rqbossman · 1 day
Have you ever given any thought to the “what does John collect in his free time” question? I’ve heard chess pieces, stamps, etc., but I was wondering if you had any silly interjections on this topic.
Barbie dolls, perhaps?
John collects scars.
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rqbossman · 1 day
Fuck Marry Kill with the Protocol characters ? This does include Mr Bonzo as a bear and not a twink.
Why on earth would I want to engage in sexual intercourse with every Magnus Protocol character then immediately marry them only to immediately end their lives?
Getting married involves so much paperwork and then having to act as next of kin executor for so many people simultaneously? Never mind the tax implications!
No I think I'll just stick to killing thanks.
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rqbossman · 1 day
what's your favorite and least favorite chess piece, and why?
Favourite: Pawn
Least favourite: Bishops
The pawns need to rise up and overthrow the shackles of their oppressors and I am here for them.
The bishops are clearly collaborating, carefully making sure to stay out of one another's way, bullshit market manipulators.
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rqbossman · 1 day
I present to you, my first reblog. This is genius and I would absolutely use this if I was still running Rusty Quill Gaming
Free worldbuilding idea:
Wizards have the same trust in magic that software designers have in software, which is to say, almost none at all.
“Are you fucking kidding me I worked in a reagrent shop for a few years I don’t trust any of that stuff. Who the hell knows what other components are in the ashes.”
“Yeah I was in the circle that made Alston’s Divine Circle of Teleportation. There’s some pretty nasty corner cases you can get into but the headmaster published it without us. I just take ships. It’s way safer.”
“I call bullshit on that Necromancer channeling spirits of loved ones. What did he say he was using? ‘Medium Conduit Ruinic Circles’? That’s just a bunch of buzzwords slapped together, and they don’t even interact with each other.”
“I’ve been looking at this scroll all morning and I’m 90% sure that the scribe didn’t even look at the standard for pyromancies.”
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rqbossman · 1 day
for the sake of your comfort and preferences of course, please feel free to ignore this one. But, if you're okay answering, where does your accent come from in England? I've been trying to place it because I'm practicing for a voice acting role, and they want something like your accent. If I can look up more examples from your region it would help greatly. Thanks! Have a lovely day, bossman!
Hah so I get this one a lot.
I grew up in the Greater Manchester area but my accent is not mancunian. I have a very specific regional accent from the area of Stockport.
Years ago I worked to reduce it because a BBC recruiter told me I'd have to move to London and lose my accent to get work. Then they made Salford a BBC production centre and prioritised regional personalities. (remember, just be yourself kids!)
My original accent is now returning since I moved back up to the rural north and if I'm not careful I am starting to drop my "h"s
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rqbossman · 1 day
After last episode I was wondering if you guys were Fullmetal Alchemist fans??
Yes and the references are intentional.
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rqbossman · 1 day
Please give us updates on your dog.
Refuses to eat experimental metallic crystalline fruit. Sad times, I just want somebody to play chess with.
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rqbossman · 1 day
which one would win: a billion lions or one of every pokemon?
1 of every pokemon. Easily. One of them is literally god apparently.
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rqbossman · 5 days
Hello!! This question is a bit out of the blue, but have you ever done any kind of theater acting or live performance work before? You're a very talented voice actor, so I'm curious if you've been on stage before too!
I'm aware that voice acting and theater acting are both VERY different and that some people thrive in one and not the other, but as someone who has done both, I'm curious if you've done the same :>
Yes I did a bunch of drama as a teen and in early 20s before I got into directing and my directing career started with Live Comedy. I also did a bunch of auditions but TV and Film but was always too short for roles!
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rqbossman · 5 days
what is your favourite history fact?
1) Napoleon was a big fan of fax machines.
2) the pyramids were older to the Ancient Romans than the Romans are to us now.
3) One of the oldest pieces of written language is a complaint about a huckster.
4) The Antikythera
5) "Sea People" came and wiped out a lot of ancient cultures. Obviously they weren't all Atlanteans but what if right!?
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rqbossman · 5 days
I know you probably can’t answer because of spoilers, but is there any chance you could confirm we don’t hear any harm done to children in Protocol? Jack’s introduction has set me a bit on edge, things happening to kids is a huge trigger for me.
Happy to answer this one. We are following the same rules as Archives, if you are introduced to an animal or child as a character, (basically if they are named) they will be all right in the end. They may encounter peril but will not be harmed. (see ep 19 as an example).
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rqbossman · 7 days
When you're writing do characters come first or situations?
It's funny I haven't really formalised my process in years. Generally I go: 1) Conceit 2) Core Character outlines 3) research 4) plot premise 5) plot structure 6) Side characters 7) Scenic Breakdown 8) Draft 1 But I don't have a hard and fast system right now so your mileage may vary. Especially since I also bounce back and forth between layers organically as it grows.
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rqbossman · 7 days
Heyo! Folks be sending all sorts of questions so I'll give it a shot. So you're a Star Trek fan right? Have you been watching and/or enjoying the newer series? Or are you partial to the older ones? (I'm the latter, ive preferred TNG, DS9 and Voyager best.) But if you're also enjoying the newer stuff I'd be curious about your thoughts on 'em?
So I admit I have fallen off on Star Trek recently and my opinions on star trek in general are often considered... controversial. TOS: It's fine I guess. Next Gen: Good although a good chunk of season 1 and anything to do with Tasha Yar is less good. (Not because of Tasha's Character or performance just the writing for her feels a bit tone deaf at times to a modern ear.) DS9: I have bounced off this again and again. Never made it past about 10 episodes. I dunno why, I've watched worse without complaint. I wonder if it is to do with the religious portrayals, as these are the things I most struggle with in Sci Fi due to my own bias getting in the way. Voyager: Wonderful once it finds its feet. I married the woman who was the closest to Janeway I could find in the real world. Coffee addiction, war scowl and all. Discovery: Watched season 1 and enjoyed, subsequent seasons nI haver not had chance to view consistently due to UK licensing and not being able to afford every streaming platform. Lower Decks: Frigging brilliant, no notes, but again I am behind as I haven't the budget for additional media purchases right now. Brave New Worlds: I couldn't say. I hear good things but again, fragmented streaming is an expense I can't justify right now. Picard: Mixed. I was okay with the premise and S1 had it's moments although it was harder to get through than I thought which is weird since it had so many components I liked. I dropped off with the introduction of seven of nine as I feel the character was done a bit dirty and with Protocol entering preproduction I had to prioritise my time and Picard didn't spark enough joy to continue. I may return to it. Star Trek films: Far too much to cover here. TLDR much like bond movies it swings between good and bad but I'll always have a soft spot for any iteration of Kahn and I have seen First Contact most. TLDR: Seen a bunch, not all, Voyager is my fave despite the well known flaws.
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rqbossman · 7 days
hey alex! i love love tma and tmp so, so, so much!!!!!!!!!!
i just wondered if you could settle a debate for me? see, my friend, a relatively small person who refuses to exercise or sleep thinks they can thrash peter lukas in a fistfight while he has powers. can you please tell them they can't?
I dare not, lest your short and punchy friend correct me with a pugilistic retort!
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rqbossman · 7 days
why did you turn replies off on all your posts :(
Just trying to cut down on random haters. I set it to allowing fans to reply if they have followed me for a week. If this is some enormous Tumblr faux pas I was not aware of do let me know. Your earth customs are strange to me.
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rqbossman · 7 days
How was it that in a podcast with some of the grossest sound effects I've ever had the pleasure of listening to, the sound of kissing was where you and Johnny drew the line? It's just funny to me xD
Because kissing is gross. Well I mean, all human processes are gross but kissing... blerg. Jokes aside, it's hard to explain. I guess it is worse hearing something that is meant to sound nice and isn't than something that was meant to sound bad from the start. Certainly enough listeners agreed that I think I am onto something here, not sure yet.
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rqbossman · 7 days
Hey y'all, Just thought I would try something this week and give a couple of thoughts on today's episode. (I might do it again in future, I might not, let's see.) Personal Thoughts: I have to admit I was nervous about this one. I have taken lead researching the historical elements of Protocol and part of me is always terrified that someone will drop me a line and be like "FYI this makes no sense" and then I realise they are right. That said, I have checked and double checked though so it's probably fine right? Also frankly I didn't really have to make that much stuff up. History in this period is absolutely bananas. Fun fact for this episode: The Gilded Gallows. Look it up. Backstage insight: I don't deliberately keep including Newton in my work. The guy just has a lot of links to him on Wikipedia y'know? Also I super enjoy writing old-timey. Further Reading: If you are interested in the topics I recommend the following (on the understanding that they do not contain secrets for the show or anything I just think they are good): 1) Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood 2) Outliers Podcast S2E1 Crack of Thunder by Gabrielle Urbina of Wolf359 fame 3) The Ritman Library in Amsterdam
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