russelldworld · 1 month
Happy birthday to my favorite FREAK!
Total Time: 7 hrs 42 min. Painting the closeup took 2 hrs.
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russelldworld · 2 months
Chujin: A human child? Clover: (puts on hat) Chujin: CLOVER THE HUMAN CHILD!
🎵 Ketsukane evil incorporated 🎵
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russelldworld · 3 months
Begging you to please post the reigen edit you have of him to nails, hair, hips, heels it’s been one of my favorite edits and it doesn’t load properly on Twitter anymore so I can’t show people 😭
ask and u shall receive
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russelldworld · 3 months
MY soft prediticton is that this is their Gag in the game proper. They will always be referred to as Elnina and Lanino, and never be referenced individually. Even in their battle their either A) be one enemy, B) something like Elnina and Lanino. A, Elnina and Lanino. B, or C) the names will randomly switch in the battle menu even thought there positions remain consistent.
I think the funniest thing about lanino & elnina so far is that I'm not even 100% sure which is which
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russelldworld · 3 months
When does Undertale Yellow take place?
My initial assumption was 7-10 years based on vibes (paraphrasing Toriel: “it has been a long time since a human fell”)
The issue with that is, well, Flowey.
Can’t see Alphys holding them for any more than 3 months of real time. I can see her having the job for that long (and Undyne, even though both are only in their 20s.). Definitely can’t see Flowey having timeline control of an actual year, either (Undertale also implies that LemonBread had the power before).
Some people have been saying one year between Clover and Frisk. But I can’t see one year as “a long time.” A lot of monsters don’t seem to recognize Frisk as a human. They didn’t provide any evidence when I saw this timeframe mentioned.
Also a year passes in the blink of an eye to anyone who’s over the age of twelve or so. Toriel’s lived for possibly thousands.
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russelldworld · 3 months
My head canning (Which will probably get proven wrong if\When we see the Mayor) is that Rudy is a ‘full’ reindeer but his wife is a white tail. This is because Rudy lacks the more white tail features (namely the more prominent tai) Reindeer are normally give, while noelle has them.
I dunno, Ms. Holiday is probably just the same monster type as her husband, but it seemed cool to me.
I’m so curious as to what kind of deer Noelle is supposed to be. Bc you would assume reindeer but she looks NOTHING like an actual reindeer. My next guess is a white tailed deer but. Doesn’t really fit with the holiday thing. Maybe she and her dad are reindeer with like a coloration mutation??? Orrr like they some mix between the two, maybe not an exact species cause they’re monsters and not like. DEER deer, the animals.
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russelldworld · 7 months
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Something about FNAF 3 and Fazbear Frights taking place in 2023 in our current social media landscape
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russelldworld · 1 year
OH PLEASE! I really hope Brook and Chopper at least when their just chilling, are practical. Like where their fighting and flipping around, yah obviously CGI would be needed. But brain point already looks like puppet especially in latter arcs, and if you just give brook a pair of gloves you wouldn’t even have to do his hands. Just a good mask the afro can even hide the seams.
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@gizgunnar suggested that if the Netflix live-action One Piece series makes it to Chopper, he should be played by Jim Henson-style puppets.
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russelldworld · 1 year
You know it’s funny people are calling the writing in forsaken “cringe” when really, in my opinion it’s the exact opposite. it’s not that forsaken is cringe, it’s that it’s trying so hard to be not cringe it’s become cringe inducing. It’s a style of writing I call “anti-cringe” or “anti-narm” Narm is a term I'm borrowing from TV tropes, and it’s basically whenever a scene is so over the top, unrealistic, unintentionally goofy, that it takes the view out of the experience. It’s basically where a scenario becomes so unrealistic it brakes suspension of disbelief and becomes comical. And I’m convinced somewhere somehow avoiding harm suddenly became the mandate of every pice of fiction targeted at an audience over 15. One of the most famous sources of narm, especially in the early 90′s and 00′s when everything was going edgy, was tonal dissonance. Most famously when things that were ridiculous were treated with absolute seriousness and played completely straight. Now if your gonna avoid harm their are only 2 real ways to do it, 1) their is nothing ridiculous in your work, the setting is either entirely realistic or the fanatical elements are limited in scope and made to be as in line with our real world as possible 2) Lampshade EVERY fantastical eminent calling out had unrealistic and weird it is so that your characters and audience will never feel disconnected, and only have your characters treat the grounded elements (death, metaphors, romance, ect) seriously. And when looked at through this lens suddenly forsaken, and the breath of MCU movies that are stuffed to the gills with jokes and meta humor make so much sense. High fantasy and Super-heros are two things that just can’t be fully grounded. They are inherently fantastical and at times ridiculous concepts. (Flying beast Roma the skies while cosmic forces middle behind the scenes in complex and over convoluted planes that must be solved by a single midget and his jewelry, men in spandex decide the fate of the world by shaming into yachter.) So instead everything must be lampshade, all the characters must feel as skeptical and unbelieving of the fantastical as any one consumer might be. Here’s the when focus on avoid narm in a fantastical setting not only do you wind up writing characters who seem uninvited, uninterested, and disbelieving of their own world, you lose narm charm. This is where scene is unrealistic or kind silly, but you, don’y care. You’r so bought into the world and story and the myths it’s built that no matter how ridiculous it is you on the edge of your seat.
You can’t get that if you're constantly making jokes at your own expense, how is the audience supposed to buy into this world if the character themselves don’t.
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russelldworld · 1 year
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Oh boy, it is time.
Get ready y`all.
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Oh god don`t tell me you`re gonna have to wait in the crowd for four hours.
that`s insane. Yor please, that`s definitely some bullshit. It was not the director that called you, I bet it was Aizawa trying to get you out of your room. He called every single room and pretended to be the the Director until he found you.
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… . .-.. — -. / - — ..- - . … / .-.….. / .-.. — .. … / -.-. — -. -. ..- . … / -.. . / .-.. .—-. .- …- .. .- - .. — -. –..– / .. .-.. / -. .—-. . -..- .. … - . / .- ..- -.-. ..- -. / – — -.– . -. / ..- -. . / .- -… . .. .-.. .-.. . / -.…..- .-. .- .. - / . - .-. . / -.-. .- .–. .- -… .-.. . / -.. . / …- — .-.…-. .-.-.- / … . … / .- .. .-.….. / … — -. - / - .-. — .–. / .–. . - .. - . … / .–. — ..- .-. / –.- ..- . / … — -. / –. .-. — … / -.-. — .-. .–. … / -.. .. … .–. .- .-. .- .. … … . .-.-.- / .-.. .—-. .- -… . .. .-.. .-.. . / -… .. . -. / … ..- .-. –..– / …- — .-.. . / -.. . / - — ..- - . / ..-. .- -.-.. — -. / .–. .- .-. -.-. . / –.- ..- . / .-.….. / .- -… . .. .-.. .-.….. / -. . / … . / … — ..- -.-. .. . -. - / .–. .- … / -.-. . / –.- ..- . / .-.….. / …. ..- – .- .. -. … / .–. . -. … . -. - / . … - / .. – .–. — … … .. -… .-.…-.-.-
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russelldworld · 1 year
Wether or not Twitter goes bankrupt depends on one thing. Can Elon swallow his pride and turn the company over to someone who actually knows how to run it.
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russelldworld · 2 years
... A new one replaces it? I genuinely don’t get why people don’t think Twitter can be replaced for some reason. If Musk runs it into the ground, a new semi professional liberal alined (Yes Twitter was Liberal aligned, maybe not as much as we would of like it to be at times but at the end of the day popular opinion of the platform skewed very clearly left) platform will arise to take it’s place. People are acting like Twitter was indespinable, when honestly most of it’s success was due more to the fact that EVERONE of consequence (politicians, celebs, reporters, brands act) had a twitter. From a design and feature standpoint it wasn’t really anything special. If Elon drives everyone of consequence off twitter, then twitter is just a shitty micro blogging site, easily replaceable. I bet you dollars to doughnuts right now at least ten different tech start ups are currently being created that will try to jockey for the position twitter is currently filling. The role Twitter plays in many peoples day to day lives is to important for it NOT to be replaced if Elon touches it.
Elon is purposefully trying to tank twitter. Twitter has been a force for democrats to try and communicate and call out disinformation from republicans.
If twitter dies republicans stay in their bubbles on telegram. Democrats lose their ability to call out disinformation.
What happens to democracy if a platform used by politicians worldwide to communicate to their people dies?
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russelldworld · 2 years
Vladimir Putin was being briefed by one of his top generals.
“I’ve good news and bad news for you this morning, sir.”
“Let’s hear the good news,” the president replied.
“Intelligence reports indicate that the latest additions to the Ukranian arsenal are damaged and outdated, and many won’t pose any threat to us at all.”
“That’s excellent! Finally, things might be starting to turn our way! What’s the bad the news?”
The general shifted in his seat and looked down at the table. “A large amount of our best weapons and munitions have just been captured, sir.”
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russelldworld · 2 years
I heard reference to something about how all anime are required to have good looking cabbage because of That One Time. So simply looking up "anime cabbage" I found the source.
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Some harem anime way back in the day had an episode where the characters cooked, and they animated cabbage so terribly like this it left a bad mark on the anime community forever. Apparently this is part of the reason why all food usually looks good in anime, even moreso than the regular show sometimes. With cabbage being especially well drawn.
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A complaint, apparently in a paper.
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The first show when released internationally was reanimated in this part.
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And high quality or low quality cabbage is sometimes referenced.
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I learned of this because the most recent Hologra episode has noel eating cabbage, tearing apart a fine quality cabbage into two low poly halves.
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russelldworld · 2 years
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russelldworld · 2 years
my sorta head cannon at the moment for the reason why this happens is because Gaster(or rather his DR counterpart) owned or at the very effected or altered all the shadow crystal holders. like say he donated the deck of cards (and seam of their a secret boss), and his name was written on the the back of the joker card. give he’s clearly an engineer of some sort he could of also programmed Spamton. Maybe he recycled code from an add program like the addssions.
Alright, so the way I see it right now the Dark Worlds run on “Neverending Story Logic”, they’re created when Dark Fountains are opened, but they are created already with full history and memories for everyone inside them as if they alwas existed. But here’s another important element I want to touch on…
How does this work with the mysterious entity that keeps driving people mad and creating Secret Bosses?
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Like, this feels a bit too Ominous to just be a retroactively-existing backstory element, right?
And, I think… I think one of the reasons why this is so Ominous is because this is kinda goes against the rules of how Dark Worlds are supposed to work?? Like, whoever or whatever this ‘someone’ is, they are something very Not Normal and this is partially demonstrated by the screwy way they interact with the Dark Worlds. 
(Also for the sake of clarity, I will be referring to this unknown entity as Someone with a capital ‘S’ for the reminder of this post. I would also be making some references to the very popular theory that Someone is actually Dr. W. D. Gaster, but I will only be using his name when directly talking about aspects of my theory/interpetations that factor in the idea that Someone is Gaster)
I think that Someone might be able to, like, ‘infect’ newly-created Dark Fountains with their own presence. Like, to retcon themself into the history of the Dark World once it’s created? Maybe they can travel to the ‘past-that-has-always-been-there’ of a Dark World even though it’s not supposed to ‘actually exist’? Or maybe they truly only exist as a Backstory Element in various Dark Worlds but are somehow also aware of the fact that they do not truly exist save for in the past and the third-person, and are working with that knowledge? A villain you could never confront under normal circumstances because they never ‘is’ and always ‘were’? 
I think all of these options kinda make sense within the Neverending Story Logic while also being kinda brain-breaking in the way that they directly interact with the paradox in the center of it all, which is The Point.
And I think it all work pretty well with the idea that Someone is Gaster. Cause, like, Gaster in Undertale was stuck in a weird state of nonexistence and  existence where he DID exist in the past (since his creations, most notably the CORE were still around) but somehow it’s like he never existed in the present. So him (or even just some sort of being related to him) being able to interact with the Deltarune universe only through the Past Tense and\or through Worlds that technically do not exist kinda makes sense to me???
And it also factors into one thing I’ve noticed about our Secret Bosses which is…. there are all potrayed as having been somewhat ‘corrupted’ by Someone but it’s… never really in a way that corrupts their nature as Darkners representing spesific objects?
You know, it’s not really “this Darkner is a representation of Object and therefore they are X, but then Someone came along and through their influence the Darkner became Y” as much as it is “this Darkner is a representation of Object and therefore they are X but they actually used to be Y before Someone came along and made them X”. 
Like, Jevil is locked up because he has been driven mad by Someone, but also because the Jocker Card is often ‘locked out’ from many Card Games. The greater understanding of the world given to him by Someone seems to have made him more powerful and unpredictable… but powerful and unpredictable  is also just what a Joker card is. 
Spamton is a barely-coherent madman living in a [[GODDAM GARBAGE CAN]] because of Someone’s influence, but also because Spam Mail is often barely-coherent and usually gets thrown in the garbage (and Spamton spesifically seems to have been created by a pile of spam-emails in the recycling bin).
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When Someone abandoned Spamton and left him to crash and burn, can we call that an intentional act of maliciousness on their part? Or was that simply an inevitability that not even they could stop, because Spamton is fated to end up in the garbage when he reaches his actual present-day ‘creation’?
Like, just as I can say “from a Darkner’s perspective they and their world always existed but really they are created by the Dark Fountains” I can also say “from a Darkner’s perspective, if Someone hadn’t come along, Jevil would still just be the Court Jester and Spamton would still be a somewhat incompetent Addison. But from really, without Someone’s influance, Jevil would still be a Very Strong Clown in Jail and Spamton would still be a rambling garbage-dwelling conman, it’s just that the reason to their situation wouldn’t be Someone-related. 
Cause you have like the Dark Fountain kinda forming the Joker Card into a Powerful Clown that is Locked Away, and then Somone butts in like “and the REASON for why he’s locked away is MEEE”. An the other Dark Fountain is like ‘Spam Mail in a Bin’ = ‘A weird conman who lives in the trash and is both very driven but incredibly incompetent and kinda off-putting’ and then Someone makes it so They Did This to Him. But by doing that they did corrupt Jevil and Spamton further due to their otherworldly and paradoxical nature, and the knowledge they seem to hold. If Someone hadn’t interfered, Jevil might not be quite as powerful and Spamton might not be quite as miserable, but there’s still isn’t truly an option for Jevil and Spamton to remain the people they and other Darkners remember them once being.
And linking this back to Gaster… in the Undertale’s universe his situation was very much that he was… a Cause removed, while his Effects still remained. Again, even though he seemed to have been somewhat ‘erased’, the CORE he designed still remains standing and active. 
And meanwhile here we have Someone as, like the way I think they operate, they’re like a rogue Cause attaching itself to Effects. Which is possible because they truly are reversed when it comes to the Darkner’s pasts. And I think that if Gaster’s goal is just, basically, to Exist within the Deltarune Universe  - there’s a certain logic in the idea that he’s trying to Make Himself Exist by inserting himself into Darkner’s backstories, no matter if it keeps driving them crazy(er).
This also raises the question of like… did Someone have any agency in picking their ‘Effects’? Like, is the reason why Someone’s has influanced Darkners that ‘make sense’ for them to influance like Jevil and Spamton and not like… Jigsaw Joe and Tasque Manager is because Someone is deliberatly trying to minimize their corrupting influance by targeting Darkners would be kinda Fucked Up regardless? Or is it something that they can’t even control and it’s more that the powers of Inevitability of the Dark Worlds make it so they can’t change what the Darkners are too much?  
Man I hope any of this makes sense it’s like 4AM lol.
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russelldworld · 2 years
How unhinged he is. —– ENJOY THIS MESS OF MINE!!! —– Inspired by @/sirmousecot Rat puppet, original is by @/mattstorehere.
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