rose-w-00-d · 3 months
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The photo speaks for itself and I stand by it.
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rose-w-00-d · 3 months
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rose-w-00-d · 5 months
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rose-w-00-d · 7 months
authors note: i wrote this for a creative writing assignment at school and my friend thought it was good enough to post here ིྀ:) let me know if you want more!
ps. this came about from a stray kids fic i read so it is very loosely based on that
wc: 0.6k (644)
It’s quiet in the mountains. Nature’s visuals seem to be painted meticulously when untouched. “Once it’s over,” my thoughts echoed, “everything goes back to normal.”
Did I really want that though?
I mean honestly, this never would have happened if I just took the elevator. But no. The urge to stretch my legs took over and I just had to comply. How is it that the stairwell was empty except for him. At any normal glance in the hallway, Peter just seemed like a kid going through the motions at school. Wishing senior year would be over already. But really, who didn’t?
You’d also assume that he only spoke to answer a question. Or only ever ask the teacher something strictly at the end of class to avoid a spotlight. Oh my god, you’d be wrong about that too. Not to say he was obnoxious or anything, but any conversation never seemed to end with him. It was amazing how he got his work done on time. Especially when he was an ace in extracurriculars. You name it, he did it.
Yet somehow in the hallways, you couldn’t even sense his presence. Everyone seemed to roll with it though. Only quiet acknowledgments were thrown his way and short low answers were received. I never thought it was normal. Sure people didn’t like to talk. That’s perfectly fine and normal. This wasn’t to me. Something was telling me these interactions he had were exhausting for him. But who am I to assume?
It might be too cliche to say we take Earth for granted. To be fair, if it’s repeated enough times, people start to listen. It’s only now that I sit here, on the small hilltop, that I see everything. It’s too much all at once. Once it’s over, everything goes back to normal. I knew this was only conditional. It was only for this week. Next time I see him, I won’t in a way. That doesn’t mean I won’t think about it.
“I thought you didn’t like the cold.” Of course he’s here. I know he’s speaking but I don’t wanna turn around. I don’t wanna face him right now. “And I thought, you’d never talk to me again. I guess we both lied.” The words spill out faster than I can catch them. Did I mean that? I mean, I might’ve but I didn’t want him to hear it.
“How long are you going to feel that way?” Don’t turn around. “As long as it takes to make you leave.” The leaves on the ground make for a terrible cover as I hear him get just an inch closer. “What if I don’t want to leave?” “I forget how stubborn you are.” The bluntness of my words still cut through the air. Clearly I don’t want to talk. Why does he keep going? The wind gets stronger for a moment and I hug myself, shivering. I really don’t like the cold. Apparently, it’s so loud I never noticed him standing next to me. But we’re still silent.
“Why are you here anyway?” The question comes out harsher than I expected. “Would you believe me if I said it’s for the scenery?” “Not at all.” Is there a possibility that’s the reason and him talking to me was just something that came up along the way? Sure. Is that the actual reason? No.
He goes to speak but pauses. Guess he doesn’t want to hurt me even more. How kind of him. “Listen. I don’t know what I did bu-“ “If you don’t know don’t bother saying sorry. It’d mean nothing.” Before he starts again, I’m on my feet walking away. I don’t care if he’s still standing there. I don’t care if he’s following me. Maybe now he’d get the hint.
Why did I come out here in the first place?
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