mostunderratedawards · 8 months
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Best Young Actor 
Joe Bird in Talk To Me 
Wyatt Oleff in Stay Awake
Brady Hepner in The Holdovers
Alan S Kim in Theatre Camp
Christopher Convery in Prisoner’s Daughter
Alexander Bello in Theatre Camp
Gabriel Chung in May December
Christopher Woodley in Our Son
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fashionbooksmilano · 1 year
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RRRIPP!! Paper Fashion
Vassilis Zidianakis, Christina Leitner, Marie-Claire Bataille, Christopg Grunenberg, Alexandra Palmer, Myrsinu Pichou, Kyriaki Lentzi, Lydia Kamitsis, Kaat Debo, Akiko Fukai
ATOPOS, Athens 2007, 319 pages, 340 color pictures, 24 x 17 cm, Softcover, ISBN 9789608963719 , with audio cd ‘Paperdelic’ by Yannis Kyriakides
euro 44,00
email if you want to buy [email protected]
The ‘RRRIPP!! Paper Fashion’ exhibition looks into the use of paper as a material for garment manufacture, an unknown aspect of sartorial culture. A very unique and special publication/catalogue accompanies the first Paper Fashion exhibition at the Benaki Museum, Athens. This is a book in process, making openings to various parties, leaving open working hypotheses through the specialists’ texts, which depict various aspects of research into the history of the relationship of paper to garments. The book simultaneously places particular emphasis on the ephemeral, fragile, humble and poetic nature of paper garments, juxtaposing modern creations with paper garments from different cultures and civilisations.
orders to:     [email protected]
ordini a:        [email protected]
instagram:         fashionbooksmilano
tumblr:               fashionbooksmilano
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flamediel · 4 years
Is it just me or does Chris look a bit like Sebastian Yatra with a beard?? Both are very handsome so I’m not complaining
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I kind of see it but NO beard chris is CURSED. Sebastian has never been my type tbh, Chris only manages to do it for me bc of the punk look and a beard would NOT be it.
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utopianvoices · 6 years
watch this video at your own risk. i’ve warned you.
© GLITTERY CHAN for second half of the video
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royal-nation-empire · 7 years
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Interviewed by, Monica P Brice
Lance is the CEO/founder of Scapegot Management, artist manager of WB x MB, owner of Deep Rooted Wraps, and marketer at Goldplate. In this interview, Lance and I discuss how he gets inspired by the music industry, previous experience working in the music industry, his personal favorite festival events and more!
                                                                              -Monica P Brice
Q. What made you decide to start managing? 
A. Management requires one to be selfless, which is a quality I've always possessed.  Helping people achieve their goals is something I've always found fulfilling.  After years of curating events and DJing, I knew I wanted something more.  So after looking at my life and what I did best, management was the clear path.
Q. How did you come up with the concept for your company (Scapegot Management) and what are some of your goals? How do you plan to accomplish them? 
A. The Idea behind Scāpegōt is "No More Excuses".  Too many people place blame on others for their mishaps and failures.  Shit, I've done it myself, but a time comes in your life when you have to take charge of your surroundings and make something better of yourself.  I wanted to create a company run by people with that same mentality.  Accepting your failures and learning from every mistake builds a stronger understanding of life.  You are your own Scapegoat! My main goal with the Scāpegōt brand is to create a community of people that evolve music as we know it.  To expose that community of artists to the world by building a passionate fanbase from their music, not their "Image".  For music to evolve you need new blood pushing boundaries.  So I constantly do what I can to help the "Little Guy".  Music too often goes stagnant because you see the same group of artists getting cycled.  Agencies and Labels not giving new talent a shot because they are not "proven" in the market.  So I set out to create Scāpegōt Media.  A platform created for new talent, from rising starts to bedroom producers.  A media outlet where they can test music to a wide variety of music lovers and get truly unbiased opinions on their music. I want the support and passion for Scāpegōt to grow organically! For people genuinely believe in the cause.  Not because the people I know, but rather what I believe in.  The best movements in this world are built organically.  That is because there is one thing you can't force in this world and that is PASSION.  So I will continue to do what I do best, work hard until I have accomplished these goals.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. You used to work with "White Rabbit Group" what did you do for them and how has it inspired you to be where you are today?
A. I started with White Rabbit as a DJ/Promoter and moved my way up to Vice President.  For the most part, I handled the company's operations, from coordinating the events, all the way to doing our payroll.  My days varied from meeting with the CEO, Brandon Owen, about our growth to working with our staff by overseeing projects and developing new team members.   I look at White Rabbit as my college years.  This is where a learned about the inner workings of the Music industry that most don't get an opportunity to see.  Gave me an opportunity to work with some of the top artists, management companies, talent agencies, and venues.  Helped me shape a wide perspective of the industry and where it is headed.  More importantly, I was able to see the perspective of the consumer through each event we threw.  I was truly blessed to get to work with a large group of influencers with a great ear for music.  Shout out to all my Rabbit Fam!  Love you guys! <3
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. When did you decide to get into the EDM industry and how old were you? 
A. Electronic music has been a staple in my life for over 15 years now.  What started as a love for the EDM scene evolved into my life's passion.  That passion started the first time touched vinyl. Chad, one of my close friends, invited me over to his house to check out his DJ rig after a long conversation about EDM.  He spun some DnB for me that sparked a new passion.  Before that, I didn't know anyone that could spin and learning myself seemed out of reach.  Soon he showed me the fundamentals of DJing.  From that spark, a fire builds up inside of me.  That moment I knew this was my path.  From there I refined my skills and when I was 22 I started spinning small scale events.  Some of which were very poorly planned.  So In 2010, Mikey a good friend of mine came to me about wanting to start his own event company, so we started doing our own events.  Those moments lead me on this journey and I will forever be grateful for that!
Q. What are your top 3 favorite EDM music genres and why? 
A. First and foremost, Drum and Bass because that is where it all started for me!  DnB has a culture like no other EDM genre and is still going strong today.  Second would have to be classic Trance because it's ability to infect a sea of people with the same euphoria energy.  Last but never least would be the evolution of Trap in the EDM scene because it is the product of 2 of my musical passions, Hip Hop and Bass music.
Q. Do you have any personal favorite concerts/events/festivals that you go to? 
A. EDC Los Angeles will always have a special place in my heart because I married my best friend and wife, Mary, on the same day as EDC 2008. Shortly after we went to the event with our wedding party in our wedding clothing.  It was an amazing feeling to see people's face light up when we told them we had just got married earlier that day.  It was a night I will never forget!
Q. Tell me about "Deep Rooted Wraps"
A. Gemstones and Crystals have always fascinated me.  How they naturally form over thousands of years into these pieces of beauty.  That fascination became a hobby when one of my friends bought a wrapped piece of Lapis. Shortly after buying it, the stone fell out which made me think I could do a better job wrapping it.  So I did some research and started doing my own wraps.  After making pendants for my friends, more and more people started asking for one.  Slowly that hobby became a business.  
Q. What is your current prize possession and why? A. My most prized possession is my Grandfathers money clip.  He was the one that taught me about hard work and respect.  He showed me that if you are going to do anything in life, do it RIGHT.  Don't take short cuts and never give up!  That mentality got him from selling vacuums door to door, to owning a successful home security business.  Every time I hold it I am reminded of those cornerstones.
Always do what you love and the rest will follow. -Monica P Brice
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darling-leech · 2 years
What lead you to give Alex white hair?
Ok so! Originally Alex was(or I guess still is, seeing as how she's a multifandom OC, 😅😅), a Lord of The Rings/The Hobbit/The Silmarillion OC, she is the daughter of Saruman The White, so I sorta made her look like him, but like a younger and a girl version, if that makes sense? So yea! That's why she has White hair! And I liked the way she looked, so I kept her looks everywhere since then and I think that was back in like 2014/2015ish? So I think she's also my longest OC that I have(that I remember lol).
Thanks for the ask! :3
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dettsu · 8 years
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woops i hurt myself
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madsgif · 4 years
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