rosaform · 18 days
i want them to tell me why they did this to me.
my child, do you not already know?
i know, it’s because they’re bad for me - but i need this.
need what?
if a snake bit you, would you ask it why?
no, but-
would you chase it across the sand to make it say sorry? to prove to it that you did not deserve this?
but what if it was sorry?
tell me,
will its venom be sorry too?
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rosaform · 28 days
it is not enough to suffer
i must suffer and live
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rosaform · 2 months
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rosaform · 2 months
ohhh i get it now guys the reason no one invites me places is because im so awesome and nonchalant that it makes everyone else feel bad. yeahhh makes so much sense now!
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rosaform · 2 months
today i learned that i can no longer brag to my pale white friends about not needing sunscreen
me hanging out with black people in the summer: “aye, yall don’t forget to put on sunscreen”
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rosaform · 2 months
its raining outside and i actually got up early enough to make breakfast and coffee and read and write a little and i feel so artsy like a real tumblr person and not some poser
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rosaform · 2 months
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rosaform · 2 months
im currently voyaging the foyer (walking across the field to the grocery store) in search of a mysterious artifact that captures all in it’s gaze within a square prison (polaroid film).
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rosaform · 2 months
Since I was 13 I knew I wanted to listen to music that was bad
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rosaform · 2 months
me when i lie
i don’t find shawty melodic at all
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rosaform · 3 months
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rosaform · 4 months
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rosaform · 4 months
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rosaform · 4 months
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how it feels to turn on your car’s AC when you first start it
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rosaform · 4 months
hey i noticed you left me on opened! im sure that was an accident so i just thought- wdym “how’d i get in your house?”
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rosaform · 4 months
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rosaform · 4 months
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