rothstation · 1 year
Forward Motion
I don’t go back, at least I try not to. What I mean is that when making life decisions I don’t consider going back to what once was. I’m looking forward – like, “Where to next?” In the early days of our marriage my husband and I had a lot of financial troubles. At one point we returned to a town and house where we had lived before. But that was at the request of someone else who wanted to hire…
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rothstation · 2 years
Happy Thanksgiving from Down Under!
Happy Thanksgiving from Down Under!
I stare at the beautiful blue sky with fluffy white clouds, the rolling surf and the nearby seaside cliffs, and I forget that it’s November. I forget that Thanksgiving is a few days away, because it’s not celebrated here. 71(F) degrees, sunny and breezy is a far cry from the 30 to 45 degrees in New Hampshire, and as NH keeps getting colder into December, we will continue to grow warmer here in…
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rothstation · 2 years
And Then She Tripped and Fell
And Then She Tripped and Fell
The finish line disappeared when the buyers pulled out of the deal. Like a runner in the lead with the finish line in sight who unexpectedly trips and falls flat on her face, there’s no quick recovery or win in that moment. That’s how I felt 10 days before I was scheduled to return to Australia. The world turned upside down as I scrambled to create a new plan full of uncertianty and angst. The…
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rothstation · 2 years
Struggling to Make It to the Finish Line
Struggling to Make It to the Finish Line
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rothstation · 2 years
Carefully Curating My Legacy
Carefully Curating My Legacy
I’m 65 now and that’s a lot of years! I have certainly lived a very full and amazing life, and I’m grateful for all of it. I’m not ready to die yet, but no one ever is… That’s the curious thing about human beings – we think we want to stay in this world forever. We live as if the earths’ resources are unlimited, and we collect stuff as if we need it all to be happy. We are ambitious to have it…
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rothstation · 2 years
A Time For Everything
A Time For Everything
I’ve been quiet these past few months, but busy, and a bit overwhelmed. I flew back to the US at the beginning of March to face the life I had left behind. It was inevitable I suppose, but daunting nevertheless. After both my parents were gone (2012) my brother never let me back into their house. He was living there and he was in charge of their trust. I never quite understood what was going on…
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rothstation · 2 years
Madness Is the Worst Legacy
Madness Is the Worst Legacy
Today I am filled with more saddness and grief than I have been during most of the pandemic. Russia’s war on the Ukraine is unconscionable, and worse. There is no excuse, it is just a ruthless bully trying to violently aquire more power without regard to the welfare of anyone! Putin couldn’t care less how this will affect his own country, the Ukrainian people, Europe or the world. Or perhaps it’s…
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rothstation · 2 years
Time Flies Even When You're Not Having Fun
Time Flies Even When You’re Not Having Fun
It’s tax time, and I’m not having fun. I’m not complaining, I know it’s necessary, but I just really don’t enjoy this process. I often wonder if accountants and CPA’s enjoy their work. I’ve never met anyone who thinks preparing their personal or company tax returns is fun, but I’ve never asked an accountant if they enjoy their work. I guess certian types of people enjoy record keeping, balancing…
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rothstation · 2 years
How's Your New Start Going?
How’s Your New Start Going?
Here we are past the middle of January already and everything seems much the same, and yet it’s not. Change happens slowly, almost invisabily, and then smacks us in the face. We are often unprepared. What was your New Year’s Resolution two years ago? How did that work out for you? Very few of us were aware of what we were about to be hit with two years ago. I didn’t make a New Year’s resolution…
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rothstation · 2 years
Reborn and Golden for 2022
Reborn and Golden for 2022
At the moment as I write this on New Year’s Eve, I don’t feel reborn. Perhaps I will tomorrow? Maybe that’s my New Year’s resolution – to experience rebirth and feel golden. I’m at a low point because I had felt hopeful after completing my vaccinations in November, and the lifting of NSW’s lockdown in December. And then Omicron took over. At the same time, my son secured a job in the US and will…
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rothstation · 2 years
Angelic and Heartful
I think of Angels as being non-judgmental helpers who respond to genuine needs. But there is a catch here, in that we have to ask for help in some way. Or maybe someone else is requesting the help on our behalf. The point is: If you’re not receptive how can anyone help, and if you don’t ask, how will anyone know you need help? Week 49: Angelic I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately because…
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rothstation · 2 years
Reflecting on My Healing Journey
Reflecting on My Healing Journey
The year 2021 is coming to a close so I’m taking this time to reflect. I’ve done a lot of healing work both physically and emotionally throughout the year. I’m not done yet but I have progressed. I feel my heart reaching for a new place, an expanded awareness and a more pure expression of itself. My creative place Life is curious, crazy and complex! I woke up from a dream a couple days ago and…
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rothstation · 3 years
Healing Before Ascention
Healing requires rest and care, regardless if it is physical, mental, or emotional. But sometimes it’s hard to rest and care for ourselves well as we would rather be distracted with busyness. I think by nature human beings like to be productive and engaged in something interesting. Today I’m resting after a weekend trip out of town with friends. It was a little confronting for me on many levels.…
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rothstation · 3 years
Spiritual and Sacred
I have always been a spiritually oriented person, curious at a young age about the hidden aspects of life. I began to study about the major world religions from the age of twelve. Not being satisfied that one religion has all the answers, I kept a dialogue with God going about various “truths”. I’ve studied the Bible (both Old and New Testaments), the Bagvad-gita, the Tao Te Ching, various…
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rothstation · 3 years
Unveiled and Transforming
The veil that hides the face is pulled back. One layer exposed but only a slight expression can be seen. What else is hidden deeper? As the images revealed themselves to me I felt a sense that human history has been shrouded in a veil of deceit. So much abuse and manipulation has happened due to greed and lust, the powerful playing on the weak. But gradually the veil is being pulled back. Truth…
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rothstation · 3 years
Sensual and Safe
Sensual doesn’t have to be sexual but people often relate the two words. Of course, sex can definately be one of the most sensual experiences, but unfortunately sometimes it’s not. (I wont elaborate.) On the other hand, a beautiful garden can be sensual, as well as a gormet dinner in a 5 star restaurant or a relaxing vacation on a tropical island. Everyone is different in how their senses are…
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rothstation · 3 years
Create the Day eBook
Create the Day eBook
In the early days of my blog I created a series of posts called “Create the Day”. These posts were based on my philosophy that we are the co-creators of our lives, so with love and intention we can create a better life and a better world. Recently, due to my continued study of inner transformation, I decided to look back at those posts and see how they aligned with my current life. I enjoyed…
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