ruspruhub · 4 years
APH Lithuania: Can you tell me what Prussia's love language is? Gifts, acts of service?
APH Russia: Military jargon
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ruspruhub · 4 years
Our Secret
Ship: RusPru
Summary: A private carriage ride results in a few secrets when longing becomes action.
Words: 2.7K
There was a blanket of snow outside the windows, covering the countryside and making it seem perfectly pristine. They were somewhere between Moscow and Petersburg, and if Russia thought about it long enough he would have been able to identify the place.
But, he was not interested in that given that his closest ally was the only other person in the carriage. Prussia was sitting right next to him, and their legs were touching under the thick fur covering their laps.
It was the depth of the winter, and Russia could have put up with the temperature. His blood ran colder than most, and his natural temperature was comfortable to him. But he knew that Prussia did not share that particular aptitude, so he had made sure that there were enough blankets.
The other man seemed perfectly content and warm, which had been the goal. Prussia was still wearing his thick, fur lined jacket. Like everything he owned, it was a handsome dark blue. Russia sometimes imagined that Prussia had full rooms of nothing but blue cloth, and it amused him.
The blanket had also been a useful way for him to convince Prussia to sit next to him. He had hoped that offering to put fur over both of them would get Prussia to choose closeness, and he had still been surprised when the other agreed to it.
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ruspruhub · 4 years
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@winterhell-hetaliaevent day 6: family dinner
Well this was way -harder- than I expected 😥😁 Merry Christmas everyone!! 🌲🎁☃️
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ruspruhub · 4 years
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So I watched Klaus on Netflix and fell in love with that movie. It’s so good but also - that art style? The best freaking thing since sliced bread! It’s like my most ultimate Art Goals type of style. I tried to emulate it with characters - some of those I think came out okay, others… ugh not so much -_-’ But it was still super fun to try! Pls click for better quality 😶
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ruspruhub · 4 years
Headcanon: Russia’s favorite game is chess, and he KICKS ASS at it.
Chess is said to be Russia’s national pastime. The first state sponsored chess championships took place in Moscow in 1921, many leaders and thinkers of the Soviet Union were passionate chess players, including Stalin, who wanted to be viewed as a chess master. Chess became part of the propaganda machine and the Soviets were willing to pump money into their players.
I read that Russians who represented the USSR in world championships were sometimes told to lose their game in order to make way for better players, so the country wins in the end. Which kinda blows my mind, because that means that Russia was playing with the players as if they were chess pieces themselves.While they were playing acutal chess.
So chess were an important part of culture and politics of the USSR and the ruling class was promoting them as a vehicle for international dominance. Russia is also the country that has the most Chess Grandmasters in the world, both male and female, and has the highest average rating of the top 10 players. Hell, there is even a story that Ivan the Terrible died while playing chess, tho I’m not sure if this is a fact or only a myth, but even if it’s not true, it still says a lot about the game being present in the Russian culture.
So HC that Russia is incredibly passionate about the game and has been for a very long time - I think in Hetalia terms, he would be the best player of all other Nations. Although, of course, he is not the only talented one and he also sometimes looses. The current chess world champion is from Norway, for an example, and some say he is the best of the best.
Ivan always has a place in his house for a chess board, he strongly prefers it to be a chess table, bc it just feel more stable, like chess its a constant, stable element of his life and home. But if he happens to be on the move, he almost always takes a more compact chess board with him when he travels.
His love for chess goes beyond the intellectual and enters the artistic: he enjoys carving chess pieces and painting them/the boards so they are even more special to him! Something like this:
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(artist in Source)
Rusprus HC:
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ruspruhub · 4 years
ruspru au where gilbert is the big city business woman who is too busy to care about christmas and ivan is the hunky baker or wood carver who might be related to santa
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ruspruhub · 4 years
ruspru au where gilbert is the big city business woman who is too busy to care about christmas and ivan is the hunky baker or wood carver who might be related to santa
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ruspruhub · 4 years
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russia looks like he gives rlly good hugs and honestly i could really use a hug nowadays
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ruspruhub · 4 years
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bigass dance piece cause i rlly rlly wanted do do some dance poses, with my 2 favorites being highlighted ofc Also added the songs that inspired the outfits
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ruspruhub · 4 years
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russia looks like he gives rlly good hugs and honestly i could really use a hug nowadays
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ruspruhub · 4 years
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follow my twitter right now
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ruspruhub · 4 years
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ruspruhub · 4 years
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A quick doodle of the Snowbunny boyfriends in black turtleneck sweaters!
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ruspruhub · 4 years
this is NOT a joke holy cow
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[Img. Description: A fuzzy screenshot with Japanese and English text, the English text reads "A NEW TV anime series of "Hetalia: Axis Powers" will be released Spring 2021!!" below that there is text that reads "STAFF" and Japanese text below that heading, "STUDIO DEEN" is printed in English in the staff list. There are two promotional posters, one with the Axis trio, Italy front center looking towards the viewer with a smile, and another with the Axis trio and Ancient Egypt, all chibis. End img. Description]
Himaruya also has an official twitter where he posted this:
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Translation: "Until the restart... 3 ✨"
[Img. Description: Screenshot of a tweet from twitter user @/hima_kaz, Japanese text that reads "Until the restart... 3 ✨". Attached is a picture of Italy in a brown over shirt/jacket cinched with a belt and brown pants. His arms are opened and he is winking. The picture has text that reads "Ciao Phoebe, piacere di reviderti." End img. Description]
This also includes Himaruya leaving his hiatus and producing more manga come Spring 2021. The anime will probably only be animating from Hetalia: World 🌟 Stars, which includes quite a bit of Russia and Prussia interactions, how exciting!
I cannot wait for this new season!
EDIT: The manga will be starting in January 2021, not Spring which explains the 3 in the tweet! Three more months until the manga is released!
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ruspruhub · 4 years
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ruspruhub · 4 years
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Ivan Braginsky breakfast utensils. He makes heart-shaped pancakes for himself and Gilbert.
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ruspruhub · 4 years
Headcanon that Russia LOVES those “useless things” designs and likes to sometimes experiment with new ones himself. They just tickle something in his brain, this creative part of him that honestly almost physically enjoys looking at those things and analyzing them and especially thinking about how any object could be made useless by a simple design change. It‘s endlessly entertaining to him. Prussia HATES it. Hates it with a burning passion. To him the point of things is that they are useful, and he absolutely does not appreciate the creative/designer/experimental value of those things, he rolls his eyes so hard at that. To him, the moment they are no longer useful, there is no place for them other than the bin, they are just trash — Ivan’s fascination with them and tendency to make them is just something he totally cannot understand. When it comes to stuff like that, they are not on the same page at all. Prussia just makes sure not to look in the direction of the Useless Things Cabinet in Ivan’s study. Bc he for sure has one with all his prized useless possessions.
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