ripple-rp-blog · 7 years
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Hi ya’ll! 
Sorry the main hasn’t been updated the last week or so. The bio graphics still haven’t been made (I’ve posted about this in the OOC a few times now. I’m having a rough go at it lately) and I just wanted to make a post to formally apologise for that. 
The bad news is: I’m flying out to the U.S. tomorrow to be with Jenn, and as I don’t have photoshop on my laptop, I won’t be able to get those done within the next two weeks. The good news is: I’m flying out to the U.S. tomorrow to be with Jenn! I’ll be on the same timezone as everybody else! Yay!
Also being together in the same room will make it easier for us to plot and post things. We know the dash has been a little slow, but we’re actually really okay with that. We’re a tight-knit group, and we all really love you-- I know a couple of us have been having a really hard time lately, and we want you to know that your health comes above writing ALWAYS, and we understand, and we’re here for you, and we’ll be here when you get back if/whenever you need to take some time out. Feel free to send Jenn or I a message on Sam/Logan or the main, and we’ll be here for you, okay?
Again: we’re super happy with everything that’s been done and written so far. From what we know, the plots people have together are going to be really fucking awesome when executed (I love using that word) (it fits so well in this group). All of the characters are fleshed out and amazing and it’s gonna be hard to let go when people start dropping off and dying. We’ll probably be on day one (the safe day) for another week or so, it just depends how everything comes along. If you have any concerns, send us a message! Anon or off anon. You can always come to us. 
Thank you for reading this extremely long message. We hope you’re all enjoying the Ripple RP experience :* Love Amanda (and Jenn) (she hasn’t approved this message but) (whatever. She loves you all we talk about ya’ll all the time) (bye!!!!!)
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ripple-rp-blog · 7 years
how to be three and a half hours late. // timeline.
subject: the ride up to the mountains & related hijinks.
characters: @matty-colt, @mvcnessa, @cassandra-rainwater, @eamon-eldridge
setting: day one, eight am to three-thirty pm.
content warning: drinking & driving.
tl;dr: the girls took forever to get ready, eamon almost bailed, matty had a run-in with a cop, and the gang got stupid lost in the mountains (thanks, linda).
note: this timeline was written one character at a time, starting with matty, then passed onto peach for vanessa’s perspective, then to jess for cassie’s, then to john for eamon’s. finally it got a few edits by yours truly and then was sent back in its entirety to all the writers for any final adjustments. what resulted was a much more complete picture of the drive up, and it was a fun way to get around the whole multiple-muses-one-event issue without doing a 4-way para or a bunch of canon-diverging self-paras. if anyone wants to try this in the future, i’d recommend it! 
the good stuff’s under the cut.
Keep reading
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ripple-rp-blog · 7 years
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December in Phoenix looks like this: 55°F, barely-heated houses but for the stone fireplaces, the stucco, built into the wall. The holiday market every Sunday, half-tourist and half-genuine, where you buy Christmas tree ornaments for your grandparents shaped like lizards, or javelinas, or cactus wrens. The only snow here comes in a globe. Shake it and let it fall. 
December in Phoenix looks like shorts, maybe, but only for the bold -- more like long sleeves you peel off when your forehead starts to shine. They say this is the darkest day of the year, when the equinox comes around, but you live in the sunniest city in America, and those extra minutes make a difference for the days that make the New Years’ countdown feel like another tick to doomsday. It’s the one guy who’s been Santa at the Paradise Valley mall since before you were born (hi, Frank) -- and the one who’s always Santa at the Metrocenter, and the one who’s always Santa on the gum-blotted sidewalk corner down by Southern Avenue. 
If you’ve left recently, it’s a vacation, so start unpacking or stare at the boxes.  If you’ve stuck around, it’s some time off work, and the comfort or dread of streets that know your shoe-soles. 
This December, Phoenix is a glass urn you've never actually touched before -- canyon shadows on sand, a thin scar on your palm from a promise from another lifetime. The Mountains are calling, and you must go. Even the worst reunions are still stories to tell.
We are now open for interactions, starting with Day 1 of the trip! All 10 of us are getting together to meet up & camp out on the biggest mountain, where the range gets its name. This means carpooling, organizing, greetings both awkward and relieved. This is inevitably the most low-key day, and the one that can kick off however you feel most comfortable -- self-paras or starters, the trip to Arizona or the trip to the mountain or the first hellos once you’ve already gotten there.
Have fun with it. 
We’re all safe (for now) (for today), though the killer is now among us ;)
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ripple-rp-blog · 7 years
How will you want us to send you our connections? What if we aren't able to set up connections with everyone by tomorrow morning?
Submitting them to our askbox is fine! I know that not everyone was super available to get connections down this weekend (read: me, I wasn’t available, I still have a few to iron down for sure), so you may not be able to get them finished with everyone by tomorrow morning. That was probably an oversight on our part. Mostly on mine. 
But that’s okay!! The point is, we’re all a lot more connected now than we were when acceptances first came out, and already it’s been mentioned that the group feels more like a solid pack of old high school friends (in any sense of the word) than a bunch of loosely-joined acquaintances. That’s definitely what we need for this to work, so if that’s how the connection-making process wound up by tomorrow morning, I’ll take that. Whoever you aren’t connected to yet, just make sure you focus on figuring something – literally anything – out as soon as time allows. 
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ripple-rp-blog · 7 years
a few things to consider:
just some fun little things to think about before we start writing in a day or two!
how is your character getting to the superstition mountains? (a rental car, their own car, a bus ride? dropped off by their parents?)
if your character now lives out of state, how did they get to arizona?
is your character going with another character? if so, who and why? (this is where the connections and plotting can come in handy!)
what essentials did your character pack for the trip?
how is your character going to feel about a lack of cellphone service?
is your character sleeping in a tent? a plain ol’ sleeping bag? is anybody sharing this with them?
feel free to post your answers in the talk tag!
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ripple-rp-blog · 7 years
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LOGAN ASHLEY, 21                                       UC SAN DIEGO CLASS OF ‘19
———————— “What if shooting stars are just people falling from Rainbow Road?”
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Crash Bandicoot was released in Arizona on September 9th, 1996. So was Logan. Her parents were young— practically teenagers, edging over twenty years old in a relationship that barely spanned a year. They were arguing when the contractions started. He was gone before they were over— shouting swears in the delivery room. Called her mother a “bitch” and left the hospital. He didn’t want to miss out on the game. She didn’t deserve his support, he said. Told the midwife he’d be back before the delivery. Promise. Not missing out on the game meant missing out on the baby being born.
Her mother retaliated by calling their daughter Logan after her ex-boyfriend from high school.
Her father was present, but always absent. He was unemployed— a “stay-at-home” “father.” Parenting, for him, meant parking Logan in front of the TV set to keep her entertained. To keep him entertained. Conker’s Bad Fur Day when she was four years old, and she got rid of all her teddy bears. Ran away every time she saw a squirrel outside. He never let her play any of the games. No touching, no playing. Only watching. If she distracted him, or cried, Logan got strapped with his belt buckle.
Logan’s mother was a flight attendant. Trips home were few and far in between. Layovers were to get laid over. It must’ve been the only time her father left his recliner. It had a dip in the cushion, y’know? As she got older, she wondered how he could squeeze out of it. How his legs hadn’t given out.
When she wasn’t watching her father and his video games, she was outside. Without her father’s “supervision” she was allowed to play. There were no limitations. The first game she was allowed to play, the first game she was given, with a Gameboy Advance from her mother, was Pokémon Sapphire at six years old. 2002. She’d been following the show during Saturday morning cartoons— before her father woke up; snoring with the recliner back. She’d have the volume on low, and sit with crossed legs in front of the monitor. All Logan ever did was watch, ’til now.
Misty had always been her favorite. Maybe it was ‘cause Arizona was landlocked, and she’d never been to the beach, or a pool— but she liked the water types. Horsea and Seel and Poliwag and Vaporeon. Mudkip, when she finally got to play for herself. Didn’t know much about the sea, but she knew it was bigger than Arizona. Friendlier, too, with Free Willy on late night TV. Logan knew from a young age that she wanted to work with  animals— with sea creatures. She just didn’t have a name for it.
Logan was good at school. She liked doing the work— liked the praise. It was the only sort of positive reinforcement she could find, the only thing she could point at and say “I’m good at this.” She got to school early, and left school late. Stayed at after school care, even when she didn’t have to— even with her Dad at home. She brought her Gameboy, and traded with the others.  Watched them play with Yu-Gi-Oh cards, until one day they asked her if she wanted to join in and play, too. She must’ve gotten her competitiveness from her father— from him screaming at the console every time he failed a level, or died. She liked a challenge. She liked winning. Anything for some sense of empowerment and a raise in self-esteem.
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Logan didn’t know much about loss. Logan didn’t know much about family.
Her best friend, Scarlet, died of leukaemia her freshmen year of high school. People were normally here and there– gone, or barely around, and Logan didn’t know how to deal with it. You imagine loss, but you never really know what it’s like – what a caved in chest feels like – ‘til it happens.  
She only started seeing her cousin, Dean, when she started high school. Never saw much of her relatives growing up — barely even saw her own mother, okay? They lived in the same street. And they waved in the halls, and ate lunch together sometimes. Carpooled to school with her neighbor Marcia. She cheered for him at the Varsity soccer games. Owned his ass at pool and Super Smash Bros. She helped him with his science     homework, too. Logan wasn’t sure if she could call them “close”— they were distant cousins. Distant, but somehow all the same.
She’d been tutoring someone in study hall when news broke of his suicide. She got to sit in his bedroom, after the funeral. Someone had to take the posters down off the walls. Someone had to clean off his desk, and box up his clothes. Heard her mother and her mother’s sister talking about it— the college rejection letters. Logan swiped one, and tucked it into her back pocket. A reminder she could tape onto the walls of her own bedroom. If she didn’t get into college, if she didn’t get out of there, she’d find another way— like Dean did.
It was about putting in more work, after that. All of her effort went into school. What was she without it? Without it, Dean was dead, right? Logan was top of her class. She wanted to make Valedictorian. She needed to feel important and successful.
At least Dean had something— lots of things. Soccer and the lit mag and the whole school, if he wanted it. He was good at things. He was good at everything.
Logan was nothing without school.
She hated Sea World, but she loved San Diego. UCSD, and a bachelor in Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences (minoring in Marine Sciences) (it had a name, now) at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography.
Logan never really had to try very hard in high school— she could go slow with the homework, or slack off on pre-exam studying when Bioshock: Infinite came out, or her boyfriend wanted to hang out. When he, or anybody else, needed help or tutoring.
What do they say about being on top of the world? It gives you a long, long way to fall.
It’s not like she never cheated before. Games of Clue, where she’d rig the file cards. The racecourses on Mario Kart: Double Dash that had shortcuts, or glitches. It was hard on her— going from the top 1% to the bottom of the heap. What was she good at now? P’s get degrees, but Logan couldn’t get by with a pass. Passing meant failing. Passing     meant “see me after class” and criticism, and nothing to boost her lack of self-esteem. Maybe Dean was right.
She couldn’t make herself smarter. So she thought of other ways: reaching out to other students and offering money for upcoming exams, sneaking glances during quizzes, installing information on her TI calculator. Even thought about propositioning her professors for higher marks. It’s not like it wasn’t something her and her ex-boyfriend hadn’t done before. Student/teacher (tutor) roleplaying. And it was a win-win, y’know? Higher marks, and praise, and an endless stream of compliments. She learned that she was good at other things, besides school. And when that started taking up more of her time — when he started taking up all of her time — Logan got a tutor, and made copies of file cabinet keys, and started stealing the exams she couldn’t quite understand.
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Logan has a starfish tattoo on her right forearm, and a tattoo of the Pokémon Horsea on her left leg.
She is halfway through her junior year of college. With tensions rising with her professor/boyfriend, she’s struggling to stay. Maybe she could do     something else— be good at something else. People make plenty of money playing video games online. Maybe she could write her own video game, or find her way into that industry. Anything had to be easier than this.
It was this reason that she jumped at Sam’s Facebook message. It wasn’t common that her ex-boyfriend talked to her. A trip back to Arizona? To the mountains, where they’d planned to go? Logan should’ve been the one to start the group message. Dean was her cousin. That was probably an excuse. She wanted to get out of San Diego— she needed to get away.
Her favorite band is the Red Hot Chilli Peppers.
In her freshmen year of college, her parents finally separated. (Were they ever really together?) A few months ago, her mother had another daughter with her new partner. Logan’s half-sister’s name is Jaime.
She absolutely kills everybody at Mario Kart: Double Dash. She plays as Baby Mario and Baby Luigi. Her favorite racecourse, besides Rainbow Road, is DK Mountain.
Her hat obsession comes from Pokémon, too. May, and the female characters in the games, always wore one. She liked it. Before high school, she never really cared about her appearance. Her father was a slob, and overweight, and clothes were almost a luxury— even though they weren’t poor. Clothes and pretty things were only presents received when her Mom came home from work.
Logan only learned to swim the summer before college, with the help of her friend Javi.
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ripple-rp-blog · 7 years
is every character for sure going to die? or does it depend on the choices that are made?
It depends on the choices that are made ;)
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ripple-rp-blog · 7 years
can we reblog ask memes?
Yes, please do! It’ll be great to get to know your characters better!
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ripple-rp-blog · 7 years
Do we have to make a solid connection with every character or just at least three?
We know that initially, the rule was at least 3 solid connections after being accepted, but after talking it over, Amanda and I changed it to every character. The connections don’t have to be a paragraph long, or even be that deep – when I think back to my high school friend group, I didn’t have most of their phone numbers even then and I sure as hell didn’t keep in touch with them after graduation – but it’s important for the sake of the group that everyone at least has a history with everyone else. If deaths and decisions are going to really make an impact on the rest of the group, we need that kind of unity, y'know?
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ripple-rp-blog · 7 years
When connecting with the other characters does that include the admins. I know you guys are still busy with the final touches so I wanted to be sure.
Yes, please! We totally want (actually, NEED) to have connections with ya’ll.
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ripple-rp-blog · 7 years
some of the ages don't match the grade people are saying their character was in...
Are you sure? Don’t forget that the group is set in December 2017 (winter break). I’m not well-versed in the age/grade thing for the American school system– our school years are completely backwards here in Australia. I’ll consult with Jenn! Thanks, anon!
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ripple-rp-blog · 7 years
Have you already decided who the killer is and told them yet?
Not yet, anon! We’ve still got a few more things to do before we’re gonna sit down, discuss, and let the person know! Sorry for the delay on everything!
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ripple-rp-blog · 7 years
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———————- please follow
Javier “Javi” Garcia Vanessa “Nessa” Moore
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ripple-rp-blog · 7 years
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MARCIA HUMPHREY, 22                                      GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE CLASS OF ‘18
———————— “What is the point of being alive if you don’t at least try to do something remarkable?”
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Marcia Rose Humphrey was born to Juliana and Frederick Humphrey on July 17th, 1995. Bright eyed and smiley from the moment she entered the world, most parents would be ecstatic to have given birth to such a loving and caring daughter. However, Marcia’s parents didn’t seem to harbor that sort of appreciation for their child. This was evident from the moment they laid eyes on her; Marcia was supposed to save their crumbling marriage, but instead, she just seemed to make all of their problems worse.
An only child, Marcia quickly became excellent at learning how to take up the least amount of space possible. She would always clean up after herself, never ask for seconds at the dinner table, and got the best grades she possibly could, striving to be the perfect daughter. However, nothing she did seemed to be enough, so she quickly came to terms with the fact that her parents would probably never give her more attention than was necessary, and she began to find joy in artwork.
Marcia was aware that parents were supposed to love you, so for the longest time, this was what she thought love was; doing things for other people without being acknowledged for it. It wasn’t until she was first told the words “i love you” that she understood the difference between her parents “loving” her because they had to, and someone loving her because they wanted to.
In school, Marcia excelled in academic classes, but also took to art class. While the kids around her were scribbling outside the lines, Marcia’s drawings as a child were the type that, in a normal house, would be hung on the front doors of the refrigerator and kept there long after the child artist grew up. 
The need to please other people stuck with her throughout her childhood and into her teenage years. For example, if she ever noticed someone copying her test answers in middle and high school, she would angle her paper so that they could see her writing better. This meant that her kindness often got taken advantage of, but she didn’t let others’ manipulation break her spirits.
It was sitting in her sophomore photography class where Marcia was first introduced to her one true passion, photography. Somehow, this art form managed to combine her three favorite things; art, math, and other people. She became the school’s go to photographer, taking pictures at football games and dances and people would constantly ask her to take headshots and senior pictures for them ( maybe because she was good at photography, but also maybe because she would rarely charge people )
In her graduating class, Marcia was by far the most optimistic person around. Everyone knew that she always had a smile on her face, so her having big post-grad plans was no surprise to anyone. Her hard work throughout her years of school finally paid off when she was rewarded with a full ride to an art school in California. She was ready to leave, ready to finally grow a spine, ready to start a new life without worrying about pleasing other people. However, those plans were quickly derailed two weeks after her graduation.
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Marcia’s mom had always had problems with her memory. Sometimes, she would forget the name of an old classmate she had known a few days before, or would put her keys in a different spot than usual and lose track of them the next day, but Marcia and her dad never thought anything of it. But it was the fit that Marcia’s mom threw at her graduation party that changed Marcy’s opinion on her mother’s behavior. Marcia wasn’t sure what triggered it, but Juliana very publicly began to scream at Marcia and her father, calling both of them mistakes, telling her father that she should’ve left him when she had the chance and telling her that she wished Marcia was never born. It was embarrassing and heart-wrenching, and Marcia’s dad packed up his things and was gone by morning, no trace of him to be found.
Frederick thought it was just part of Juliana’s normal behavior ( the two fought fairly often, although never as serious as this fight was ), but Marcia knew it was something deeper than that. She somehow convinced her mom to go to the doctor, and after a long and emotional appointment, Marcia’s mom was diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer's. Without asking her mom what she wanted Marcia to do and without reaching out to her father to explain the situation, Marcia emailed her school and pulled out of the fall semester that night. To Marcia, there was no question. Juliana was her mom and Marcia had no choice but to take care of her.
Nowadays, Marcia has fallen into a pattern. Juliana will have good days, where Marcia can take her out of the residential facility she is in and make her a home cooked meal or take her out to see a movie. But usual, the days are hard and emotional, Juliana taking her deeply rooted anger and frustration out on her daughter. Although sometimes, it’s hard to remain positive, her tenacity and optimism continues to shine through.
Since high school, Marcia has grown a bit more confident in herself. She has switched stumbling over her words for rambling, and has begun showing her work to more people. She currently works at an a.c. Moore while doing freelance photography as often as she can. While she’s not the world’s most famous photographer ever, people tend to like her work and that is more than she could have ever asked for.
This reunion is exciting for her because she cannot wait to reconnect with the people she cared about in high school and because she wants to honor the memory of someone she truly cared about in the way he always wanted to be remembered.
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Marcia is in school! she attends Glendale Community College (mostly night classes) and is studying both journalism and photography with the hopes of one day being a photojournalist.
She would love to be a successful photojournalist and travel around the world a bunch. She loves learning new things and loves photography, so traveling and reporting via photos would be her absolute dream. She also would like to get married, have kids, etc., but in the back of her mind, she knows that all of this is second to taking care of her mother.
Marcia’s favorite candy is heart gummies, but peach o’s are a close second.
If Marcia was a crayola crayon, she’d be the color sunglow!! Not only is it yellow (a bright color that just reminds me of Marcia in the first place), but it’s also a milder yellow than some other ones out there, showing that she’s a bit more mellow than most other people.
Let me talk to you about Marcia and her boyfriend. The two of them met when they sat next to each other in English class their sixth grade year, and became fast friends. Their friendship was awkward and weird (as most middle school friendships are), but they managed to remain friends long enough for Ashton to ask Marcia out the following year. Somehow, the two of them are still together to this day. They’ve been together through awful fights, Ashton being arrested, Marcia’s mother getting sick, literally everything, and they don’t plan on separating any time soon. Each of them means the world to the other, and they are extremely dedicated to making their relationship last.
Whenever Marcia gets nervous, she has the tendency to chew things. If it gets bad enough, nothing within close proximity to her is safe. She’ll chew pencil erasers, bottle caps, the tops of pens, the ends of her hair, the inside of her cheek, her lips, the collars on her shirts, anything except for her fingernails. For some reason, she has never once chewed her fingernails and probably never will. Her hands are too important to her to be ruined, and in fact, she spends extra time cleaning under her fingernails in order to remain as presentable as she can be at all times.
Marcia plays as toad when she plays Mario Kart/Party.
 Marcia has a golden retriever puppy named Ralph!!  She just adopted him from a local shelter a few months ago because he had a respiratory infection and was going to be put down so she rescued him and gave him a loving home and now he’s feeling a lot better!! Ralph sleeps in the bed with her every night even though he has his own bed on the floor.
Marcia is a hardcore morning person. She wakes up around seven every day without trying and is just a fine of getting up and seeing the sunshine and hearing the birds chirp.
Marcia loves coloring the tips of her hair!! She’s done green, pink, purple, red, blue, and blonde. It’s an easy way for her to express her creativity, and as soon as she’s not feeling it anymore, she can just chop it off.
Marcia actually likes cleaning?? Everything in her room has to be clean before she goes to sleep at night or else she can’t  sleep, and she’ll often reorganize her closet or her drawers to calm down after a stressful day.
Marcia’s favorite date/hangout is doing escape rooms!! Not only do they let her solve puzzles and use her brain, but the aesthetics and the work put into the design of them are usually super cool. Marcia and her boyfriend currently hold the record for the fastest time at three of their hardest rooms at local escape rooms.
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ripple-rp-blog · 7 years
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EAMON ELDRIDGE, 23                                      DADDY DUKE’S RELIABLE MOTORS
———————— “For someone with such an intense need to be liked you’d think I would have figured out how to be less of an asshole.”
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On August 25th at 5am somewhere in Montana, at little boy was born. They named him Stella Eldridge. They looked down at their son and began to lay down the bright future they saw in store for him. He’d have his mother’s eyes and his father’s stubbornness. Mom always dreamed of raising a ballerina, so he’d take dance. Dad wanted a daughter with social skills, so he’d go to public school and summer camp. They’d raise him with love, and encourage him to follow his dreams. He’d be perfect and happy. They never dreamed that his name wasn’t the only expectation he couldn’t meet.
He started elementary school with a keen sense of pessimism. For the longest time, his life was mornings watching TLC with his mom and evenings playing with his hot wheels and weekends going to grandma’s house eating breakfast for dinner. Children his own age were unpredictable and elementary school offered an unwelcome break from routine. Each morning was met with protests and tears until eventually he grew accustomed to his new schedule. Once he accepted his fate, things began to fall into place.
He was never good at making friends. He wasn’t the type to say hi to strangers or go out of his way to talk to other kids. Luckily, there was a girl in his class who was. In second grade, she asked him to sit with her and her friends at lunch, and like magic, he found where he belonged. Suddenly, he had a group of friends that liked him simply because he was a part of 'them’. It was nice to have birthday parties to go to and people to play with at recess. Finally, school seemed to have a purpose!
On August 25th at 6pm at the dining room table, a little boy turned twelve. He only wanted two things for his birthday. First, he wanted music lessons; he wanted to play piano and guitar. Second, he wanted to be called Eamon; he found it in a baby naming book and when he whispered it to himself in front of the mirror, he felt whole. His parents balked at first, but they came around. They had once stood at a path that led to a beautiful, ballerina, and now they stood at the edge of the unknown.
Eamon always hated change and his mom was always trying to push him out of his comfort zone. Usually it was something as simple as switching from 1% milk to skim or making him go to yoga with her. If switching detergents was enough for Eamon to pitch a fit, moving to Arizona was the goddamn apocalypse. He didn’t care that his dad got a new job or that the dry air would be good for Grandma’s old bones. Eamon was old enough to start dreaming of his future and every plan he had involved him starting and finishing high school with the friends he’d known for years. His parents ripped this future away from him like rug beneath his feet. He was hereby sentenced to be 'The New Kid.’
No one can reject you if you reject them first. It didn’t matter if no one at school liked him as long as he didn’t like them first. Eamon set up the foundations for a fifty foot wall before the wheels of his flight even touched down. All the music he listened to was written by the misunderstood, and if he wanted to have deep, meaningful music too, he had to set himself up as a social pariah. On his first day of Freshman year, he wore all black and scoffed at anyone who dared to talk to him. If someone peaked his interest, he’d ask them about their taste in music, and if they gave a wrong answer, they’d be snubbed. Every one saw it but Eamon. He wasn’t 'misunderstood’; he was just an asshole.
Through the grace of some very patient (or at least very stubborn) people, Eamon managed to make a handful of friends in High School. Eamon was pissy and dramatic most of the time, even towards his closest of friends. However, his friends were the only ones close enough to see how deeply he cared about his friends, his music…everything. He was also fiercely loyal. Not that he’d ever be there when someone needed him; He was a huge flake and never kept his promises. Instead, his friends would always be his friends, no matter what they did or whether they felt the same way.
Eamon’s lyrical journals could stack from floor to ceiling in his bedroom. Each was filled from front to back with his neat handwriting expressing every feeling he’s had since seventh grade. At least half of it was incoherent ranting about mean teachers or dull schoolmates. His music painted someone who followed their dreams despite their insecurities. In his journals, Eamon would only give into the fear of failure for a few bars or a song. Eamon wrote each song with the hope that one day he’d write one about how far he’d come. Senior year, he packed up his journals into a box and set them on fire in his backyard.
After high school, Eamon disappeared. He cut off ties with everyone he knew without so much as a 'good-bye.’ He spent his life carrying his sense of superiority with him wherever he went, but now his dreams were sitting in the ashes of his inadequacy and everyone else was making steady steps towards their futures. Suddenly, Eamon’s entire life felt like a waste of time. There was no hope for someone unwilling to take a chance. Depression had deepened it’s claws in Eamon’s heart.
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Grandma started getting really sick, so mom started reading the obituaries during morning coffee. She hoped to skim some inspiration on what to write when her mother passed. Eamon was hardly paying attention as she hummed and sighed sadly over those recently lost. It wasn’t until she gave a sharp gasp that he looked up from his own coffee and she gave him the news about Dean. That night he pulled out his guitar for the first time in months and tried to put words to how he felt. He felt like the loss of life deserved some sort of acknowledgement. It was the least he could do, but he couldn’t even write a song for a friend who had so much ahead of him. Dean was worth so much more than a dead end in his parents’ garage. He was worth so much more than Eamon ever was. Grandma made it through to the other side of her illness. The old broad still had years in her.
Eamon’s dad was disappointed. As far as he was concerned, somehow life had cheated him out of having a worthwhile daughter and landed him with a good-for-nothing son. He was tired of helping Eamon float through life with minimal effort. He reached out to an old friend, Duke Jackson, and struck a deal. Eamon was offered a job selling cars and his dad gave him an ultimatum. He’d work for Daddy Duke’s Reliable Motors and his dad wouldn’t stop paying his rent. What Eamon hated most about his new job was how good he was at it. He could fool people into thinking that he was charming and trustworthy all the while he was guiding them into buying a rotten lemon. No, he was wrong. What was worse was how much he liked doing it.
He checked his old facebook on a whim. After long days at work, when he felt nostalgic and wanted to prod at poorly healed wounds, he liked to look at old pictures and see what everyone was up to. No one had tried to contact him in years, so when he saw the little red notification, he thought it had to be a glitch or a mistake. He read the message with an invisible fist around his stomach. His friends were just more people he had grown to disappoint. Despite his fear of being rejection bubbling up, there was a part of him that wanted to see them again. He replied with two, simple words. “I’m In.”
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Eamon made a half-hearted attempt at college. He was a bright kid, graduated top ten without trying too hard, so he managed a full ride at ASU. He lasted one semester before depression made it too hard to leave his off-campus apartment and he dropped out. 
Once upon a time, Eamon dreamed of being a singer/songwriter. However, fairy tales have this tendency of being complete fiction. Plans didn’t really pan out. His dad set him up for a one-time gig writing a witty jingle for a used car lot to play at the end of a commercial that would play in between segments of local news and weather. He didn’t expect to eventually be offered a job selling cars. Looking back, Eamon imagined that this was what his dad had planned all along. Now he works at Daddy Duke’s Reliable Motors pushing rotten lemons onto unsuspecting citizens who think they can spot a good deal when they see one. Eamon doesn’t really have a career goal anymore. Now, he’s just trying make bank. 
Eamon has a terrible sweet tooth. He’s obsessed with the sweet and the sour. He loves sour gummy octopuses and anything blue raspberry flavored.
Eamon might sell cars, but he can’t drive. He never got his license because he moved around the time he should have gotten his permit. He’s too lazy to deal with the beauracracy involved.
Eamon suffers from insomnia and has a hard time getting to sleep, but once he’s asleep, he has difficulty waking up.
As a kid, Eamon was really close with his grandmother, but she stopped talking to him after he came out as transgender. Eamon was disappointed but unsurprised.
Despite being so stingy about his music, he’s not actually that picky about the genre. He loves anything with lyrics he feels like he can relate too.
Eamon loves reality TV. He especially loves watching HGTV. There’s something satisfying about watching a rich, bitchy couple try and come to an impossible compromise over whether they should live in the city or the suburbs.
Eamon has two siblings.
Eamon’s near-sighted. He has glasses that he should wear, but he hates the way they look.
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ripple-rp-blog · 7 years
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———————- please follow
Eamon Eldridge
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ripple-rp-blog · 7 years
character statistics:
Hey guys! To complete the bio graphics and get them posted, we need you all to fill out these statistics and send them to us! Over messenger is fine. 
The way it works is a points system. This will change over the course of the game (we’ll be updating them when a ‘ripple effect’ occurs! Depending on the choices your characters make in game!) Like Until Dawn, the character traits are all the same. We’re asking you to ‘rate’ these traits for your character out of a total of 30 points. Here is an example:
= 30 points
This will then be reflected in your character’s lower bio graphic. Here is an example of Logan’s. Sam’s can be found in his bio here. As soon as we receive this, I’ll make up your character’s last graphic and the bio will be posted! Please send us these stats as soon as possible! 
Under the cut is the template:
= 30 points
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