#admin honk
thinkin-bout-milgram · 10 months
another shitpost from me! i am very no thoughts head empty rn but enjoy or just keep scrolling lmao ~ admin neptune
it’s giving
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fagtainsparklez · 1 year
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ramón rn
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rumblemodels · 5 months
not a request, what are your favourite models? :D
probably popplio because it was the post that got like super big. and i LOVED reading the tags on it the tags were so so good. i deleted the post to get rid of the notifs by the time it had like 5k but i miss it......
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cloverses · 2 years
i want to fight jester not because i dislike her but because i want to know if she will make the sound that a clown nose makes when she gets impacted
NO THIS IS ONE OF THE FUNNIEST ANSWERS POSSIBLE jester honking every time you smack her. not only that but she bounces. you smack her and she turns into a bouncy ball. its entertainment for the ages
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so. turns out i firvot to turn asks on i am very intelligent don't mind me I'm just getting started w this
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mmmichyyy · 1 month
40? for the prompt
#40. "am i your husband or your taxi service?"
the first time it happens, mickey doesn't think much of it.
can you pick me up after my shift? too tired to take the L
when mickey is near the station, he parks the van a block away. force of habit from when he and his brothers used to sneak up and collect from people who owed terry money. plus, he doesn't particularly want ian's coworkers to see their stolen ambulance, even though it's completely unrecognizable after debbie helped them revamp the entire thing and paint over it with the logo sandy designed.
i don't see you
i'm parked a block away
pick me up at the station
your legs don't work?
i'm tired :(
i drove the van
it's fine no one will be able to tell lol
mickey rolls his eyes and drops his phone in the cupholder. as he pulls up across the street from the station, he sees ian standing on the curb, chatting with someone wearing a matching EMT uniform, a shorter man with tan skin and curly hair.
mickey honks once, a bit impatient since he's hungry as fuck and there's a large pizza he ordered earlier waiting for them at their apartment. ian lifts his head and smiles. as he waves goodbye to his coworker and jogs over to the van, mickey doesn't miss the way the dude is gaping at mickey with wide eyes and a dropped jaw.
the hell is this guy's problem?
"everything okay?" mickey asks, once ian buckles his seatbelt and reclines his seat.
"just tired." ian yawns. "had a long shift today."
"well," mickey puts the van in drive, reaching over the center console to ruffle ian's hair, promptly forgetting ian's weird coworker, "i already ordered a pizza so we can eat then turn in early."
ian smiles sleepily and interlaces his fingers with mickey's. "you're the best husband ever."
mickey shakes his head, biting back a smile. "sappy fucker."
after almost two weeks of ian asking to be picked up, mickey suspects something is up. not that he minds or anything, since he makes his own schedule nowadays. after the security business started turning a profit and ian went back to being an emt, he hired a couple of guys to drive the routes so he could work from home and catch up on admin work, freeing up a lot of time in his day to day.
but ian never used to mind the commute. he's the kind of long-legged freak who liked to take the scenic route and go on long runs in the morning, just for fun. absolutely deranged behaviour, in mickey's opinion. but lately, ian has been flashing his kicked-puppy eyes and asking to be chauffeured like a pampered prince and, well. mickey could never resist spending more time with his husband, so he hasn't said anything. not yet, anyway. god he's so whipped.
the excuses ian came up with, however, were more unbelievable as it went on, ranging from the train broke down (mickey knew for a fact it didn't), to spraining his elbow (though he had no problem throwing mickey on the bed later that night with his supposedly injured arm), to how it was going to rain later (it was sunny all day without a cloud in sight).
when mickey tried to call him out on his bullshit, ian either got down on his knees or flipped mickey over and fucked him senseless into the bed, promptly making mickey forget what the hell he was trying to say.
it's gotten to the point where ian stopped making excuses and simply asked mickey to come get him. which truthfully, mickey doesn't mind at all. but he just finds it odd how his beefy athletic husband had gotten so lazy.
"what's with you?" mickey finally asks one day, as ian climbs into the passenger seat.
ian blinks innocently. "what do you mean, dear husband of mine?"
mickey rolls his eyes. "am i your husband or your fuckin' taxi driver? 'cause i've been picking your ass up every day for the past two weeks when you have two perfectly functioning legs."
ian huffs, crossing his arms. "maybe i just want to spend more time with you."
"we live together," mickey points out flatly, "how much more time do you need?"
a tap on the glass interrupts them, and mickey turns to see a woman with brown hair tied back in a ponytail, enthusiastically gesturing at him to roll down the window.
"the fuck?" mickey turns to ian, whose face has turned slightly pink. "did you forget something at the station?"
"ah, no." ian scratches his head sheepishly. "sue is just being... sue."
sue waves her hand again and mickey reluctantly lowers the window.
"mickey, this is sue, my supervisor, and sue, this is–"
"the elusive husband." sue grins. "i've heard a lot about you, mickey."
mickey raises his brow. "have you now."
"oh sure," she says, ignoring ian's frantic head shaking, "ian won't shut up about you, yapping on and on about mickey this and mickey that. we're all jealous at the station actually, everyone just complains about their partners while ian keeps gushing about how perfect and amazing his husband is. his words."
"huh." that explains a lot, actually, why there was always someone different waiting with ian every time he came to pick him up, and why they all stared at him like a circus freak. "well, i bet ian didn't tell you the time we stole an ambu–"
"okay," ian cuts in loudly, reaching over to turn the key in the ignition, "we're leaving. i'll see you tomorrow, sue."
"come to the company picnic next month," sue calls out. "it's a potluck and everyone is bringing their family. it'll be fun!"
"uh sure," mickey says, even though a social gathering with ian's nosy coworkers sounds like the least fun thing he's ever heard of. he looks over at ian, slumped in his seat, avoiding mickey's eyes. "I'll check my schedule."
once mickey drives around the corner, he playfully flicks his finger at ian's temple and ian rolls his eyes, shaking his head.
"you yap about me to your coworkers," mickey teases. "you're so fuckin' whipped."
"whatever," ian grumbles. "stupid sue calling me out."
"is that why you keep asking me to pick you up?" mickey asks, amused. "to parade me around like a little show dog?"
"well, eduardo blabbed to everyone he saw you, then everyone kept asking about you and wanted to see you in person, so..."
"hm." mickey reaches over and brushes his thumb over ian's palm. "what do you say about me?"
ian links their fingers together and sighs. "that you're attentive. funny. caring. protective. loyal. the ideal man."
mickey laughs. "you're really overselling me here, gallagher. did you forget i'm an ex-convict, pimp and drug dealer?"
ian waves him off and continues. "kind. loving. perfect in every single way, except when you leave your socks on the floor. oh and that you're hot as hell with an ass that won't quit."
"you talked about my ass?"
"okay, i didn't say the last part," ian amends, "your ass belongs to just me. but i meant everything else i said."
"you really are a sappy fucker."
"you love it."
"i'd love it even more if i didn't have to be your chauffeur every day, at least they get paid to drive back and forth."
"you come with me to the picnic, i'll pay you with favours in bed. i'll even throw in a big tip."
"a big tip, huh..."
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fandomnerd9602 · 1 year
Charlie x Reader x Bumblebee
For @deafeningsharkslimeempath
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Working for GI Joe as a part of the admin team has its perks. You get to go home at the end of each day back to your loving wife in your cozy suburban home. The hours are the same and you can always count on being back in Charlie’s arms before sunset.
Today you find yourself called into General Hawk’s office. The older gentleman of an officer throws down a file on the desk in front of you.
“You know about the deal we have with the autobots, right?” He says with a cigar in his mouth.
“The bodyguard program, sir?”
“The very one. We’ve selected you to watch over an operative of theirs.” He clicks a button on his desk, the wall behind opens up, exposing a giant military hanger where the Autobots were currently resting.
“This is above my pay grade, sir” you look around in awe.
“Then we’ll give you a raise, soldier” Hawk retorts. “The autobot assigned to you is code named Bumblebee.���
Bumblebee. The name rang a bell. Charlie told you all about her time in high school when she met a robot who disguised itself as a VW Beetle. You couldn’t help but smile.
Hawk guides you up to the titular Autobot, currently doing a series of air punches.
“Bee,” Hawk motions to you, “this is Sgt. (L/N), he’ll be your bodyguard. You’re to stay with him and his family.”
“Hey…there…” Bee’s radio searches to formulate his words. “You can be my wingman, anytime”
“Bee.” You smile as you approach him, “you do sound like a bumblebee”
Bee looks to you in confusion. A little bumble sound escapes his mouth.
“Charlie told me all about you”
Bee immediately jumps in excitement.
“Bumblebee” Charlie’s voice comes through the radio.
“We got a lot to talk about on the way to my place” you smile.
Bee quickly transforms back into the VW Beetle. “Come on…let’s…go already!”
You spent the whole drive home telling Bee all about your life with Charlie. How you met her when she was touring with the Olympic diving team on an USO tour. Your first date with her. Bee couldn’t help but giggle at that part. Your home, her job with the diving team’s administration now that she’s retired. Bee felt so at ease, knowing that his best friend was doing so well.
Charlie was painting in the living room, her mind allowed to flow freely as the Kinks plays over her headphones.
A little feisty kick from her growing belly made her giggle, “I know, Daddy should be home soon. Not even born yet and you’re a daddy’s girl. Well so is Momma”
She hears the sound of a horn honking as you pull up in a yellow VW Beetle. Charlie couldn’t help but get a little emotional. The sight of you driving up in a Bug, especially one that looked exactly like her old friend.
“Sweet new car” Charlie giggles seeing the VW Beetle.
“Makes for a good family car” you retort, “he’ll keep you and our little girl safe”
Bee immediately transformed before Charlie’s eyes. Tears began flowing down Charlie’s face.
“Bee!!” She ran to the tall robot. Bee leaned down and gently scooped up his old friend. “You look great! Look at you”
“He’s looking at you, kid” Bee gently ran a finger over Charlie’s pregnant belly.
Charlie giggles, “it’s a girl. Y/N and I are so excited. This is great! Little Hailee will get to know her Uncle Bee”
“Uncle?” Bee responded thru the radio. The yellow Autobot looks to you, “thanks…wingman”
“Welcome home, Bee” you respond.
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buckybarnesss · 3 months
so let me get this straight.
stiles stops dead in the middle of the student parking lot in the afternoon as everyone is trying to leave so that he, scott and derek can have a conversation where derek collapses and looks deathly ill.
and despite all the looky-loos and car honks not one person that isn't named allison or jackson starts swearing and name calling about the hold up? no school admin comes to be nosy? where is their school resource officer? do they have one???
idk in my high school holding up the line would've been grounds for a full gladiatorial fight.
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fuck-customers · 5 months
our drive through is very fucky, i understand, but we do have signs up saying if you can get into the drive through from that side (the answer is no) and where the drive through entrance is. most of the time people come through the drive through and want to park, and that's fine, i get it. but coming into the very visibly marked "NO DRIVE THRU ENTRY" entrance, then doing a 3 point turn, skipping the line, then yelling at me for not taking your order is not where it's at.
and if you have to program in directions to get home, don't do it in the middle of both the entrance and exit of the drive thru! i understand it's a fucked up criss-cross but i'm not rude for pointing out you're in the way, and also telling you there's parking spots less than 15 feet in front of your car! our drive through line was backed up bc she wouldn't fucking move, and i actually went to the car behind her (who had already gotten their order and were trying to leave) and asked them to honk bc she wasn't moving when i asked her to. the people who had ordered and were waiting to proceed bc she was in the way were also honking at her and eventually she just started screaming at us for being rude. MAAM YOURE IN THE WAY OF TWO VEHICLE LINES, WHOS BEING RUDE?
Posted by admin Rodney.
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cupids-cringe · 7 months
falls from the ceiling in the middle of the show stage and lands on the floor with a cymbal crash sound effect before the spotlight turns on to my crumpled form
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i found these a little hard to do much to since the Admins tron outifts are so crucial to their identity in the first 2.5 episodes & even in episode 3 they all have matching outfits, i felt sooo bad getting rid of that. we'll get to that in a moment
short notes since theres not much to say:
Admin P now has green pockets on his trousers & green fabric at the elbow like a pad
Admin F has a blue belt, shorter but sharper coat & slightly more of the blue trim
& Admin C has buttons on his coat & a locket (with a photo of Freeman inside it)
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Admin P
whoops i dressed your space grandpa like an old man
•canon to hlvrv is the fact P isn't a clone hes a robot which means i get to add all the green parts to his extendo limbs!
•the gloves are because he goes around punching things and while these aren't nearly protecting as much surface as actual boxing gloves would, they do provide a bit of padding to his knuckles
•noticed as well that in most of his appearances P rips the sleeves off his shirts so i had to keep that in
•debated if Admin P would be the kind of old man to wear sliders with socks. chose against it.
Admin F
whoops i also dressed your other space grandpa like an old lady
•its probably a bit out of character for him but. the idea of Admin F, a Bubby, to dress in GRANDMA KNITTED CARDIGANS. like yeah all the cardigans he owns are still covered in flames and maybe a skull but its still a granny cardigan.
•other than that really hes the same old man who honks the horn at everyone else on the road when he drives.
Admin C
•C's locket remains intact yet now tucked under his overalls & with a photo of ALL the Admins inside
•his earring. is a coolatta.
•i almost forgot to mention his hair! theres a lot of 'Gordons are so stressed they all start prematurely greying' what about the TOMMYS? C ESPECIALLY. C has been through a lot of stress with losing his friend to his evil dad who then sent them on a multiversal goose chase! then having to face being trapped in nightmares by someone who tried to free his dad. THEN having to save his friends AGAIN from being kidnapped by ANOTHER evil villain in the multiverse completely unrelated to his dad this time. THEN-
i love adding additional things i don't point out, its like a guessing game i know all the answers to
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scarletmilkfrancis · 2 months
Fun fact. The clowns nose on his mask honks.
Be a good husband and embarrass the hell out of him with it /j
-clown blog admin
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a-little-unsteddie · 9 months
not to like, hop on the fuck tumblr train that’s been going around but choo choo motherfuckers i have an idea for a social media platform that will be completely feral. if you know coding (bc i do not) and you want to actually genuinely help with this let me know!! because i think i have something fun here.
at the beginning of the most recent wave of stupid updates that tumblr has so wonderfully (/s) supplied us, and when twitter became x, i realized that there’s kind of a gap in the market of a genuinely good social media platform and i was split between two options in my head.
Orbital, a “serious” social media platform that would have a lot of themes around space and take itself seriously as a genuine competitor for the virtual black hole that x and instagram and facebook has left over the last few years.
or Foolery, a less serious social media platform that would not take itself seriously and lean into the fuckery that is tumblr and twitter and somehow combine them, with themes around the circus and other performative careers.
can you guess which one i want to do?
(Foolery, it’s Foolery. i am obsessed with this stupid idea.)
so, i have put some thought into this. like, not a lot, but more than none! here is a few of the basics that i have thought about:
The sign-in/sign-up page would have a randomized slogan from a list of however many we come up with. ‘Welcome to the show’, ‘a place for tricks and treats’, ‘a place filled with shenanigans’ etc
Home Icon - a big top circus tent, where you would end up doom scrolling content. this would have two different modes, similar to tumblr, it would default to chronological, but you could also chose to participate in an algorithm.
Profile Icon - a clown nose, on desktop every time you click on it, it honks like a clown nose does. view your account here.
Creating a post would be called ‘Create an Act’ with different forms available—text, picture, video, poll, etc. the icon for this would be a quill.
Followers would be labeled as the Audience, which would be toggle-able, by default this is set to private, which means that only the owner of the account would be able to see the number, but can be turned public. There would also be an option to just list your Troupe, which would be your mutuals.
There are three admin accounts—Tom, Foolery, and Tomfoolery. Foolery is the publicity, Tom is the cryptid user that appears randomly to comment on peoples post, and Tomfoolery is updates, polling, feedback, etc.
Tickets are notifications as a whole—how many interactions with the post there are, whether that’s likes (peanuts), reposts (unnamed, maybe just reposts ¯\_(ツ)_/¯), comments, etc.
Peanuts are likes. It means you enjoyed the Act (post). maybe feeds the algorithm.?
Golden Tickets are similar to blaze—you can use a Golden Ticket to boost an Act, whether it’s your own or another person’s, so it shows up as a recommended Act for more people in the same fandom/side of Foolery.
now onto the even less thought out ideas, but things that have been on my mind:
I want there to be a tagging system similar to tumblr, but a filtering system similar to ao3? idk if that makes sense, but my basic thoughts are: +tags are used to add to a certain tag and can be searched using that tag. -tags are used to exclude that tag, and can be used to avoid the tag itself. (ex. a post tagged with ‘+steddie’ would be able to be searched using the tag, but a post tagged ‘-steddie’ would specifically be excluded from that tag, but still used as a kind of ‘content warning’ type thing, like ‘-tw blood’ or something similar)
Tragedy/Comedy masks? idk what for, but i think they’d be fun.
Jester Hat - used to signify ‘official’ accounts? i doubt companies or celebrities would use Foolery because obviously but like. just in case, we can publicly shame them for using the literal clown app.
porn. nudity. whatever. nsfw SAFE babes. all your porn is welcome.
anti-ai sorry not really lol
and that’s all the thinking i’ve done about it. but like. i think it would be fun to create, i just don’t have the knowledge nor the resources to actually create a website or app. and if you couldn’t tell, it’s definitely slightly inspired by tumblr minus all of the bs that it’s doing lmao.
so. dm me ig? if you wanna do anything with this? i warn you now: idk what i am doing. i don’t have a discord set up or anything. and! nothing will probably come out of this. however!! it might be a fun project to fuck around with. my roommate is trying to learn coding and one of my closest online friends is in college for it, but i know nothing about it whatsoever and i think that we three people cannot do this alone.
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eldritch-spouse · 2 years
How would the others react to cured Vinnel? I bet Santi would be curious cause like "NEW HOLE NEW GOAL, YEEHAW" lmaooo
[SNRK- You know damn right that's what he's thinking.]
Reaction to "fixed" Vinnel
Patches is beyond fascinated. He's sure Vinnel had to die to be brought back this way. He really wishes he had been allowed to see it happen in real time, and will hound Admin as well as Vinnel himself for any sort of information. Health check ups are frequent, but they're more of an excuse for the dullahan to take samples and ask invasive questions. Vinnel has now become an object of study for the magic caster.
Santi is wolf-whistling the moment he sees new Vinnel. Will not rest until he gets in the jester's pants, he thinks he's become very hot. Honestly, Vinnel will probably get tired of it and fuck Santi out of commission so he'll leave him alone for two minutes. After his fucklust is sated, Santi does want to celebrate with the slime by suggesting a proper party.
Morell is convinced Vinnel's old body is still laying around somewhere, and he's sure that, maybe, with enough work- He could make a sauce out of it. Maybe if he mixed it with something sweet to null that God-awful bitterness... He used to smell really weird and bitter. That's about as far as the chef's enthusiasm goes.
Gallon is extremely happy for Vinnel, as he can now be a proper slime. Well, almost. There are features that set the monster apart, but for all intents and purposes, it's like watching a friend beat cancer. He's happy for the jester and will teach him to handle new slime-related things he may not have had the opportunity to explore in his sickness.
Grimbly stared for a long while. Vinnel almost looks like some form of demon to him. He's going to miss the outfit the jester had, for sure. But who knows, now might be a good time to see if the rat bastard can put on some pink. Grimbly knows not much is likely to change however.
Sybastian sincerely didn't recognize the slime at first. He initially thought he was looking at a new garden creature, but then Vinnel laughed at him, and that ungodly honk-snort of a cackle is unmissable. He's very happy for the jester, glad to not see him curl up in pain or saying he wishes he was dead sometimes.
Nebul is very interested in how this will affect Vinnel's mind. He wonders if the transformation itself was a painful or even traumatic experience, it could have just passed like a breeze for all the wraith knows. Nonetheless, he's observing any changes with a keen eye.
Fank-e spends the entire day poking Vinnel at random intervals. Just to make sure the guy's still kicking and not about to turn into mush at any moment. He's also going to test the general depth, at least until Vinnel shudders and forcibly removes his digit. Perhaps off his hand entirely.
Belo. Oh. Oh, it's a miracle! His lord is truly such a benevolent, powerful being to be able to fix this broken soul! Belo is in tears, he witnessed a miracle and he's moved to the bottom of his heart by it. Vinnel would be just fine without all the clapping and nagging about how he should be ever so thankful that Krulu even bothered to touch him.
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Stranger Things and QSMP Crossovers
I had this idea for some reason about Steve being Tubbo from QSMP. Don't know why just do and I found a post where Steve is a year younger a Senior when The Party is on their Freshmen year and confused the hell out off the Hellfire Club about them interacting with Steve, or maybe a Age Swap AU where the adults are the same instead the kids are the teenagers and the babysitter club including Argyle are the kids.
This happened when the Eggs are still missing so, maybe it goes like Cucurucho and the other Admins sees Tubbo as threat even though they blackmailed him many times, he stills trying to break the rule of the Server, maybe they create like a way to permeant kill/kick Tubbo out of the Server and he can't come back to the Server. But Fit or any member of the QSMP heard this plan and warn the others, so they hatched a plan to protect Tubbo, while the said child is just minding his own business making a machines from the create mod to build a mechanic for mining since it's a need off fixing. They tried the teleport waypoint but, it doesn't work because the Federation shut it down and because they are in the edge from where Tubbo is, they quickly running to his house.
Tubbo who in discord hear their frantic screaming getting closer to him stop at what he is doing and see the whole server using their handglides and with the help of the Kapi bara's from the wall to him and Cucurucho did a Dr. Strange move and divide Tubbo souls from his body and the QSMP member watch in horror as Tubbo's body flop to the ground in Cucurucho arm, they immediately tries to get his body back and succeed and put him in bed to be keep watch the Federation hand and try to bring him back.
Enter Tubbo then wakes in a hospital with a bandage on his head and two people he doesn't know and realizes he is a 6 years old?! and was given the name Steve Harrington and apparently the year is 1972, he was in the hospital because he slips and hit his head hard on the concreate floor when he and his presentably best friend Tommy and Carol we're playing chase Steve then get into sports and secretly mechanic as much as he can since it's the only thing that remind him of his family back at the QSMP hopping to find a way to get out of here into his own year and out of this person body soon, as time pass on Steve slowly forgets about the QSMP members and his loved for mechanic because of his parents keep reprehended him at 'a Harrington is into business' not this honk of junk!' and keeps piling him with to do list, and leave him alone in the house while they are somewhere doing business' so he teaches himself on how to house chorus and taking care of himself.
So then everything went as the canon Stranger Things till S4 with Steve remembering who he was and slowly gets back at loving mechanic and machinery, while trying to get back home, but is torn apart between being here with the new family he had found or just going back to his waiting family and are his family in the QSMP still waiting for him or did they lose faith in him waking up?
And the Party group finds out about Steve past as Tubbo and asking questions about what is like there and so on so forth.
Oh and maybe Steve can see into his inventory and the bag he carries around is the bag that he uses in QSMP so he can stuff as much as stuff as he wants and only him no one else, he can just make things appeared out of nowhere and just making anyone thinks he is just like El/Jane. And maybe The some of the QSMP members manage to get to him and a fight for his custody ensue.
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ohits-starflower · 10 months
I also was like let’s go to bed! Start relaxing before honk shoo mimi time.
And then Elq decided to curse the island, summon demons, and then the admins were like “hahahehe let’s change the sky”
I’m pulling a Tallulah and laughing out of nervousness
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theacademyisredacted · 3 months
dear admin i love hearing ur thoughts. what do u think the boys' biggest kinks are
dear anon ILY !!!!!!!!
bilvy is a slut this is simply common knowledge so anything involving being dommed is a big yes. he did not wear that bandana to not be tied up with it so bondage methinks 🥰 although now? over here looking like that? daddy kink. i am not taking constructive criticism at this time. mike carden my love <3 i as someone who enjoys kink painstakingly believe he is on the more vanilla side. i WANT him to [TRAIN PASSING] until im [HORN HONKS] but i unfortunately do not think he has it in him. he’s a whore yes he will absolutely rail someones brains out in a bar bathroom like the skank he is but even in terms of like. choking? smacking? praise? degradation? mayb if u beg him (and beg i will do mike call me my number is-) sisky! my baby! as a result of being uneducated which is my nice way of saying a loser virgin he is definitely quite jumpy and sensitive so my mind says overstim!! or generally being a sub. dabbled in mommy kink? someone sedate me chizzy i think is surprisingly somewhat educated, knows a thing or two but i cannot see that man tying someone up in shibari yknow? butcher knows stuff man. im not saying this man is the holy grail of bdsm but he def knows his way around a toy or two. nobody would ever guess it though which is why it’s so fun. thank you for ur ask anon mwah mwah!!
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