rsaban49 · 9 years
Blatter Caput.
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rsaban49 · 9 years
The biggest news out of Google I/O on Wednesday was perhaps Google’s new Photos app.
Google Photos vs. Apple Photos vs. Dropbox Carousel vs. Lyve
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rsaban49 · 9 years
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rsaban49 · 9 years
Droptask For windows coming soon in Beta for Pro.
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rsaban49 · 9 years
Chrome is an awesome browser but it also has severe memory leak issues that can chew up resources on both your PC and your smartphone. KitGuru highlights some recent comments made by the Chrome for Android team during a Reddit AMA that show Google’s engineers are very much aware of Chrome’s memory leak problems and are vowing to fix it. FROM EARLIER: Apple Watch gets its first major software update – here’s how to install it “We are actively working on reducing battery usage and we are looking into when Chrome is in the foreground and in the background,” one team member explained. “Since its inception Chrome has been focusing on security and performance of the web across all supported platforms. Performance
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rsaban49 · 9 years
I met Jodie while I was interning and transitioning from being a medical student to becoming a doctor. Jodie was a heroin addict, but she was not the image you probably have in mind when reading those words -- heroin addict. Two years before we met, Jodie was a practicing nurse in a busy endocrinology practice. When she went for a tooth extraction, her dentist gave her two weeks' worth of Percocet for pain and she said, "I just finally in my life felt like everything was under control, I felt happy, relaxed, in control ... Those pills were magic." She continued for months to go to her dentist complaining of pain and getting prescriptions and even further dental procedures to "correct" what went wrong with the first extraction.
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rsaban49 · 9 years
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rsaban49 · 9 years
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rsaban49 · 9 years
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rsaban49 · 9 years
Cyanogen and Microsoft partnering to develop an Android bundle, sans Google. Will it work? Jack Wallen chimes in.
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rsaban49 · 9 years
Mobbing means Meerkat will syndicate popular streams to its own feed to boost viewership and interest in popular streams.
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rsaban49 · 9 years
Windows Phone fans tired to see Microsoft launching only entry-level to mid-range Windows handsets aren’t probably happy to hear that Windows 10 for phones won’t be launched at the same time with the desktop version. Since Windows 10 for phones will arrive later than expected, this also means that flagship Lumia handsets aren’t likely to launch just yet – at least Microsoft did say more than once that such devices are in the works. DON’T MISS: LG really, really wants you to know why the G4 is better than an iPhone After a report claimed recently that Microsoft plans a variety of new devices for 2015, providing specs for some of these unconfirmed models, fresh information from UnleashThePhones indicates the company might be
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rsaban49 · 9 years
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rsaban49 · 9 years
Vietnam all over again
This days we mark the fall of Saigon and the end of a very long war for the west as well as for the east. The vietnamise wanted to be that vietnamese, not French not American but Vietnamese. It took a very long time for that to settle in the minds of the leadership of North America.
In the nineteen eighties I was a student in a boarding school in Baltimore Maryland, and the American society was coming to terms with that black episode of American History. People were asking questions and developing answers to them, something very wrong happened over there and people were hurt in the psyche. People wanted to close that episode and go on with their lives.
If you wondered to a public library there were all sorts of books about the Vietnam war, but what society was hard at work was at understanding the mistakes made and learning the lessons that could be learned from it.
And that was exactly what happened in the military as well as in civil society.
But time has passed and the history is repeating itself all over again. Irak and Afghanistan have become Vietnam all over again.The lessons that were learned with so much sorrow has been forgotten a generation later.
The script is repeating itself all over again first the west comes in and wants to create western democracies of eastern peoples that never had nor wanted democracy. That comes to a point were the west packs its bags and all hell brakes loose.
Irak, Libya, Tunisia, Yemen Afghanistan Somalia, Syria to name a few have become just lines in a map with virtually no central government and no rule of law. And the west has been in a bigger or smaller form responsible for it.
The East was ruled by strong dictators, there was peace and people were not killing each other. It was not democracy but it worked. Comes in the West preaching democracy helping the people to get rid of the dictators only to leave a vacuum of power that has degenerated in civil war all over the middle east.
Even the so called beaten army of Saadam Hussein has reemerged in the form of ISIS.!!
This is the lesson of Vietnam: Eastern peoples do not think like western peoples!! they do not want the western way. They want to be themselves and they want to be left to be.
No matter how many battles the west has won in the EAST the result is the same the WAR is lost and the western armies retreat to the west and leaves the east to work it out on its own.
President Obama has inherited a bad situation and has become much worst. 
Today the big winner has been IRAN, and a new PERSIAN EMPIRE is in the works.
The middle east today is a much worst place than ten years ago.
Like I said Is Vietnam all over again.
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rsaban49 · 9 years
Microsoft hopes to get more people using the next version of its Windows software on all kinds of devices by giving them access to many of the same apps they're already using on Apple or Android phones. Since he became CEO last year, Nadella has been presiding over a major overhaul at Microsoft.
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rsaban49 · 9 years
Discover the Best of 15,000 shows on demand. Hear CNN, BBC, Fox News, NPR, Maddow, Carolla, This American Life, Freakonomics - plus more.
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rsaban49 · 9 years
By Yasmeen Abutaleb NEW YORK (Reuters) - Google Inc on Wednesday announced a free extension for its Chrome web browser that better protects Google accounts, including email, against online attackers trying to steal passwords and other personal information. The extension, called Password Alert, can be downloaded on Google Chrome and warns users before they enter account information on "phishing" pages, or imitation sites designed to steal passwords and access personal information, such as emails or online bank accounts. Millions of phishing emails and websites are sent every day, Google said. Nearly 2 percent of messages sent through Gmail, Google's email service, are designed to steal passwords.
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