runeloreforall · 4 years
Website Change!
My URL is now- http://runeloreforall.wordpress.com
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runeloreforall · 4 years
Living the Runes...
Living the Runes…
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Now, I’ve been away from my rune blog for many reasons. Mostly, because I have been dealing with my mental health issues.
I see it as “living with the runes“.
Hagalaz is a great upheaval and bringer of hail. Destruction and yet creation as well. My life in the last few years has been a series of upheavals. I was burned out from being involved in too many groups and organizations. I had to step…
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runeloreforall · 6 years
Isa - the Icy Mirror Darkly
Isa – the Icy Mirror Darkly
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Before we dive into the Third Aett, I’d like to talk about the rune, Isa. I have written on experiencing the runes in your day to day life. In essence, “living the runes”. Isa is one of those runes that people often misunderstand and often avoid. Now, I’m not going to be talking about the lore of the runes here or the poems. If you want the lore and my insights on the rune, please scroll down to…
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runeloreforall · 7 years
Other Endeavors
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Hello Runesters!! I’d like to take some time to let folks know that though I haven’t blogged much on the runes in many recent months. I have not lost my faith in my gods and ancestors. I have endeavored to keep them all close to my heart. Over the summer I have started a new Facebook page called the Sacred Yew. It is a page that represents a part of my personal practice to the gods, the…
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runeloreforall · 7 years
Breaking the Silence
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Hello Readers, I want to first, wholeheartedly, apologize for my lengthy absence. The fall & winter of 2016 and most of 2017 has been a very difficult period in my life. I don’t want to go into too many to details. But I have had to go through some rather intense psychotherapy for most of 2017. It’s been a rough road putting my life in order and finding the strength inside to keep going.…
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runeloreforall · 8 years
Check it out! It's from my new blog!
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Phallic Freyr
*Warning* *The following poem is NSFW-ish.* *Read at your own risk!* Phallic Freyr By James Moore-Hodur…
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runeloreforall · 8 years
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“What’s in a name?”
“What’s in a name?” by James Moore-Hodur All-Father, Valfather, Sigfather God Hroptyr, Runatyr, Fimbultyr Wanderer Ómi, Óski, Godi…
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runeloreforall · 8 years
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Tyr-ful Lament
Tyr-ful Lament By James Moore-Hodur Faithful, Frith-Filled Friend, Oh how I love you to where stars shall end,
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runeloreforall · 8 years
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Runehack: Runes as Motivators.
Have new years resolutions but constantly break them? Use your runes to help keep you on your path. Write them on your body, stick a post-it note with it on the mirror, say it under your breath. Here are a few ideas for attaching resolutions to runes (by no means a complete list):
Fehu: Balancing your budget, remembering to donate.
Uruz: Exercising, eating a healthy diet.
Thurisaz: Becoming more forceful (for those who think they might be “doormats”).
Ansuz: Organization, breaking negative thought patterns.
Raidho: Following your own will, finding your path, to enjoy the journey of life.
Kenaz: Working on your creativity, developing more knowledge.
Gebo: Remembering to think of others, to give more than you receive.
Wunjo: To embrace gratitude and joy, to work toward your best self.
Keep reading
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runeloreforall · 8 years
Here's the link to my new blog. It's a blog of my poetry for all to enjoy!
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runeloreforall · 8 years
Here's another great poem of mine! ;)
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Wanderer’s Visit
Wanderer’s Visit by James Moore-Hodur Weary wanderer winding down the way, Sit, converse, conspire, stay, Tell us Tall-Tales of Thor, Theorize thus about thy Thunderer,
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runeloreforall · 8 years
Here's one of my poems. ;)
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The Journey of Breath
The Journey of Breath by James Moore-Hodur Óðinn is breath. The All-Father is the very air that fills your lungs.
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runeloreforall · 8 years
Check out my newest venture, Önd: The Journey of Breath!
Welcome to Önd: The Journey of Breath!
Welcome to Önd: The Journey of Breath!
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Hail and Welcome! My name is James Moore-Hodur. I wish to welcome you to this blog. This blog is my newest creative endeavor, Önd: The Journey of Breath. Önd was the gift bestowed to mankind at creation from Odin,the AllFather. Önd is the breath of life and/or animating principle of spirit. Odin’s name literally means breath, ecstatic inspiration, energy. My hope is that my readers can enjoy what…
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runeloreforall · 8 years
Stay Rune'd!
Stay Rune’d!
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Hi Fellow Runesters,
I know it’s been quite awhile since I have last written on the runes. I have been going through some serious mental health issues and personal problems over the fall of 2016 and into the holiday season of 2016. I have cleared up most of my stresses. I’m on a better path.
2017 has come and I will be returning to this blog. I am re-dedicating myself to myself and  to my…
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runeloreforall · 8 years
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art by  Raidho DMT
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runeloreforall · 8 years
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Re: Bind Runes- *Request* Here's a bind rune for our service men and women who are deployed abroad or elsewhere. It consists of: Tiwaz (Tyr) (2x) This is the rune of right action. It is the rune that represents our service men and women making the right & just decisions on the battlefields they're on. It is the rune closest to the god, Tyr. Tyr was a great warrior who was always first on the front lines. Elhaz (Eel-Sedge) (2x)- This rune of protection that will hedge out all the negative forces that beset our soldiers. It is the rune that will keep the enemies on the perimeter and at bay from harming our soldiers. Gebo (Gift/Sacrifice): This is the rune of sacrifice. It is the sacrifice of time, energy, and perhaps, even their lives to protect their fellow soldiers, their country, and ultimately us. It is an equal exchange of their service for our protection and the protection of the citizens of the countries they are deployed to. Othala (Ancestoral Property/ Heritage)- This is the rune of the ancestors. It is the rune of home. We want our soldiers to come home to us after their deployments. We hope their ancestors are watching over them, guiding them, and ultimately protecting them. It is the rune that represents where all fallen soldiers will go when they make the ultimate sacrifice. As Odin had prepared a home for them in Valhalla. **CAUTION- Bind Runes are a subjective topic. No two bind runes are drawn the same. Remember, you should connect with each of the runes on an intuitive level before you use bind runes in your magical practices** I tried to make it look like something you could make into a sown patch or something they could wear when they're deployed. It looks innocuous but holds the secret well for only the soldiers or their wives to know. ;) Hope this helps. Questions? - Let me know. James Moore-Hodur
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runeloreforall · 8 years
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Re: Bind Runes- *Request* Here's a bind rune for safe travels. It consists of: Raidho (Journey)- This the rune of travel. It's the rune of your own will. So that you know deep down where you're going. Elhaz (Eel-Sedge)This is a rune of protection. It will hedge out any dangers or dangerous people that are in your path. Ansuz (Communication): The rune of communication which is always helpful to a traveler in any mode of transportation. It helps to communicate where you're going, when you intend to turn off or onto a path, and to other travelers. It's also a rune of awareness. You can always use that while traveling. **CAUTION- Bind Runes are a subjective topic. No two bind runes are drawn the same. Remember, you should connect with each of the runes on an intuitive level before you use bind runes in your magical practices** Hope this helps. Questions? - Let me know. James Moore-Hodur
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