Hey all my Dearies~
If you love this dark Peter Pan, check out this awesome RPG! It has a great plot and many open characters to be played! 
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‘Second star to the right and straight on till morning’
Do monsters make war? Or does war make monsters?
The mystical shores of Neverland had never known darkness, pain or malice. It’s very first taste of anger and bloodshed was many years centuries ago, and the island had provided a hero to calm the people and the land. But when the Mainlanders found the Heart of Neverland, the island didn’t need a hero, that time had come and passed. This endless and gruesome war for the magical heart needed someone else, something else. It needed a monster cruel enough to destroy someone else’s evil. So that is exactly what Peter Pan became in order to take back his island, but now his heart is overcome with the darkness that he created and it’s too late to turn back.
We are a new RPG based on a darker version of the Peter Pan fairy tale. Peter Pan is no longer the young and innocent ruler he used to be. We are looking for many diverse characters including lost kids, pirates, fae, merfolk, and natives to the island. you can find out more below ⬇️
We currently have our competition OPEN for the role of peter pan! you can read more and apply here
(Some of the books used for inspiration were Never Never by Brianna Shrum, Tiger Lily by Jodi Lynn Anderson, and Peter Pan by J.M. Barrie. None of the content used for this RPG belongs to us, but to their respective owners).
Main page | Plot | History of Neverland | Rules | Character app rules | APPLY HERE
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HI! So i know i’ve been super inactive guys but thats because of school and the RPG i was apart of. But my school load is lightening and my RPG sadly closed down so I’ll be back to writing here!
My requests are open so send me any ideas you guys have! I’m currently getting through the stuff in my ask box and I’d like more muse
Love you all <3 stay young and wild~
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*throws you love because you're an awesome person*
Honestly I need to come on tumblr more so i can appreciate you
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Do you have like a Masterlist? BC that would be amazing. Not having to scroll down for centuries to get to the imagines/one shoots you know 😍 thanks 😊
thats the master list dear, enjoy~
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Getting Over You
Request: May I please request a story on Peter Pan OUAT & Wendy together/flirting b/c Peter wanted to get rid of his feelings for the reader but it doesn't work so he ends up being quite mopey and frustrated,
Peter never thought that in a million years he’d actually develop feelings for someone. He was a wicked being after all, who had a heart as black as night. But for you it was different. His heart would flutter when he watched you prance around the fight at night, your laugh being carried across the wind as you danced along side your Lost Boy brothers. His mind would go fuzzy overtime you held his hand when you two walked back to your cabins, because you were so afraid of the dark and Peter was the only one would could protect you. And his breath would get caught in his throat every time you spoke his name, wether it was in a whisper or in a laugh. Peter didn’t want to face these feelings, he was afraid of what this could lead to. He had an image to uphold, so he came up with a solution. The only way to rid himself of these feelings was to push you away from him, and what other way to push a girl off than to make her jealous?
You were on your knees, sitting before two of the younger Lost Boys as they had tears welling in their eyes. They had tried to go out hunting, only to come back bruised and battered. You gave them gentle smiles as you healed up their wounds, chuckling softly at their pouty faces.
“Don’t be sad now boys, you’ll be just fine, hunting gets easier with age.”
Both of the boys smirked, beginning to shove one another as you finished bandaging their cuts. You just shook your head and stood back up, stretching out your arms as you stared into the never-ending fire. Suddenly a voice rang out, it was from one of the little boys you had just helped.
“Hey look! Pan brought another girl!”
You’re eyes widened in shock and you whipped around to look at the entrance of the camp. Another girl...? But why? Peter didn’t like girls to be on his island, they distracted his boys. You were only allowed to stay because you had been here since the start, even before most of the boys got here. You were their mother, and Neverland just wouldn't be the same without you. So an uneasy feeling spread across your chest when your eyes locked onto Peter’s and the new girl.
Peter had his fingers locked with hers, a smug smirk on his face as he entered the camp, brining the girl behind him. She looked young and nurturing, with her thick curls and lacy nightgown. Her skin was so pale, she looked like porcelain. She looked completely different from you. You were rugged, years of living in Neverland made you strong and tanned, while this girl looked like a newly opened doll. All the boys stared at her in awe, some of the little ones flocking around her to get her name.
When Peter made eye contact with you, his heart fluttered. He could tell you were uneasy, just by the look you gave the girl. His plan was working. He decided to kick it up a notch and snake his hand around the girls waist, causing her to giggle shyly. You played your hands on your hips, not quiet understanding why Peter was being so friendly
“(Y/N), meet Wendy, the boys new mother.”
The girl gave you a sheepish grin, waving her hand to give you a kind wave. Your eyes narrowed ever so slightly, and you stared hard at the girl before looking over at Peter.
“New mother huh? What does that make you, The daddy?”
Peter could sense your hurt tone, and he internally praised himself, who knew this plan would work out so well. Peter decided to play it casual and raise an eyebrow in surprise. He than looked as Wendy, nuzzling his nose into her cheek.
“Of course~ Boys! Come say hi to mom!”
And just like that all the boys began to flock, yelling out excitingly as they pushed their way towards Wendy and Peter, leaving you behind within the dust. Your anger began to boil uncontrollably, and without s exon thought you turned away from camp, storming off to distract youself from Pan and his new silly girlfriend. Meanwhile Peter’s green eyes looked back to you from the corner of his eyes, feeling his heartstrings pull ever so slightly.
The two of you had spoken since Wendy arrived. Overtime you cam even close to one another you would turn away and find a new place to be. Meanwhile Peter contained to play ‘daddy’ with Wendy, but the act was soon becoming boring. Wendy was just too sweet, too kind, and in all honesty he really didn’t like her all that much. He had just brought her here to rid himself of the feelings he had for you. But clearly that plan wasn’t working. For every time he saw you walk by, your hips swaying and your muscles moving, his heart fluttered. Peter was away from camp, sitting on a rock close to the water with his arms crossed and his brows furrowed. This was so utterly frustrating. He was Peter Pan for gods sake, why on earth did you hold some much of his heart? No girl had ever made him fee this way
And maybe thats why he couldn’t just let you go.  
He felt your presence approach before you even turned into the clearing, and you felt the same as well. You grossed softy, about to turn away when suddenly the demon boy stood before you. You gave him a quick galore, but it quickly faded into a surprised gasp when the boy pushed his lips to yours.
Peter just couldn’t held back anymore, he refused to. Snaking his hand up to cup your face he pushed your back into a tree to keep you from squirming. The softest of whimpers escaped your lips, and you couldn’t keep yourself from kissing back. You were both hungry, hungry for each other. Pan was the first one to break the intense and passionate kiss. A string of drool connected your lips and you both breathed deeply, your eyes clashing with hundreds of different emotions. The pad of his thumb ran over your cheekbone, causing goosebumps to form on your skin. “Peter...”
“Shush, let me have this moment...”
And you stayed quiet, just as he commanded, because you couldn’t help but listen to him. Rested your hands against his chest, drawing small circles on his collar bone as he rested his forehead against yours, swallowing up your eyes with his own. The two of you just stay like that for a long time, not speaking a word, just telling the tension and affection flow between you from the gentle touches you shared.
The next day came all to fast, and when you strolled into camp you noticed Wendy had been missing. Walking towards Pan you gave him a curious look, giving his elbow a gentle squeeze before you spoke to him.
“Where’s the new mommy?”
Peter just looked down at you and gave you a smirk. Without anyone seeing he brought his hand down to your rear, giving it a playful smack. The action caused your face to turn beat red, and you bit down on your lip to keep in the squeal that threatened to come out. Peter chuckled darkling, slipping his hand away from you. He never let the smirk slid of his face as he spoke.
“New Mommy? Oh (Y/N), you’re the only girl this island will ever need.”
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btw, never thanked you for writing that imagine, i loved it, thanks :3
ah you’re so welcome love
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She may not accept you for who you are, but I will.
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I was reading a Peter Pan imagine and tumblr crashed and I have no idea who wrote it and it was really good. It was about Peter taking Felix and Felix’s girlfriend to neverland and Peter fell in love with her, but she loved Felix so he crushed her heart and got rid of all of Felix’s memories of her. If you know the author can you please tell me, because I want to read more of their works. I think the name started with peterpanm… But that is all I can remember. Do you know of the author?
I am actually the author love, you can find that story on my master list
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I just wanted to say I loved your story when Felix brought his girlfriend to neverland that when tumblr glitched I spent two days trying to find your blog. You are truly a great writer
Thank you hun, so much. The love is appreciated
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I just have to tell you that you are so amazing I was once scrolling down your blog and then I saw your masterlist and I clicked on the one with Robbie being the readers older brother and really protective and I was just so amazed by it because it is just so adorable and yea you are awesome!!!!!
Oh stop it, thank you so so much dear
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I keep getting requests to create a masterlist, so here I go
My Lost girl - A jealous Peter’s tells you you’re his, and his alone. 
Dinner Dates & Makeout Sessions - Robbie decides to take you out for a fancy dinner
Little Lady - Robbie, being the protective older he is, sticks up for you when you get picked on 
A Not So Friendly “Welcome Home” - You decided to leave Neverland, but when you come back Peter isn't to happy
The First Lost... Boy Part 1 - Peter ends up on Neverland, where you are the queen. 
Enemies - You and Peter are enemies, but you slowly start to develop feelings for the demon 
Tickle Tickle - Peter finds out your ticklish 
The Heart of the Truest Lover- Peter needs your heart, because you have the heart of the truest believer. 
Brother and Sister - You and brother Peter finally make it to Neverland, where your dreams... Come true....
Insecure- You are a little insecure about your appearance, but peter makes you feel better
Punishment- You went against Pan’s wishes, so he decides to punish you
Lost Boy, Ruth B- A song fic based off of the song lost boys by Ruth B
My Princess- You are damed to be Peter’s immortal wife
Help Me- You have ran away from home because of an awful past, but Peter helps you heal
My How You’ve Grown Part 1 - you lived on Neverland but were taken away. Now you’re back and you don't know why
Past & Punishments - You come form a rough past, so when Peter decides to give you punishment you become frightened
My How You’ve Grown Part 2 
Fight For Love - Felix only agrees to come to Neverland if he's allowed to bring you, his first love, who Pan slowly falls for
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slay king
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B A D  G U Y — a playlist dedicated to peter pan [in celebration of his return]
listen here.
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Fight for Love
Request: Pan brings the first Lost Boy, Felix, to the island, where they become best friends; but to get Felix to come he must also bring Felix’s love, Y/N. After a while Pan himself falls for Y/N, something that causes him and Felix to fight, and something that eventually gets Y/N killed. Felix threatens to leave Pan alone on the island so Pan erases his memory, and crafts Felix into his most loyal Lost Boy.
This idea is so good it makes me wanna cry, I got this request like a Lonnnnggg time ago but I'm gunna write it now xD
“Well dearies, welcome to Neverland~”
Pan held his arms out wide, as if to display the wonderful and ever so beautiful scenery around him. The trees were tall and green, their leaves blowing off on every direction, to make it seem like a rainfall of green. The sky was the clearest blue, just like the ocean that surrounded the island. In the distance, tall and beautiful mountain ranges could be seen. Felix took in a large intake of breath, his blue eyes wide with awe. 
This was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. 
Except of course, for the female who stood beside him, grasping his hand tightly. Felix looked over at you, your eyes filled with just as much amazement as his were. 
“Hey babe, aren't you glad you came with us?”
You just smiled, leaning your shoulder onto Felix’s side, who in return gave your hand a gentle squeeze. Maybe Felix was right, although you didn't trust Pan one bit, he did save you and Felix from the terrible lives you had back at home. Here the two of you could live out your days forever young. Peter was just a bump in the road that could easily be flattened. You and Felix had a strong relationship, and living here would just make it stronger.
Pan turned his head back slightly, so he could glance at you and Felix through the corner of his eyes. His green eyes scanned over your feminine body. This wasn't apart of his plan, he only wanted and needed Felix, he could sense the dark aura emitting from him the moment they met, but the silly girl wasn’t allowing Felix to let it out. Pan looked away from the loving couple, an annoyed look coming across his features. He began to walk into the thick forest, waving a hand of dismal at the couple behind him. 
“I’ll give you a chance to explore the surroundings. Stay away from the mermaids, and you’ll be fine.” 
And with that Pan vanished into a cloud of black smoke, his face looking even more annoyed than it had before. 
Felix felt incredibly excited. When Pan told him he could take you to the island, he agreed right away. You were the only thing that he had in life that truly mattered, and if he had to leave you behind, he didn't think he could live. With  small chuckle Felix walked towards the entrance to the forest, tugging you along behind him. 
“C’mon (Y/N), let’s explore”
Blush crept onto your cheeks as your boyfriend pulled you along into the forest. You couldn't help but blush every time he spoke to you, you were so madly in love with him. You ran up to his side and hopped up onto your tip-toes, sneaking in a kiss on his lips before running off into the unknown forest before you. 
“Catch me if you can~”
Felix’s eyes widened a bit when he felt your soft lips met his, but the interaction didn't last long. He pouted when you began ran and he followed suit. Finally the two of you could be happy and free here in Neverland, and thats all Felix cared about. 
“Babbbbyyyy come back!”
You giggled from up ahead, allowing some of the low hanging leaves to get lost in your hair as you ran by them. Felix kept on your tail, a smile snaking its way up on his face as he watched you from behind. Yup, you were definitely the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. 
This thought also ran through the dark mind of another teenage boy, the one who had brought you and Felix to this island in the first place. He watched the two teens, who were now laying on top of each on the forest floor, their happy laughs mingling as they shared kisses. Pan hid within the dark shadows of Neverland, the ones the two teens failed to see while in their love trance. His eyes glowed in the darkness, like those of a monster. He kept them glued to the girl, glued to you. An unknown feeling washed over Pan and he growled fiercely, storming away from his hiding spot.
He wanted you. And when Pan wanted something, he got it. 
The days seemed to go by very fast in Neverland, but you guessed that it had been a month or so since you and Felix were brought here. A lot had happened within that time. Pan gave Felix a full tour of the island, giving him access to some of the most secret places. Pan had also made a small treehouse for you and Felix to live in. It wasn't nearly as big as Pan’s but it was big enough for you and Felix. The two of you seemed to be getting closer and closer, and it was all thanks to this island. 
Felix and Peter were out, probably discussing important things about the island. You were never allowed to attend the meetings that the two had. Although Felix would fight with Pan all the time about it, you would just calm him down, going to one of the meetings didn't seem interesting to you anyway. 
You were humming softly to yourself as you walked towards one of the hidden waterfalls. You were out picking berries for lunch, but decided that you wanted to shower as well, so you could be clean for when Felix came home. You let out a shy giggle, blush rushing to your face at the thought of Felix. It was as if the two of you had just started dating, every time you thought of him you fell head over heels all over again. 
You peeled off your mud stained clothes and slipped into the cool water. You let out a soft hum, allowing the water cascade down your back and neck. 
All the while the teenage demon stood within the shadows, his eyes fogged over with a thick layer of lust. He had told Felix that he was running back to his cabin to pick up some extra tools, but he decided to make a pit stop on the way. His mouth was slightly opened, and his tongue came out to lick his lips.
“My what a sight~”
He purred softly to himself. The boy groaned at the feelings that began to wash over him. Peter couldn’t take it anymore, if he didn't act on his feelings he knew he would burst. With a flick of his wrist the boys shirt had disappeared off him in a puff of smoke. A devilish grin slipped onto his face as he made his way quietly towards you, like a predator approaching prey. 
You were humming a soft tune to yourself, your head almost completely submerged into the water when a pair of thick arms wrapped around you. A blush exploded over your cheeks as you felt smooth skin press against your bare back, the feel of calloused hands run over your stomach. A shy giggle then escaped your lips at the feel of soft lips pressing to your neck. You leaned into the body, allowing your eyes to flutter closed. 
“Oh Felix, what are you doing back so early~?”
“My touch is much more soothing than Felix’s, dearie~”
At the sound of the demons voice your eyes snapped open and you harshly pulled away, brining your hands around your chest to cover yourself. Eyes filled with horror you glanced back towards the boy king, the anger bubbling up inside you more as you saw the smirk plastered onto his features. 
“What, no sharing baths? I do give great back massages.”
Peter began to creep towards you ever so slightly, like a shark. He grinned, revealing his canine teeth that shown within the dim forest light. A shiver ran down your spin but you stepped away from the male, your eyes becoming glossed over with tears. Fear pumped through your blood at the sigh of Peter’s bare body coming closer to you. Just before he could touch you, Felix’s voice could be heard within the distance.
“Pan? Where did you go!”
Peter let out a frustrated sigh, rolling his eyes with annoyance. Relief ran through you, Felix always came to save the day. Before you could turn around and run after Felix, Peter grabbed you roughly, pushing his lips against yours in a forced kissed. You yelped, allowing the tears to fall as Pan forced his dirty deed upon you. Your lips broke with a smack, a line of drool connecting between the two of you. Pan’s eyes were clouded over, making him look like the true demon he was. He chuckled, brushing his lips against your neck as he spoke. 
“We’ll finish this later, aye love?”
And with another snap of his fingers he was gone, vanishing from the cold water and leaving you, stunned and afraid. Why now was Peter gunning for you? He hated you, he said it all the time how girls were a waste of his time. Your lips trembled at the thought of his smirk, and just then Felix broke through the bush. His eyes widened with curiosity as he saw you, your lips puffy and your face tear streaked. 
“(Y/N)...? Baby... Are you okay?”
The male stepped to the waters edge and before he could react you jumped from the pool and into his arms, sobbing into his chest. Confusion ran through Felix’s mind, why were you so upset. A blush also crept its way onto his face at the sight of your naked form and he quickly pulled off the cape he was wearing, wrapping the fabric around your shivering form. He hushed you softly, running a hand through your wet hair as he gently lifted your feet from the floor. He held you tightly to his chest as he slowly walked back to the tree house you shared. 
“Shhh my darling... Everything will be okay.”
Felix just held you closer to his chest, all the while the boy king watched from within the shadows, his luminous eyes glaring from within the darkness.
Everyday, your nerves were on end. Peter was now making himself obvious to you as he creeped, but he would never reveal himself to Felix. Throughout the night, could hear his devilish chuckles, and sometimes even feel his deathly cold touch. You awake from slumber, sweat slicked and panting. Felix was getting more worried each day, he thought maybe you were getting sick, and this magical island didn’t have much for remedies. 
Pan appeared at the entrance of your treehouse, a shiver running down your spin as your eyes met. He allowed his eyes to travel across your body, not even minding the uncomfortable look you returned to him. You quickly pulled away from the door, about to call for Felix, when Pans hand was quickly pressed against your lips. Fear began to pump through your blood as you were forced against the door, Peter’s hand finding it’s way under your tunic while his other stayed clamped on your mouth. You screamed into his palm, Felix was so close, he couldn’t see, she didn’t want him to see. Peter chuckled softly, leaning his face closer to yours as he whispered into your ear, allowing his tongue to snake its way over your ear lobe.
“Hush now my dear... You wouldn’t want Felix to see us like this~”
Tears began to fall from your eyes as Peter continued his assault. His lips ravished your neck while his hand slide deeper into your tunic. You tried hard to hold back moans but your body was enjoying the sensations much more than your mind. You let out small and pitiful whimpers into Pan’s palm, your eyes squeezing shut. 
It felt like forever until Peter finally released you. You took in a deep breath, your skin pulsing as the male pulled away. He kept his eyes glued to you, his breath still mingling with yours. You didn’t allow your eyes to met, you just kept staring at the ground, your jaw set in a hard line. You thought you were going to be sick. Just then Felix turned the corner, and raised an eyebrow. Why was Pan standing so close to you?
“Hey... Is everything alright?”
Your eyes quickly shot up to Felix and you ran into his arms, causing another shocked look to form on his face. More tears began to fall as you sobbed into your lovers shirt. Felix looked up at Pan, who simply smirked, shrugging his shoulders. 
“She looked a little sick lad, I was just checking up on her.”
Felix glanced down at you, his eyes filled with concern, just then he noticed the new formed marks on your neck, They were dark and purply. Bruises? His eyes then widened with realization and he pushed you away, a snarl leaving his lips. 
“Hickeys?! What the fuck (Y/N)! Are you messing around with Peter?!” “Jeez you finally noticed~”
Peter rolled his eyes and laughed, taking this opportunity to pull you back into his arms. He led you against his chest, leaning his head down to kiss your cheek. All the while he stared at Felix, watching as his eyes boiled over with anger. You squirmed desperately within the demons arms, trying your hardest to push him away from you. 
It had happened so fast, Pan was pushed from your form, and a roar emitted loudly from Felix as he tackled him to the ground. He had Pan pinned beneath him, Throwing punches at his face. You watched in horror as the tables quickly turned, and Pan was on Felix, laughing widely as the two continued to beat the day lights out of each other. Felix continued to fight back, finally connecting a punch to Pan’s face that caused him to rock back onto the ground. Felix took this opportunity and pounced, wrapping his arms around the demon boys neck. 
“Fuck you, you demon! You told me I could bring her here! You said she’d be safe, I should have known she would need to be saved from you! I love her Pan!”
“Well I love her too!”
The words caused your blood to could completely cold. Peter... loved you? Pan growled fiercely as he placed a hand against Felix chest, a ball of dark magic causing him to fly off of him with great force. You ran to Felix’s side, more tears spilling as you helped him off the ground. He panted, spitting out a wad of blood before he glared back at Pan. 
“I won't let you have her Pan, you’re not allowed to love her!”
Peter’s eye twitched ever so slightly, he hated when people thought they could boss him around. With a quick flick of his wrist you suddenly disappeared from Felix side to Pan’s. You screamed out but Peter quickly silenced you with a passionate kiss. Peter spilled all his hatred and feelings into the kiss, before pulling away harshly to give Felix a dark and evil smirk. He held your shaking form close to his body, as he spoke softly, madness filling his words. 
“Well if I can’t have her, neither of us can.”
And with that Peter plunged his hand into your chest, roughly grabbing your quick beating heart to pull it from your chest. You screamed in pain, falling onto your knees. You knew this would be the end for you, so you looked up at Felix, your eyes soft and filled with love. Even at a moment like this, he was still the most beautiful thing you had ever seen. 
“I love you... Felix.”
Peter growled at the words, mad that they weren’t directed to him. With a quick squeeze of his fist your heart crumbled within his hand, and your body went limp, the life quickly spilling from your eyes. Felix let out an agonizing scream as he ran to your body, holding your now limp form within his grasp. You were so cold, so cold...
His blood once again began to boil as he looked up at your killer, his eyes filled with rage. He was ready to pounce, to finally kill the demon to get revenge for the one person he ever loved. 
“I’ll never work for you, you’re a dead man.”
But as son as he reached eye level with the boy Pan blew the ashes from your heart onto Felix’s face. He coughed a couple of times, his mind going haywire for a couple of seconds. When he came to, he blinked, looking down at the ground before him which was no bare. He than looked up at Peter, who of course had a smirk plastered onto his face. 
“What’s the matter my dear boy? Don’t you remember what day it is?”
Peter spoke in a bit of a teasing ton but Felix didn’t catch it. He just looked around, before realization dawned on him. He looked back at Pan, a smirk slithering its way onto his face as well. 
“Today’s the day we start recruiting our Lost Boys, isn't it?”
Pan couldn't help but laugh as he and Felix began to water towards the boarder of the forest, where they would enter into the real world and pick up the new lost boys. All the whiles memories of you slipped away from Felix’s mind, and they were picked up and carried off into the wind. 
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Me last night:
Peter: “I heard you’re wicked... But I am much worse.”
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Robbie Kay as Peter Pan in Once Upon a Time 5x19 ‘Sisters’
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The girls eyes clouded over, the light blue shade becoming that of dark grey. She could feel the dark side taking over but there was nothing she could do at this point. The male had pushed her over the edge.
A devilish smirk came on to the females face and she chuckled, placing her hands on her hips. Her whole demeanor had changed at this point.
"What a cocky little prick you are~ I dare you to try and move me~! With that shitty cut on your head, you'll be able to move quickly for about five second before your world goes fuzzy"
The words came out harsh, almost sassy as she stood there before the male, the smirk on her face only growing. She then held up the white box and threw it over her shoulder, allowing it to land somewhere far behind them.
"C'mon, boy, lemme see what you got."
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My How You've Grown (Part 2)
Alrighty so I’m gunna start doing part two now, I’m excited for it cause there will be some fluff!!!
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Your shock was quickly replaced with a hot and angry feeling of rage. Of pure, blind rage. You stared at the hand that Peter held out to you, and suddenly let out a loud battle cry. You were on your feet fast, your fists banging hard against Peter’s chest. His eyes widened in shock and he stumbled back, a cough emitting from his throat from the impacts. You continued to push towards the male, your fists raging fury against his chest. You didn’t even realize the hot tears that poured from your eyes. 
“You bastard! YOU BLOODY BASTARD! How could you let me go!?! How could you let that thing TAKE ME AWAY! I was a child! A baby! I was all alone out there in the real world! I WOULD HAVE RATHER BEEN DEAD!!!”
You were screeching now, your words ripping out of your throat as you continued to blindly hit the person you loved most. Peter took every hit, his face staying neutral and void of emotions. The boys around just stared in awe, their shock rendering them still and silent.
Eventually your body gave up on you, your angry cries turned into sobs, and your fists slowed their assault. Now your balled fists rested against the males chest, your forehead resting against his chest as well as hot tears spilled off your cheeks and onto the forest floor. Your throat felt as if it had been sliced from the aggressive yells you let out early. Now all you could manage were soft whimpers, your lips quivering. 
“Why… why…”
Peter didn’t say a word. For the first time in his life, he was rendered speechless. His thoughts were not forming proper sentences, and all he could do was stare at your broken form before him. His mouth would open, but no sound would come out. He decided that maybe actions would be the best way to show his emotions. He lifted his arms ever so slightly and placed a palm against your back. He let it sit there for a couple seconds before he began to rub your back slowly, trying to show the slightest bit of comfort.
But you wouldn’t allow it.
You ripped away from the males grip and began to run again. You ran right through a patch of Lost Boys and into the forest, where you continued to run blindly. Tears continued to spill from your eyes, you didn’t think you could cry this much. Although it had been years since you been here, your feet automatically took you around, for your soul knew its way around its true home. 
And you just ran. 
It had been a couple of days since you ended up back on Neverland, and Peter hadn’t come to see you, nor give you an explanation. This was your wish every birthday, to be brought back home, and yet now that you were here you felt hurt and lied to, there was something going on that Peter wasn’t telling you. 
You sat with your feet dangling off a cliff, as your eyes stared blankly at the water below. You had quickly gotten used to Neverland’s warm weather, shedding your sweater and rolling up your black jeans. This place no longer felt like home, so if this wasn’t home, then where was?
You could sense the boys presence before he had even relieved himself to you, just like he had taught you to do as a child. You turned your head slowly around, to see Felix coming your way. In his hand he held a bowl, probably containing a berry mix for you to eat. He had been the only person to come and talk to you, and although he didn’t say much, his presence was always comforting. He sat down beside you, placing the bowl in your lap. The two of you didn't have to say anything, nor make eye contact, you just had this silent connect. You slowly ate the fruit out of the bowl, you really didn't want to eat, but if you wanted to stay alive you had to eat just a little. Felix let out a loud sigh and suddenly stood up, the motion had caused you to fall out of your daze and stare up at the tall male.
"Come with me"
This had shocked you even more. Felix was actually speaking, and he was asking you to go somewhere. He got impatient quickly, and with a groan he leaned down and grabbed your arm, pulling your body up beside him. He began to walk away from the cliff, holding onto your arm so you stumbled behind him.
"Felix.. Where are we going.. Let go"
Your tone had changed, for the first time since you've been there your words displayed an emotion other than despair. You had dropped the bowl Felix had given you and you began to tug on your arm, but Felix kept holding, and the more you squirmed the tighter he held.
"Stop fighting with me, I'm going to give you answers."
This had almost made you stop moving completely. Answers? But why? Why Felix and not Peter? You had stopped struggling, allowing yourself to be pulled by Felix through the dense Neverland forest. The two of you came across a cave, and Felix suddenly came to a stop. You almost stumbled into the males back from the abrupt stop. You could feel your heart starting to beat faster when Felix began to walk into the dark cave. The boy could feel your discomfort and so he pulled you into his side, his arm snaking around your waist. Blush rose to your cheeks from the movement. You were no longer a little kid, so this gesture didn't feel brotherly anymore, you were a teenage girl, only a couple years younger than the boy who held you. You let out an uncomfortable cough, but stayed close to Felix anyway, out of nervousness. 
“Just a little further” 
The boy spoke with no emotion as usual, and his face displayed nothing. You couldn't read him at all, so you had no idea of what laid ahead waiting for you. It was like a seven from a movie. At the end of the tunnel there was a bright light, a torch that lit up a room of the cave. On its wall were engraved pictures and some sort of scripture you couldn't read. You stepped towards the wall, the fire light dancing over your curious eyes as your brushed your fingertips over the walls. 
“What does it mean...”
Felix came up beside you, and pointed to the first picture. You stared at it and gulped down a lump that formed in your throat. The image was simple, a stick figure and a black blob stood side by side, in between them was a heart. 
“A long time ago... When Pan first got on this island, it was already inhabited by the shadow. For Peter to have any type of ruling status over this place, him and shadow made a couple of rules... The one that this picture concerns is the heart that Pan fell for.
Pan fell for...?
You were about to open your mouth to speak but Felix shushed you, pointing to the next image on the wall. You suddenly felt lightheaded, this explanation wasn't making any sense. 
“Even beings as evil as Pan need love, Peter didn't think so, but shadow knew long before that this would happen. So the deal was made. You were to be brought to Neverland as a child so Peter could take care of you and realize he had the capability to love...But on your fourth birthday you had to be taken away... Shadow did this so Peter would realize that being alone is something no one can do.” 
You blinked a couple of times, your eyes scanning over the pictures for more evidence of Felix’s words. The more you stared at them, the more they made sense. So it was true, Peter was in love with you, he had been since the very start. You were the only love that could break through Pan’s cold and black heart. You didn't even realize you had tears falling down your face, before Felix reached over and wiped one away. You flinched slightly, and looked at one of the boys who raised you. You threw your arms around his shoulders and squeezed him tightly, allowing more tears to fall. The male was to shocked to hug back. He just stared at your body, and the smallest of smiles curled up on his lips.
“Go find him.”
Before the male had even finished his sentence you began to run. You ran as fast as your legs could take you, with one thought pushing your adrenaline
‘I love him too.’
Pan hadn't left his treehouse since you came back to Neverland. He paced about the wooden floor boards, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion and anger. He wouldn't admit that that bloody shadow was right. He was Peter Pan for gods sake, he didn't love or need anybody. But the more that he thought that, the more his heart would skip a beat. Images of you and your new look flashed before Peter’s eyes and he growled, slamming his fist against a wall. Why did you have to be so damn beautiful... Why did you have to grow up.., Why did he have to love you? 
He was shaken out of his thoughts when there was a sudden bang on the door. His mouth curled into a snarl and he stormed towards the door. He had told his boys not to bother him during this time, so now this person was going to pay. Maybe he would ripped their teeth out or cut off one of their fingers. He ripped the door open, about to give hell to the person, but the wind was knocked out of him. He stammered back, as a pair of arms wrapped tightly around his waist. He blinked out of pure shock and stared down at the form.
There you were, your face buried in his chest and your arms wrapped tightly around him. All of the anger flooded out of Pan’s brain and it was replaced with a new found sensation. He felt warm, almost fuzzy, and there were butterflies fluttering in his tummy. 
“I love you”
He had heard you say it, but he couldn't believe it. He furrowed his eyebrows. 
“Say it again.”
This time you looked up at Peter, at the man who had always truly cared about you. You chuckled softly and gave him the largest smile you had ever given anyone. 
“I love you Peter... I love you and only you.”
You spoke the words firm and with meaning. You had to get him to know that you truly meant what you said. Realization began to kick in on Peter’s face and he let out the smallest laugh. Suddenly his arms were wrapped around you, and he lifted you up and off the ground. He continued to laugh as he spun, holding your body close to his. You held on even tighter to him, joining in on his happy laughter. Finally, you were finally with the love of your life. Peter continued to spin until her stumbled onto his bed. He let out a soft grunt as the two of you fell, you landing onto of Peter. You stared up into his eyes, and a dark blush dusted your cheeks. You weren't used to this kind of affection from Peter, it felt so much more strong than it did when you were a child. A sly smirk curled up on Peter’s face and he brought his hand to your cheek, allowing it to slowly caress your red skin. 
“I love you, (Y/N)~”
He didn't even let you respond before he pulled you into his chest, his arms encasing your body closely to his. You giggled shyly, nuzzling your face into his warm chest. He smiled, leaning down to place a kiss on your forehead. He let one hand rest on your hip, while the other drew small circles on your back. The two of you stayed tangled in each others arm all night long, and probably late into the morning as well. You now finally had each other, and you never wanted to let go ever again. 
“I love you...”
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