ruegaymeow · 6 days
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ruegaymeow · 6 days
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skeptic is so them core [i put the wrong lyrics]
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ruegaymeow · 8 days
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the summer hikaru died.
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ruegaymeow · 15 days
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ruegaymeow · 15 days
Got Fyozai on the mind, so obviously time to yap about them.
I can't really get behind the whole Fyodor and Dazai hate each other, because I don't see anything resembling actual hate between them. The situation between them is more business-like: Fyodor's bad, Dazai doesn't agree with his views on humanity, and they inevitably become thorns in each other's sides because of the obvious conflict of interest. Dazai's out to stop Fyodor's plans, and because he's an obstacle, Fyodor needs to remove him. There's nothing emotionally charged going on.
I think, if anything, Dazai, at one point in his life, came dangerously close to adapting an outlook of the world similar to Fyodor's, but that changed because of various people in his life, notably Oda. Oda told Dazai to be on the side that saved people, and in a roundabout way, Oda saved Dazai from himself before he fell too deep into a void he wouldn't come out of.
That's how I see current Fyodor: he didn't have people like that in his life to either challenge his look on humanity, or maybe even people justified Fyodor's extreme beliefs and he's who we have today. I've said it before, but yeah, I see them more as foils of one another.
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Other people refer to them as monsters, or Fyodor is likened/compared to Dazai, but when they interact, Dazai will call Fyodor a demon, but Fyodor never refers to him in a similar fashion. Fyodor speaks in a more casual manner toward Dazai like how you would address an old friend, which could also suggest how he sees Dazai as similar to him instead of reducing him to a sinning ability user in need of salvation.
Fyodor is who Dazai could've been. Not in the literal sense, but in a fell from grace, and no one can reach him anymore way.
And I think the LACK of hate between them speaks greater volumes than anything that might be implied. As far as we know, Dazai's one of the closest to understanding Fyodor on an intellectual level, and all that really separates them are their views of the world and humanity.
Dazai and Fyodor have known each other a long time; Fyodor's been mentioned in The Day I Picked Up Dazai—and I'd love a light novel of their actual first meeting—BUT ANYWAY. They were more like two peas in a pod back then when Dazai was just twiddling his thumbs and seeking purpose and something greater to life while in the mafia, and I feel like he was blind at the time to realizing how similar their beliefs were at that time because it became an echo chamber. Then after Oda and defecting, Dazai can actually take a step back to realize and understand that his younger self had once been a part of what Fyodor was and is.
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Which leads me to the events in Meursault when Fyodor believed that Dazai and Chuuya's partnership was fickle and the 7 years was worthless because Fyodor was judging Dazai based on his old Port Mafia self and believing he knew Dazai too well at that point. Fyodor hasn't changed since they met because he doesn't trust others, but Dazai's changed and it manages to fool Fyodor.
Fyodor's doing bad things and Dazai's done bad things, don't get me wrong, but I feel like over time as Dazai established himself with the ADA and slowly learned to change his look on life as he surrounded himself with better people in a better environment that didn't simply see him as a tool for a greater, sinister cause, he probably understands on an intellectual level what would drive a man like Fyodor to these lengths. Naturally, Dazai doesn't agree, and that's why they're enemies trying to get each other out of the way, but I sense that unspoken sort of, 'I understand, terribly.', because it's like looking in the mirror to see what could have been. Dazai considers having his ability a curse, and Fyodor's motivated by his own experiences and the curse of his own ability to do what he's doing.
Removing them from the canon world, they manage to get along in Gakuen and get up to silly nonsense in Wan!, so when placed back into the original world, I see, personally, how it becomes more obvious where the line is drawn between them and the point they become enemies. Dazai would rather remove himself from the world, whereas Fyodor believes he's solving a worldwide crisis by removing all ability users.
And now by standing up against Fyodor, Dazai's challenging dangerous beliefs his old self once had which could've continued down a dark path. Like quite literally fighting against a demon, as Dazai has referred to Fyodor, but more like his own inner demons.
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ruegaymeow · 15 days
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real fuozai lore js dropped
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ruegaymeow · 16 days
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Probably will go back to finish this piece at a later date TT
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ruegaymeow · 1 month
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more mspaint doodles heh
i think theyd have a meanignful conversation adn then probably never see each other again >.<
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ruegaymeow · 2 months
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ruegaymeow · 2 months
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imagine the i dont wanna be me guitar solo is playing
(i dont know shit about EITHER of thwm..)
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ruegaymeow · 2 months
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galladay i drew for my friend rian🫀 (BASED ON LANA N ASAP ROCKY FROM THE NATIONAL ANTHOM MV.. i think!)
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ruegaymeow · 3 months
2 all u fyozai shippers, i LOVE u.. my heart swells with fondness 4 u guys >.<
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ruegaymeow · 4 months
kinda bad but i am constantly trying to fyozai-fy every media i consume.. like wdym fyozai can't be tyler durden x narrator from fightclub !!!
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ruegaymeow · 4 months
i have fyozai brain worms rn but what if post apocalyptic world that takes place wayyy in the future and fyodors the only person alive and he made an copy of dazai's consciousness on a comp and they js banter fr
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ruegaymeow · 4 months
No hate to fyozai lovers bc I can appreciate it too, I just think it’s funny when people portray dazai and Fyodor as super loving towards each other bc Dazai’s 22 and he’s always like ‘ugh that RAT fyodor’ and Fyodors like 100+ and only seems to be interested in dazai as far as being entertained to how he can outdo and overcome him (in line w themes from C&P and overcoming being a common man and inspecting what differentiates us from each other). The dynamic of Fyodor being an old and relentless thorn in dazai’s side and actively trying to ruin everyone’s lives and dismantle everything Dazai has worked so hard to be being shifted to them (esp) dazai being loving is interesting to me. That’s a greasy old sugar daddy lusting after an uninterested college student at best
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ruegaymeow · 5 months
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comp of dyodor x lana art i made for my pookies bday w minor fuozai crumbs (i lvoe them)
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ruegaymeow · 5 months
Drew like a dark, fucked up version of akutagawa. Just a glimpse into my dark reality
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