#texts: Cassandra July
drrutherford · 1 year
Cassie: I’ve never had an attitude in my life. Stop projecting. Cassie: Pretty hard not to worry, but I appreciate the thought. Cassie: Just be careful, please? You’re not directly involved, but neither was Amir, and I’m really tired of going to the funerals of people I care about. Cassie: Gidesha. Gidina. Gidiette. Cassie: Her name’s Brigitte, but I’ll put forward Gidesha as a middle name, don’t worry. I’m sure her father will be enamoured by the idea.
Gideon: Ah. Must’ve been one hell of a fever dream I’ve had these last... How long have we known each other? Twenty years? Gideon: Noted... And ditto. Although I’m sure I don’t have to remind you to be careful now that you have one extra reason to do it. Gideon: I was partial to Gidette, actually, but I suppose I will accept Gidesha. He should be enamoured, as a man of taste.
[two minutes later]
Gideon: I look forward to meeting her. Even if I have to suffer her mother as I do it 👼 Gideon: Lunch soon? Drop a line when you know your availability. 
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liaromancewriter · 10 months
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A Valentine Engagement
Premise: Cassie and Ethan's big news makes for front page headlines in the society papers.
Book: Open Heart (post series) Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Cassie Valentine) Format: Edit/Manip + News
I've been wanting to do an engagement photoshoot for Ethan & Cassie for ages (her family insisted). I originally thought I'd commission artwork, but decided to make a manip instead and write a society news story.
Text can be hard to read on images, so the copy is included below the cut along with the original photo.
Published in Newport Société:
The Valentine Clan is expanding by one and it’s a Rhode Island affair.
Newport royalty, Asher and Myra Valentine, announced the engagement of their granddaughter, Dr. Cassandra (Cassie) Elizabeth Valentine (31) — daughter of Robert and Olivia Valentine — to Providence-born Dr. Ethan Jonah Ramsey (39), son of Mr. Alan Ramsey.
The couple met four years ago while working at Boston’s Edenbrook Hospital, where Dr. Valentine is currently Head of Diagnostics and Dr. Ramsey is Chief of Medicine.
By all accounts it was a fairytale romance and now a whirlwind wedding. The couple plans to wed in an intimate ceremony with close family and friends on the grounds of the Valentine Estate on Oceanside in July.
Even though their permanent residence is in Arlington, VA along with The Hudson Group global headquarters, the Valentines have been part of the Newport establishment since the 1800s, owning one of the few legacy homes still in the original family’s care.
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All Fics & Edits: @bluebelle08 @coffeeheartaddict2 @crazy-loca-blog @genevievemd @headoverheelsforramsey @lucy-268 @jamespotterthefirst @jerzwriter @lady-calypso @mainstreetreader @peonierose @potionsprefect @queencarb @quixoticdreamer16 @rookiemartin @socalwriterbee @tessa-liam @trappedinfanfiction
Submissions: @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
Ethan & Cassie only: @cariantha @custaroonie @youlookappropriate @zealouscanonindeer
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karatekels · 3 months
Solar Flare – Prologue
Hey y’all – welcome to the Valek fic that I’ve been wanting to write since all the way back in August of last year! I’ve been polishing up the ideas and developing some new characters (this is my first time writing an OC as a love interest!) as well as looking forward to some returning characters (*eyes Cassandra*), and I’m hoping this will be the fic that gets me back into the writing frame of mind. With that, I hope you enjoy!
Summary: As vampires become a growing problem and the number of Slayers dwindles, the Catholic Church decides to perform another ‘miracle’, attempting to create a weapon that will be able to find the despicable creatures in any and all shadows that they may hide. Similarly to the botched exorcism of Jan Valek, the experimental ceremony that Rose Hanlon undergoes doesn’t go exactly as intended, and she escapes the city with a set of abilities she doesn’t even understand.
TW: [this chapter] relatively vague descriptions of violence and abuse
TW: [for the fic; may change as I write] blood-drinking and other vampirism fun, graphic violence, graphic sex, abduction, abuse, threats
Solar Flare
Prologue: Syzygy
From the journal of Father Killian…
July 27th, 1998
We’ve received news that yet another team of Slayers has been decimated, torn apart and massacred just north of Sicily. Our numbers are dwindling like never before, and the clergy have become desperate for a solution. The Diaconate of Monteriggioni has spent countless hours researching, trying to determine a solution that will allow us to hold them off while our numbers return; we need more soldiers to wield God’s Light. The Archbishop has granted permission to use any means necessary to fend off these attacks, and their leading suggestion certainly pushes that permission to the limits of His clemency.
It began with research into the Old Rites. After all, the Primogen of their monstrous ilk, Jan Valek, was a result of a misbegotten exorcism – why not pursue a similar avenue to try to atone for the sins of our past? This train of thought led our scholars to a series of old Germanic texts, the eldest of which preceded vampirism by several decades, and to a binding ritual intended for relics. Such a blessing would allow for relics to be traceable should they be stolen, so that we need not live in fear of losing these precious symbols of our faith. It was one of the youngest parishioners that suggested the ritual be performed on a human, allowing them to seek out evil like a beacon and lead our Slayers right to their nests.
The peak of the Perseid meteor shower in two weeks’ time will be the ideal time to perform the necessary rites according to Father Lorenzo. The Tears of Saint Lawrence returning to Earth every summer is already a celestial blessing, and with the shower’s radiant approaching Cassiopeia more than it has in centuries, this will only strengthen the binding of this blessing to its vessel.
All that remains now is to find one.
August 10th, 1998
The past days have had Monteriggioni in a frenzy. Staving off attacks, finalizing the plans for the ritual, and finding a vessel… This last step proved by far the most difficult, as they needed to be descended from the Crusaders, grown but not an active Slayer, someone useful for the role but not expendable should things go… awry.
Jeremy Hanlon came to me a week ago with an option, just when we were starting to think that all hope may be lost. Hanlon, a fifth-generation Slayer with both family lines tracing back to the Crusaders, suggested his daughter as the vessel. The young woman, Rose, has long posed a problem within the city’s walls and to her family, rejecting the tenets of our community and refusing to train as a Slayer or to marry a man of similar lineage to continue the bloodline. Hanlon has spent the better part of her lifetime trying to atone for the sins of his daughter, and believes that this opportunity is the road to her salvation as well as our own. Despite the woman’s violent reluctance, we have run out of time to pursue other avenues, and as an unmarried woman, her father has retained custodial rights as is customary with our laws, and has agreed on her behalf.
Fortunately the ceremony is to take place tonight, during the peak of the Perseid shower. The sunset can’t come soon enough; the intensity of her ire rattles the very stones of the vestry in which she is being kept.
August 16th, 1998
The ceremony was performed, and we have spent a week with the vessel in relative isolation as Rose continues to be… resistant. At the very least, it has allowed us to gradually determine the success of the ritual and the limitations of her new abilities.
On the second day, we were able to use a captured thrall to conduct an experiment, moving the vile creature into the rooms surrounding her own. Without fail, she was able to detect what room the vampling was located in through a feeling she described as an itch that needed scratching. This bodes well for her intended purpose, and it is expected that a more aged or powerful vampire will elicit a stronger sensation, thereby enabling the Slayers to identify the most imminent threat during a pursuit.
A more serious issue arose yesterday. Rose is compelled to obey a direct command from a member of the clergy, as enforced by the use of certain runes during the ceremony, and this has held true for the most part. She will perform simple tasks and answer questions asked of her as instructed, but it would appear that there was a mistranslation with the runes that has led to her obeying vampires as well. The same thrall used for her previous days’ training was brought into her cell to test Rose’s capacity to destroy the foul creatures. Initially she attempted to fight off the compulsion to serve her purpose and exterminate the abomination, but looked to be conceding until the thrall asked her for help.
We lost three good priests last night; she tore into them like they were made of paper. Her strength and speed have definitely been elevated beyond a normal human’s capacity, though not to the level of the vampiric. There is some concern amongst the Scholars that a vampire would be able to supersede our own commands if they knew it would be effective, but if we can make her amenable to our pursuits, it should not pose a legitimate threat in practice.
In the name of the Father, let her soul settle into this new role, so that she may guide us to our Salvation.
August 19th, 1998
She’s gone. Rose has escaped.
The security tapes showed her clearly trying to commit suicide to no avail – she has been made to endure, after all. Furious, she tore a leg off of the bedframe and pounded her way through the hinges on the door. Further cameras had shown her tearing through the halls and disappearing into the catacombs without a trace.
We have sent for one of the strongest remaining regiments of Slayers from their base in New Mexico; they are our only hope of retrieving Rose so that we may make the necessary adjustments to her blessing and stand a chance against the ever-growing threat of the vampiric race.
Not only do I fear for the vessel and what she represents, but for the girl as well. We cannot be certain that we have seen all of her abilities at work, or identified any newly created weaknesses, and she could be in greater danger than she knows. Should a lesser man of the cloth – or, God forbid, a vampire – stumble upon her and learn of their powers of persuasion over her, I shudder to think of what fate might befall her.
Our Lord works in mysterious ways; let this turn of events be a blessing in disguise.
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Syzygy refers to three celestial bodies appearing in a straight line – In this case, we’ve got Valek, Rose, and Jack!
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sophiesbookishthings · 2 months
July Reads
The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman
I read this like 2 days before the allegations against Neil Gaiman came out 🫤. And since now it feels too weird to talk too much about anything regarding him right now, I'm not gonna fully review this book. I considered not putting this here at all, but I want an honest chronicle of the books I've read. And I feel like this little non-review isnt gonna cause anyone to go read his books or support him in any way. So, I will just say that I did enjoy this book, and it's one of my favorites I've read from him, but I'll leave it at that.
5/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
The Pale Dreamer by Samantha Shannon
This is a little prequel novella to The Bone Season. I enjoyed seeing the dynamic of Paige and her seven dials gang before she gets thrown into the whole main plot of the series. It also gives a bit of interesting insight into why she and the other 6 act the way they do in The Bone Season.
4/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
The Bone Season (author's preferred text) by Samantha Shannon
This is a really interesting dystopian book. This is the first book in a seven book series and I'm intrigued to see where it goes. The main character Paige has really interesting psychic powers that I think are going to get really badass as the series goes on. There's also the rephaim and I really want to know more about their whole thing. Can't wait to keep reading these. I went and got the authors preferred text editions when they came out cause Samantha Shannon is quickly becoming one of my favorite authors.
4/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine
I got an absolutely gorgeous edition of this book from litjoy, and I think I read it like a day or two after I got it in the mail. I remember watching the movie when I was a kid, but I'd never read the book. Sometimes, it's better to watch the movie first, I think. Because I liked the movie, but it's not a lot like the book, and had I known that I probably would've liked the movie less. Anyway! I loved the love story in this book. Ella and Char match each other’s energy and quirkiness so perfectly. And the fantasy element of the book is really cool. There's centaurs, fairies, giants, and elves, and the way they were done felt like an old fairy tale, which I feel like doesn't get done too much anymore.
5/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
A Psalm for the Wild-Built by Becky Chambers
5/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
A Prayer for the Crown-Shy by Becky Chambers
I'm going to do a single review for these two novellas because I basically read them as one continuous book and I don't know how well I can deferentiate between the events that occur in each one. This book is very philosophical but also very cozy and sweet. There were some ideas and quotes in these two books that I will probably be thinking about for a long time. The friendship between the main characters (a tea monk and a robot) was incredibly well done and I really liked both of them. These books ultimately hold such kindness at their heart and I think we need more of that. I highly recommend these books.
5/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Secrets of Blackthorn Hall by Cassandra Clare
I read this before when it was being released on tumblr but I received the Kickstarter hardback edition and it's absolutely gorgeous. Shadowhunters is always a comfort series to me, especially anything involving the Blackthorns and Malec.
4/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Oathbringer by Brandon Sanderson
As per the Stormlight Archive, so much happened in this book, dear lord... So much happened in the last like 300ish pages alone (which i guess is the length of a normal book). This is also the longest book I've ever read, so that's fun. For a lot of this book, I was really thinking that Kaladin/Shallan/Adolin all have two hands, and Sanderson should stop being a coward lol. But anyway... I loved reading from the perspective of bridge 4 through the book and seeing what they're doing outside of kaladin. I need to know more about like all of the singers because I've been lowkey rooting for them since the first book. Which is really a testament to Sanderson's writing because I could tell that they really weren't the bad guys, and that there was something deeper going on, and some of that was revealed in this book.
5/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Chlorine by Jade Song
I didn't love this book. I think it was the fact I really didn't like a single one of the characters and there was very little dialog to the point it almost felt just like stating of events and the narrators (usually all negative) feelings about the events and the people involved. I will give it that it had the first scene I've ever read to make me actually physically uncomfortable. It was gay but in a very messy pining way that never really felt like it went anywhere. I think that there are people that would really like this book cause it did have potential, but it just didn't worj for me. I will admit I have been thinking about it a lot, though, so there's that anyway.
3/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Daisy Jones and the Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid
I haven't watched the Amazon series of this, and I'm mad that they changed the songs for it from the ones in the book. I wanted to listen to those ☹️. I feel like I shouldn't like that it was so obviously based on Fleetwood Mac, but I kinda did. I've always found their whole extremely messy deal fascinating, and this was basically the fictional version of that.
5/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien
This was really interesting to read after having read the whole lotr trilogy first. This reads like a children's book (because it is) which was a bit surprising because of the much different tone I was expecting after lotr and the Hobbit movies. Also, it basically says the elves are fae. It refers to the Undying Lands as Faerie. Why do people not talk about that more??? It makes so much sense. They act like fae. They're whole vibe and lore is so fae like. It makes sense. Regular elves are little guys! Tolkien elves are fae! Anyway, lol, I really liked this book. I do think I liked lotr more just cause I love books/series that are lore heavy and also Samwise Gamgee.
5/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
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cowperviolet · 1 year
43 Literary agents who represent historical fiction
I wanted to include detailed instructions for submission for each, too, but apparently Tumblr has a 4096 letters limit per text block (?!). Good news is: even if I could have included it, it would have just been a copy-paste from their agencies' websites (these are easily googlable: just type in '[name and surname] literary agent' .
Let's go:
Sarah Bedingfield
Marina de Pass
Liza DeBlock
Sam Farkas
Ciara Finan
Katie Fulford
Hattie Grunewald
Cate Hart
Cassandra Rodgers
Grace A Ross
Rayhane Sanders
Shannon Snow
Hannah Strouth
Kari Sutherland
Olivia Maidment
Shaheen Qureshi
Bernadette Baker-Baughman
Annie Bomke
Alicia Brooks
Lucy Carson
Bill Contardi
Ian Drury
Olga Filina
Susan Finesman
https://www.manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-post/erin-niumata/ - submit in March, July, or November
Jack Fogg
Molly Friedrich
Miriam Goderich
Margaret Halton
Anne Hawkins
Christina Hogrebe
Wendy Levinson
Giles Milburn
Justin Nash
Emma Paterson
Ariana Philips
Susan Ramer
Victoria Sanders
Victoria Skurnick
Robin Straus
Alice Tasman
Zoe Waldie
Mitchell Waters
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ao3feed-timkon · 2 years
Consequences For All the Stupid Things I Sa
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/uHTylIb
by Samsamiam
Date: July 30th 12:04 pm
Subject: Re: Damian’s Education Tim What do you mean by your previous email? Bruce . . . Or Tim Drakes boundaries are growing stronger
Words: 1780, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 7 of Tim Drake Learns to Set Boundries
Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Other
Characters: Tim Drake, Bruce Wayne, Kon-El | Conner Kent, Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Background & Cameo Characters, Cassandra Cain, Bart Allen
Relationships: Tim Drake & Dick Grayson, Tim Drake & Jason Todd, Tim Drake & Bruce Wayne, Minor or Background Relationship(s), Tim Drake/Kon-El | Conner Kent, Tim Drake & Damian Wayne
Additional Tags: Chatting & Messaging, Texting, Bruce Wayne is Bad at Communicating, Bruce Wayne Tries to Be a Good Parent, Good Sibling Tim Drake, Tim Drake-centric, Protective Tim Drake, Good Sibling Dick Grayson
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/uHTylIb
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angelasscribbles · 2 years
Complicated Couples: Author's Notes
The Author's notes may have gotten out of hand and needed a post of their own!
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I left a lot of things hanging when I finished Complicated because the story was going to continue in Hinge. But Hinge generally revolves around Riley, Liam, and Drake along with Hana and Max. I’ve had the idea of doing a compilation of these side characters for a while now and the choices holidays prompts gave me the nudge I needed.
I realize that I created a lot of OC’s for Complicated and maybe no one but me remembers or cares about the arcs I left hanging for them. I also brought in Logan and Ellie from Ride or Die as crossover characters. I also have a lot of HC’s about other characters I haven’t fully explored, so this is a little self-indulgent piece that allowed me to do just that.
This compilation uses most of the themes from the choices holidays prompts, but is not set on Valentine’s Day. Rather, each interaction here takes place the same morning, the day the unity tour arrives at Applewood. Not everyone is at Applewood but that is made clear in the text itself.
I tried to keep it to roughly 500 words per couple. Since there are eight couples, it still passed 4k words.
Liam, Riley, and Drake do not make an appearance in this. Instead, this focuses on all the other couples that are a thing, were a thing, or will eventually become a thing in the Complicated/Hinge universe. Not all of the interactions are fluffy or end well.
The couples are:
Marco and Callie: I originally created Marco Rossi in Savage Love where he is a jump instructor. He has shown up in just about every other universe I’ve created as a member of the Queen’s Guard or the Royal Guard. In Bad Romance, he was dating Drake and Savannah’s sister that was murdered. In Complicated I wanted to give him a happily ever after. Callie Gataki was created for Complicated, she was a maid at Fydelia whom Riley made Liam hire to save her from Madeleine’s verbal abuse. Assigned a position at Applewood, she told Riley what she’d heard from another maid about the setup and later participated in tricking Ana De Luca into putting a positive spin on Riley and Liam’s relationship to pave the way for their engagement. I was originally going to hook her up with Alec, but then I decided Alec was for Max. Callie and Marco met in the Complicated chapter Encounters.
Alec and Max: Alexandros Eliades was created for Complicated as Liam’s undercover guard posing as his personal secretary but shows up in pretty much everything now as the head of Liam’s King’s Guard, and in Savage Love as Liam’s crown shield. In this universe Max is gay. He ends up with Alec in New Year’s Eve in Valtoria and it is implied they have developed a close friendship over the years with neither of them admitting their true feelings for the other. Their first little interaction is in the Complicated chapter Encounters. The boyfriend Max mentions is the yoga instructor from Yoga Pants.
Leo and Liv: They really have only shown up in the Hinge chapters Thanksgiving in Valtoria and  New Years Eve in Valtoria where they are already a couple. However, it has always been my HC that this is the same Leo and Liv from this one-shot. The series Leo and Liv is supposed to be the build-up to said one-shot.
Madeleine and Cassie: I created Lady Cassandra Kumari, daughter of the Duke and Duchess of Burgundy and Liam’s cousin for Complicated specifically to be a LI for Madeline. They end up together in The Agreement but I have not decided their final fate here. It is my HC that Madeleine is gay and I have written her as such in every universe I’ve created. I realize that not everyone has read or finished Complicated and even those who have may not remember all the details as it wrapped up in July of 2022, so I went back and pulled all the Madi x Cassie content from Three Weeks in Ramsford and Complicated and compiled it into one document. I hope it makes cohesive sense. Here it is: Madi and Cassie.
Savannah and Bertrand: In Complicated Savannah moves back to Cordonia, to her old rooms at the palace. I always felt like there wasn’t enough strife between her and Bertrand in canon over her literally keeping his son a secret from him so here it is.
Constantine and Regina: Not a couple most people probably care about, but I had an idea for them so I wrote it.
Logan and Ellie: Drake and Riley bond with Logan and Ellie during the lockdown in Manhattan and their subsequent escape to Virginia. In the last chapter, Drake offers Logan a job as Liam’s driver and he takes it.
Bianca and Bastien: This pairing is not something anyone picked up from reading this story because this idea has lived solely in my head until now.
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jarebear20 · 2 years
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I posted 1,901 times in 2022
That's 10 more posts than 2021!
38 posts created (2%)
1,863 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,849 of my posts in 2022
Only 3% of my posts had no tags
#queue have no power over me - 1,469 posts
#dragon age - 271 posts
#but the queue that took your place was silent - 247 posts
#text - 235 posts
#laugh tag - 233 posts
#mass effect - 125 posts
#art tag - 93 posts
#zevran arainai - 74 posts
#bears - 74 posts
#critical role - 50 posts
Longest Tag: 127 characters
#they force me to take better care of those parts of me 'cause makeup doesn't look good unless your canvas is well taken care of
My Top Posts in 2022:
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See the full post
28 notes - Posted July 21, 2022
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nilin shepard 02// ∞
36 notes - Posted August 4, 2022
Was browsing pinterest and saw this:
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pretty normal, yeah? but there was a comment attached to the pin and
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twistannamoon, i hope wherever you are, you’re having a lovely life
61 notes - Posted November 27, 2022
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108 notes - Posted July 21, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
using a random name generator for a new shepard and it helpfully suggested 'miette' & all i can think is
you disbelieve miette??? you ignore her warnings like the cassandra???? ohhhh jail for citadel council! jail for a thousand years!
952 notes - Posted January 18, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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teenz-stories · 8 months
Teen-Z: Forever Young #1-I Don't Wanna Be Your Ex (Part 7)
Meanwhile Belze-Bob and Greeny are painting the walls. Nymph female sighs.
Greeny: I have absolutely no idea what patterns we should use.
Belze-Bob: stops painting Yeah. I admit,drawing on car isn’t that fun. Unlike doing it for profits on walls.
Seconds later Bully gets an idea. He gets grafitti tools and he draws a golden crown on the wall.
Belze-Bob: ta-daas
Greeny: stares confused Dude. It supposed to be idea for she does air-quotes ,,Act of vandalism”.
Belze-Bob: It kinda is. He shrugs I would write ,,Farewell,Charlie!” and underneath it a crown. Or better. ,,Don’t Touch Pinky Ever Again!”.
Greeny: That last one would sound like he used to be female boxer and peoples would think him and Pinky are in toxic relationship.
Belze-Bob: How about...?
Greeny: cuts him off covering his mouth Nothing vulgar neither.
Belze-Bob: gets Greeny’s hand away from him Girl I didn’t meant anything like that. This goes to Teen-ZTube. We are doing completely family friendly content. He smiles awkwardly
Greeny: How about just simple ,,Bye Bye Charlie!”?
Belze-Bob: blinks confused I literally suggested similiar title seconds ago!
Greeny: smiles cruelly You suggest weird ideas.
Belze-Bob: I literally saved you from bankruptcy last month! If not of me. You would be without job. So I deserve some respect.
Greeny: I am your boss here. She smiles You’re my assistant.
Belze-Bob: growls I sometimes hate working with you.
Greeny: If you hate. Then find different job.
Belze-Bob: eyerolls I can’t! This supposed to be a job untill summer. I have something else in my mind once summer will start.
Greeny: blinks confused What exactly?
Belze-Bob: Surfing instructor. I heard the price is much better. Around 300 Zeedollars per week. You need to suffer with me still untill start of July,Greenie. He smiles widely  
Greeny: sighs dragging Bully’s gray jacket Alright. Come on,dude. We don’t have whole day.
Scene changes into Ninelle watching from boredom „Sweet Dreams ASMR” channel. Pale boogeyman female with mint hair wearing her black hoodie on video presents now made recently slime.
Cassandra: whispers New slime collection named ,,Happy Siren” will be out next week,everyone. But right now I can give you some sneak peek how scooping them will turn out.
Boogeyman female presents mermaid aquamarine  slime. She then pulls our the spoon.
Cassandra: I am glad I didn’t used cloud dough. She giggles But you should know that watching peoples dreams inspires me a lot to make new slimes. I am thinking about changing my content into vlogs. Those who keeps in touch with me,knows that I made a poll already about switching content. If you didn’t voted. Vote now.
Creepy pauses the video as she opens Cassandra’s Teen-ZTube page. She votes ,,Vlogs!!!”. Mermaid meanwhile looks at the damaged yellow mini skirt.
Mermaid: looks at the hole Well. You were right. This really looks terrible. She looks then at what Creepy is watching You watch also Dreamcatcher?
Ninelle: looks up from her phone Who?
Mermaid: Cassandra Spook. ASMR Teen-ZTuber.
Ninelle: blinks Oh yes! I watch her sometimes! And I heard she signed up to exchange student program! Having Teen-ZTuber among us who makes amazing slimes would be interesting.
Light: looks at the ruined materials Sorry to cut off the talk but Pinky texted me that we need to hurry with outfits.
Ninelle: sighs I had my designs ready but because of clothes moths we gotten to the point where we were starting.
Mermaid: looks at the damaged shirt Not exactly,honey. Hand me the scissors,thread and needle.
Light nods as he gives to Mermaid things she said. Mermaid smirks as she fixes that outfit in few seconds. She presents to everyone yellow skirt with white frills.
Dark: presses his thumb against his chin Well. You added different touch for this outfit.
Mermaid: Oh because this is how I plan my outfit to look like. Next is...?
Ninelle: shyly raising her hand Me?
Mermaid: gasps You need some change,darling!
Ninelle: shyly You mean my hair or my dress...?
Mermaid: Everything! If we start doing something new,we can also change our styles!
Ninelle: Alright. She sighs
Mermaid: I will sew something for you and later we will go to my spa. I closed for the night but. She shows Creepy keys to her spa I am more than welcome.
Ninelle: Even after that action with Chea?
Mermaid: Chea was an idiot who didn’t respected me. She had it coming. Plus. One negative opinion under hundred positive? Darling,please.
Ninelle: I will buy also new Glitter High doll after that.
Mermaid: There’s new line?
Ninelle: nods Velvet Lavender with slime pet! And many others but Velvet caught my eye. I wanna see if this glitter slime will look great like they said in the advertisements.
Mermaid: If Lovely will be still open...
Ninelle: Oh no. I’m not buying in Lovely anymore.
Dark: confused Why? I thought you-doll collector were always going there to buy Glitter High dolls.
Ninelle: tuts Well. Times changed. Last week I went to Lovely to check prices. 300 Zeedollars for one doll! This is ridiculous.
Mermaid: Fair point.
Scene changes into Pinky walking through the movieset. She finds Charlie inside. He plays video games and doesn’t pay attention to Pinky.
Pinky: sighs Hey. Charlie? Can we talk?
Charlie: looks up from video game Sure! What’s up?
Pinky: You know. She shyly rubs her hand against her arm Now that I think about this song and music video. I really start to reconsider our relationship.
Charlie: shrugs And?
Pinky: gasps What?! You really don’t care about what I say to you?!
Charlie: If you wanna break up with me. That’s cool. There’s plenty of other fishes in the sea. He snarls It’s up to you.
To whole scene looks Luvboy peeking from the other room. He gasps seeing Pinky in tears.
Pinky: So you only dated me because of my status quo?! Her voice gets shaky How could you?
Charlie: eyerolls Oh please. Pinky. I really love you. But I...
Alvin (offscreen): Charlie. Cut that off!
Pinky spots Luvboy walking with his drawing tablet. He is angry.
Alvin: angry What’s gotten into you,dude?! You guys been lovey-dovey and stuff. And now what?! He pushes Charlie to the table
Charlie: stands up angry It’s none of your business,Luvboy!
Alvin: Oh I think it is mine.
Pinky gets between angry boys.
Pinky: Guys! Stop! She pushes them away
Charlie and Luvboy stares shocked at Pinky.
Pinky: turns to Charlie I’m sorry,Charlie. I can’t do this anymore. Better end this relationship now than making from you my accessory,right? She smiles through tears
Charlie: I never been your accessory anyway!
Pinky: she sighs You wouldn’t understand. Peoples been right. This was leading to nowhere. I gotten in the toxic relationship.
Pinky runs away sad. Luvboy follows her. Scene changes into Pinky sitting on the parapet outside of the set sighing sadly. There can be seen full moon in the sky.
Alvin: pats Pinky’s back You’re good?
Pinky: sulks on the parapet No. I don’t know what’s gotten into me. I just wanted to make Charlie understand that this relationship is starting to feel so forced. And besides. It was always about him. I can’t believe I gotten into this kind of relationship. She laughs sarcastically What’s next? I will fall in love with some ugly weirdo because he will save my life?
Alvin: looks with worry at Pinky Now you know how I felt before we broke up.
Pinky: realises she made terrible mistake Oh God... she hides her face in her hands I feel embarrassed now.
Alvin: Maybe you should take a break from relationships? Not gonna lie but you dated almost everyone. Me,Bully,once you even tried to hit on Dark and Kid,Charlie. Well almost everyone from our year. He grabs Pinky’s arms Pinky. You ruin your life. Each relationship you get yourself into is worse than previous one. You wanna be loved? Then stop treating peoples like only you matter and rest are your toys. I think this relationship with this egoist taught you a lot.
Pinky: hugs Luvboy with closed eyes  I feel glad to have you. Then she stands up with idea in her head That’s it!
Alvin: confused What?
Pinky: I have an idea. Wait near my home. I will take a bath because I definitaly should relax after whole day.
Alvin: confused And then what?
Pinky: Then. We will go to your place and we will make test animation. You will show me how are you doing this.
Alvin: Let me guess. It’s for the music video purposes?
Pinky: Not really. She notices unamused Luvboy Okay it is.
Alvin: 60 Zeedollars.
Pinky: gasps
Alvin: I told you I don’t animate music videos for free. I know I am in your project but I want to have kinda profits from it too. He then sighs smiling gently But. You can get discount. I am lowering the price. 30 Zeedollars.
Pinky nods as she pays Luvboy 30 Zeedollars.
Pinky: Now I can truly get into the role. Since Charlie from now on is my ex-boyfriend!
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 2 years
Consequences For All the Stupid Things I Sa
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/NjLkRQY
by Samsamiam
Date: July 30th 12:04 pm
Subject: Re: Damian’s Education Tim What do you mean by your previous email? Bruce . . . Or Tim Drakes boundaries are growing stronger
Words: 1780, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 7 of Tim Drake Learns to Set Boundries
Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Other
Characters: Tim Drake, Bruce Wayne, Kon-El | Conner Kent, Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Background & Cameo Characters, Cassandra Cain, Bart Allen
Relationships: Tim Drake & Dick Grayson, Tim Drake & Jason Todd, Tim Drake & Bruce Wayne, Minor or Background Relationship(s), Tim Drake/Kon-El | Conner Kent, Tim Drake & Damian Wayne
Additional Tags: Chatting & Messaging, Texting, Bruce Wayne is Bad at Communicating, Bruce Wayne Tries to Be a Good Parent, Good Sibling Tim Drake, Tim Drake-centric, Protective Tim Drake, Good Sibling Dick Grayson
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/NjLkRQY
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thegempage · 2 years
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I posted 11,577 times in 2022
That's 1,843 more posts than 2021!
451 posts created (4%)
11,126 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 10,618 of my posts in 2022
Only 8% of my posts had no tags
#0 - 20 posts
#the q has arrived - 9,730 posts
#homestuck - 460 posts
#little rock.txt - 441 posts
#friend art - 142 posts
#ciaran does the art - 27 posts
#re: prev tags - 17 posts
#tales from riftdale - 17 posts
#tfr - 17 posts
#ooooh - 13 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#keep having to fight back the “no one cares if you're excited” demon bcus i know!! that's not true!! but goddamn is that motherfucker loud
My Top Posts in 2022:
tbh i don’t post about this as much as i want to even tho it’s my wonderful project but for 4/13 i updated my homestuck fic, beyond the divide and into adventure!
if you haven’t heard of it, it’s an original fantasy au about june coming to a very dramatic realization that her closest friends have not, in fact, been lying about being magic this whole time, and that there’s a lot more to her life than meets the eye. it’s also about the relationships we form, how we develop as people, gay love, and the world is like, on the verge of ending or something, we’ll get back to that later --
and i hope to see you there 💙
8 notes - Posted April 13, 2022
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[image description: A digital paint of two women, one half-elf and one tiefling, lounging by a fire together. They are both covered in lipstick marks from the other, and the half-elf woman is leaning on the tiefling's chest and giving her more kisses on her cheek. They are holding hands, clearly smitten with each other. The entire image is dark except for where light from the fire and the half-elf's hair touch, and tinted a deep red. end description]
i wanted to draw lys and cassandra being cute together... so i did! here they are, being gay by the fire, full of love for each other that at this point i'm convinced could save the entire world. i'm so happy with how the lighting came out and my desire to draw people being tender together has increased tenfold jfdkslaf
(also you should watch poll for initiative)
10 notes - Posted October 22, 2022
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[image description: a digital painting of three men at a beach, two of whom are monochrome. The farthest left man, who is pale with faint top surgery scars, a purple beret long brown hair, and thick rimmed sunglasses, is smiling and holding out a shell with exclamation points by his head and is the only person in full color. The man in the middle, who has short hair and a medical eyepatch, is tipping a bucket upside down onto a large sandcastle and is also smiling. The last man is drawn without much detail and on a beach chair with poor perspective, as he is far away. He is drinking out of a flask. The sandcastle in the middle of the image is very tall, with three towers and lots of multicolored bits inside. On the middle tower is a small round plush humanoid, wearing a matching beret and pants with suspenders. He is holding a flag with a heart on it. end description]
my piece for this round's @talesfromriftdaleexchange !! this piece is for @thatonewitch25 ; i really liked all of your prompts so i kind of just combined them jfkldsa i hope you like it!! this was super fun to draw
10 notes - Posted July 16, 2022
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[image ID: a short comic, showing Clairvoyance from Tales From Riftdale. In the first panel, he’s looking concerned at something off screen. He’s shown staring down a dark hallway with a carboard box at his feet, and then there is a close up of the carboard box. The comic “cuts” to a zoomed out and simplified Clairvoyance, whose glasses are clouded over with red static and question marks, with text reading “dumbfounded” and an arrow pointing at him. The last panel shows that the carboard box is full of bags of frosted animal crackers. The frosted animal cracker bags are pngs of a photograph, contrasting the cartoony art style of the rest of the comic. End description.]
i just realized that, while this isn’t technically a spoiler, the tfr ep 13 spoiler ban is just about up, and i haven’t posted art in a while :3 so here’s an idea that got stuck in my head immediately after the episode aired and didn’t leave until i drew it
i even cut out the png of of the crackers myself!
12 notes - Posted April 28, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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[ID: two ink paintings, both depicting a pale man with a bleach blond mullet, five-o’-clock shadow, and gauged ears wearing a dark teal sweater and holding a mug of a hot drink. The background is dark, and outside of a window behind him are golden stars. There are golden lines coming out from his head, suggesting a halo, and he looks happy and content. The second image is a close-up of the painting held at an angle, showing that the stars and halo are both shimmering gold. End ID]
eyyy @blobaglob happy kwannukastmas (again)!!! this was my piece for the @talesfromriftdaleexchange this year, using the prompt “anything with christian being happy.” i won’t count myself an expert, but i think he looks pretty happy :) i will also always take an excuse to fuck around with my gold ink, lol
14 notes - Posted December 31, 2021
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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drrutherford · 1 year
📱 Gideon ⇄ Cassie
Gideon: Congrats on the new addition 👶  Gideon: She's adorable. Gideon: I'm sure you and Silas are very proud. Please pass on my congratulations.
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rosyoconnor · 5 years
Texts || Bitchface
Rosy: So I know I'll see you tomorrow at dinner but I just wanted to check in.
Rosy: Cos private conversations at family dinners are impossible.
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synchronousemma · 2 years
1st July: Emma is rebuffed
Read the post and comment on WordPress
Read: Vol. 3, ch. 9 [45]; pp. 256–257 (“and the following morning” to “‘in want of any thing’”).
Emma invites Jane Fairfax to take a drive with her and is refused; she sends some arrow-root, which is sent back.
We know that this occurs “the following morning” (p. 256) after Emma’s first invitation to Jane.
For “arrow-root,” Jane Austen’s original manuscript had “arra-root.” Austen wrote to her sister Cassandra on November 26, 1815: “The Printers continue to supply me very well, I am advanced in vol.3. to my arra-root, upon which peculiar style of spelling, there is a modest qu:ry? [query] in the Margin” (Le Faye, p. 300, qtd. in Sutherland, p. 301). Kathyrn Sutherland writes that “The printed text’s correction to ‘arrow-root’ represents gain and loss—the regularized spelling and so immediate intelligibility, but the loss (now that we know it) of a rare clue to Austen’s own pronunciation. It is important to resist the assumption, however, that she was a consistent misspeller; some of her seemingly idiosyncratic forms were in fact permissible eighteenth-century variants” (pp. 301–2; see also Gilson pp. 64–5; van Ostade p. 130).
Readings and Interpretations
Repent at Leisure
Edgar Shannon Jr., whose reading of Emma is a conventional one according to which Emma must repent of her character flaws and wrongdoings to be morally redeemed by the end of the novel, writes of this incident as evidence that Emma’s “repentance” has begun:
The visit to Miss Bates produces […] evidence of Emma’s sincere alteration. “Her heart had been long growing kinder towards Jane” [vol. 3, ch. 8 [44]; p. 249]; and after Miss Bates’s account of her niece’s ill health, Emma invites Jane to spend the day at Hartfield, to go for an airing in the Woodhouse carriage, and to accept, from the Hartfield stores, some fine arrow-root. When Jane refuses the invitations and returns the arrow-root, Emma learns that a few days of attention cannot compensate several months of neglect; she understands that her former merits the present rebuff. Yet she has “the consolation of knowing her intentions were good” [vol. 3, ch. 9 [45]; p. 257]. (pp. 641–2)
Whatever its motive, Emma’s newfound focus on Jane ends up necessitating ego-saving measures: her reflection (upon learning that Mmes. Elton, Perry, and Cole had been admitted to see Jane) that she “did not want to be classed with the Mrs. Eltons, the Mrs. Perrys, and the Mrs. Coles, who would force themselves anywhere” (p. 256) seems a way of avoiding the realization that she in particular is not welcome. We may also wonder whether Jane’s message (“‘Miss Fairfax’s compliments and thanks, but is quite unequal to any exercise’”) truly represents “tremulous inequality,” or whether it is instead deliberately terse. Helen Dry points out that this sentence must be FID focalized through Emma, due to the hidden dative phrase “for Emma” implied in “impossible to quarrel” (p. 94).
Discussion Questions
Is Emma’s charity regarding the arrow-root an instance of good household management and genuine repentance, or is Emma (as Susan Korba suggests) only interested in Jane now that she (Jane) has been humbled?
Austen, Jane. Emma (Norton Critical Edition). 3rd ed. Ed. Stephen M. Parrish. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, [1815] 2000.
Gilson, David. “Jane Austen’s Text: A Survey of Editions.” The Review of English Studies 53.209 (February 2002), pp. 61–85.
Korba, Susan M. “‘Improper and Dangerous Distinctions’: Female Relationships and Erotic Domination in Emma,” Studies in the Novel 29.2 (1997), pp. 139–63.
Le Faye, Deirdre, ed. Jane Austen’s Letters. New York: Oxford University Press (1995).
Shannon, Edgar F. “Emma: Character and Construction.” PMLA 71.4 (September 1956), pp.
Sutherland, Kathryn. Jane Austen’s Textual Lives: From Aeschylus to Bollywood. Oxford: Oxford University Press (2005).
Van Ostade, Ingrid Tieken-Boon. In Search of Jane Austen: The Language of the Letters. Oxford: Oxford University Press (2014).
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the-underworld-aes · 2 years
Because I’m on the Spectrum™...
I would post this on my art blog but what good would that do? I guess this is unofficially also a fandom blog... anyways
So! A thing I like doing is figuring out timelines, time frames, dates and fun stuff like that. And I gotta say, the timeline of events in Mafia 3 is INFURIATING! And according to THIS it’s the lead world designers preferred playthrough. I know I probably should take this with a huge grain of salt, but going by this it throws so many things out of wack (especially making Sign of the Times be the last DLC story you touch)
So, February 27th is when things kinda kick off, Lincoln’s friends and family are killed and he’s left for dead by the Marcanos.
Bullet wound takes on average 2 months at most to recover from (from mixed sources 😵)
Lincoln was still bed ridden when MLK was assassinated on April 4th. So I assume he was walking a bit after that, mid-April.
So mid April is when he was up moving around and getting things set up.
The DLC’s, despite not supposing to be in order, 1 of them has a specific date correlated with it.
The DLC stories become available after you get have all the under bosses and do that Sit Down mission.
The “Sign of the Times” DLC introduces character, Anna McGee, without getting too much into it, her death date on her grave is “June 6th 1968
So, set time or no, this implies the cult shenanigans happen immediately while Lincoln is getting into contact with Cassandra, Vito and Burke and he’s juggling them on top of this.
Must happen only in the span of a few days, not even a week.
For the rest of June, I guess Lincoln works at a more normal pace but still a lot going on at once.
For reason the only record date one of the Marcano Capo’s is Lou, and that’s in July, so I assume the Judge gets clapped early July.
That text at the bottom:
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This threw me off but I realized it probably took a sec for the charges to process.
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So I assume Giorgi and Sal died around mid-late September and the charges processed about it a bit later.
No one asked but since that POS in Faster Baby! Was going for reelection in Sinclair Parish, that means it was Primary Election season so that’s probably between Feb-Sep.
A lot of pumpkins in Faster Baby! Pumpkin season for south Louisiana is March, April and to mid-September.
My guess is that DLC story is somewhere in August.
No idea when Stones Unturned is supposed to take place, I would think near the end maybe cause it feels right with the events, like Donovan was probably like “Hey you’re about to finally kill Sal and his POS son, and I helped you SOOO MUCH up till then, can you do this one favor for me real quick??”. At least that’s how I see it.
So the main story ends in October. Maybe early November.
It’s so confusing, no one asked, but I just wanna make it make sense but it’s sooo compact to the point Lincoln had to like, do multiple things at once.
You know? Vito is right to ask him if he ever rests, cause I’m worried about him too. Just doing so much immediately after a head injury. I guess revenge quests are a hell of a stimulant. ALSO WHY DID THEY MAKE ANNA’S DEATH DATE JUNE 6TH? COULD HAVE AT LEAST BEEN JUNE 25TH OR SOMETHING A BIT LATER.
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welldonebeca · 2 years
No Stage (But We Still Have an Audience)*
Summary: Cassandra Baratheon needs a rebranding. Uncle Renly finds her a fake relationship with Punk Star Robb Stark. And then, it isn't so fake anymore. A.k.a.: Robb seals their relationship by fucking her on the couch during his band's party. Pairing: Robb Stark x OFC (Cassandra) WC: 4.6k words Warnings: Smut. Exhibitionism, dirty talk, loss of virginity, light angst in the beginning, fluff, multiple orgasms, squirting, overstimulation, cunnilingus, degrading/humiliation kink, alcohol. A/N: Everyone here is British.
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Cassandra tried not to look nervous and awkward as she stood in the very visible VIP cabin sitting to the Wolves' show.
It was all - everything, from top to bottom, from the featured song together to the little fake story they were playing for the world to see while pretending they couldn't - uncle Renly's idea.
The last six months were, to be quick, a mess. She had moved out from her mother's house and into her father, and had just dropped her grandfather as her manager, dyed her hair back to black, and cut all contact with her mother's side of the family.
Cassandra had been the star of King's Landing's idols, and while everything had gone great for a few years, when the discovery of her father's many, many affairs and illegitimate children became public, and the rumours of her mother being involved with her own twin brother became public, it all exploded.
“No Stage (Buy we Still Have an Audience)” is available on my Patreon and is coming to Tumblr in July! To read it before anyone else, subscribe to my page!! It’s just $2 a month! 
A little sneaky peak:
"Hey," he pulled a pillow from the seat and threw it on Jon, who raised his eyes with confusion all over his face. "Stop texting and get me a rubber."
She raised herself to her elbows, but Robb just moved to her, putting his hand between her legs and pulling her knickers and tossing them away, spreading them and tapping her clit and then her folds with a single finger.
"Fuck," he hummed slowly. "You're drenched, sweetheart."
Cassandra blushed, embarrassed, and whined when she pushed two fingers into her, slowly fucking her, tilting his head to watch her, causing her to squirm under his piercing look.
"Such a smooth pussy you have," he remarked. "Did you wax for me, sweetheart? For your sweet punk boyfriend?"
She looked away, embarrassed. Waxing was something she did for herself, not for men.
He looked around, but Jon wasn't back yet.
"Let's get you off while we wait for my stupid cousin to find my rubbers, uh?" he offered.
She didn't have a chance to say anything or deliberate about the offer, and Robb just put himself between her legs and covered her pussy with his lips, licking and sucking on her.
The first thing she had done when she got her own room without cameras and with a lock was buy sex toys, and while Cassandra was still a virgin, she had broken her virginity with a nice dildo, and wasn't afraid of using vibrators.
This, however, was new. Oral was very new.
Very hot too, very good.
She cried out with pleasure, unable to keep her sounds to herself, and when she opened her eyes and looked to the side, Theon was watching her with hungry eyes, fingering one of the girls while the other sucked his cock.
Fuck, that shouldn't have turned her on the way it did.
"Robb," she pushed her fingers into his hair, and arched her hips when he curled his two fingers into her pussy.
"Taste just as good as I imagined you would, pretty girl," he spoke against her thigh, sucking a bruise on her skin.
She panted.
"Did you imagine it?" she whined.
Robb smirked, licking his lips.
"I wanted to fuck you right there on stage," he told her, using his rhumb to play with her clit. "To make you cum in front of everyone there."
. . .
Forever Tags: @emoryhemsworth​​​​ @amythyststorm33​​​​ @shaelyn102​​​​ @yknott81​​​​ ​​ @letsdisneythings​​​​ @maximofftrash​​​​ @kgbrenner​​​​ @thefridgeismybestie​​​​ @magpiegirl80​​​​ @mogaruke​​​​ @shadowhunter7​​​​ @musicalcoffeebean​​​​ @megasimpleplan4ever​​​​ @deemoriarty​​​​ @05spn18​​​​ @malindacath​​​​ @kdcollinsauthor​​​​ @random-fandom-fangirl2112​​​​ @widowsfics​​​​ @frozenhuntress67​​​​ @averyrogers83​​​​ @notyourtypicalrose​​​​ @nerdypinupcrystal​​ @giruvega​ ​       Game of Thrones tags: @thefanficfaerie​​ @izbelross​ @ietss​                   Robb Stark tags: @cosmic-darikano​
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