romans838-blog · 12 years
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Hey guys, can you just take a minute and pray for this beautiful girl.
This is Chloe, she’s an 18 year old cheerleader from Orlando on the losing end of a battle with stage 4 brain Cancer. She was diagnosed at the beginning of last school year; her senior year. We both had a leadership class together almost two years ago (when I was a senior and she was a junior) and I can say she is one of the sweetest girls you could ever meet. Towards the end of her senior year they thought she was getting better, but just a couple of weeks ago things took a turn for the worse and now she’s at home on hospice.
So I ask all of you praying people to Pray for Chloe. Pray that God would do a miraculous healing, and pray that God would take what the enemy meant for harm, and turn it into good.
And reblog the snot out of this, and prayer more, because I know when she recovers she will have one heck of a testimony.
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romans838-blog · 12 years
“I’ll bet she’s beautiful, that girl he talks about… I wonder if he knows he’s all I think about at night.”
I thought I could sleep but I couldn’t. I have to wake up early at 7am and be energetic for tomorrow. I can’t.
Have you ever felt so much pain because someone you care about is...
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romans838-blog · 12 years
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Oh Lord, You know me in and out and lovely are your thoughts about me.  How great Your mercy is for me. I am thankful that You chose me, though I am so deeply unworthy; And so, with all that is within me - I will say ‘Abba Father, have Your way’.  And Even when I’m walking through the valley of death, and I’m broken and nothing is left - Still, You lead me on. I am so thankful to You - In your love for me. You’re worthy Lord, and so I’ll pour my tears in the ocean, and I’ll leave my pain by the shore. And know that I can be thankful that Your mighty wave will sweep them away, until they are no more. I am thankful that when I am in fear, Lord - You hide me, You bury me deep within your wings and carry all my fears and worries, and You lift me when I am lowly. Father I am thankful, that You wrap me in your arms of safety when the battle’s raging, and with me sheltered below your wings - You’re fighting for me. Greater than all things that I could ever thank You for Lord, I am thankful that there’s freedom from my past, and there’s hope in my future. I am thankful that You are my today, You are my tomorrow, and You are my forever. Saviour, I am forever thankful, forever in love, forever Yours.
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romans838-blog · 12 years
Hume Lake
I don't know if I should be blogging this, but at the same time I know that I should. I'm going to Hume Lake in four days, and I wanted to let my followers know a little bit of my life before I'm headed off to another life-chain experience. But first, for those of you who don't know, Hume Lake is a legendary Christian camp in Hume, California. (Want more information? Www.humelake.org) Anyways, these past months have been inexplicably rough on my spiritually. I basically gave up on Jesus and everything that he could offer me. I just couldn't/didn't want to do it anymore. So I walked away from the better life. As soon as I turned my back I made some of the biggest mistakes of my life. I regret them completely. But the same time I couldn't bring myself to kneel at the feet of Jesus. My heart was becoming so hardened that I couldn't. I don't want to give up that momentary pleasure that sin would give me for a lifetime of incredible joy. But this past week before I embark on a new journey has been an emotional roller coaster. suddenly I crave Jesus more and more, even though I haven't talked to him in months. Now I am sorry for my mistakes, when before I was seemingly proud of them. Now, I just want to stand with arms high and heart abandoned. This is my heart going into Hume Lake and I cannot wait to share with you the new and virgin heart that is reborn out of it. God bless. Danielle
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romans838-blog · 12 years
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#jesus #heaven #love #happiness #christianity #god #youmakebeautifulthings #salvation #debotion #biblestudy #neveralone #sad #help #cutting #suicide (Taken with instagram)
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romans838-blog · 12 years
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#ToWriteLoveOnHerArms #jesus #forgiven #loved #love #God #grace (Taken with instagram)
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romans838-blog · 12 years
Ah.. you know that you're supposed to capitalize "He" when you're talking about Jesus, right? Here's my question, anyway: Do you think that Jesus actually performed miracles do you think they were metaphors?
Yes, I do believe that Jesus performed the miracles that are described in the Bible. Many of his followers didn't believe that he was the Son of God till they had seen him do things that only God could have done. And also, he was persecuted for performing the miracles that he did. Many believed that Jesus had reviewed his powers from the devil. But yes, I do believe that Jesus really performed those miracles.
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romans838-blog · 12 years
You know how cool Jesus is? No matter how bad I am, no matter how hard I have messed up, Jesus always forgives; even when the people around you don't. They can tell you that your mistakes make you a hypocrite and a liar, and you have no way to escape from them. But Jesus says differently. He tells me that I am forgiven, loved, and beautiful. I would say that makes Jesus cooler than anything in the world.
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romans838-blog · 12 years
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Taken with instagram
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romans838-blog · 12 years
I honestly believe we’re all born with a desire, rather a need, to find something greater than us. To be somebody greater than who we originally are. We long to find meaning. We all want purpose. We want something to live for. We long for something outside of us.
That desire is designed to fuel...
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romans838-blog · 12 years
This is wonderful. Well done.
NEXT TOPIC: The physical side of courtship.
What the world says about courtship according to our Sunday School discussion:
Do what your body says to do. The body cannot be controlled.
How physical you are defines the relationship. The more physical you are, the more serious you guys are about...
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romans838-blog · 12 years
Finally being able to see the world through the eyes of the One who saved you. That, I truly believe, is a gift. I can look around each corner, through every window, into the eyes of a stranger, and see the brokenness within. I praise you lord for letting me see with your eyes! Ask Jesus to lend you his eyes, his heart, his mind. Pray for this. There are so many benefits to this prayer. I've noticed that I've become a walking prayer. I spend many moments with God, asking him to heal the hurt and sew the pain. And also you start to learn new ways to evangelize to the world. You will understand how to do it in a way that will specifically connect with certain people. And from there lives begin to change. You begin to see what the lord saw in you in the times where you couldn't see anything in yourself. That, I am grateful for. You understand beauty in a whole new light. You can appreciate anger in all of its misunderstanding. You can wipe away every tear with just the right amount of comfort. I tell you, brothers and sisters, this is indeed a prayer to meditate on. How many of you have been in a situation where you want to tell someone about Jesus, about love and salvation, but don't have the words. Perhaps your friend is suffering from something that you are trying to understand and you want to offer them the comfort of Jesus and tell them why he is perfect for their situation; but unfortunately you don't know how. I tell you, meditate on this! On top of that, it is most important to read your Bible. Just a praise, some thoughts, some love. Xoxo, God bless.
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romans838-blog · 12 years
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Jesus. (Taken with instagram)
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romans838-blog · 12 years
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the LORD’s voice and the “still small voice”
just be careful not to mix it with our own mind 
our mind tells us to do what we want and our wish, and often not what we should do.
- Poporetto
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romans838-blog · 12 years
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romans838-blog · 12 years
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romans838-blog · 12 years
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