rowantenlaentrujame · 7 years
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This right here is my baby girl, Imlae. She joins the Inquisition while on an errand to find Clan Lavellan's First to the Keeper, Lailanie, and rediscovers her brother Tenlaen, whom, the clan was told, had died at the conclave. The Inquisition is still catching it's breath from Haven, so Tenlaen puts Imlae to work in the healing ward of Skyhold, seeing as how Imlae is fairly skilled spirit healer. After a close call in battle and a fight with her warrior brother, Imlae takes up training to be a Knight Enchanter, mostly out of spite of Tenlaen. Imlae is a very talented mage and builder, designing and building things from tiny music boxes to siege engines (one faster than the other). She also fell very hard for the Inquisition's resident mercenary leader. They think they're hilarious when they're together. She makes a mean batch of hot chocolate and likes being one of the few people in Skyhold who can boss Inquisitor Tenlaen around.
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rowantenlaentrujame · 7 years
Sans Solas Elf Club Corner
Sera: Hey Goldie climb up that tree Tenlaen: why Sera: There's a beehive I want honey Tenlaen: Sera I'm allergic to bees Sera: aw you'll be fine get up there Tenlaen, in tree: okay Sera gentle now, they are not trying to kill me yet... Sera: -AGGRESSIVELY HITS TREE WITH STICK- THIS IS TAKING TOO LONG GOLDIE Tenlaen, facing his demise: she wants me dead I know it
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rowantenlaentrujame · 7 years
Reblog this post if you’re a Dragon Age blog
Whether you’re a canon blog or an OC, or if you post anything related to Dragon Age, reblog this post please! I’d like to find more people to follow!
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rowantenlaentrujame · 7 years
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rowantenlaentrujame · 8 years
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Tru Adaar Autobiography title: Hello Ser, I’m Taller Than You
Looks like he could kill you, but is actually a cinnamon roll. He would still kill you though. It’s a Merc thing.
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rowantenlaentrujame · 8 years
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Tenlaen Lavellan Autobiography title: “Screw You, I’m Right”
Also if you’re looking for someone who accidentally initiated a Dorian romance this is your guy right hea…
{With Love From Kirspie}
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rowantenlaentrujame · 8 years
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Jame Trevelyan Autobiography title: Emotions About Chickens (And Everything Else) {With love from Kirspie}
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rowantenlaentrujame · 8 years
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Maaaaaan what a cutie. 
When he was 9, Jame told his mom, his dad, his aunt, his uncle, his neighbor, the flower seller, that stray dog on the street, and just about anyone else who would listen that he was going to be an acrobat when he grew up because that was something his big brother Alet couldn’t do. He stretched every night until he could do a full split. 
He’s like 26 and can still do a split I’m proud of you bro. The Parkour is strong with this one. (Be careful in those Skyhold pajamas though)
Please marry Cassandra dear boy you need to be happy please please please she loves you toooooooooooo
You can literally yell out any name and he will respond to it.
Jame, Secretly Depressed. 
Jame, Publicly Depressed.
Jame, Depressed. 
Jame. (Aka this darling needs to be protected at all costs)
{With Love From Kirspie}
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rowantenlaentrujame · 8 years
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Well well well would you look at this idiot. 
Tenlaen’s father once said that Tenlaen was born with a skeptical eyebrow raise and a natural ability to be a smart-ass. In reality.... yeah he really didn’t change. He’s really good at seeing things that others don’t want to be seen, a fast and efficient worker, and good gosh can he charm Orlesian nobility or what like wow boy. 
He’s not emotional or weak-willed about much. SERA IS AN EXCEPTION. Good gosh bro she doesn’t even do you get over yourself. 
There are times I just want to wrap him up in fuzzy blankies and feed him yummy dalish pastries and tell him that the envy demon isn’t going to get him. And then there are times that I want to throw him into the sea you piece of Dalish trash you can get eaten by an envy demon I don’t care. 
{With Love from Kirspie}
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rowantenlaentrujame · 8 years
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Tru aesthetics
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rowantenlaentrujame · 8 years
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Tenlaen aesthetics
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rowantenlaentrujame · 8 years
Basically Tru as a child
Why did the Quinari throw butter out of the window? 
He wanted to see a butterfly. 
- Fale screaming in the distance- 
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rowantenlaentrujame · 8 years
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You know that moment when you realize that all the inquisitors are fab.
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rowantenlaentrujame · 8 years
Tru and Fale
10/10 most likely to have the squad name: ‘Taller than you.’
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rowantenlaentrujame · 8 years
There are two talks one should have when turning thirteen...
The ‘where babies come from’ talk.
The ‘murder is bad’ talk. 
Tru received neither of these talks and became a mercenary. 
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rowantenlaentrujame · 8 years
Tenlaen: he's basically the god of scribes so duh; beautiful handwriting to make Josephine cry
Jame: ineligible. he just takes the pen and scribbles on the page until something that looks like it would have a 'j' in it pops up
Tru: 'TRU' all caps in very careful light handwriting. Cullen asks him if he needs help
Rowan: walks up to the paper very nonchalantly, then grabs the pen and furiously chisels his name over the contract, giving all watching a mini-heart attack at his anger.
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rowantenlaentrujame · 8 years
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Hehhehehehehe Lavellans 
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