cant wait for more serpent and badger i lov it :-)
I'm glad you like it~ ☺️
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Ummmm bish continue the series! I love it! I will admit I love when draco is mean and then realised oh fuck I fucked up she was being nice type thing 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻
it’s nice to hear you say that- 
I’m usually iffy when it comes to Draco admitting he fucked up.bc it seems too out of character???
Ya know, because he’s an official asshole and all lol 
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I loved part two of The Serpent and the Badger; keep doing what you're doing b
Thank you
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The Serpent and the Badger (Pt. 2/??)
The Hufflepuff house was something Draco never really cared for. He figured that if you were “unfortunate” enough to be placed into that house it meant that you were stupid or simply a leftover that the Sorting Hat couldn’t decide where you belonged. The only time Draco can remember people actually talking about the house was after the death of Cedric Diggory. Other than that, the house remained quiet, keeping to themselves and, more importantly, staying out of his way. However, after getting a new desk partner in Potions class, he begins to wonder what it truly means to be just.
Part 1.  *Part 2.*
It Starts With Patience
The class period could not go by any slower. The awkward atmosphere between the two of you was evident, practically suffocating your brain as you tried to come up with any kind of conversation starter.
“Lovely weather today, isn’t it.”
“Are you blind, we’re in the middle of a storm.”
“What kind of hobbies do you have?”
“I don’t see how that’s any of your concern.”
It was nerve wracking, you felt as if you were talking to the Whomping Willow. No matter how many times you would try to approach it, even if your intentions are good, you end up being smashed into bits and pieces, wondering why you’d even bother trying in the first place.
You sighed, glancing out of the corner of your eye to see what the blond was doing. He was busying himself with weighing the materials on the brass scale to even so much as blink in your direction. Thinking back on it, the only time he had made eye contact with you was when you first approached his desk. Well, it’s not like you were any better, you’ve been staring at his backside for awhile now.
“If you’re done staring at me, put everything in the cauldron. I don’t want that damn Pearl Dust getting all over me.” Draco demands, bringing you back to reality. He steps away from the ingredients and leans back against the neighboring group’s table.
“O-oh, right.” you nervously cough, quickly getting into position and grabbing the mixing spool. You could feel his eyes boring into your back, watching your every move. It made you feel uneasy. “You don’t have to worry about me, I’m not as clumsy as I look.”
“I’m not, I’m making sure that you don’t ruin my reputation as an OWL.” Draco says matter-of-factly, overlooking your every move. Reaching out to the Powdered Moonstone, you admired the ingredients beauty. It reminded you of how the night sky looks when viewed from the planetarium. Just seeing the beauty of the moonstone in front of you made you excited to finally be able to do something instead of just standing around and waiting to be useful. Right when you‘re about to pour the shimmery powder into the pink mixture in front of you, Draco harshly grabs your wrist, almost making your heart stop in surprise.
“You idiot, you’re not suppose to pour it in until the end!” Draco pinched his bridge of his nose in irritation, his voice gradually increasing in volume, causing those around you two to glance. “Honestly, do they just pass anyone onto the next year?! You’re lucky that-”
The tightening grip of his hand blocked out any of the things he was saying from reaching your ears. Instead, your mind was too busy replaying the warnings your friends gave you about him. “He’s dangerous, (y/n).”  “If you value living, then don’t ever cross him. Like ever. In anyway.” “I heard he punched Hermione once. Can you believe he hits girls? I mean, I’m all for equality, but Hermione? That’s just too much...” 
Maybe you were being dramatic, but it terrified you to think that you possibly made an enemy of one of the student body's most powerful wizards. In all yous life, you never made enemies with anyone before. There were people who you disliked and vice versa, but it never got to the point of hating that person’s guts, which is something Malfoys are known for. 
Releasing his much larger hand from your slender wrist, you shifted your weight from one foot to the other, murmuring a tiny “I’m sorry.”
You no longer continued on with your small chatter or nervous smiles, instead you stared at the cauldron with a vacant look; not even daring to look in his direction. Draco rolled his eyes, seeing your sudden change in behavior as childish. He was just correcting your mistakes, or at least, that’s what he told himself. There was no need for you to act like he just told you your puppy died.
Patience was never part of Draco’s vocabulary. Growing up, his parents, especially his father, were very intolerant. Whenever he acted upon his own free will or even questioned the legality of his parent’s actions, the consequence was always less than pretty. This type of negative reinforcement only lead to him becoming more uptight, never once settling for anything less than perfect. Be a perfect student, a perfect Slytherin, a perfect son…
Groaning at the thought, he examined you. You were frantically looking over your notes, double check- no triple checking them to make sure you wouldn’t make any mistakes. You didn’t want to be the cause for his academic reputation going down, so you tried your best to meet the standards he had.
Seeing your frenzied actions, the green and silver robed wizard bit his lip. He wouldn’t dare to say it aloud, but he regrets treating you so harshly. You were genuinely trying to be a part of the potion making and was too excited to even realize what you were doing was wrong. He started to recall the feeling of being petrified whenever he made a mistake as a child. The feeling made his insides coil, almost feeling the cold hands harshly gripping him by his own scrawny arms. He wonders if you too felt the same way when he forcibly yanked your wrist. Weak and vulnerable.
As much as he loves his parents, deep down he knew he wanted to be nothing like them. The way they act and treated him as a child disgusts him, and it wasn’t till his mind started to mature that he tried to distance himself from their control as much as possible, even if he knew his fate was pre-planned for him simply because he’s a legendary Malfoy of Slytherin.
Sighing, he swallowed his pride as he stood next to you, trying to ignore the tensing of your shoulders. Clearing his throat, he began, “I… ap… ologize for stepping out of line earlier… It won’t happen again.”
Wide (e/c) eyes met steel grey ones, the world was put on a pause. It didn’t take long for you to notice the close proximity between the two of you, causing you to shyly pry your eyes away. You hummed softly, “I’ll accept your apology only upon one request.”
Draco’s blond brow crocked up in surprise. Were Hufflepuffs always so… ballsy? Cautiously, he asked, “And what would that be?”
“You have to ease up a little, you look harrowing when you go all rogue.” you internally fight with yourself determining if you should say the next thing or not, but an urge took over you. “You look handsome when you’re not angry.”
Bashfully looking away, you return to making the potion, leaving the green and silver robed wizard stunned. Watching you try to hide your reddening face along with you hitting your head with your hand and scolding yourself with “why-did-you-do-that’s” and “oh-my-god-merlin-and-christ’s”, Draco softly chuckled to himself.
You were an odd person, but that wasn’t necessarily a bad thing in this case scenario. If anything, it made you more enchanting in Draco’s eyes.
The blond’s eyes widened.
He found you enchanting.
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@sorryimacrapwriter @ly--canthrope @themaddesthattter
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i looove serpent and a badger!!! please make more parts :-)
I’m on it! :D
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Pls make that a draco series!! And can I ask any other imagines you write for draco could you please tag me? :)
Oki doki~~ :D
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Hi,can you pleeeeeaaaseww do another part to the draco& hufflepuff girl if you haven't already? I'm a hufflepuff,and it made me feel all warm and giddy inside.💛💕
Aw, I’m glad you liked it! I’m currently working on the next part right now~!
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Pleaseeee make Serpent and Badger a series it's sooo good!
Ahh, thank you so much! I’m currently brainstorming the next part as I type this~
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The Serpent and the Badger (Pt. 1/??)
The Hufflepuff house was something Draco never really cared for. He figured that if you were “unfortunate” enough to be placed into that house it meant that you were stupid or simply a leftover that the Sorting Hat couldn’t decide where you belonged. The only time Draco can remember people actually talking about the house was after the death of Cedric Diggory. Other than that, the house remained quiet, keeping to themselves and, more importantly, staying out of his way. However, after getting a new desk partner in Potions class, he begins to wonder what it truly means to be just.
*Part One*   Part Two
It Starts With a “Hello”
“Today we’ll be working in pairs to create the Amortentia-” Professor Slughorn announced loudly to the bustling young wizards who were too preoccupied with chatting amongst themselves, ignoring the Professor’s directions. With a heavy sigh, Slughorn proclaimed, “I will be picking partners for this task and you will have that partner for the rest of the year.” Not caring for the groans in complaint over his decision, he began reading off the list of names he had already prepared.
Draco’s eyes lazily drifted across those in the room. He knew if he got stuck with anyone from the infamous Gryffindor Trio, he would be better off accepting a zero for the grade, but the same could be said about his two minions, Crabbe and Goyle, who were currently arguing over who would be more grateful to be paired with him. 
“Draco Malfoy, you’ll be with (F/N) (L/N)...” Slughorn rambled, not bothering to look up from the list as he continued to the next pair of people. 
Draco raised a brow in confusion, for he had never heard that name in his life. Searching around the room, his eyes landed on a petite looking girl who sat two rows in front of him, clad in a yellow and black robe. He stared at her for a brief moment, before turning to who he assumed were her friends by the way they were giving her sympathy pats on her arms.
“To think that the Hufflepuff Princess got stuck with the Prince of Slytherin… I feel so sorry for you. Hopefully he doesn’t try and get you killed if you look at him the wrong way.” he heard one of them tell you. 
“Do you think he will threaten our poor little (Y/N) into making the whole potion by herself? Or worse, try to blackmail her into doing-”
“Guys, stop with this nonsense. He personally hasn’t done anything bad to me, so I don’t see why I have to treat him any less then I would to any other student here.” You stand up and start to gather your belongings. You note the worried expressions your friends gave and returned them a reassuring smile. “Think about it this way, there’s a bit of good in everyone, some just show it more than others.”
You glance to look at your new partner, only to see him quickly avert his gaze. You’ll be honest, you’re worried about being paired up with him. She has heard the rumors of what type of guy the proclaimed Draco Malfoy was. He was crude, impatient, arrogant, bossy, just to name a few. She wondered if she would truly be alright working with him for a whole year. Glancing down at the bright yellow tie she adorned on her neck, she quickly shook off such thoughts. She was a Hufflepuff, the Prefect in fact, it would be against her nature to simply write him off as a “badapple” without giving him a chance to present himself to her. Readjusting the piece of fabric hanging loosely around her neck, and clutching her textbooks tightly against her chest, she made bold steps towards the blond.
Meanwhile, Draco’s mind was racing. You, a Hufflepuff, was defending him, Slytherin’s very own pride and joy, against the critiques of those in your very own house. You even went as far as to reference that he wasn’t a bad guy, something that he has never heard anyone say when mentioning him. 
“Just what is she getting at? Is she dense or just trying to deceive everyone?” he wonders, watching you from the corner of his eye as you take a seat beside him. You placed your things neatly on you side of the table, only when you were finished with situating yourself did you turn to look at him, a sweet smile gracing your lips.
“Hi, I’m (Y/n), it’s nice to meet you, Draco.” you greeted, sticking your hand out for him to shake. He stared at your hand and with a poker face, he murmured out a “sure” before turning away from you. 
“Maybe he’s afraid of germs.” you tell yourself, lips turning downwards into a frown, disappointed that he simply blew you off as something of importance.
“She has to be after something, there’s no way someone would act so nice to someone like me without wanting something in return.” Draco ponders, believing that your kindness is some type of facade. There’s no way someone could be so... so nice.
 For all his life, it was rare for someone to treat him normally. Not as a wealthy pure blood from the well known Malfoy lineage, or as an evil spoiled brat whose only purpose in life was to ruin others’ lives, but as a normal human. No formalities or previous baggage being shoved in his face, just a simple greeting that would lead him into wondering what’s it’s like outside his view of the world. 
He notices you opening your textbook up and takes a chance to study your features. Your long eyelashes compliment your stunning (e/c) eyes as they had a shine in them he’s never seen in anyone’s before, and the way your (h/c) hair was bouncing around your shoulders with every move your head made was almost memorizing. His eyes wandered to your pink lips, watching them move as you read aloud to yourself silently.
He’d be lying if he said he didn’t find you attractive.
He’d be lying if he said that you didn’t peak his interest.
Tag: @sorryimacrapwriter
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Tony to the Avengers: Alright, listen up you little shits.
Tony: Not you, Peter. You’re an angel and we are thrilled you’re here
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+29 fantastic beasts icons; feel free to use!
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