rosesandmoonstones · 2 hours
The Vintage Read discusses why she thinks Harry's reputation is being finessed. She is going to follow the media to track the work being done to salvage Sparry's reputation.
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rosesandmoonstones · 3 months
When I signed this, there were around 1200 signatures. There are now over 6800! I really hope this makes the news and causes ESPN a headache.
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rosesandmoonstones · 3 months
This makes so much sense. Of course, Harry must have been leaking to the press long before he met Meghan, and simply blamed Charles, Camilla or aides.
Anon Submission
Anon, it’s not a “someone”. It’s Harry
The reason William said “it’s over” with Harry was that he discovered in 2019 that the leaker of gossip to the family press was Harry. William had long believed it was Charles and Camilla, due to a series of situations that had occurred, especially due to the attitudes of Charles’s private secretaries. But William had reached an agreement with Charles about the children. Charles had complied until 2019 when he made a comment that William didn’t like, it wasn’t anything serious but William confronted Charles about it… and then told Harry what had happened. And the whole incident appeared in the Express.
William went to confront Charles, believing that Charles had loosened his tongue or Charles’ advisors. Charles was dumbfounded, no one had said a word. William then did the math: Alderton, Charles’s secretary, had not been, Charles had not been, Camilla definitely had not been, who was left to know what had happened? Harry. And William began to investigate and soon discovered that many rumors that he had believed it had been Charles, had actually been Harry, for years.
The fight that Harry said William had hit him had a lot to do with that. William had discovered the rat in the BRF.
And all the gossip that Harry spread has a characteristic stamp: turning Charles and William against each other. That Charles is jealous of William, that William is rude to Camilla, Camilla hates Kate, William is a bad influence on Charles…
Notice that many of the articles that are “Charles wants to forgive but William doesn’t” are either signed by Victoria Ward or are signed by Roya Nikkah or by Royston or Tom Sykes or Daniela Elser, pro-Harkles. The Harkles are the sources of those articles. And that’s Harry, always sowing tares.
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rosesandmoonstones · 4 months
Enjoyable read. All so true:)
Let’s take a peek into MM’s diary….
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Dear Dairy,
Sorry I haven’t written to you for awhile. I’m so popular and I don’t have a second to myself these days. Everyone…and I mean EVERYONE wants to be my bestie. I am good with that, as you know, the more people I can use and abuse, the happier I am. I must say though, unless I get something out of a bestie…I’m not interested. The Kardasicans, give me a headache. They walk around like they live for money and selfies! I mean please! I know they are jelly (have scrapped the scam jam, and going to make jelly now, see how I did that?) of me, they would grab onto Larry, sorry…Harry in a second. They don’t stand a chance with him though, because they may be trashy…but believe me…I AM trashier. That’s how I won his (heart). Anyways, I am done with them using my mom so they can stay in the news. They need to be able to say…”we are besties with Doria the DuchAss’s mom! Forget it! I told my mom (who happens to be 50% Nigerian) that she needs to be careful with those people, as they don’t even like her….no one does….they only like ME, and use her to get to ME. Anyways, enough about them.
I know people are getting impatient waiting for my long, long, long list of products for my new Scam Company ARO. They are coming….likely in the year 2080. So, something to look forward to. I have great hope for my toilet paper line, dental floss, toothpaste, perfume, and dish detergent. I am really focusing on these items. I do however want to start a line of brooms and shovels as well. Everytime I am on SM (shhh don’t tell everyone)…I see them talk about brooms and shovels, so yeah, I get the message, my public wants me to sell these items. So working on that. The shovels will be tested this week at the local farm. Trying them out in the horse stalls, see how much they can handle. I did get Larry (Harry) to try out a broom. I had him climb up a tree with a broom. He got on a thick branch and stood up with the broom, and jumped thinking he would fly. Sadly, he couldn’t fly with it. Back to square one, and research. Look at him! How embarrassing! Great news though! The broom didn’t break!
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Oh Diary, a sneaky peek at my new Dish Detergent I created….on sale in 2079…I LOVE the packaging…great name too!
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When I was 11 yrs old….i saw a commercial. There was a girl washing dishes! I said NOPE! I wrote to the company and said NOPE, girls have better things to do then wash dishes! Why can’t boys wash dishes! The company changed the commercial…..immediately! Now boys wash dishes….thanks to yours truly, ME! So anyways, that’s why it was so important for me to create my new dish detergent, I can’t recall why I named it Dawn though? Oh, I do recall now….thats the time I usually roll home! My amazing business ARO is a family business, I even have LallyBet doing testing…she will always have a future washing dishes. She will have to earn her own money in life, because….what is MINE…is MINE, and I will spend every penny on ME!
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Oh my trip! Yeah so I was invited to……Nigerian. It was fun. The best part is….they see me as the Princess of Nigerian. They were so easy to scam! (Note to self…send them jam and dish detergent.). They really made us feel welcome, but I didn’t like the food. I didn’t like the way the dressed. I didn’t like the air. I didn’t like the people. I did however, LOVE they see me as influential and a role model for the young ones. I could see in their sad little eyes, they ALL see me in them and them in me. They will never achieve what I have achieved. Sadly, not everyone is a good grifter. I don’t know, maybe if a go there every few months I can change a couple of them into little mini me grifters….I don’t know. I almost fell on my face! My spray tan was rubbing off, or dripping off I should say. Spray tan doesn’t work in extreme heat!!!! No biggie, they know I am 89% Nigeria. It was a privilege for all to meet me, and they paid me plenty…so all good.
Ok, this is a real secret. Larry (Harry) and I are going to Australia. We decided we are going to become King and Queen over there. We can’t get back into the UK, or Kanada..so Australia is the only place left. I want to go there for two reasons. One, they need a king and QUEEN. Two, I love Kalhua Bears. We are going to get a partition going, should be easy. The Aussies have thick accents, and I don’t think they understand English so should be easy to fool them. If they catch on and say they have a King and Queen, we will just tell them they quit their jobs, and told us to go under. Seriously, I think we can pull this off. I will have the biggest tiara anyone has ever seen. Do they have yachts in Aussie? Asking for a friend. I have seen some of the men in Aussie. Oh yeah….they would like me…no doubt about it. Those Hems worth bros are so good looking….yep….I have got to meet them.
Well I guess I should go, Larry (Harry) is crying again, blah blahblahblah……
If anyone happens to read my Diary, please donate to our new charities:
Make Me Richer Foundation
Me Me Me Foundation
Dish Detergents Foundation
Broken Harry Foundation
Also buy MY new books:
I Can Scam Like No Other
The Best Way to Fool Governments
I Know Everyone In The World Wants to be ME
How To Pretend You Have Children
How To Be 89% Nigeria And Get Away With It
I have another 59 books but I will tell you about them later!
Love Me….I LOVE ME!xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
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rosesandmoonstones · 4 months
It truly amazes me that Netflix is still flogging this dead horse.
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rosesandmoonstones · 6 months
The Princess of Wales. 🙌🏼💐
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rosesandmoonstones · 6 months
I agree 100%. I had the exact same thought during the week. The palace was minded to send a clear message to the Megalomiac and her vile minions. Dont think because two of the VIPs are sick, you can start circling like a vulture. You're out, hun.
Website Change
This was why they updated the Royal Family website.
King Charles and Prince William preempted Catherine's announcement to make it clear Harry & Megan are 'out' and not coming back. No amount of PR or trying to ride Catherine's cancer announcement will bring them back.
Bravo to them for this Tommy Lascelles-type chess move. ♟️♟️
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rosesandmoonstones · 6 months
A research scientist told me that preventative in this case means they hope to mop up any cancer they can't actually see. Chemo does work so although unpleasant, our dear Catherine should be OK, as she herself said...
I hope the "preventative" therapy means the operation had clear margins and the therapy is meant to deal with micro substances not identifiable at MRI or CT. As a precaution.
One thing is certain - she will have the best care available in the country.
I am a strong believer in the power of prayer and join mine with the people all over the world praying for Catherine.
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rosesandmoonstones · 6 months
I very seldom swear but f*ck you Harry and Meghan. Keep your fake concern to yourselves. And 'screw you' to all the haters, especially those expressing good wishes with a forked tongue. Leave Catherine and William alone and batten down the hatches cos Karma has your number.
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rosesandmoonstones · 6 months
Agree. The whole thing is an unmitigated disaster. Catherine is the last person who deserves this treatment. Shame on everyone involved.
The Palace has lost control over the media hunting Catherine. The last several days of abuse over her operation, recuperation and photo release are worse than Diana mania. It is absolutely revolting.
Catherine needs to take control herself. She must draw a firm line. No explanations about the nature of her operation. No admittance to her private life.
Social media will have to live with that. General media will have to work with the Wales press team.
Otherwise her health and wellbeing will be destroyed.
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rosesandmoonstones · 6 months
I don't believe Mad Meg gives a rat's ass about selling anything. All she wants to do is fanny about in ballgowns being photographed. Like her husband, she is emotionally stunted. She is still playing dress up, believing she is a real Disney princess, like a 7-year old.
So, all this BS about global humanitarian work and changing the world to the better step by step has diluted to a cookery show and a lifestyle brand. Global feminism and fight for equality vs selling tablecloths and jams.
What started as a rocket launch ended as a fart.
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rosesandmoonstones · 7 months
One of Zara's best looks ever. She looks svelte and impeccable.
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British Royal Family - Zara Tindall and Princess Eugenie, Mrs. Brooksbank attends Style Wednesday, day two of the Cheltenham Festival at Cheltenham Racecourse in Cheltenham, England. (Photo by Shutterstock) | March 13, 2024
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rosesandmoonstones · 7 months
It's because she is an empty vessel. She copies fashion but she has no innate style, no charisma, no inner spark and no taste. She has no aesthetic instinct and no understanding of colour, of shape or of texture. She is unable to create her own style, and she most certainly possesses zero je ne sais quoit.
And she has the unbelievable lack of intelligence to pit herself against Catherine, Princess of Wales, who is practically perfect in every way.
I have a serious question.
How can a woman with so much money (allegedly) get it so wrong with her fashion? Not a single look was flattering. Not a single look was memorable. Not a single look was inspiring. There are a thousand IG accounts out there who curate these types of cookie cutter looks, but better.
Neutrals can be exciting when styled the right way, but she makes the most expensive shit look like it came from Goodwill.
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rosesandmoonstones · 7 months
Read the comments, they are HILARIOUS
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rosesandmoonstones · 8 months
Reddit - https://i.redd.it/xiphhnkixzgc1.gif
Almost cried laughing
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rosesandmoonstones · 8 months
This sheepdog gives me hope.
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rosesandmoonstones · 8 months
Not the brightest, our Haz. But defo the most vindictive.
"After the claim was dropped, a spokesperson for the Sussexes said the duke was instead focusing on the safety of his family and his legal case against the Home Office. "His focus remains there, and on the safety of his family, rather than these legal proceedings that give a continued platform to the Mail's false claims all those years ago," they said." --- He initiated the legal case, this dumbfuck. What does the "safety" has to do with this case? Verbal diarrhea as usual.
I wonder who convinced him. Whoever it is, he or she deserves acclaim.
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