royal-nation-empire · 7 years
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Shot by:  Lenore Seal
Interviewed by, Monica P Brice
For those who are not informed of Maya Jevans, Maya is the BUKU Music & Art Project graphic designer and brand consultant & also a graphic designer for the Winter Circle Productions! Creating art for Buku she has inspired the world and branded BMAP with her talents. In this interview we will be discussing her previous experience and more.
                                                                                          Kind Regards, MPB
Q. Thank you so much for joining me on this one-on-one interview Maya. I respect what you do and you deserve the credit for all of your hard work, first off we’ll start with how old were you when you started graphic designing?
A. My mom was a graphic designer so the term was always in my lexicon, and I started playing around with the programs as a kid. I turned every middle and high school assignment into a design project, even in History or English class I found a way to turn my homework into an illustrated magazine or poster. I grew up with everyone in my life saying I was going to follow in my mom's footsteps and grow up to be a designer, which made me want to be anything but an artist. I moved from California to New Orleans for university and aimlessly studied a variety of subjects for the first few months until the BUKU lineup dropped and quite literally changed my life. The poster design made me see art and music in a new way, the way a brand could visually communicate the sound and vibe of an event to elevate and promote music. I called my mom that night and told her I was going to make these some day, 'some day' came quicker and more literally than I thought.
Q.That’s awesome that you’re inspired from your mother. And I think it’s cool that you turned simple things into a huge art project, you’re definitely creative to be able to do that. It’s dope that you saw an opportunity with Buku and went for it, that’s the kind of passion I look for when I interview people, such a great trait to have. Now, what software's do you use for your art?
A. Adobe Creative Cloud, mostly Illustrator and Photoshop.
Q. What inspires your art style, when designing what is your overall goal you want to represent for your audience to see?
A.  My goal with my art is to take what is heard and make it seen.
Q.That’s deep, to be able to make vibrations into a physical vision is a great way to approach art from preception and feelings/senses. What vibe do you assume people get from your art, how do you think it inspires them to want to come to Buku?
A.  I've never encountered another festival whose brand has as much of a cult following as BUKU's does. It has become symbolic of a lifestyle, if you see someone in a BUKU branded tank you know they're part of the hip tastemaking crowd we market to. I've made friends in far flung places such as Portugal and the Bahamas just because someone wore a BUKU shirt and it started a conversation. I think it's this appealing and relateable to people because it's so alive, everything is made of living creatures and teeth and eyes. Also, all of the art starts by hand with pen and paper so the human element is stays present throughout.
Q. I agree with that, Buku has a cult culture vibe to it, the way that the designs are and the colors that are used makes it very expressive and gives a great statement about the event. What's your favorite genre of EDM music, why?
A. Livetronica, anything with live instruments/vocals and an electronic influence.
Q. Other then the beautiful culture, what do you love about Buku Festival and what has is taught you experience wise?
A. BUKU was my break-out job that got me started in the industry, the team is like family and the festival feels like home. I've learned as much about the music industry and marketing as I have about design. Working on the lineup posters taught me about high-stakes confidentiality, the pitfalls of print design, revisions and rush deadlines, but has shown me some of the ins and outs of the billing/booking world, and what coordination of a national marketing campaign looks like.
Q. Marketing & booking are definitely important, good thing you learned about it for thins industry. When did you start working for Winter Circle Productions as a graphic designer?
A. I interviewed with Winter Circle at the end of 2014 and started as an intern for January to May. They hired me once that ended and I've been onboard ever since, working through my last year of college. After graduating in 2016 they created the new role of Brand Consultant for me to touch on creative areas beyond just art and design for the 2017 festival, such as Special Moments performances and overall on-site experience. 2018 will be my fourth festival on the team.
Q. Interesting, How would you define your signature art style for Winter Circle Productions?
A. The brand of BUKU was created by illustrator Young & Sick in 2013, together he and I use this style to create a new but consistent brand for each year of the festival.
Q. That’s awesome, I love that you and I both have the same driven passion when it comes to graphic designing, what advice can you share for other graphic designers trying to build a brand in the industry?
A. You have to be extremely passionate about design and music to keep up with the demands of both industries. Let that fire be the thing that powers you through tough critiques and late nights. Let that passion speak for you because potential clients/employers will see it. Let it inform your style and brand, don't just make what seems trendy but instead make art that you love for music/musicians you care about.
Q. That’s great advice, I like when you mentioned “let that be the thing that powers you through tough critiques and late nights” because I stay up all night creating art, you know many people won’t like the art that we make because people have different styles, critism is huge in this industry and position as an visiaul artist. Creating something that does not exist is a huge mission and it’s created based off of our experiences. What have you learned overall from being in the EDM industry and how has it shaped you into the person you are today? Why would you recommend other people joining the EDM music scene?
A. The music scene has become my career network, my social circle, my passion, my pastime. It's my work as well as my play. I would recommend people break into the industry if they truly care about being involved and believe they can contribute something substantial and meaningful. That contribution doesn't have to be some groundbreaking innovation, I believe genuine passion and drive are the best things someone can bring to the table.They say if you do something you love you'll never have to work a day in your life, that's a load of bollocks. You'll probably end up working all the harder because you love it, but that work will be both the thing that keeps you up at night and the thing that gets you out of bed excited and inspired every day.
Well hope that you all learned something new about Buku Music & Art Project and found this inspiring. Ty so much for your support! -Monica P Brice
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royal-nation-empire · 7 years
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royal-nation-empire · 7 years
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Disneyland announced their new EDM Festival, ELECTROLAND July 8th, 2017!
Released by, Monica P Brice 
Come experience the unprecedented show at the foot of the “Hollywood Tower Hotel”Enter the magic of Electroland! The electro vibe takes over the Walt Disney Studios® Park on July 8th, 2017 from 7 pm onwards, the chance for a uniquely immersive experience at the heart of Disneyland® Paris With Nervo, Steve Aoki and more.
Let yourself be dazzled by a huge concert at the foot of The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror™!Now is the time to share unforgettable moments around electro music, festivities and rides in the company of world-renown DJs. WEBSITE: http://electroland-disneylandparis.com/site/en/home/ Disneyland has dropped some of the lineup with Steve Aoki, NERVO, and much more. All names on the lineup have not yet been released, they will be released when the event is coming closer. This event will have 10,000 tickets for attendees.
WEBSITE: http://electroland-disneylandparis.com/site/en/home/
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royal-nation-empire · 7 years
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Monica P Brice does photography for the Guitar Center!
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royal-nation-empire · 7 years
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LISTEN UP!! ill.Gates x Stephan Jacobs Announce Epic Remix Contest!
West Coast Bass Pioneers ill.Gates and Stephan Jacobs have teamed up to host an epic remix contest calling novice music producers to submit their spin on the duo’s massive track ‘Flying’.
They reached out to me to help me support this epic contest, Top three tracks will be selected by ill.Gates alongside special guest judges Winners TBA June 23rd. Submissions are already pouring in with prizing valued at over $16k. So you know what that means, submit your track before the contest ends on June 12th!
CONTEST: http://www.theconfluencegroup.com/ill.Gates/RemixContest/
SONG: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AY2VmHn1dLk
Royal Nation Empire x The Confluence.
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royal-nation-empire · 7 years
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royal-nation-empire · 7 years
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royal-nation-empire · 7 years
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Written by, Monica P Brice
Brillz has been working his way up in the music industry with his brand twonk, creating clothing to gain recognition to be known and make a bigger name for himself. This is shocking news and very exciting, not only if Brillz producing his own sound and creating his brand and look, he has officially launched his own record label! He has named the label “TWONK RECORDS” which I think personally, is a great name a very catchy for his brand. He’s already starting to work on it with big names,  the record label's debut release is "Twerk Star" which is a collaboration with Jackal and Kstylis. With his unique trap and bass sound, Brillz is about to release some heat from the studio, My radio is going to be broken soon from how many times I’m going to be replying these trap tunes.
His “Twerk Star” song have bells in it with chants along with build-ups that transition into a wonky reverb bass drop. Brillz’s signature sound is so easy to pick up on especially with his claps.  "Twerk Star" is going to be part of the Volume 1 series. Volume 1 will be including 16 series total and is going to be released on  Friday, Apr. 28.
Here’s the Twerk Star song:
https://soundcloud.com/itsbrillz/sets/brillz-x-jackal-x-kstylis [RNE ]
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royal-nation-empire · 7 years
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For more behind the scenes of Coachella follow Royal Nation Empire!! Only RNE has this exclusive content, I promise you, you won't find this anywhere!
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royal-nation-empire · 7 years
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FREE Lady Gaga shirts at the K & A Market on Towne Street in North Indio!
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royal-nation-empire · 7 years
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Interviewed by, Monica P Brice
Lance is the CEO/founder of Scapegot Management, artist manager of WB x MB, owner of Deep Rooted Wraps, and marketer at Goldplate. In this interview, Lance and I discuss how he gets inspired by the music industry, previous experience working in the music industry, his personal favorite festival events and more!
                                                                              -Monica P Brice
Q. What made you decide to start managing? 
A. Management requires one to be selfless, which is a quality I've always possessed.  Helping people achieve their goals is something I've always found fulfilling.  After years of curating events and DJing, I knew I wanted something more.  So after looking at my life and what I did best, management was the clear path.
Q. How did you come up with the concept for your company (Scapegot Management) and what are some of your goals? How do you plan to accomplish them? 
A. The Idea behind Scāpegōt is "No More Excuses".  Too many people place blame on others for their mishaps and failures.  Shit, I've done it myself, but a time comes in your life when you have to take charge of your surroundings and make something better of yourself.  I wanted to create a company run by people with that same mentality.  Accepting your failures and learning from every mistake builds a stronger understanding of life.  You are your own Scapegoat! My main goal with the Scāpegōt brand is to create a community of people that evolve music as we know it.  To expose that community of artists to the world by building a passionate fanbase from their music, not their "Image".  For music to evolve you need new blood pushing boundaries.  So I constantly do what I can to help the "Little Guy".  Music too often goes stagnant because you see the same group of artists getting cycled.  Agencies and Labels not giving new talent a shot because they are not "proven" in the market.  So I set out to create Scāpegōt Media.  A platform created for new talent, from rising starts to bedroom producers.  A media outlet where they can test music to a wide variety of music lovers and get truly unbiased opinions on their music. I want the support and passion for Scāpegōt to grow organically! For people genuinely believe in the cause.  Not because the people I know, but rather what I believe in.  The best movements in this world are built organically.  That is because there is one thing you can't force in this world and that is PASSION.  So I will continue to do what I do best, work hard until I have accomplished these goals.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. You used to work with "White Rabbit Group" what did you do for them and how has it inspired you to be where you are today?
A. I started with White Rabbit as a DJ/Promoter and moved my way up to Vice President.  For the most part, I handled the company's operations, from coordinating the events, all the way to doing our payroll.  My days varied from meeting with the CEO, Brandon Owen, about our growth to working with our staff by overseeing projects and developing new team members.   I look at White Rabbit as my college years.  This is where a learned about the inner workings of the Music industry that most don't get an opportunity to see.  Gave me an opportunity to work with some of the top artists, management companies, talent agencies, and venues.  Helped me shape a wide perspective of the industry and where it is headed.  More importantly, I was able to see the perspective of the consumer through each event we threw.  I was truly blessed to get to work with a large group of influencers with a great ear for music.  Shout out to all my Rabbit Fam!  Love you guys! <3
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. When did you decide to get into the EDM industry and how old were you? 
A. Electronic music has been a staple in my life for over 15 years now.  What started as a love for the EDM scene evolved into my life's passion.  That passion started the first time touched vinyl. Chad, one of my close friends, invited me over to his house to check out his DJ rig after a long conversation about EDM.  He spun some DnB for me that sparked a new passion.  Before that, I didn't know anyone that could spin and learning myself seemed out of reach.  Soon he showed me the fundamentals of DJing.  From that spark, a fire builds up inside of me.  That moment I knew this was my path.  From there I refined my skills and when I was 22 I started spinning small scale events.  Some of which were very poorly planned.  So In 2010, Mikey a good friend of mine came to me about wanting to start his own event company, so we started doing our own events.  Those moments lead me on this journey and I will forever be grateful for that!
Q. What are your top 3 favorite EDM music genres and why? 
A. First and foremost, Drum and Bass because that is where it all started for me!  DnB has a culture like no other EDM genre and is still going strong today.  Second would have to be classic Trance because it's ability to infect a sea of people with the same euphoria energy.  Last but never least would be the evolution of Trap in the EDM scene because it is the product of 2 of my musical passions, Hip Hop and Bass music.
Q. Do you have any personal favorite concerts/events/festivals that you go to? 
A. EDC Los Angeles will always have a special place in my heart because I married my best friend and wife, Mary, on the same day as EDC 2008. Shortly after we went to the event with our wedding party in our wedding clothing.  It was an amazing feeling to see people's face light up when we told them we had just got married earlier that day.  It was a night I will never forget!
Q. Tell me about "Deep Rooted Wraps"
A. Gemstones and Crystals have always fascinated me.  How they naturally form over thousands of years into these pieces of beauty.  That fascination became a hobby when one of my friends bought a wrapped piece of Lapis. Shortly after buying it, the stone fell out which made me think I could do a better job wrapping it.  So I did some research and started doing my own wraps.  After making pendants for my friends, more and more people started asking for one.  Slowly that hobby became a business.  
Q. What is your current prize possession and why? A. My most prized possession is my Grandfathers money clip.  He was the one that taught me about hard work and respect.  He showed me that if you are going to do anything in life, do it RIGHT.  Don't take short cuts and never give up!  That mentality got him from selling vacuums door to door, to owning a successful home security business.  Every time I hold it I am reminded of those cornerstones.
Always do what you love and the rest will follow. -Monica P Brice
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royal-nation-empire · 7 years
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So grateful to be able to interview another inspired graphic designer, as you all know graphic designing is very important to me and one of my main hobbies! I am currently interviewing Maya Jevans, she is the BUKU Music & Art Project graphic designer and brand consultant & also a graphic designer for the Winter Circle Productions! Coming soon to the best of the best Royal Nation Empire for your pleasure and entertainment!
#MonicaPBrice #MayaJevans #RNE #RoyalNationEmpire#GraphicDesigning #Graphics #Art #EDM #Music #Interview #News#Media #VIPAccess #Buku #BukuMusicArtProject#WinterCircleProductions
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royal-nation-empire · 7 years
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RNE Photography
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royal-nation-empire · 7 years
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Interviewed by, Monica P Brice
Chase Lindsey is killing the game with his monster tutts. Creating illusions with his fingers forming a "mask" type of signature style of dance, his unique style has inspired people worldwide. Stay tuned for this because we will be discussing what inspired him to start, advice on other dancers trying to come up with a signature style, his previous experience, and events from being on the television by accomplishing his goals!             
                                                                                                -Monica P Brice
Q. First, how did you come up with the name Ctut?
A. I wanted a name that was unique and true to myself and myself only. Its pretty simple, my name is Chase and no one tuts like me. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Q. When did you start dancing and how was it different back then from today?
A. I was always the white boy with rhythm since I was born, I've always love to dance. However, I didn't start taking it seriously until about 10 years ago. I say the main difference between now and then is I look at my dance more as art than just something fun to do. Its always fun and always will be but now I strive to be different and creative.
Q. How did you and Julian meet and what made you two decide to create the "Finger Circus"?
A. Julian (JayFunk) and I had always been aware and respectful of each other's work. When I and the other members decided to come together to make this special team me immediately hit up Jay for one of our first crew videos and realized at that moment he was a perfect addition.  
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. How do you feel about female tutters and why do they inspire you?
A. I can honestly say I don't know too many females that focus on just tutting but anyone who inspires others is an inspiration to me and therefore I think the girls that do practice this art are inspiring lots of other females to join the movement and that is a very special thing.
Q. Now you have been on TV plenty of times for different things, what have you been on TV for specifically and how has it helped your reputation grow? Have people noticed you from TV and stopped you in person yet?
A. That is a hard question, I've done several commercials, campaigns, and news features and I think they were all significant in the sense that each time this happens I am reaching the general population that would have never known about my art form. A lot of people call me and my crew "sell outs" for doing these types of gigs but in reality, they are just being closed minded because we are spreading something special around the world and making a living doing what we love. I don't think anyone can logically argue with the fact that it's a beautiful thing. Also, yes I seem to get recognized more and more often and its quite flattering. 
Q. What does it feel like being in a group full of passionate teammates?
A. It's great if everyone wasn't passionate we wouldn't have come as far as we have and we wouldn't be so unique.
Q. What advice do you have for other dancers trying to grow their names/brands to becoming successful with their skills?
 A. Don't EVER do it for fame or other peoples attention. Do what you love and be unique and true to yourself. Be inspired but don't be influenced. The rest will come.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What is your overall goal with "Finger Circus"?
A. To be honest I feel like we have already achieved our goal which is to change the game and start a movement. At this point, I just pray we continue to do so.
Q. Do you have a personal favorite tutter who is not on your team, if so what inspires you about their signature style?
 A. I would say my current favorite tutters who aren't on my team are Nari and Ryoga from Japan and Tutat from Korea. The fact that they have their own original styles and are on the other side of the world spreading it in their own region is very inspiring. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10. What have you learned overall from your experiences?
A. If you work hard, take chances, and do what you do because you love it, then dreams really do come true. Its cliche but true.
Well, you heard it, never do it for the fame or validation! -Monica P Brice
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royal-nation-empire · 7 years
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Proud to announce that I will be soon releasing the exclusive interview from RNE with CTut from the Finger Circus! Chase Lindsey is killing the game with his monster tutts. Creating illusions with his fingers forming a "mask" type of signature style of dance, his unique style has inspired people worldwide. Stay tuned for this because we will be discussing what inspired him to start, advice on other dancers trying to come up with a signature style, his previous experience, and events from being on the television by accomplishing his goals!
Photo Credit: DavidGabe Photo
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royal-nation-empire · 7 years
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Interviewed by, Monica P Brice
Yo, I don't fucking think you guys are ready for this spring with Royal Nation Empire! So much heat is arising the fucking surface! I interviewed Georgia Mayne! And for those who lack of who the fuck this is, he has done huge lineups with Carnage, Brillz, Yellow Claw, NERO, Snails, FuntCase, Morgan Page, & hella more! I will be discussing his festival performances, past gigs, fave B2B, and more! Put on your diapers guys you might shit yourself on this one! 
Photo Credit:  David Arellano
Q & A:
Q. How did you come up with the name ATL (What does it mean and represent)? 
A. I was born & raised In Georgia and grew up on that Atlanta Sound so I felt ATL suited my style and influences well.
Q. Are you currently working on any new songs you’d like to tell me about? 
A. Yes I'm actually about to drop my first original with my dude Headphone Activist! Very stoked!
Q. How was it performing in Costa Rica for Bamboo Festival? 
A. Bamboo Bass Festival was Amazing.. Huge shout out to those guys. Couldn't have been in a better location right near  †H∑ beach.  That was my first time leaving the country and to play at a festival main stage was fucking Epic. Not to mention we had a crew of 10 homies  ₩I†H  us To experience it.  Met so many cool people there and smoked mad blunts on the beach. *Pro tip  codeine is only 10$ and legal down there. Your welcome.  
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------      Q. You also performed at Get Lucky, can you give me a rundown of your adventure and performance? 
A. Get Lucky is always a big event by V2 Presents here at the Great Salt Air and this year it turned into a 2 day event.  I played night 2 in the "Tent Of Gold " and it was LIT. Day 2 had (Snails , Riot Ten , Joyryde , Yookie , FuntCase, Francis Derelle , Gried, ILLdeFF and others) and was Bass heavy all night. I recorded my set so make sure to go grab that off my SoundCloud! Soundcloud.com/twonkatl 
Q. When you started music did you ever think you would get this far? 
A. Definitely not, I mean it all started out as a hobby like anything else playing house parties and stuff but after looking back shits gotten pretty crazy haha. I'm just getting started though so I'm super pumped for  †H∑ Future. 
Q. It’s all about Brillz and the ǂ₩0ИKTΣΔM , What does the word "TWONK" mean to you? 
A. Haha oh Shit! ǂ₩0ИKTΣΔM  in the house. People ask me this all †H∑ time and yet it still has no exact meaning. It's whatever your inner weirdo concepts it to be.  "if the bitch wants to ǂ₩0ИK she Should ǂ₩0ИK"..."its the right of every American citizen... its what our great country was built on, its the power of ǂ₩0ИK"  
Q. What have been your favorite gig so far and what made is so special? 
A. Bamboo bass festival for obvious reasons mentioned. BUT, Foam Wonderland wouldn't be far. I played with Brillz, Boombox Cartel, Borgeous and my good homie Everettz. There was so many people there for my set it was one of  †H∑ greatest Feelings in the ₩ΦЯLD. Others to mention, Das Energi Festival // Safe in sound Tour. 
Q. Who do you like headling for? 
A. Artist? Any one trap or Dubb, I love it all. Hit up my manager Taryn for bookings. [email protected]   Q.What was your favorite B2B and why was it so epic? - My favorite would have to be when I went b2b with my dudes GR!ED & Pookiie on the beach at pineview. Favorite one I have seen was RL Grime vs Baauer at decadance Colorado. So Fucking epic. 
Q. Have any advice for Dj's trying to build a name for themselves in the the industry?
A. Wear a mask or helmet or be a Food product lmao, JK! I would just say to hustle harder then the next guy , and get your self out there any way possible. Be different. Be  ¥ΦU.
Lol, well you heard it here on RNE wear a mask or a helmet to build a name as a Dj! -Monica P Brice
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royal-nation-empire · 7 years
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JARED PAUL JACKSON -Keys N Krates Tour Manager
Interviewed by, Monica P Brice
Jared shows this industry that you can do what you love no matter what. From scheduling to managing, he is tour managing for Keys N Krates around the globe bringing reliable and professional entertainment. Below in the interview I will be asking him personal questions about what it’s like in his position as a tour manager and advice for those who would possibly like to become a tour manager! We love you guys! 
                                                                                    -Monica P Brice
1. How old were you when you started deciding to work in the music industry?
A: As long as I can remember, I had the desire to work in music, professionally. As far as actually being a "full-time professional,” I’m coming up on 15 yrs.
Q. What do you love the most about working with Keys N Krates?
A. My situation with KNK is a very unique one in that I constantly have quite a few irons in the fire. Tour Management, Production Management, Live & Studio Engineering…My plate is always full. With that said, what I love most is that I’ve become an integral part of the team, (artists & mgmt,) and they have always treated me as an equal. I find that to be very rare these days and I cherish it. 
3.What inspires you about Keys N Krates music and how do you relate to it on a personal level besides working with them?
A: I love the fact that there’s little to no “agenda” involved w/ KNK’s music. It’s about making shit that THEY want to create, period. I now relate to it personally because, as we’re always around each other having musical conversation as well as me getting to add my thoughts, suggestions etc…I get to hear some of these thoughts, suggestions and influence end up, organically into new music. Overall, if I didn’t love what KNK did musically, I’d have a really hard time being a part of what they do.
Q. As a tour manager what are some often difficult tasks you come across and how do you solve them?
A: Being a 100% LIVE act in a predominately “EDM” and/or “DJ” world can definitely be a challenge. Tech issues, rider issues, set changes, logistics…It can sometimes get very tricky to pull off proper. I do my damndest to solve/prevent these issues by very thoroughly advancing the shows until there is no stone left unturned. You also start to get a feel for when the show you’re dealing with is honest/properly prepared and when it is struggling and therefore have to put in overtime to make the show happen. It’s honestly all about thorough preparation.
Q. What do you admire about the EDM that is new and why?
A: The thing I dig about newer electronic music in general is that it’s in an awesome state of transition. Every genre/style of music has gone and will continue to go through changes and it always opens the door for something new/special to take place. I love that the truly talented artists out there are making some INSANE re-inventions of themselves and their work while others that were just looking for easy $/fame are losing interest and falling off, making way for fresh art to come to the surface.
Q. What is tour managing like and how do you set everything up so that the tours run smoothly?
A: As I mentioned above, it’s all about knowing your artist(s,) your team and thorough preparation. As far as “what it’s like…” Some days you’re the windshield, other days you’re the bug.
Q. Do you have a personal favorite bus brand that you like the most? If so why?
A: We have one driver we deal with…Jeff “Wheels” Wheeler. He’s the finest in the game. With “Wheels,” we’re in a modest yet awesome Prevost that’s become a 2nd home. LOVE the bus.
Q. Any advice you can give for people seeking a spot in touring and management?
A: “Speak softly and carry a big stick. You will go far.” -Teddy Roosevelt/West African Proverb
Q. What's it like making sure everyone is on time and where they are supposed to be, how do you keep track of it all?
A: As I mentioned, I’m very lucky to be w/ the Artists/Team that I’m a part of. That in itself makes things a million times easier. As far as organization, we, like many other crews use “MASTER TOUR” to help us all stay on the same page. It’s defo a godsend.
Q. What were you doing before you got hired for Kens N Krates, were you managing anyone else?
A: Pre-KNK, I was producing, engineering, touring as a professional under the “J.Paul” moniker as well as w/ my project “HavocNdeeD.” I still do both. I also run "Sound Center Studios” as a Producer & Mixing/Mastering Engineer. Another notch was live sound and production management for Relentless Beats and clubs/venues in Arizona. The one thing that keeps me the busiest though is being a Dad.
I hope you all learned something about this interview and found some kind of motivational inspiration, thank you so much for reading and stay tuned for more! -Monica P Brice
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