sacreddear · 5 years
the national, alligator | lyrics starters feel free to change pronouns as preferred. warning for mentions of alcohol. 
i think they're onto me.
didn't anybody tell you?
i think this place is full of spies.
i had a secret meeting in the basement of my brain.
i’m not taking sides, i don't think i'll ever do that again.
whatever you do, listen, you better wait for me.
you just haven't seen my good side yet.
for a little while you'll be here, the only good part of me.
'cause you're the lowlife of the party.
we're out looking for astronauts.
isn't it a little too late for this?
you can break what you have, but the rest of it's mine.
i have your good clothes in the car.
i have your dreams and your teeth marks.
you were right about the end; it didn't make a difference.
everything i can remember, i remember wrong.
you must have known i’d do this someday.
i don't have any questions. 
i don't think it's gonna rain.
look at me; baby, we'll be fine.
i'm so sorry for everything.
lay me down and say something pretty.
just say something perfect, something i can steal.
hey, where the hell are you?
why don't you come here and stay with me?
i don't care what you're into.
why did you listen to that man?
you gotta get out and get back to me.
fake a heart attack, you gotta get back to me.
take your time when you tell her.
you should have looked after her better.
you should have locked the door.
and all the wine is all for me.
everyone's sleeping upstairs.
well, my mind's not right.
come on, give me the keys, man.
turn around, turn around, take me back, i can't calm down.
i'm missing something.
i have weird memories of you.
this is nothing like it was in my room.
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sacreddear · 5 years
the national, sleep well beast | lyric starters feel free to change pronouns as preferred. warning for mentions of drugs, alcohol, and death.
meet me in the stairwell in a second.
nobody else will be there.
can you remind me the building you live in?
goodbyes always take us half an hour.
i don't need you, i don't need you.
besides, i barely ever see you anymore and when i do it feels you're only halfway there.
the day i die, where will we be?
i'd rather walk all the way home right now than to spend one more second in this place.
let's just get high enough to see our problems.
i'm always thinking about useless things.
i'm mixing weed with wine.
i can't stay here and i can't come back.
maybe i listen more than you think.
why are you hiding from me?
we're in a different kind of thing now.
i thought that this would all work out after a while.
i thought you and i might be okay.
i'd like to spin a while around the copperwood tree.
there's something about her eyes.
dim the lights a little lower.
this must be the genius we've been waiting years for.
i've been trying to see where we're going, but you're so hard to follow.
i don't think we're getting anywhere any time soon.
you just keep saying so many things that i wish you won't.
i've been talking about you to myself cause there's nobody else.
and i want what i want, and i want everything.
they all have something against me.
i keep re-reading the same lines always up at 5am every morning.
i have no positions, no point of view or vision.
i'm just trying to stay in touch with anything i'm still in touch with.
i swear you got a little bit taller since i saw you. 
it wasn't so bad, i wasn't that sick.
i wanted to ask if you could stay.
i'm gonna keep you in love with me for a while.
go back to sleep, let me drive, let me think, let me figure it out.
i'll tell you about it some time.
i came back to see if you were here, but everything was different.
i'll still destroy you some day.
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sacreddear · 5 years
the national, trouble will find me | lyric starters feel free to change pronouns as preferred. warning for mentions of drugs, alcohol, and death.
you should know me better than that.
you're not that much like me.
i should know you better than that.
i get this sudden sinking feeling.
never kept me up before, now I've been awake for days.
i'm going through an awkward phase.
i am secretly in love with everyone that i grew up with.
can i stay here? i can sleep on the floor.
i don't see what's strange about this.
everything i love is on the table.
i'm tired, i'm freezing, i'm dumb.
when it gets so late i forget everyone.
i need somewhere to stay.
don't think anybody i know is awake.
you keep a lot of secrets.
nothing breaks your heart.
what am i supposed to say?
if i stay here, trouble will find me.
if i stay here, i'll never leave.
i’ll always think of you.
but they say love is a virtue, don't they?
tell me how to reach you.
i could walk out, but i won’t.
if you lose me, i’m gonna die.
i wish everybody knew what's so great about you.
i said i wouldn't get sucked in.
oh, don't tell anyone i'm here.
i got tylenol and beer.
i was thinking that you'd call somebody closer to you.
you're the only thing i want.
and i said i wouldn't cry about it.
baby, you gave me bad ideas.
baby, you left me sad and high.
is it weird to be back in the south?
i won't need any help to be lonely when you leave me.
i can't blame you for losing your mind for a little while.
i didn't understand then, i don't understand now.
i didn't ask for this pain it just came over me.
i just turn around and there you are.
i was just getting used to living life without you around.
if i tried you'd probably be hard to find.
there's a lot i've not forgotten, i let go of other things.
i'm not holding out for you.
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sacreddear · 5 years
twin peaks, log lady intros | tv quote starters feel free to change pronouns as preferred. 
is it funny to you? it is not to me.
some ideas arrive in the form of a dream.
we are ignorant of many things.
what is this thing called a tear?
there are even tiny ducts, tear ducts, to produce these tears should the sadness occur.
one day the sadness will end.
look in the mirror, what do you see?
is it a dream or a nightmare?
i can smell the fire.
i tell what i can to form a perfect answer, but that answer cannot come before all are ready to hear.
eyes are the soul. so we look closely at the eyes to see the nature of the soul.
a drunken man walks in a way that is quite impossible for a sober man to imitate, and vice versa.
an evil man has a way, no matter how clever, to the trained eye his way will show itself.
am i being too secretive?
one can never answer questions at the wrong moment.
can you see through a wall? can you see through human skin?
have you ever seen something startling that others cannot see?
i am filled with questions.
in a dream, are all the characters really you - different aspects of you?
do answers come in dreams?
i grew up in the woods. i understand many things because of the woods.
there is as much space outside the human proportionately, as inside.
where does creamed corn figure into the workings of the universe?
sometimes when we are ill, we are not on our best behavior.
sometimes nature plays tricks on us and we imagine we something other than what we truly are.
the answer is within the question.
food is interesting.
it was almost fun not knowing.
at least we know what we sought in the beginning.
this was not a forest fire. it was a fire in the woods.
are blood and love related?
whoever invented the pie?
sometimes i get angry and do things i’m not proud of.
our world is a magical smoke screen.
i don’t mind telling you some things. many things i mustn’t say.
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sacreddear · 6 years
pushing daisies, 1x03 | tv quote starters feel free to change pronouns as preferred. warnings for mentions of depression, death, violence. 
musing on setting someone on fire doesn't mean you really set them on fire. the thought makes you happy. for a second, then you feel bad, but that second could be fun.
someone should set you on fire for throwing my heart under a bus.
while we're on the subject of frank and honest, i don't like that girl.
so, somebody died? how did they die?
do you think dying has made me morbid?
it could be like one of those untraceable poisons. or a four-stage poison, when you have to, like, touch four things before it actually kills the person.
you need to take a coupon for this conversation, redeem it at another date.
the room started spinning. i think it's my shoes. they're stiff and they pinch and i think they're cutting off my circulation.
that was mean, a very mean thing you did.
how are we supposed to find who killed him?
you killed someone? who did you kill?
i didn't actively kill, i'm not an active killer. i'm not a killer.
i was incapacitated with not being able to think.
you seem decidedly unhappy.
don't go bothering the customers with this.
i didn't murder, there was no malice aforethought. okay, maybe accidental, involuntary manslaughter.
returning to the scene of a crime is sloppy.
i am fragile on this issue.
i'm having a martini and going to bed.
am i a human sacrifice?
how did i die? did somebody kill me?
if i could pin my crimes on some dead relative especially some guilty dead relative, i'd certainly consider it.
doesn't matter whose it was, if whose it was is dead. it's mine now.
emotions need to be bullied, at least groomed. indulging depression is like indulging a horrible, willful child.
didn't hear you leave this morning.
i was having conversations with myself.
heaven's closing in five minutes.
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sacreddear · 6 years
pushing daisies, 1x02 | tv quote starters feel free to change pronouns as preferred. warnings for mentions of death, violence.
this is not strange. unusual, maybe. eccentric in a quaint way, like dessert spoons.
i have so many questions, my mind wanders.
is it okay to freeze camembert?
meet me at the morgue in 15 minutes.
she the boss of you?
dead girl's gotta go.
i'd like to get out of the car.
he barely knows you're here.
you really can't come in.
you don't like dead bodies, do you?
do you have any last requests? unfinished business we can help with?
the fun part's counting my money in the bubble bath.
get me a damn slice of rhubarb.
this isn't “pies-r-us”, “pie city”, or “thousands-of-pies-in-one-place”. this is a bells-on-the-door, pies baking, mom-and-pop place.
i'll just go get your pie.
we'll bring pie. someone dies, you bring food. it's what you do.
please don't touch.
don't you have any hidden talents or hobbies? i mean regular ones.
well, it's a shame to waste a perfectly good pie.
i'm going out late tonight, a frivolous thing, hardly worth explaining.
what's so great about knowing? when you lift up a rock, do you find whipped cream? no, you find worms.
we haven't seen each other in 20 years.
don't you wanna know about me? i wanna know about you.
those aren't skeletons. those are dead bodies.
sounds scary, but when you're dead, you're dead.
i couldn't tell you before, because they were watching me.
i thought he was being paranoid till he turned up dead.
i hate having secrets and now i am one.
you love secrets. you wanna marry secrets and have little half-secret, half-human babies.
i live a very sheltered life.
dead people don't talk. usually.
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sacreddear · 6 years
pushing daisies, 1x01 | tv quote starters feel free to change pronouns as preferred. warnings for mentions of death, violence.
every day i pick a pie, i concentrate all my love on that pie because if i love it, someone else is gonna love it. 
why begin with a negative? like saying, 'i don't disagree.’ just say you agree.
can you lock the door behind you?
she's been upset since last year's christmas party.
he's a very needy dog.
when was the last time someone touched you with affection?
a lot going on with that dead girl.
haven't thought of her since i was 10
don't remember anything when i was 10.
i had the strangest dream. i was being strangled with a plastic sack.
you were my first kiss.
if you don't wanna kiss me, it's okay.
your eye is twitching. 
i've lost my train of thought.
i always wondered if you'd come back. 
i'm gonna sleep here, you take the bed. 
i'd kiss you if it wouldn't kill me.
i don't think justice was on the menu, not as an entrée.
i'll be mad at you if you lie to me.
doesn't she look like that dead girl?
she looks exactly like that dead girl.
how about we solve my murder and collect the reward? wouldn't that be poetic?
she's supposed to be dead. 
you're supposed to be dead.
are you in love? because it's that level of stupid.
he was a very, very bad man. he stole stuff off dead people and sold it on the internet.
are you a drug mule?
you can have your pie, but you can't eat it.
i wish i could give you an emotional heimlich so you could cough up that wad of fear and anxiety, but i can't.
i lived next door twenty years ago.
cheese? i would recommend the pure goat with blue ash. it has a grassy flavor.
didn't i kill you?
i can hold my breath for a long time.
do you believe in reincarnation? 
do you have any last words or thoughts or requests?
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sacreddear · 6 years
kiki’s delivery service (1989) | film quote starters feel free to change pronouns as preferred.
the radio says there'll be a full moon.
she seems so young to be leaving home now.
a little girl flew down from the sky on her broomstick.
we always said we'd leave on the perfect night. didn't we?
i’ve decided to leave tonight.
it's not really important what color your dress is.
you look just like your mother when she was young.
if things don't work out, you can always come home.
jeez, what a snob.
won't we get in trouble?
do any witches live in this town?
i'm going to tell your parents.
it's very rude to talk to a girl before you've been introduced and before you know her name.
you're kind of old-fashioned, aren't you?
you sound like my grandmother.
just go away and leave me alone!
i thought for a second i was dreaming.
would you like some hot chocolate?
people don't seem to like witches in this town.
why didn't you tell me you have no place to stay?
we have a spare room in the attic.
i wish i had something pretty to wear.
i'm getting sick to my stomach.
crows used to serve witches and do what you told them.
you should come and eat your meal while it's still warm.
you know that boy stopped by to see you again today.
i’m sorry, i didn't realize i'd overslept.
hey, who's your friend?
you know, you can't be late for every meal just because you have a new girlfriend.
i kind of thought you looked unhappy.
well, well, we've been expecting you.
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sacreddear · 6 years
feel free to change pronouns / descriptors !
is life always this hard, or just when you’re a kid?
wow! that’s brilliant!
how do you know it’s love if you’ve never been in love before? 
i’m glad you don’t have a stomach ache any more.
you need some time to grow up a little. 
i don’t want to lose you, (name).
and stop saying “okay” all the time. okay?
you killed my brother.
it’s when you start to become really afraid of death that you learn to appreciate life. 
hey, don’t talk like that about pigs. they’re usually much nicer than people. 
i never really sleep well. got one eye open, always. 
i don’t give a shit about sleeping.
i like these calm little moments before the storm. 
do you like beethoven?
i hope you’re not lying.
revenge is not a good thing. it’s better to forget.
i wanna kill those sons of bitches, and blow their fucking heads off! 
if you don’t help me, i’ll be dead by tonight.
tell me what happened to you.
who did this to you?
what exactly do you do for a living?
if somebody didn’t do it one day or another, i probably would have done it myself. 
you’re indestructible!
you still have your gun, so use it. 
change ain’t good.
i think we’ll be ok here.
you’re not going to lose me. 
you’ve given me a taste for life. i wanna be happy. sleep in a bed, have roots. 
you’ll never be alone again.
please, go now, (pet name), go. calm down, i’ll met with you in an hour. i love you, now go, go now. 
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sacreddear · 6 years
feel free to change these to your liking !
it wasn’t a very big world, but neither was i.
are we poor?
why don’t you come down and have your breakfast now?
i’m not coming down.
suit yourself.
you tend to your own marbles.
he won’t let me have a gun.
you count your blessings and stop complaining, both of you.
you look right puny for your age.
i’m little, but i’m old.
there goes the meanest man who ever took a breath of life.
well, judging from his tracks, he’s about six and a half feet tall. he eats raw squirrels and all the cats he can catch. there’s a long, jagged scar running across his face. his teeth are yellow and rotten. his eyes popped. and he drools most of the time.
aw, i don’t believe you!
he’s liable to come out with his scissors and stab us all.
don’t you say “hey” to me, you ugly girl.
listen to me when i’m talking to you. 
don’t your daddy teach you to respect old people? 
sometimes the bible in the hand of one man is worse than a whiskey bottle in the hand of another.
you look like a picture this afternoon.
i want you to stop tormenting those poor people and stay away from there.
i don’t think we better read anymore tonight, honey. it’s getting late.
can i see your watch?
can i sit with you for a while?
you’re up bright and early.
i’ve been up since four.
have you had breakfast?
i ain’t scared.
i want you back home right away.
do you want to poison yourself?
time for bed.
come on, i’ll tuck you in.
let’s see if you can read this.
what in the sam hill are you doing?
now, now. none of that crying.
you never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view.
there are lots of ugly things in this world, son.
you take that back!
cut the fighting, you hear?
i don’t care what the reasons are. you need to keep your temper under control.
you aren’t old enough to understand some things yet.
if you shouldn’t be defending him, why are you doing it?
not tonight.
don’t you touch him!
why don’t you have a seat? that chair’s mighty comfortable.
will you take me home?
neighbors bring food with death, and flowers with sickness, and little things in between. 
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sacreddear · 6 years
anne with an e, 1x03 | tv quote starters feel free to change pronouns as preferred. 
i expect it's perfectly normal to be slightly nervous on your first day, but i’m sure everything will be fine.
it will be nice to have a lot of new friends.
i told you to slow down.
i can't help but think that the other children would like me better if i was pretty.
oh, your dress is splendid!
i adore wild flowers, don't you?
wouldn't it be wonderful to be a princess?
don't talk to the boys.
i shall do my utmost to prove myself worthy of your friendship.
i’m sorry, i should've said hello. 
why do they make you wear that old-lady dress?
never let the boys know when they've upset you.
are they married?
do you think they're in love?
my mother still believes it's scandalous for women to attend college.
my mother was quite disappointed when i came along. she only wanted boys.
isn't it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet? there must be a limit to the mistakes one person can make. i wanna get to the end of them, then i'll be through with them.
next you'll be telling me you all burned your corsets and danced naked at town hall.
how do you do it? what's your secret?
how was your first day at school?
today will be better. i'm not going to say anything weird or do anything wrong.
you'll always be my friend, won't you?
you shouldn't eavesdrop.
you said some pretty nasty stuff about my sister.
is that why she was crying all night?
what, you can't tell me your name?
i'm sorry if i was rude.
i don't care where she's from. a cute girl is a cute girl.
you can't talk to him. you can't even look at him.
i'm not supposed to talk to you.
i left when i was about your age.
i am never going back to school! never!
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sacreddear · 6 years
anne with an e, 1x02 | tv quote starters feel free to change pronouns as preferred. warning for mentions of death.
did she run away?
i’ve been sent to take you home.
i'll bring the money when i return. 
can i hitch a ride?
i can't trust one word out of your mouth.
what if he's lying dead in a ditch?
what if something horrible has happened and it's my fault?
my years of torment and uncertainty are behind me.
it's a family heirloom.
now, i'd rather be beautiful, but you can't have everything.
i'm famished, actually. 
get away! you can't loiter here! my little girl, she's here. i came to fetch her.
were you out there all night?
what is the nature of your emergency? 
may i interest you in a poetic recitation spoken aloud with dignified emotion?
now, if you'll please excuse me, i'm in the middle of earning some wages.
i've got a train to catch. 
do you want your money back?
i've come for you, i came all this way.
i had to come all this way because you didn't want me!
i would appreciate it if you would leave me alone.
is this man bothering you?
please take your things up to your room.
how dare you sneak around listening to my private conversation? 
i wasn't listening, i was sleeping.
i need coffee.
why anyone would worry over you is a mystery for sure.
it's hard to believe she was sorrowful when she doesn't seem to like me at all.
i don't like this biscuit.
glad we didn't find you in a ditch.
why would you send for me if you didn't even want me?
do you never imagine things are different than they are?
oh, my hands are shaking.
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sacreddear · 6 years
BREAKING BAD | STARTERS send a prompt or send ✉ for a random starter. triggers apply.
the thing is, if you just do stuff and nothing happens, what’s it all mean? 
and i’m sorry, but that doesn’t make you a bad person. it makes you a human being. 
it’s like what they say: man plans and god laughs.
hang tough. you’re in the home stretch.  
that’s right. now say my name.
kicking the hell out of yourself doesn’t give meaning to anything. 
but i want you to know that you can be open with me. don’t hold anything back, okay?
someone has to protect this family from the man who protects this family.
i got people who depend on me. 
it’s all about accepting who you really are.
you did the only thing you could. i hope you understand that.
there’s blood on my hands, too.
it may be awhile before i get home. i love you.
right from the start, it’s a death sentence.
nice try, asshole.
so from here on out, this can go hard or easy. so what’s it gonna be?
remembering you that way wouldn’t be so bad.   
we love you, and this is your house as much as it is ours.
is this a good or bad thing?
i don’t sleep at night anymore. i freeze, i freeze up. my chest gets all tight, i can’t breathe. just…i panic.
i’ll be asking myself that for the rest of my life.
you know, it gets easier. i promise you that it does.
what the hell is wrong with you? i’m really asking.  
you don’t give a shit about me. 
i deserve whatever happens.
just a couple of days ago, you told me that a man held a gun to your head.
you know, i really think that would be good for you.     
you’re on thin ice, you little shithead.
tell me one more time to calm down! come on!
if that’s true – if you don’t know who i am – then maybe your best course would be to tread lightly.  
i have nothing. no one. alright? it’s all gone.
if i had to put it in a word, i’d guess loyalty.
you need me to write it down for you?
the past is the past. nothing can change what we’ve done.   
just admit it. admit what you did. 
and a man, a man provides. and he does it even when he’s not appreciated or respected or even loved. he simply bears up and he does it. because he’s a man.
you know what i think? i think you accidentally told the truth.
shut the fuck up and let me die in peace.   
you kill me, you have nothing.
hell of a last couple of weeks. makes a man wonder exactly where he stands.
but until then, who’s in charge? me. that’s how i live my life.
i need you to help prevent an all-out war.   
just drop the whole concerned dad thing and tell me the truth.
you are tying up loose ends, and i don’t want to be one of them.
i’ve done a terrible thing. but i’ve done it for a good reason.   
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sacreddear · 6 years
CORALINE | STARTERS send a prompt or send ✉ for a random starter. triggers apply.
i just miss you sometimes. 
what did you do to your poor knee? 
there’s nothing like hot chocolate and a hug for making the nightmares go away.
get some sleep. you have a long day ahead of you. 
i love you. i will always love you. 
dinner in fifteen minutes. don’t forget to wash your hands. 
you’re up a bit after your bedtime, aren’t you? 
i’m going outside to explore. 
you will always be safe here with me. 
what was that for? 
let’s talk about it. 
almost there. 
be wise. be brave. 
you’re lying. 
i’m sorry. i fell asleep.
how much better would a world be built just like that, and all for you?
we will listen to you and play with you and laugh with you. 
i’ll make us a midnight snack.
well, can’t you give me a clue?
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sacreddear · 6 years
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sacreddear · 6 years
anne with an e, 1x01 | tv quote starters feel free to change pronouns as preferred.
since when do you sit at the table without washing your hands?
you're more trouble than you're worth.
i like imagining better than remembering.
did either of them have a tragical romance?
she's a case, i should say. i heard her talkin' to herself out there.
i'd made up my mind that if you didn't come for me, i'd go down the tracks to that big wild cherry tree and climb up into it and stay all night.
i can also imagine that i'm already a disappointment to you.
i do hope someday i shall have a white dress, with beautiful puff sleeves.
i know you and i are going to get along together just fine.
i don't want to interrupt if you're expecting company.
i've pinched myself so many times today. every little while, this horrible, sickening feeling would come over me, and i'd be so afraid that this was all a dream.
little girl, that's enough now.
how can you call it a good night when you know this must be the very worst night i've ever had?
stop your snooping and come to breakfast. 
the world doesn't seem such a howling wilderness as it did last night.
it's all very well to read sorrowful stories and imagine yourself living through them heroically, but it's not so easy when you're actually woeful, is it?
i'll be back in time for tea.
isn't pink just the most bewitching colour?
if children are such a burden, then why do people have so many of them? 
don't you know it's a terrible wicked thing not to say your prayers every night?
if i really wanted to pray, i'll tell you what i'd do. i'd go into a great big field, all alone, or into the deep, deep woods, and i'd look up into the sky, up-up-up, into that lovely blue sky without end, and i would just feel a prayer.
i mean, i wouldn't want to be picked if i were a blossom.
i don't care if i hurt your feelings by saying so. i hope i hurt them! because you have hurt my feelings worse than they have ever been hurt before, and i will never forgive you for this! never, never!
i shall carry our secret to my grave.
i am a dreadfully wicked and ungrateful girl, and i deserve to be punished and cast out by respectable society forever!
shall we swear to be best friends forever and ever?
this ought to be done by moonlight or over running water, but we'll just imagine that it's night time and that this path is a stream.
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sacreddear · 6 years
THE GOSPEL OF WINTER | STARTERS send a prompt or send ✉ for a random starter. triggers apply.
i know that, but, honey, are you safe?
we all need a little looking after once in a while.
i’m taking you home.
you’re shaking. let me get you a glass of water.
are you in a lot of pain?
just please take care of yourself.
it’s not a big deal.
i’m so proud of you. 
nobody wants to feel abandoned.
what happened? i heard a crash.
you can tell me what happened, honey.
this is what’s best for you.
i’m just fucked up. okay? 
you scared the hell out of me.
protect yourself.
how are you holding up?
i need your help.
you can sleep here tonight.   
i want you to search deep in your heart and ask yourself if you want to hurt anyone.
are you saying you care about me?
please don’t make me leave.
you know that. you know that better than anyone.    
welcome home.
shut up. stop talking.
fuck that.
i’m a mess, man.
you knew and kept it a secret from us?
please stop bothering me.
i am about to tell you a story that is going to hurt.
just stay put here today. got it?
i want to be left alone.
don’t speak to anybody.
it’s freezing out here.
we should get you to the hospital right now.
come on. it can’t be that bad.
you missed a lot.
why do i have to talk about anything?
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