unlockedcuriositydoor · 8 months
Joyce being the one to whom Will once said, "I'm not gonna fall in love," and Joyce also being the one to whom Will finally says, "I love him."
That'd be quite nice.
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ksjanes · 3 months
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Appreciate the wonder of the clouds. As you graze at the clouds, observe how effortlessly they drift apart . They are touched by the infinite winds of time. Moving in the vastness of the sky, without purpose but with limitless possibility.
K.S. Janes
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thirdity · 7 months
Style is the principle of decision in a work of art, the signature of the artist’s will. And as the human will is capable of an indefinite number of stances, there are an indefinite number of possible styles for works of art.
Susan Sontag, "On Style"
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philosophybits · 2 years
I always liked side-paths, little dark back-alleys behind the main road — there one finds adventures and surprises, and precious metal in the dirt.
Fyodor Dostoyevsky, The Brothers Karamazov
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siredtodeadgaywizards · 10 months
“I hope you go to hell“ is basic
“I hope that amazing wesper fic you’re reading never gets finished.“ Now that is something to be terrified of. And worse: it’s possible.
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madcat-world · 1 year
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Dunamancer Weaver - Irina Nordsol Kuzmina
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socialbutterfly19 · 1 month
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Life has a funny way of just changing everything in a blink of an eye. New opportunities
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serenityquest · 2 months
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breelynnxoxoxo · 2 months
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stoicmike · 5 months
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Waking up is like passing through a doorway between the world of infinite possibilities and the world of infinite duties. -- Michael Lipsey
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ksjanes · 5 months
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watcher-servant · 2 months
A new resolved forge.
It had been several weeks since the return from the Ever After, team RWBY and Jaune were given question upon question on what happened to them. Along with the revelations of what had happened after the portals had closed. There were some tears, long hugs and even contacting family once the initial shock of their return happened. Though Jaune noticed a slight shift with the group; in his time away he noticed that Nora and Ren had more or less accepted Emerald as just a member of the team, and along with Oscar had functioned as a true team, something that was hard fill for a long while. Now that he had returned and explained what happened to him, not only Nora or Ren but also team RWBY wouldn't leave him alone for more than a moment.
Jaune understood the reason for it all, his partly white hair being the prominent reminder of his experience. At the same time, he felt disconnected from them, he was no longer the same age, and while it was good that they check up on him. It was an entirely different reason to call or message him every 5 minutes, and it only reminded him of his childhood. The constant worrying for his safety, when he's taking it slow to reacclimate to Remnant, and even more so when it came to the issue of his weapon.
He had to make a choice with crocea mors, it was a constant reminder of everything, his family, his honor, his legacy, and when he took Penny's life. Even in its broken state, it proved to be a formidable weapon, but now that he's back and finally having the chance to reflect with nothing much to worry about. It was time he crafted a weapon of his own, it had been on his thoughts ever since Atlas, and even more so now he had to find his identity again. Stripped of everything he was in the Ever After and given the role of the rusted knight, Jaune didn't know who he really was.
Jaune knew what he was before, a son, a brother, a leader, and a friend, but at the same time he was a fake for a while, he was reckless and he had blood on his hand...one that shouldn't have been killed but made a request of him. For a long time, he had focused on the failures he had, with Pyrrha and the lingering emptiness she left behind. She was the first person to ever believe him but didn't trust him enough to fight by her side. With Cinder, the immense feeling of rage and grief pushed him to find her, get answers, and maybe get vengeance for not only Pyrrha but for other innocents who were lost due to her plans. Now he was lost, he needed a change a new identity to be crafted that he could call his own.
In his thoughts and remembering his strengths, there was one aspect that he had ignored during his time in the Ever After. His aura, the light of his soul that was a constant companion to him, and his semblance helped make sure that he or others would be seriously injured if he reached them in time. Remembering the meditation practice Ren once showed him, that felt so long ago now Jaune would sit in the assigned room he reserved for training and started to concentrate on his aura. It would start slowly feeling his aura cloaking his body; from the top of his head to the bottom of his feet a constant shine of pale aura would emit. Once his entire body shined with aura, Jaune turned his thoughts inward as he lost touch with his senses.
First his hearing, then touch, then sight, taste, and finally smell as unconsciousness took him. Slowly opening his eyes Jaune sees nothing but black, an empty void that had stretched as far as he could see. Getting up he starts to walk in a random direction as he realizes something is wrong. Looking down he sees water coming up to his ankles along with a anvil that slowly came up from the water-bearing a hammer on top.
Taking the hammer in hand a bright light would overtake his vision for a moment, and as his vision came back a large flame stood before him. It was bright and warm, like the sun had suddenly appeared bringing light to his world. Reaching his hand out the flame would react as small whisps would coalesce, forming a ball in his palm. Just trying to look into the small ball was blinding in a sense, too bright for normal eyes, maybe even more so for faunus if he ever attempted this. Looking back at the hammer, and then to the anvil, an unexpected idea would come as he placed the ball on the flat surface. Raising the hammer up, Jaune would strike at the ball as hard as he could as sparks bounced from it. Looking back at the ball, it didn't bear any indents as he could tell, but he felt it was the right direction.
Raising the hammer again, he strikes the ball letting more sparks fly, and he would continue a few more times as no noticeable change had appeared. Raising the hammer one more time, Jaune thought back on what he was trying to make and what he needed. He needed a sword, a weapon he was familiar with in his journey and to some he called friends. Then his thoughts wandered to others wielding a sword, to Weiss with Myrtenaster, to Blake with Gambol Shroud, to Qrow with Harbinger, even to Cinder and her twisted and nameless Maiden blades, and then finally to Penny and the numerous Maiden blades she made with her power, to imitate those that had been made for her as an android. Striking the ball again, it would finally start to flatten yielding to the possibility of what it could become.
Jaune would strike the ball again, and again as the ball finally started taking shape resembling that of a tapered line of energy. With a bit of uneasiness, Jaune grabbed, what he was assuming was the handle as the 'blade' pulsed feeling his touch. Lifting the 'weapon' it felt right in his hand, it felt like him, that he was finally coming to an understanding to a part of himself he had ignored for a while.
A sense of fatigue would wash over Jaune as the 'void' he had put himself in started to fade. The anvil disappeared, the giant flame was snuffed out and finally, the only thing that remained was his 'sword' in his hand as it seemed to return to a ball shape and drop into his hand. Waking up with a gasp, Jaune looked around as a timer was blasting through his replaced scroll showing that his reservation time was up. Getting up from the ground, his scroll would ping him again, this time notifying his aura levels. Taking a look at the gauge, it had 25% left on the meter leaving him in shock. Looking at his right hand, Jaune would focus on his semblance allowing a sense of relief to wash over him as the flickering light turned into a constant glow.
Taking a risk with what he did in his dream, Jaune focuses his aura on his hand as a ball that fits into his palm is formed. Squeezing the ball, the aura would narrow, covering his hand up to his forearm as a blade forms reaching the length of a broadsword. A look of shock would come across his face as the end result couldn't be denied. He made a weapon... his weapon, one made by him. A door opening would catch his attention, making him turn to see a slightly surprised Winter Schnee giving him a questioning look. "Wanna explain that?" she asked him as she covered her eyes from the bright blade.
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trinalwilliams · 29 days
The source keeps giving you an opportunity to grow, POOR thing… You keep choosing the dark side. Let go of your past and start a new..
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thegoodmorningman · 3 months
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Good Morning!!! Words don't mean anything!!!
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mastermindrules · 4 months
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There are many lenses....to view life.
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philosophybits · 1 year
The fact of spiritual stagnation should not be made the ground for judging all life's possibilities from known possibilities. On the contrary, such stagnation should prove that however rich and multifarious the past may have been, it has not exhausted a tittle of the whole possibilities. From that which has been it is impossible to infer what will be.
Lev Shestov, All Things Are Possible
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