rikki-the-pon · 5 years
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rikki-the-pon · 5 years
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rikki-the-pon · 5 years
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rikki-the-pon · 5 years
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Edward Steichen was taken by the beauty of delphiniums and hybridized many new varieties at his Connecticut farm. This photo is from the 1940s.
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rikki-the-pon · 5 years
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rikki-the-pon · 5 years
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CQ Cumber - Splatoon
[x] [x] [x] / [x] x [x] / [x] [x] [x]
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rikki-the-pon · 5 years
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rikki-the-pon · 5 years
How a blind girl sees the world. Very cute video.
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rikki-the-pon · 5 years
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rikki-the-pon · 5 years
u post boob and im like nice... booby.
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rikki-the-pon · 5 years
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rikki-the-pon · 5 years
Splatoon octoling (male) x Steelhead (female)
7:00 pm a team has just arrived back from a long shift The boat stopped with a sudden halt. Rikki and co had arrived back to grizco inc. "about time, i was starting to miss dry land." Said Danny, a co-worker and freind of Rikki. "You say that every time we dock. shouldn't you be used to this?" Responded Rikki, gathering his gear. Danny gave him a quick glare and proceeded to get off the boat. The port was large with seven Grizzco branded boats docked, each boat identical to the other. "Alright, lets get out of these uniforms and get some crustys, im starving!" Rikki said happily as he rushed to the locker room. As he made his way to the locker room the intercom system in the building switched on. "*kshh.*. Rikki, i need you in the dispatch room now!" said Mr.Grizz in an agitated way. Shocked, Rikki made his way to the dispatch room. upon entering the room the lights flipped on automatically. "wow, this room is a whole lot bigger with only one person in here." he said to himself. He made his way to the front of the room where the bear radio lay. "Im here sir, what did you need?" he said. the radio switched on as if life had come to it. "Ok Rikki, I’ve got a job for you." it said. "You will be heading out to the spawning grounds to repair the sensors, they’ve gone down." the sensors helped track the movement of the salmonids, without them no one would know the location of the salmonids. "Some sensors went down huh? yea easily enough" Rikki responded "Great, now you will be equipped with a grizzco weapon and head out using boat three." the radio explained. "Ok I’ll grab my team an-" before he could finish the radio interrupted. "actually, you'll be solo for this one. its much easier to deploy a single unit rather than a full one." Rikki recoiled in shock. "A solo mission? sir are you tring to get me killed?" he yelled. "calm down, recent reports show that there wont be any activity there, the blaster is just incase." the raido said, without a sense of humanity. "Damn, fine. consider it done sir!" He saluted, and then proceeded to grab the grizzco weapon. "Oh one more thing." the radio said. "Reports have also shown that salmonids have been acting strange, just keep an eye out." Rikki was confused. why send me out if the salmonids are acting strange? he thought as he grabbed the weapon and headed to the docking area. "Hey, there you are!" said Danny standing near the locker room. "Whats up? why are you still in uniform? come on get changed!" she said. "ah sorry, Grizz wants me to do something so im going to be here longer." he explained. Rikki was the kind of guy to get his job done no matter the situation, so when Grizz asks him to do something Rikki cant refuse. "ok, just don’t work too hard." she said sadly. Rikki smiled and said "Oh don’t worry about me, ill be fine." the two laughed, and with that he headed towards the boat. "oh boy, what have i gotten my self into now" he said as the boat headed out. 7:30 pm undisclosed location code name "spawning grounds" *splosh* the anchor dropped into the water. Rikki sighed "Welp, time to get to work.". He did one last equipment check, making sure everything responded, and superjumped to the area. He landed with a thud, "i swear, that landing gets harder and harder every day." he said. as he looked around he could see the problem right away, the basket sensor had been completely ripped out. there where claw marks around it, something wanted it destroyed. Rikki flipped the safety off his blaster. "what ever did that, it knew exactly what it wanted." He started to repair, or at least attempt to repair, the sensor when a chill went down his spine, something was watching him. He sprang up, blaster in hand, to find nothing. There wasn’t any thing around him. "oh man, im losing it." he said nervously "ok, focus. the sooner you get this finished the sooner you can get out of here." he reassured him self. Rikki was afraid of the unknown, if he didn’t know what was there it completely terrified him. About ten minutes pass, Rikki successfully repaired the sensor. "see, nothing happened, s-so stop being so damn nervous!" he said to him self in an attempt to calm himself. He picked up his blaster and proceeded to the next sensor that was near the three bridges. "oh, yay. i get to work right where salmonids can appear." Moaned Rikki. the sensor was located on the middle bridge near the center. As he worked, the sense of being watched came back. "No, its nothing Rikki, you're going to kill your self from stress." he said just after he said that, a huge shadow appeared over him. his heart sank, he slowly turned to see a steelhead staring at him. "oh no..." he said quietly. the beast just starred at him, like it was thinking. Rikki reached for his blaster when the beast slammed down, pinning him under its body. Unable to move, Rikki went into full panic mode. squirming and yelling in an attempt to get away. he was so panicked that he didn’t even try to go octo to slip out. Again, the beast just starred at him, unfazed. "W-WELL ARE YOU GOING TO KILL ME?" He shouted. "COME ON!! DONT KEEP THE DEVIL WAI-!!!" he was cut off by the steelhead removing his lower clothing. Out of confusement, Rikki looked up at the steelhead face, and then he knew exactly what was happening. "Reports have also shown that salmonids have been acting strange..." the memory of the radio echoed in his mind. "This cant what he meant, is it?" he thought. by then the steelhead had stripped Rkki of his clothes, leaving only his upper clothing on. The clothing hadn’t been ripped off, it was carefully removed. His dick layed there, exposed to the world. Rikki blushed, he knew what was next. "well come on, lets get this over with." He said in a nervous yet stern voice. As if it was responding, it moved its head down to Rikki's now exposed dick. it wrapped its tongue around the shaft of his dick. it was warm and soft. "Ah! its so w-warm and soft." He said. the steelhead began to stroke his dick with its tongue, moving slowly. every part of Rikki's dick was massaged by it "Holy sh-it! i don’t think i can-" as if responding the steelhead embraced his entire dick. "Ah-fuck!!" he said slamming his head back from the sensation. the steelhead made a low growl noise, similar to judds purring sound. looking up at the steelhead, Rikki could tell it wasn’t over yet. it removed its overall like clothing to reveal a large and wet vagina. "Oh, you're a she" Rikki responded in shock. she then moved her way up Rikki's body until the two parts met. He could feel the heat from her. the two could no longer look at each others faces with ease, but something told Rikki, the steelhead had a happy expression. She moved down, slowly engulfing his dick. “Ah! It’s even warmer on the inside!” he said trying to control himself. The steelhead once again made a purring like noise, but this time it was more noticeable. She started to move slowly, her insides massaging every part of his dick. “God damn, it f-feels so g-ood.” She started to increase speed. Rikki could see the drool from her “heh, looks like someone’s enjoying this.” She purred, as if saying “you bet!”. She slow increased her speed, getting more into it. “Oh God, I cant~!” Rikki said, trying not to yell. “ah~♡” He unloaded himself into her. She purred. They then sat there for a few moments panting, For Rikki it seemed like forever. She proceded to get off of him, and started to put her clothing back on, Rikki was barely able to stand. "that was something " Rikki said almost stumbuling, he was saved by the giant brute. She handed him his clothing, gave him a sloppy kiss right on the mouth. "You know, if you all are this freindly then i might have to quit my job." he said still trying to recover. She then proceded to make, what could lossly be described as a smile and dissapered into the murky water. confused, Rikki inspected his clothing. to his surprise the clothing had been fine, no signs of cuts or anything. He shook his head and proceeded to put his gear back on. “uh, ok so, that happened… what exactly do I tell grizz? No way he’d believe me…” he said weighing his options. He decided to finish his job and get out of there, after all he was assigned to repair those sensors. 8:17 grizzco inc boat, outside spawning grounds. Rikki had just landed on the boat. “ok, let’s get home" he said flipping the auto pilot on. All grizzco employees are to wear a camera for insurance reasons, luckily for Rikki the camera was on his hat, it varys from employee to another. he took off his hat and pluged the camra into the on board computer, wich was pretty shity. it took 5 minutes just to boot up, not to mention the lag once on. “ok, let’s see why she acted like this." he said pulling up the file. "I’ve got a feeling that wont be the last I see of her…” he said looking out onto the ocean. "Heh... not that i would mind..."
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