rot-muscaria · 6 years
Dirty Computer Emotion Picture Pynk Rap Portion
"I just wanna paint the town I don't want to hide my love I just wanna hold your hand and be the one that you think of when you need a holiday when you want to drink rosé I just wanna paint your toes and in the morning kiss your nose because when I'm with you I don't feel afraid and maybe this love will indoctrinate I echo every word that you say the way you feel yeah I feel the same way Remember the night when I combed your hair I hope I didn't freak you out when I stared I donate the truth to you like I'm rich the truth is that love ain't got no off switch so if the world comes tumbling down and if the ocean really does drown and if my memories never comes back I'll still remember where we were first was naked at picture our faces, a new oasis when we made love it left many traces just like the blush that's on your cheeks deep inside we're all just pink"
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rot-muscaria · 7 years
I am not a backer of The Arcana but I’ve been following the Kickstarter since it was announced (though I couldn’t support it since I was broke at the time), am friends with several people who did back the Kickstarter, and played what was available of the prologue before the wheel of fortune, coins and keys were introduced, so I am pretty deeply familiar with this entire debacle. Stating this up front for the sake of transparent disclosure or whatever. (Also adding that several of my friends helped gather the information I’ll be presenting as well.)
That said, I think it’s important to clear up several misconceptions surrounding this whole debacle:
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rot-muscaria · 7 years
Yesterday my dad told me something that I think maybe more people need to hear.
You’re allowed to just do things for fun.
He told me that in this modern society, especially the United States, we seem to have this attitude that we shouldn’t do something unless we’re aiming to be the best at it. If we can’t sing like Beyonce or Frank Sinatra or something there’s no point to singing. If we can’t make the next big breakthrough there’s no point in looking into mechanics and engineering.
But, he tells me, it took him a long time to figure out that life doesn’t have to be a race. If you want to take up the piano when you’re a teenager or later you’re not going to master it. You’re not going to be able to play to huge concert halls, but that also shouldn’t stop you. You can study a language out of curiosity and then drop the ball if you want. You can just get okay at something or even be terrible at it. You can drop it for days or years and then pick it up again and it doesn’t have to be a shameful thing.
I’m really glad he told me that because today I opened my sketchpad for the first time in months and just started drawing. And it looks terrible. But I don’t care. I don’t have the talent or patience or spacial awareness to get anywhere near good at drawing, but it’s fun. It helps me focus my mind and nobody has to see it.
And because of what he told me, I’m thinking maybe someday soon I will take up the bass guitar. And I won’t worry about how well I do, or how fast I learn, or that I haven’t played an instrument since sixth grade, or that I don’t have that much time to practice. I’m just gonna enjoy the experience. Maybe I’ll try swing dancing again and take a class because I’m not the best dancer but damn if it isn’t fun.
Yeah, you don’t have to be good at things. It’s not a requirement. Maybe that seems obvious but it had never occurred to me before. You’re allowed to just enjoy what you’re doing. For me, that feels like a life changing revelation. I don’t have to be good at something to like it. I don’t have to put 100% effort into everything I do. It’s kind of amazing.
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rot-muscaria · 7 years
In the interest of having a civil discussion, I wanted to clear up the concerns I have about The Arcana. I think many of the people who have been raising concerns probably feel the same way and I don’t want to be misunderstood as trying to attack the devs or kill the game, because this is emphatically not about that.
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rot-muscaria · 7 years
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These days, I only really play VNs when friends recommend them. Insane pricing scheme and terrible communication? No thank you. I’ll take my business elsewhere. But hey Nyx Hydra, if for some reason you decide to start handling this well, here’s a few things to keep in mind. 1. Do some research. See how companies in the current market are handling the financial side of things. You don’t have to copy them exactly, and there are certainly times where I would very much advise against it, but it’s good to know what customers might expect from you. 2. Communicate. If you ask people to send emails, reply to them. Even if you don’t have someone dedicated to the task (which you should), it shouldn’t be too difficult to shoot off a “thank you for the email, we’re taking this into consideration and we’ll get back to you” just to show that people aren’t screaming into the void.
3. Don’t treat people like they are stupid. If they are complaining about the pricing, when it’s clearly not a complaint about something not being free, don’t keep pointing out that you can technically play it for free. That’s not what they are discussing. You had a successful kickstarter, clearly people are willing to put money into this. Don’t treat your fan base like this. It’s awful to see.  
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So The Arcana’s pricing scheme is exploitative and terrible and I’m astonished nobody is talking about it.
The standard response from the developers is that all of the paid content is ‘optional’, but you know what I want out of my romance game? Romance. 90% of which is paid content.
Also, this assumes I don’t want to pay for the game. Except I do! I backed it on kickstarter! I want to give these people my money. But I also don’t want to be bled dry.
This isn’t even getting into how the kickstarter promised backers the game itself as a reward, then reneged on their promise, offering a paltry $10 refund to make up for it (which will buy you a grant total of 1 chapter for 1 character’s route). 
This kind of business practice hurts other kickstarter projects down the road, because it erodes people’s trust in the platform. A lot of indie otome game devs rely on kickstarter. But my experience with The Arcana has sure made me think twice about supporting any other projects.
The worst thing is I like the Arcana. The art is gorgeous, the characters are fun. I supported it on Kickstarter. I told my friends to support it on Kickstarter. But I can no longer turn a blind eye to how Nyx Hydra seems to be willfully exploiting their fans.
UPDATE: So this is what they posted in response to a fan asking them about this on twitter
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I’m sorry, but this kind of snark in response to a legitimate question is horribly disrespectful towards your fans.
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rot-muscaria · 11 years
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Happy Holidays, everyone. May you have too much to eat, something dreadful to watch, and weather best avoided. 
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rot-muscaria · 11 years
Presents are nice and all, but let’s not forget about the REAL reason for the season:  Persephone’s descent into the underworld.
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rot-muscaria · 11 years
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rot-muscaria · 11 years
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"all i want for christmas is true love" shut up fcuker you want a video game and Ted on bluray
— mistletoe monty (@weepysweetmonty)
December 25, 2012
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rot-muscaria · 11 years
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Paintings by Masaaki Sasamoto
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rot-muscaria · 11 years
"There is a fundamental reason why we look at the sky with wonder and longing—for the same reason that we stand, hour after hour, gazing at the distant swell of the open ocean. There is something like an ancient wisdom, encoded and tucked away in our DNA, that knows its point of origin as surely as a salmonid knows its creek. Intellectually, we may not want to return there, but the genes know, and long for their origins—their home in the salty depths. But if the seas are our immediate source, the penultimate source is certainly the heavens… The spectacular truth is—and this is something that your DNA has known all along—the very atoms of your body—the iron, calcium, phosphorus, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and on and on—were initially forged in long-dead stars. This is why, when you stand outside under a moonless, country sky, you feel some ineffable tugging at your innards. We are star stuff. Keep looking up.”
Jerry Waxman, professor of astronomy and environmental science at SRJC (tnx isitpossible)
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rot-muscaria · 11 years
HOVER FOR INFO!!!! ლ(ಠ��ಠ)ლ
HAVE FUN CUTIES!! (ノ≧∀≦)ノ☆*・゜゚・*
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rot-muscaria · 11 years
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source 1; source 2; source 3; source 4; source 5
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rot-muscaria · 11 years
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PSA: Haven’t heard the identifier someone uses before? It’ll take you under 30 seconds to google/ask about it and commit it to memory. Avoid being an erasing douchenozzle today in one simple step!
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rot-muscaria · 11 years
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She’s just my go to character when I wanna draw overly cutesy things I’m afraid :D 
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rot-muscaria · 11 years
Are you telling me
that they canceled young justice
because more girls watched it than boys?
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rot-muscaria · 11 years
Pacific Rim Theme Song on Tesla Coils
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