rosyoconnor · 5 years
Ziv would disagree. It took us entirely too long to get this shot and they couldn’t see for like… 5 minutes after.
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Ziv can sit down and be quiet. Photography is more than point and shoot, Colly. It’s all about composition and lighting and a tonne of other shit I don’t know about. Sacrifices are made when creating art, Ziv don’t being able to see being the sacrifice this time. I’m so getting my ass kicked when they read this but Ziv, sit down, be quiet, I’ll kiss it better later. 
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As for you, baby girl, think about it. Even if it’s something you do as a hobby, you really do capture some truly beautiful photos. 
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rosyoconnor · 5 years
Texts || Bitchface
Cassie: Come on, Rosy, we both know your threats don't hold weight anymore.
Rosy: It wasn't a threat. Please, you know me by now, if I was threatening you it'd be far more graphic than the mention of a funeral. I just meant that it holds the potential that we'd kill each other at the same time.
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rosyoconnor · 5 years
Texts || Bitchface
Cassie: The better trained people are, the more fun it is.
Rosy: You really want my sister to attend another funeral of someone she loves?
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rosyoconnor · 5 years
Texts || Bitchface
Cassie: 🤦🏼‍♀️
Cassie: Make me laugh.
Rosy: You do know that I used to do ballet, right? Rigorously for years. I'm not exactly a novice that you'd get to toy with.
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rosyoconnor · 5 years
Text || Maid Marian
Magda: Uh... I don't know. He should be fine, though.
Rosy: Ok, the offer is there if you need it.
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rosyoconnor · 5 years
Texts || Bitchface
Cassie: What a shithead.
Cassie: He shit on a perch, went down a level and got the shit on his head.
Cassie: Domestic bliss.
Cassie: You wanna get into NYADA, Rosy?
Rosy: HAHA!!! It's possible I startled Ziv and Col with how loud that made me laugh.
Rosy: That's a special kind of special, even for demon bird.
Rosy: Yeah, I suppose it is.
Rosy: No offence, Cass, but what the fuck would I do at NYADA?
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rosyoconnor · 5 years
Text || Maid Marian
Magda: Not really?
Rosy: Do you want Conall to come stay with us tonight?
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rosyoconnor · 5 years
Text || Maid Marian
Magda: No.
Magda: Can't. Will make things worse.
Rosy: Ah...
Rosy: Is there anything I can do for you?
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rosyoconnor · 5 years
Texts || Bitchface
Cassie: I think he figured out I needed him. And needed him to be a good, sweet boy.
Cassie: Okay.
Cassie: Thanks, Rosy.
Cassie: What are you and your circus up to?
Rosy: He's got a soft side to him, he just keeps it for when its needed.
Rosy: Anytime.
Rosy: The circus is being lazy. Ziv and Colman are being all cute and snuggly together. Pep whisked Cairan away upstairs. I've been looking at online courses.
Rosy: Absolutely thrilling life over here lol
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rosyoconnor · 5 years
Text || Maid Marian
Magda: A lot.
Rosy: Care to vague that up for me?
Rosy: Mags, talk to me. I'm worried about you.
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rosyoconnor · 5 years
Texts || Bitchface
Cassie: Okay. Breathing. Petting demon bird.
Cassie: Maybe? I don't know, I think Magda's coming around.
Rosy: So demon bird does have his uses after all.
Rosy: Ok. Let me know if she doesn't and I'll come over, ok?
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rosyoconnor · 5 years
Texts || Bitchface
Cassie: No, it turns into a shitstorm
Cassie: I don't know! That's the problem! I don't know!
Rosy: That it does.
Rosy: Ok. Before we do anything, you need to breathe. A panic attack isn't going to help you.
Rosy: Do you want me to come over? Or I can come grab you and we can go grab a coffee or something somewhere?
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rosyoconnor · 5 years
Text || Maid Marian
Rosy: Ok, I've been quiet and kept my nose out but that's over. What's going on with you, Mags?
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rosyoconnor · 5 years
Texts || Bitchface
Cassie: Magda's falling apart and I can't fucking deal with Adeline anymore and Sweeney is atrocious today
Cassie: I feel stressed and not in control
Cassie: All I wanna do is relapse everything
Cassie: I'm craving the catharsis
Cassie: And I don't know what to do because everybody is too fucked up to help me and Romeo isn't picking up and I'm scared
Rosy: Never just rains, does it?
Rosy: Ok, well, I'll try deal with others later, right now, I wanna help you.
Rosy: You deserve more than relapsing.
Rosy: Romeo isn't picking up but I'm here, ok? What do you need?
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rosyoconnor · 5 years
Texts || Bitchface
Cassie: [read]
[10 minutes later]
Cassie: I'm not okay
Rosy: What's going on, Cass?
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rosyoconnor · 5 years
Texts || Bitchface
Rosy: So I know I'll see you tomorrow at dinner but I just wanted to check in.
Rosy: Cos private conversations at family dinners are impossible.
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rosyoconnor · 5 years
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