rumiful · 3 years
It is real!
With time, everything started making sense All happened when time was right for it to commence
The doubts, in my head, vanished completely As ripples on the water disappear gradually
During the course, I ignored the evident Maybe my belief in myself was fervent
In the hope that moon would ascend I ignored the beauty of it, as a crescent
Now, I have thrown the spectacles of my mind they mostly rendered what made me suffer and a bit unkind
I trust my heart, live one day at a time The past hurt and agony; I know, will sublime
I try not to get held up by the dead and buried The heaviness ached my shoulders, as for long it was carried
The small changes took long; but made life surreal Ultimately understood, perfect is a myth and love is real.
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rumiful · 3 years
The swing of life moved forward and backward With no change in speed or motion Still situations started feeling absurd Even with a slightest commotion Was she expecting too much? Or was she just receiving little? Or was it all, a bed of plush? And her spectacles made her belittle There was no reason to wait for miracle None was expected any day Just tuning yourself to right decibel Would solve everything in many ways Why to look underneath everything Why to make such a fuss The inner voice again saved her from the sting She was giving herself in rush
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