaking from her movements.
Jake scrambled to get his car keys, not bothering with what he was wearing and ran towards the hotel parking, getting into his car and connecting the GPS to his phone, all the while listening to Syianne's panting breaths as she ran away from the man without a face.
Getting her location was no problem for him and he just hoped he would arrive there on time.
"Jake, I'm scared. I'm hiding behind a big building and I think he went on ahead," she whispered, voice shaky and trembling and Jake's hands gripped the steering wheel tightly as he glanced over at his phone to watch her looking around herself in a panic.
Five more minutes and he would reach her location. Jake had never been more thankful that Duskwood was a small town and the hotel wasn't so far away from the lake.
"I'm coming, Syianne. Just a little while more and we'll go back together."
"Okay, I think I'm safe for now," she said. There was a sound of slow careful footsteps as Syianne came out from behind the building.
The abrupt sound of a gasp almost made him lose control of the steering wheel and he increased his speed as he heard what sounded like a scuffle. Syianne had probably dropped her phone because it only showed the dark sky and sounds of her struggling against her attacker.
"No! Let–"
Jake let out a harsh breath, jaw tightening as he heard Syianne's scream. He drove straight for a bit and turned the next corner and saw the man trying once again to restrain her. His eyes saw red and he honked and honked like it was nobody's business, speeding towards them.
The man without a face seemed to have realised that someone was coming to help as he pushed Syianne roughly into the wall and ran away towards the forest. As much as Jake wanted to go after him, Syianne was his first priority and he quickly got out of the car, dashing towards her crumpled form, lying on the ground.
He fumbled with his phone, calling the local police and asking for an ambulance, his body shaking all the while, as he knelt down next to Syianne.
He felt tears welling in her eyes as he looked at her battered form and realised that she was bleeding.
"Syianne?" He spoke in a scared voice.
"Syianne!" He said more forcefully, repeatedly patting her face in hope she'll look at him but her eyes were still glassy and unfocused as if she couldn't comprehend anything.
"I'm...so sorry. I…" her voice trailed off as she struggled to breathe and Jake cried, seeing her in so much pain, when he couldn't do anything except wait for the ambulance to arrive.
After a moment, Syianne's eyes fluttered closed and Jake's panic rose to new heights.
"No, no, no! Wake up! Please wake up!" He shouted and begged but she didn't respond to his calls.
His hand was soaked in her blood from where he was applying pressure on the wound at her side. The blood hadn't stopped flowing and Jake was worried that she was losing too much, too soon.
"What do I do? What do I do?" He muttered to himself, adrenaline coursing through his veins, with only one thought in his head – to save her.
He heard sirens in the distance and was relieved to know that help was coming. He pushed up the fallen hood of his jacket up on his head and looked at Syianne for any signs of consciousness. Her breaths were shallow and eyes still closed.
Soon enough, paramedics rushed to the scene and immediately started tending to Syianne's wounds. Jake felt as if he was just a spectator, not being able to do anything but watch. Someone came up to him and started asking him questions, about how he found her, who he was to her and if he knew anything about the attack. He answered all the questions as carefully as he could, giving a fake name, because he still wasn't sure if the police department was in league with the kidnapper or not.
As soon as he was done with the questioning, a paramedic approached him, letting him know that they were taking Syianne to the hospital and he would have to come there for a bit of paperwork. Jake hesitated and said he'd drive there in his own car and the paramedic nodded in response and left.
He got in his car and put his head in his hands, shaking at the unfortunate turn of events. This wasn't how it was supposed to go. Syianne was just going to check out the lake and then surprise her friends the next day by telling them she'd be here for a few days and enjoy Duskwood together.
Jake was even thinking of meeting her in person and telling her that she had changed his life for the better. But his cowardice, his meticulous nature to not let anyone know who he was or where he was might have cost Syianne her life tonight. Even thinking about it had tears pooling in his eyes and he took a deep breath to bite back the sobs that were threatening to break once again.
He felt guilty, so so guilty and couldn't bring himself to start the car. He was pretty sure that if – no when – Syianne woke up, she would want nothing to do with the man who put her life in danger. With that thought rooted in his mind, he opened his phone and with trembling hands, sent Jessy a text about Syianne's accident. He received a reply almost immediately.
Jessy [8:46 pm]
How did she come here?
You know what? If she's not okay, I'm going to hunt you down and make you pay.
Jake had no trouble believing she was telling the truth. All he wanted to do was help and now everything was falling apart. Taking a deep but shaky breath, he started the car but instead of going to the hospital, he turned towards the hotel.
⊱⋅ ──────────── ⋅⊰
Jessy had no trouble believing that the hacker was telling the truth. His texts were frantic and he practically begged her to go to the hospital to see Syianne. She had no idea how she got here, but hearing that she got attacked, just like she was, was enough to make her worry and drive to the hospital, after letting Cleo know. She figured that the rest of them deserved to know too.
She rushed to the front desk, breathless and worried, and one of the nurses told Jessy that the doctors were with Syianne and she'd have to wait until they were done to know how she was.
After some time of relentless pacing, Cleo arrived and Jessy filled her in on everything that the hacker told her, which wasn't much, but it gave them a good idea of what had happened. Cleo said that she hadn't told anyone else yet and that they should do so as soon as the doctors had an update on Syianne's condition.
About an hour later, a nurse came upto Jessy and Cleo, asking if they knew Syianne and upon their confirmation, led them to the room she was kept in. They weren't allowed to enter yet as the doctors were still in the room, but Jessy gasped when she saw Syianne's scratched up face, with bandages covering her head.
"Oh my gosh." Cleo breathed and Jessy felt a rush of sorrow as she averted her eyes.
The doctors after completing their examination, told them that Syianne was stabbed in the side but luckily it didn't puncture anything important and they closed up the wound to allow it to heal. What was more concerning, was the fact that she was hit on the back of her head.
"She most likely suffered from a concussion, in which case, it is of the utmost importance that the patient doesn't fall asleep," the doctor said and Jessy and Cleo looked at each other uneasily.
"But Syianne fell asleep…" Jessy began and the doctor gave her an apologetic smile.
"That's right. She was unconscious when she was brought here. The superficial wounds are taken care of, we just don't know when she'll wake up."
Both of them were too stunned to say anything and a call for the doctor from one of the nurses broke them out of their stupor.
"So, she's in a coma?" Cleo asked.
The doctor hesitated before answering.
"Essentially, yes. But we can't know for sure without further observation. If the injury isn't severe she'll wake up soon, we just have to monitor her constantly and look for any changes." He then walked off when his pager went off, most likely to see another patient.
"Don't worry, Jessy. She'll wake up soon," Cleo said, placing a hand on her shoulder, as they looked into Syianne's room, seeing her sleeping peacefully, as if nothing was wrong and she was just taking a nap.
⊱⋅ ──────────── ⋅⊰
As soon as she got home from the hospital, Jessy sent out a row of furious texts to the hacker, clouded by her anger and hopelessness. In her head, it was all his fault that Syianne was twittering between life and death. He was the one who asked her to come to Duskwood without letting any of them know, which caused her to be in such a terrible condition.
Everything was crumbling.
They were a tight knit group, always there for each other but when did it turn into a nightmare, Jessy didn't know. Emotion overtook her and she suddenly collapsed against the wall, keeping a hand on her mouth to muffle her sobs, and cried.
She cried for Hannah, who she had no idea whether she was alive or not. She cried for Syianne, who had become such a great friend to her. Most importantly, she cried for her relationship with everyone, that was slowly but surely, withering away.
⊱⋅ ──────────── ⋅⊰
Jake had been pacing in his hotel room ever since getting back, waiting on a word from Jessy. Glitch watched him with big eyes, as he stubbed his on the bedside and cursed. Sighing in defeat, Jake realised that it won't do any good to worry himself to death, but that didn't mean that his mind didn't drift off to the earlier scene.
Syianne lying on the ground. Blood pooled around her.
He shook his head in frustration, trying to get that image out of his head but to no success. Glitch, sensing that something was wrong, strolled towards him, rubbing and purring against his legs. Jake softened at seeing his efforts to calm him and he picked Glitch up, moving to lay down on the bed. He petted him, smiling at the way the cat burrowed himself further against Jake, curling his tail around his wrist.
After a few peaceful moments of cuddling, Jake's phone lit up with a text, which had him scrambling to grab it from the bedside. Glitch meowed in protest but Jake was too wound up to notice.
Jessy [10:25 pm]
She's in a coma
They don't know when she'll wake up
Jake felt all breath leave him as he read Jessy's text. He didn't know what to think, what to do, what he could do. Jessy didn't give him a chance to respond.
Jessy [10:26 pm]
Don't contact any of us ever again
I don't want to find Hannah this way…which leads to everyone else getting hurt
Please leave Syianne out of this
Saying her mind, Jessy went offline again. Jake took a shaky breath, trying to ground himself. Syianne might never make up.
No, he told himself.
He couldn't think like that. He knew she'd wake up, it might take a little time but she will. Because if she didn't, Jake wouldn't be able to live with himself.
He got another text from Lilly, saying she was sorry that it happened but he couldn't bring himself to write back. His mind was empty, body numb to everything around him and he was cursing himself for being so careless.
If he hadn't been so selfish, if only he didn't put all of this on her, if he had just reached on time, if, if, if.
That's all he thought of, as tears continuously trailed down his cheeks, an arm covering his eyes, the only thing on his mind being Syianne, just as it had been ever since he started talking to her.
⊱⋅ ──────────── ⋅⊰
The next day, Jake found himself holding a large flower bouquet and walking to Duskwood hospital's reception. He was trembling, scared out of his mind but he just had to see Syianne. So, he had braved his anxiety and was now standing in front of the receptionist, who looked at the abnormally large bouquet in his hands and raised an eyebrow. He cleared his throat.
"I'm here to see Syianne King, she was admitted here yesterday."
The receptionist's gaze sharpened as she looked him over and he partially hid behind the flowers.
"Only family members are allowed to visit," she spoke slowly and Jake bit his lip in frustration.
"I'm her fiance," he said and before the surprised receptionist could say anything, he continued, "I drove here as soon as I got the call but they wouldn't tell me what happened. Only that Syianne had been in an accident and I needed to get here as soon as I could and I—" he cut himself off, shuffling nervously and wiping away the tears that had managed to escape from his eyes.
The receptionist softened, seeing his genuine sorrow and care for his fiance and warmed her voice.
"Of course, I'm sorry for what happened. She's in room 309, third floor. The elevator is down the hall," she pointed and Jake thanked her profusely before walking ahead.
Him being Syianne's fiance might have been fake but everything he had felt was the truth and he felt overwhelmed now that he was here. Should he see her? Did he even deserve to see her after he put her in danger? Thoughts like this plagued his mind all the way to Syianne's room and they only stopped when he saw '309' written in bold letters on a grey coloured door.
His breath stuttered in his chest. He was second guessing his presence in the hospital, thinking whether he shouldn't have come. He stood in front of the door for about ten minutes, contemplating but when the nurses started giving him suspicious looks, he swallowed thickly and with shaky hands, opened the door.
Nothing could have prepared him for the utter despair and helplessness he felt, as he saw Syianne's motionless form on the bed, breathing as if she was just sleeping and would wake up any minute. But he knew that wasn't the truth.
She was here and it was his fault.
For the longest time, he just sat on a chair beside her bed and just looked at her. His eyes traced every injury, every bruise that was visible and he felt sick, blaming himself for letting it happen. She was still sleeping and suddenly, it just got too much.
There was too much light, too much beeping, the walls were too white, the flowers in his hands digging into his skin and he got up hastily, dropping the bouquet and backed into the furthest corner of the room.
His breath was coming in short bursts, it hurt to breath, to think, to stay upright—!
His legs gave from under him and he slid down, back against the wall, shaking hands coming up to wipe the wetness on his face.
He didn't even realise he had been crying.
His vision was a blur of dark shapes and in a distinct corner of his head that was still sane, he thought of what Syianne would have done had she been awake. He was sure she would kneel down in front of him and take his hands, running her thumbs against the back of his hands to calm him.
'Breathe slowly, Jake. Deep breaths with me, come on,' he heard her in his head and tried to slow down, breathing harshly at first but after a few minutes, his vision cleared and his breathing stabled to an acceptable rate.
His whole body shook with the sheer suddenness of the panic attack and he slowly tried to get up, holding onto the wall as a support as his gaze, once again, landed on the bed and it's occupant.
All at once, his head cleared and he knew what to do.
Snatching a sheet of paper from the notepad lying near her chart, Jake penned his thoughts, all his anguish, and his apologies on it. Not once did his hand shake as he wrote the note and not once did his mind waver from the decision he had made. At last, when he had said everything he wanted to, he put the pen down and glanced at Syianne's peaceful face.
His throat closed up but he swallowed once to make sure he didn't cry. No, Jake had no time for tears. It was his fault that this happened in the first place, so it was his responsibility that he would make it right.
He didn't know when she would wake but whenever it might be, Jake had everything he wanted to say, already written for her.
He bent down towards her and placed the softest of kisses against her forehead, knowing that it would be the only time he would ever get to do it.
She did not open her eyes and Jake stepped back with a miniscule tilt of his lips.
Yes, he would make everything right.
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forsworned · 3 years
[✩] collegeau!anonymous admirer. {moniwa kaname x reader}
Genre: Fluff
Categories: F/M
Relationships: Moniwa Kaname/Reader
Word count: 1,412
a/n: hello dropping another oldie while i work on request, should b a student genya x reader that i got from ao3 but just a reminder that i don't do underage nsfw or anything nsfw or sexy themed cuz that's extremely weird, but if you wanna drop a request in my inbox please b sure to read my faq thanx
Tumblr media
Every morning you'd wake up and check your tumblr to have a little message in your inbox from the seemingly same anon with a cute pick-up line. At first you thought that maybe you had reblogged something along the lines of "fill my ask", but it started to become a routine. It was never anything raunchy or lewd, just cheesy, cute one-liners that'd make you smile to yourself. Though, you had really appreciate whoever was sending them to you, you were starting to get really curious. Who could they be? Someone thousands of miles away or just around your area? It was hard to decide. You sighed as you shut down your laptop and slid it under your bed. You really shouldn't have been on your laptop at such a late hour. Finals week started tomorrow and you were beyond nervous. Sure you had studied but you always felt a bit on the edge during these five days. The thought of your anonymous admirer was the last thing on your mind before you drifted off to sleep. At least, they'll keep me positive throughout the week.
But you were wrong. It had been five days. Five days your inbox had been empty. Five days since they had last messaged you and you were actually beginning to feel a bit upset. Had something happened to them? Had you reblogged or posted something that they found offensive and possibly unfollowed you for it? You let out a groan as you spread your arms across your mattress and lay flat against your back. At least finals week was finally over and you could relax. Your phone made a small noise and you reached over your dresser to check whatever the notification you had just received. You almost jumped for joy when you had saw that you got a message on tumblr. Quickly logging on from your laptop, you clicked on your inbox, though it had a similar choice in pick-up lines it wasn't your typical anon. It was... "k-name?" You voiced aloud as your face scrunched in confusion. But then it hit you. You could finally find out who your anon admirer was! Your heart raced as you clicked on the icon and revealed the mystery person's blog. There wasn't much information, just a small quote on the bio: "Forever an Iron Wall" Hmm... That sounded a bit familiar. As you racked your brain for something that could connect to the quote, you hovered over the links and found the appearance link. Jackpot. Hurriedly, you had clicked on it but it was as if your laptop sensed your urgency and wanted to fuck with you because it was loading insanely slow. "C'mon you slow piece of shit." You muttered to yourself. A few agonizingly slow moments later, the page had finally loaded and your mouth dropped as you laid eyes on him. "Mo-moniwa Kaname?!" You exclaimed. Your face nearly burst into flames as you threw yourself back onto your bed and raked your hands through your hair, shaking your head in disbelief. No way, it just couldn't be him. You were dreaming. Getting back up again you scrolled through the many photos he had posted. Most of them with his teammates and some shots of him throwing the ball up into the air.  Moniwa had been someone you admired from afar. His spirit and gentle personality is what attracted you to him, but being the shy person you were, you never approached him. You went back to your inbox and read over the pick-up line. How was heaven when you left it? And there is was again, that overwhelming feeling in the pit of your stomach whenever you saw him or were anywhere around him. How would you even begin to reply? You fingers hesitated over your keyboard before you hastily replied. Heaven is anywhere you are You slightly cringed at how cliche that sounded, but as you tried to click on the text box to undo it your mousepad had acted a bit out of sorts and pressed on the answer privately button. Oh shit. "NO!" You exclaimed, as you slapped your face and fell onto your side. What have you done?! Now you really ruined any chance you possibly had with your crush. That night it was safe to say that you didn't get much of any sleep.
- - -
Waking up you felt as if you hadn't even fallen asleep at all. Your mind was murky as you washed up, dressed and got onto your campus shuttle. As you plopped onto the seat, you let out a small groan as your threw you head back and stared up at the ceiling of the moving train. "No sleep?" The voice resonated in your ears and you took a moment before you turned to the stranger. Though your reaction was delayed, you could barely believe who was seated right next to you at that very moment. "Mo-moniwa-san?!" You near shrieked, as you stood up straight and looked at him with ample eyes. His cheeks were tinged a rosy hue as he bit back a laugh. You turned a few grouchy college student heads due to your random outburst and you sulked a bit as you felt your cheeks warm. "I-I mean, weird seeing you here..." "Really? We've been riding the same train for the past three months." He replied. Your attention now fully on him as he looked down at the floor, expression slightly saddened. Had it upset him that you never noticed him on the same train as you?  Well, of course you idiot. Who wouldn't be upset? He laughed a bit as he looked out the train window and you tilted your head to the side in confusion. "I mean, I guess that makes sense since I'm probably overshadowed by much better looking guys." He sighed and rest his palm on his chin as he wandered through his thoughts. "That's ridiculous." You said a bit too quickly. His feline like eyes shifted towards you and you gulped a bit as you continued on. The morning sunlight shone on his form, giving him a celestial glow and your lips parted in as you gawked at him in pure awe. Your mouth moving with your mind. "Heaven is anywhere with you." His breath seized as he realized what you had spoken and you clamped your mouth shut. The train had come to a stop and you grabbed your belongings and rushed through the doors. Shit. Shit. Shit.  Had you really just fucking said that?! A far but audible, "hey!" could be heard though you didn't stop. A hand on your shoulder had given you quite a fright as your whole body tensed. Damn, you thought you had outrun him... "Hey..." He breathed out. You turned around seeing Moniwa out of breath, body slumped over as he let his arms fall to his side. "Jeez you run quick."  He straightened up with one eye squinting as he looked up at you, as the sun beat down on him.  "Aren't you part of the volleyball team?" You blurted. He chuckled. "Used to be. I'm getting out of shape. But damn, this is just ridiculous..." He mumbled the last part as he felt himself starting to regain his composure. "What you said earlier though," The blood rushed to your cheeks as you felt yourself shift uncomfortably under his gaze. "Uh, u-um--you started it with the cheesy, cute pick-up lines! And then you stopped for five days and it--damn it--was surprisingly pretty hard getting through finals week without having you send a dumb one-liner. I mean, at least I had something to look forward to."  His eyebrows raised and his mouth open ready to utter a word, though he's speechless. Had he really developed that affect on you? "But--but they were so terrible I thought I--" You nervously scratched your cheek. "Well, yeah, but I really liked them. It made sense though, why you stopped. Our finals meant a lot more than just a meaningless message a day. I'll just be going now." You finalized and began to walk toward your campus, but he caught your wrist in time and you turned to meet his gaze.  "You don't mean that." He spoke. "I don't." You replied, not bothering to hide your smile. A small pause before you spoke up again. "Let's talk about it over coffee, yeah?"
A large grin now on his face as he nodded. "I'd like that."
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cno-inbminor · 4 years
hello, kay! i hope you've been taking care of yourself well and that life has been kind to you for the most part. i want to ask, how do you feel about kita shinsuke? your akaashi is exquisite and incredibly characterized that i always find myself coming back to your stories should i need my keiji fics, and i realized that it would probably be really interesting (and beautiful) to meet kita through your words. no pressure, tho! as always, i am grateful for whatever you write. ♡ all the love x
you’re an absolute sweetie -- i hope you’ve been well too! i’m honestly at my wit’s end but we’ll survive somehow, right? ahahaha // i’m still incredibly flustered whenever someone mentions how much they like my keiji characterization -- he’s one of the ultimate comfort characters for sure! so thank you for giving my keiji fics that honor <3 
i’ve definitely developed some love for kita over time! i love anyone who’s incredibly dependable -- my love language (that i’ve recently re-discovered) is acts of service and i can see him embodying that! 
i got carried away: here’s ~1.7k of some hazy kita appreciation, or some strangers-to-lovers ideas sprinkled together. my brain has died from finals, but i hope you like this anon!
the first time that kita shinsuke even crosses your mind, you mistakenly think, “he’s certainly a bit dull.” 
it’s not that you forgot he existed by any means -- the boy certainly carries a presence and emanates it in a calm, quiet manner. you just can’t remember him saying anything that wasn’t related to speaking out loud in class or social pleasantries. he’s certainly not much more than a blank canvas to you, and the only splotch of color thrown on is that he’s a member of your nationally recognized volleyball team. other than that, you know nothing else.
it all changes when you two are paired for classroom cleaning duties your third year. 
when your homeroom teacher announces your name after his, you glance away from the window to the boy sitting diagonally in front of you to your right. his back sits upright, elbows bent to indicate he’s probably sitting with his hands linked on top of his desk, legs still and placed together underneath the wood. besides the two-toned grey and black hair, you would think he’d be the perfect poster child for japanese education. 
the first morning of cleaning duties, you’re sprinting through the halls in your slippers, hoping that the student council president isn’t anywhere near your classroom. the subway was absolutely packed and nobody seemed to be in the usual pace of the morning rush, which caused some delays and for you to cut it very close. you slide open the class door with all the force you can muster, panting and out of breath with apologies falling off your tongue. unbeknownst to you, your brain had been expecting kita to give you a small smile and ensure that it was okay for your two minute tardiness -- instead, you were at the receiving end of a blank yet heavy stare, and seemingly scathing words of, “don’t be late next time.” 
your second thought of kita is that he’s too rigid and austere for a seventeen year old. bitterness festers in your chest as you practically stomp towards your desk, setting your stuff down before you head to the erasers in front of the chalkboard. even though there isn’t much dust left on them, you’re searching for excuses to calm down and be a little more level-headed. 
you’re so caught up in your thoughts and staring out into the open sky that you don’t register kita’s presence looming near. but it’s his timbre voice that startles you out of your stupor, though they’re nothing more special than, “you can sweep the other half of the classroom. i’m getting started on the desks,” and he walks away. 
in gliding the bristles over the wooden floor, you take another peek at your partner for the time being. it’s hard to miss the way he methodically cleans each wooden surface, leaving no corner unwiped, no speck of dust lingering. something about it is somewhat endearing to you, a rather drastic juxtaposition to how you were feeling not too long ago. maybe you were wrong about him -- kita shinsuke might still be a little boring to you, but he’s just...diligent. 
in home ec, you’re partnered up with ojiro aran (which proves to be in the best of your luck). but he’s good with small talk, and it’s not like you two have never spoken before. so three weeks later over the folding of meringue into the other batter, you decide to pop the question of, “what’s kita-san like as captain?” 
aran can’t contain his muted surprise at your inquiry, seeing as you two rarely ever get into the details of his volleyball playing, much less so about his team. but it doesn’t stop him from giving a truthful answer, “he’s no nonsense, keeps everyone in line. we have some rowdy underclassmen and no one scares them more than shinsuke.”
“a hardass?”
“when he needs to be,” aran chuckles. “but he’s very thoughtful and goes out of his way to care for everyone. the guy lives and breathes by routine.” 
there’s something that stirs within you, a small flame being lit, one that flares the next morning when kita walks by your desk and greets you, “good morning, l/n-san.” seeing as he usually never does, you stumble over your reply and shock, all the while berating your heart for beating as fast as it is. kita’s just being polite and using social pleasantries, nothing more. 
but he does it the next morning, and then the next, and even incorporates, “how are you?” into his line of words on days you two clean. little by little, you get to know more about him -- not a lot, but enough to correct yourself for ever thinking that he’s a dull, austere, mean human being. you tell yourself it’s nothing more, especially when you start looking forward to their games and join the student cheering squad. it’s nothing when you eagerly await for the moments that kita gets subbed in; absolutely nothing when he looks away from the court and into the crowd, catching your eyes and allowing his lips to slip into a demure smile before turning back around. the pounding of your heart and sweating of your hands aren’t related at all, just physiological effects of the game. 
and before you know it, graduation comes around and you think you’ll never see him again after this. you’re laughing and taking pictures with your classmates, later spotting aran over the crowd of families. he catches your waving arm and bounding figure, bright grin on his face as he congratulates you. “i’ll miss you all,” you confess and aran affectionately pats your head. “same here. have you seen shinsuke?”
your brows furrow. “no, why? is he looking for me?”
“you sound confused by that. weren’t you two friends?”
“i wouldn’t overassume that...but i doubt i’m on his mind right now.”
aran only nods and adopts a pensive look, taking a moment to think before confessing, “you meant something to him. after all, he greeted you every morning, right?”
you nod. “but what does that have to do with anything?”
aran’s parents interrupt and attempt to drag him away before he can answer, but he beckons for them to give him another minute. quickly, he pulls you into a one-arm hug, telling you over the bustling crowd, “you were part of his routine.” 
you’re stunned, frozen in your tracks as aran and his family walk away. their departure creates some space between everyone, and you find yourself looking straight into the golden eyes of the man that had been plaguing your thoughts for months now. he doesn’t back down, not out of defiance though -- rather, he seems to be trying to convey that he sees you, acknowledges your existence and long wedged a placeholder for you in his life. 
but the spell is broken when one of your relatives tugs on your arm for you to leave and go home for a big lunch celebration, and that’s the last you see of him.
at least for the next two years. you have a part-time job at osamu’s onigiri shop, having met the man in some cooking classes over the years. while you’re up front most of the time, you occasionally help out in the kitchen during rush hours. evidently, you missed any of the information on the exact source of the rice, remembering nothing more than the fact it was special and held a certain place in osamu’s heart -- because when kita shinsuke walks in to make a special, personal visit, your brain splutters and ceases all deep cognitive functioning.
he looks well, happy, strong, more than he did back in high school. the same air of confidence still surrounds him and encases the entirety of the shop, and instincts nearly have you dropping to your knees so you can hide behind the counter and catch your breath. 
“oh shinsuke, you’re here!” osamu calls out from behind you, popping out of the kitchen to help with the rice bags. the most you can muster is a gentle bow before messing with the cash register, pretending to be busy organizing receipts and bills. you tune out most of the conversation cleaning counters, checking customers out, wiping down tables, and anything else that’ll take your mind off the guy your heart could never seem to forget. 
but osamu bidding goodbye to kita snaps you out of your reverie. and instead of walking towards the door, kita’s figure approaches you until there’s nothing but 5 feet of wood between the two of you. “it’s good to see you,” he greets softly, a gentle expression casting onto his face and tone. 
“i-it’s good to see you too, kita-san,” you barely reply in time, doing everything you can to fight the blood rushing into your face. 
“i’d like to take you out for coffee when your shift is over, if that’s okay.”
“oh, well, yes, but um, my shift doesn’t end for another hour and--”
“oh, you’re good to go for the rest of the day,” osamu calls out with his head popped out the kitchen door, sending a knowing look towards his former captain. in fact, you remember that the owner had been somewhat insistent that you come work today of all days and you never knew why...until now.
that fucker.
shinsuke’s eyes glimmer as the realization hits you, the same demure smile as the one he sent you all those years ago during a volleyball game sitting on his lips. excitement bubbles within you, and you attempt to tease, “only if you can untie my apron for me?”
there’s no hesitation in his demeanor as he walks around the counter and plants himself right in front of you, mere centimeters between the tips of your shoes and his. you can’t bear to look away as an arm reaches around easily undo the bow at your lower back. neither do you miss the ghosting of his fingertips at your waist that burn through the cotton of your t-shirt, and you’re just thankful that no customers are around to witness this heated, intimate moment. 
“lead the way, captain,” you can’t help but say. something dark and dangerous crosses his eyes, sending a thrilling shiver down your spine. and you think that yes, yes indeed, you’d like to see those eyes more often if you can. 
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