saddestofthesad ¡ 2 years
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marc: s–
steven: fuck off
731 notes ¡ View notes
saddestofthesad ¡ 2 years
Steven calling Marc handsome
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753 notes ¡ View notes
saddestofthesad ¡ 2 years
Steven really said "OUR WIFE" when he met layla
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saddestofthesad ¡ 2 years
Khonshu every time steven’s in control
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17K notes ¡ View notes
saddestofthesad ¡ 3 years
✨️everybody moved on, but i stayed there✨️
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348 notes ¡ View notes
saddestofthesad ¡ 3 years
witness protection
pairing: jason todd/red hood x reader
warnings: violence, angst (someone tries to kill reader), language, suggestive material
word count: 1,900+
summary: you’ve been called to testify as a witness against the riddler. dick wants to take every precaution, so he assigns jason to you.
a/n: let’s just take a moment to appreciate this gif of jason. thank you god for giving us curran walters !! <3
jason in this got me feeling some type of way, i swear
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“dick, don’t you think this is just a little over the top?”
“it’s for your protection, y/n,” he states, leaving no room for argument. “you of all people should know how dangerous the riddler is, and you’re about to testify against him which makes you even more of a target.”
your eyes shoot to jason who’s been quiet this whole time. he’s in full red hood attire, arms crossed over his chest, making no move to join the conversation. although you supposed it wasn’t really a conversation when it was just dick lecturing you.
“can you take the mask off?” you ask. “please? it’s a little unsettling right now, not too mention unnecessary.”
there was no reply, but you knew he’d heard you because he did as you asked and removed it.
your breath catches slightly at the sheer beauty of him. his jaw is set in a firm line, face framed by a head of brunette curls. you squirm under the heat of his gaze, but you still manage to look him in the eyes when you say, “thank you.” he responds with a tilt of his head.
you turn to dick again, knowing there’s no way you’re going to get out of this one. “fine,” you mutter. “how long?”
he at least has the decency to look at you sympathetically. “just until this all blows over. the trial’s in a few days,” he offers as if that’s supposed to make you feel better.
“yeah, yeah,” you turn to leave. “any particular reason you chose to punish jason with babysitting duty? i’d rather he not resent me.”
you don’t see it, but a light smile flickers across jay’s features at that.
dick just shrugs, “c’mon y/n, you know he’s the best for the job.”
you do know that, but you hate to admit that he’s right. you sneak a look at jason, your eyes glancing over his shoulders and to the holsters at his thighs. “alright, cowboy,” you speak up, “let’s go.”
he’s quiet the whole drive home, so quiet you can barely stand it. the only time he speaks is when you’re in front of your apartment door, telling you to “stay.” he stalks into your apartment ahead of you like a man on a mission. his eyes scan the room quickly, searching for any signs of tampering— something being where it shouldn’t. a bug or, god forbid, an explosive, though you doubted the riddler would be so subtle as all that.
if he really did mean to kill you, he’d be sure to make it some sort of twisted game. anonymity wasn’t exactly his strong suit.
“i’m assuming it’s safe to come in now?” you comment dryly. jay’s gaze snaps from the window to you. he was probably making sure there’s no unusual movement on the streets below, no hidden snipers in the building across from you… seriously, was this really necessary?
you were honestly offended that dick didn’t believe you were capable of defending yourself.
he just mumbles, “yeah sure,” before walking into the bedroom, you assume to do the same thing. you sigh, not knowing how you’re going to survive the next couple days if jason continues not to say more than two words to you.
you don’t even look up when you hear him walk back into into the living room, his combat boots thudding heavily with each step he takes.
“avoid walking directly in front of the windows, okay? just in case i missed something,” you hear him say when he stops in front of you.
you nod.
you don’t even have time to fully register what’s happening when your alarm goes off. you just hear jason shout something at you incoherently before tackling you to the ground. your breath catches at the closeness of him, trapped between the floor and the solidness of his body. glass shatters around you, curtains fluttering in the wind with the absence of insulating windows. he protects your face with his hands, cupping your cheeks gently as he continues to shield your body with his. “i’ve got you,” he mumbles.
you have to fight the overwhelming urge to be an ass and tell him, “yeah, you definitely missed something.” guess riddler wasn’t as predictable as you thought.
you weren’t sure if it was comforting or terrifying that he’d decided to go about a more straightforward way of killing you, skipped the puzzles and shit. but then again, you figured he was tied up at the moment.
maybe he had trouble organizing the riddles from jail.
intimidating figures crash through and into the living room. you count at least six of them, all clad in black tactical gear. hm, a new look for riddler’s goons. how unusually subtle of him.
though you supposed it was because you knew it was him who was after you, and he knew you knew, (believe it or not, not many people tried), so the usual garish outfits and gaudy colors would’ve served no real purpose.
once the debris has cleared, jason moves from his position on top of you and stands up, offering you his hand. when you take it, he pulls you up in a single movement as if you weigh next to nothing. the sheer strength of it is enough to cause you to stumble into his chest, but he’s right there to steady you, arms encompassing you carefully as you catch your bearings. after a moment, he lets you go, turning to face the intruders.
you’ve never seen jason in action before. his movements are effortless as he lands punches and dodges kicks. the fact that he’s able to take them all, and make it look so easy, is fucking hot.
it feels weird to stand there just watching jason fight for you, so despite the chewing out you know he’ll give you later, you jump into the fro. you’re proud when you’re able to land a few punches of your own, disarming one of riddler’s puppets. beside you, jason takes two on his own while one lies unconscious at his feet. you wince when one lands a jab to his face, splitting his lip. lucky punch, you think, and sure enough, seconds later he’s beside his friend on the ground.
you move to fight beside him, taking on the last two guys together. despite never having fought together before, you pick up on each other’s cues rather quickly. you fall into a natural rhythm and soon they’ve all been taken care of.
jay places a quick call to dick before alerting you that they’re sending someone to pick the guys up.
now that you see him up close, you grimace at the sight of a few cuts and bruises across his face.
“c’mon,” you say, grabbing his hand and pulling him with you to the bathroom. he trails after you like a puppy, immediately obeying when you (rather demandingly) tell him to sit on the edge of the bathtub. you notice as he walks he’s clutching his side, so you make a mental note to address that later. instead you busy yourself with getting out the first aid kit you have handy, along with anything else you might need.
“i need that off,” is the first thing you say when you return with first aid kit and heating pack in hand. he’s hesitant at first, but he doesn’t argue, moving to take off his leather jacket and suit. you can see him visibly wince at the movement, and you’re immediately by his side helping him. when it’s off, you try not to think about how muscled he is or how broad his shoulders are; it’s a pretty much impossible task considering how fucking attractive he is, so you focus instead on helping him, that way you don’t do anything stupid.
it looks like there’s no broken skin and no broken bones either, just bruising. you press the heat pack against his favored side, pulling his hand over it so he can continue holding it there. hopefully, that’ll give him some relief.
your eyes fall to a string of scars on his back, but you don’t dwell on them. you just trace them gently with your fingers in hopes of giving him comfort, if anything.
once you’ve finished, you’re ready to treat his cuts.
“open your legs, c’mon.”
jason raises an eyebrow at that, and you brace yourself for the comment that you know is coming.
“you know, if you wanted to get me alone you could’ve just—”
you try to keep a straight face while silencing him with a glare, but you can’t deny that you enjoy his teasing. pushing his comment to the back of your mind, you shimmy in between his legs so you’ll have better access to his face. “just shut up and give me your—” jay looks at you, a sly grin making its way onto his lips.
you know what he’s going to say before he says it, so you rush to say “face” before he can say otherwise. he just chuckles, leaning into your touch as you gently wipe at his cuts, removing as much of the dried blood as you can before disinfecting them. “okay,” you say when you’re finished, face only inches from his, “breathe in deep for me?”
he does as he’s told, and as he does, you take a cotton ball and swipe over each cut with hydrogen peroxide. it’ll help them to heal faster. you hear him take in a sharp breath at the sting, but that just lets you know it’s doing it’s job.
once you’ve finished disinfecting them, you place some medical tape on the worst ones, making sure to press lightly so as not to make the pain worse.
“hey,” you mention, “i never got to say thank you.”
“that’s cause you didn’t have to.”
“still,” you mumble under your breath, just low enough that jason doesn’t hear.
you step back admiring your handiwork, “you’re all set.” you don’t give him time to reply, exiting the room briefly to grab a change of clothes and returning with a pair of sweats and a t-shirt for jason. “the red hood getup wasn’t very subtle anyway,” you tease, closing the door behind you so he can get dressed.
when you walk into your living room you notice that the riddler’s men are already gone. damn, dick moves fast. jason must be thinking thinking the exact same thing because he comments from behind you, “that didn’t take long.” you start at the sound of his voice, not even realizing he was there. guess dick’s not the only one who moves fast, you think.
“i’m gonna go to bed,” you say, turning to look at him.
you’re having trouble keeping your eyes open now. guess all that action earlier was catching up to you.
“okay, i’ll be here,” jason replies.
“hey, where are you sleeping?”
“i’m not,” is his answer.
seriously? “what are you going to be doing then?” you ask incredulously.
“looking out for you,” he shrugs nonchalantly. “you do realize he knows where you live now, right? you’re gonna have to get a new place.”
“shit,” you curse. jason just laughs.
“i’ll worry about that later,” you brush it off. a new apartment was the least of your worries. “right now i just wanna sleep. why don’t you stop being so annoyingly stubborn and just join me? i guarantee i’ll be much safer with you in my bed than pacing my kitchen.”
“well,” he cracks a smile, “when you put it like that.”
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saddestofthesad ¡ 3 years
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[6:14 PM] - A coating of white overlayed the once forest green. The forest became a winter wonderland as snowflakes charmingly fell from the altostratus clouds that hovered above. 
While fleeing a band of hunters Werewolf!Chan had injured his forelegs, the remainder of broken arrowheads still lodged into his leg’s tissue. He needed to find shelter and find it quickly. The later the hour, the more fierce the weather. 
Werewolf!Chan had long resided within these woods, and he knew its patterns. A blizzard would hit as soon as night fell, and despite the protection his long coat offered, it’d not be enough against the mighty gust of bone-chilling air. 
You stared mindlessly at the horizon. You were standing outside your small cabin, waiting for something or someone to appear. You teeth-chattered, securing your woolen cloak higher over your head. 
The spirits of the forests had stressed the importance for you to house this mysterious guest. You were not one to deny the spirit’s requests. After all, you had been gifted with clairvoyance for a reason—fellow humans labeling you as the guardian of the forest. 
Werewolf!Chan’s crestfallen face came into frame. 
His name is Bang Chan. A voice popped into your head. He is the infamous alpha that runs these parts. 
“Bang Chan!” You called allowed, signaling the wolf of your whereabouts. 
Werewolf!Chan froze, stunned at the sight of you. Not only had you known his name, but there was a glimmer around you, a sparkling warmth only he could see. His chest pounded harder, his stomach flipping. 
You couldn’t be?
“Come on,” You closed the distance between you and the wolf, “Come inside where it is warm. There is a fire, and I can find you some dry clothes to change into when you shift back into a human form." 
My Mate. The realization hit Werewolf!Chan all at once. He had anticipated this very moment for centuries, and here you were of all places.
Werewolf!Chan finally unfroze, using his snout to affectionately rubbed against the back of your hand. You let out an unintentional laugh as he licked your hand. 
"Let’s go,” You scratched behind his ears, “I’ve been waiting for you.”
So have I. Werewolf!Chan fondly thought.
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saddestofthesad ¡ 3 years
Deep In the Woods ~ Werewolf Bakugo
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MHA Masterlist Main Masterlist
4606 Words
1st Installment of my Halloween Series. It will mostly likely be all Halloween imagines until the end of October.
Warnings: Some language, slight intimacy, monster and fear situations
+Bored out of your mind on vacation, you go out and take a walk. While roaming the woods behind the cabin your family rented, you get more out of your walk then intended. You meet someone very interesting but you only find that out after he stops hunting you. But you also find out there is something even worse out there.
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I groaned as I flipped over on my bed. I was beyond bored. Somehow my parents had convinced me to go on this vacation in the middle of nowhere in a cabin in the woods. And now they were not even acknowledging my presence. I got up and walked to my bay window to look out at the woods.
"Maybe a walk will help my stir crazy." I ran down stairs and towards the door. My parents were in the living room with a few other couples.
"Oh, Y/N, darling. There you are!" My mother called. "We were wondering where you were."
"I was just going to go for a walk in the woods." She smiled and nodded.
"Be careful, sweetie."
"These woods have a lot more wild creatures than back home." My dad added. I rolled my eyes as I put on my shoes. I turned back.
"I know dad. I'm not a kid anymore. I am 21, remember?" I asked light-heartedly. He smiled and nodded.
"You should know there is a local legend about a beast deep in the woods. So do please be careful." One of the other women spoke up. "It might be best to at least stay in the lighter parts of the woods."
"Beast? What type of beast?" I asked.
"No one really knows but some say some type of monstrous wolf, a carnivorous dog, and some say a werewolf."
"Werewolf? Oh, dear! You watch too many of those supernatural shows." My mother laughed it off. I walked out the door while they started to argue. I walked down the path and into the woods.
"Werewolf? Ridiculous." I laughed to myself.
I looked around and smiled as I heard the birds and squirrels. There was ever a pair arguing with each other. I walked past wild flower beds and I could hear a stream nearby. The serenity was overwhelming and distracting.
"Wow. So pretty." A striking blue butterfly flew in front of me. I followed it down the path before I eventually wandered off the path.
In front of me was a perfect little oasis fed by small waterfall. It had crystal blue waters that was surrounded by lush greenery. I knelt down next to the water, leaning against a rock. I was nearly dozing off when I heard a growl.
"Hello?" I sat up. I looked around and realized something. I was deep in the woods.
Another growl rumbled through the meadow. My eyes darted around until I saw a glint of red. I locked onto it and saw the glow of red eyes in the shadows. I slowly got up and moved away.
"I don't know what you are but I'm... I don't mean any harm." My voice was shaky with fear. "I'm just going to leave. I won't come..." The eyes lunged forward. I yelped and ran.
I weaved through the trees, tripping over vines and roots but never falling. I could hear whatever it was chasing after me, snarling and growling with the sound of chains as well. I looked back but couldn't see anything. In my distraction, I ran into the stream and slipped.
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"Ah!" I fell and rolled on before I hit a rock. The back of my head hit the rock. I gripped it in pain but got up and ran again. I only got so far before the pain in my head got too much. I stumbled and fell to my knees in a wildflower bed. I lowered myself down and onto my back.
My vision was going in and out of focus. I could hear still and heard footsteps running towards me before stopping. It was paired with a low growl. I let out a whimper and the growling stopped. The creature then took slow steps toward me. A figure leaned over me but I couldn't see it over the blurriness and the sun halo around it.
"Please don't hurt me." I pleaded. The figure moved in closer and I felt a human hand cup my face. Wait, a human hand? The hand moved back and lifted my head. I heard it sniff and growl. I flinched back as much as I could. A ring of black started to grow in my eyes. "Please..." I blacked out.
*Time Skip*
As I came back too, I could feel the softness under my body. I ran my fingers over it and it felt like fur. I pried my eyes open finally and saw it was in fact fur. Confusion washed over me as I pushed up. I was struck by the sight of cave walls. I looked around to see it was a rather large cave with a stream running through it. The 'bed' I was on was up on a ledge.
"Where am I?" I pushed the blankets off and crawled to the edge. I went to step down but the coldness of the floor made me realize I was barefoot. I stepped down again and walked around.
The cave was filled with things a normal house would have. Books, decorations, furniture, etc. I walked over to the stream and felt the water. It was cold so probably spring fed. Something that made me uneasy was the scratch marks across the walls. What could make such prominent marks on solid stone?
"Strange." I said as I straightened up. The moment I got to full height, my head spun. "Woah." I swayed before my knees gave out. I never hit the floor as arms wrapped around me.
"You already hit your head once today, dumbass. I don't think you need to again." A deep voice chided. I gasped before pulling away and spinning around. My head kept going as my body stopped. "What did I just say!"
"Crap." Hands grabbed my waist. My head finally calmed down and I could finally look at the man. The first thing that caught my eye was his handsome face. He was scowling at me but it did nothing to hide his beauty. Next was his fluffy yet spikey blonde hair. He is also taller than me.
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"What are you staring at? Huh?" He asked roughly. He led me over to sit back down on the bed. The next few things made a weird turn. The collar around his neck and cuff with a chain on his wrist caught my attention as he stepped back to look at me. I was able to get a better look at him. The clothes he was wearing are ratty yet still in good condition. The last three things I noticed were by for the weirdest and scariest.
"What..." He had a set of fluffy blonde with black tipped ears on top of his head and a bushy tail to match. I could finally see through his scowling and squinting to see bright red eyes. "Who are you? What are you?"
"Katsuki Bakugo." He said before squatting down in front of me. "And I'm a werewolf." My blood ran cold. The memory of the red eyes in the woods came back. I started to back up slowly. His eyes followed me as I backed into the wall. I saw what looked like hurt flash through his eyes.
"It was you..." He sighed and stood up, pushing off his knees. He crossed his arms over his chest.
"Yes it was me." He took a step closer. "But you were near my cave and a stranger so I got territorial. I was only doing what is normal." He shrugged.
"So hunting people down like a beast and causing them to get injured is normal?"
"I was not hunting you!" He yelled, baring his teeth and ears laying back. I flinched back and he realized what he did, shock covering his face. He cursed under his breath. "Look I was not trying to hunt you down...I know what the people in the town say about me. That I'm a beast or a monster..." Pain flashed across his face along with so many other emotions. Sadness, anger, loneliness... "But if I really was what they said, would I bring you back here and make sure you're okay?"
"I..." I couldn't find words. He sighed again before walking away. He was right. Why would he do that if he was just going to hurt me? I instantly felt bad.
"Plus, there are worse things than me in these woods." He disappeared around a corner. I curled in on myself in guilt. I slowly got to my feet again and walked in the same direction, needing to apologize. I turned the corner and saw a corridor that the stream ran down the side of it.
"Pretty." I mumbled as I walked on. I got to a vine covered opening and walked out to see a gorgeous view. I was in awe and didn't watch when I was going.
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"Watch it dumbass!" I heard Bakugo's voice before I was grabbed and yanked back. I stumbled back into his chest. "You nearly walked over the edge."
"What are you..." I looked back and saw a drop off. "Oh." I took a few steps forward to look down but Bakugo kept a tight grip on my wrist. I looked down to see the same oasis from earlier. "I see what you mean by close."
"Yeah." I felt his grip tighten a little before his thumb rubbed my wrist. I turned back to him. We stood there in silence as the guilt ate away at me.
"I'm sorry for calling you a beast." I burst out quickly. He just nodded before letting go of me slowly. He looked up at me with hard eyes but there was some emotion behind it.
"Do you often go around trespassing and running through the woods, little lamb?" He smirked while jesting at me.
"No! I don't often trespass! I don't at all in fact!" I exclaimed. "And I have a name. It's Y/N L/N."
"Well little lamb, what made you come this far into the woods, huh? I'm sure since you said 'beast' you were warned not to go too far in." He said while walking back into the cave. I followed quickly.
"Yeah, I was." I admitted. "I just got distracted by the beauty of the forest. The animals, the flowers, everything that I was this far in before I realized. Plus, I didn't believe the warnings." I crossed my arms over my stomach and looked down sheepishly.
"The beauty of the forest hides some pretty ugly secrets." He said ominously. I looked up at him a little scared and saw a faraway look in his eyes. He shook himself out of his trance. "You get distracted easy you know."
"I know. My mother always tells me that." I chuckled. I went to say something else but my stomach interrupted me. I looked down at it embarrassed. "Uh sorry. I guess it has been awhile since I've eaten. It should be getting close... Oh god! How long was I out for? My parents are going to be so worried."
"You were only out for a short time." He said as he pushed up off his table. "I'll take you to the edge of the woods."
"Thank you." I said. He handed me my shoes and we were off. We talked about random things and with him leading the way it didn't take long to get out of the thickest parts. I could see the cabin by the time he stopped. "That's me."
"Figured." He scoffed. I chuckled.
"Will I see you again while I'm here?" I asked while fiddling with my fingers, hope building in my chest. He gave a hearty chuckle.
"You really want to see me again? A fucking werewolf?" He said while still laughing.
"Well, yes." I admitted and he froze. I have grown to like the boy in the short time I have spent with him. He looked at me in disbelief before his ears twitched in excitement.
"Well... I don't see why..."
"Y/N!" I whipped around as my father called. "Dinner is ready!"
"Oh, I have to go. I..." I turned back to see Bakugo gone. "Oh..." I reached up to cover my gasp. I sighed in sadness but my heart was racing in yearning. I missed him already. "Bye Bakugo." I turned to go back.
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3rd POV
In the distance, hidden, Bakugo watched to make sure Y/N got to the house safely. He sighed when they disappeared into the house. He moved back behind the tree and leant against it. He slid down it as his heart raced. It took everything in him to hold his tail still around them.
"Dammit." He wrung his hands nervously. "Why did it have to happen now? With a human?" He peaked out from the tree and was able to see them through a window. He couldn't hold back the smile. He let his head fall against the tree as he admired them from afar.
Bakugo's love sick thoughts were interrupted by a sound far off in the distance. His ear twitched in that direction before he looked. He looked up to see it was getting dark. A low growl escaped his chest. With one last look at the cabin, he took off back into the woods.
Y/N took a walk in the woods everyday waiting to see Bakugo again. They never ventured to far in though. Afraid of getting lost and/or caught by the 'worse thing' Bakugo mentioned keeping them at bay. It wasn't until the third day that they saw Bakugo again.
"Hmm." Y/N looked around, passing a little deeper into the trees. "Did I dream it all?" They asked out loud. They passed a tree and failed to see the figure leaning on it.
"Then that must have been one hell of a dream if I was in it." Bakugo said. Y/N jumped with a yelp that made Bakugo chuckle. They turned to him and gave the biggest smile that made his heart soar.
"Call me Katsuki, little Lamb." Slight annoyance flashed through their eyes.
"As long as you stop calling me that." They countered.
"I'll think about it, little lamb." Y/N huffed and crossed their arms. Cute. Bakugo thought to himself. "Come on. You wanted to see me again so let's go dumbass."
"Okay." The two walked through the trees for a bit until the trees opened up to a meadow. "Wow this is beautiful."
"It's just flowers." He shrugged before sitting on a rock. He thought back to the moment he got a good first look at Y/N. He hid the loving smile of admiration at the memory. They nearly plopped down on the ground.
"You got to be kidding me! You seriously did that? You really are a dumbass!" Katsuki yelled while falling onto his back, laughing. I laughed too.
"It's true! And I'm not a dumbass." I hit him in the knee. He was able to sit back up while still laughing. I rolled my eyes before looking around. A thought popped up in my head. "Hey Katsuki?"
"What?" He said in between breaths. I chuckled lightly before my smile cropped.
"What could be so bad in a place so beautiful?" His laughing ceased immediately. I looked up at him and saw a grave look on his face. "Katsuki?"
"I don't want to talk about it." He snapped. I flinched a little. "I'm sorry. You're not going to be here long so you don't have to worry about it."
"Okay." I tried to think of something else. "Why did you help me then? I mean you could have left me there. I would have woken up eventually and gone home. Why did you take me back to your cave and take care of me?" He looked at me surprised before he got a look of deep thought.
"Do you really want to know?" He asked quietly. I nodded. He sighed before moving to sit down in front of me. "The first time I saw you, I couldn't really see you or smell your scent. The idea of a threat to my home overshadowed my perception and the water covering your scent didn't help. The first time I really got a good look at you was in the meadow you collapsed in."
"When you collapsed, it sent a message through my instincts that you were no longer a threat. I was able to actually look at you and get your scent. You smelled so sweet even in a field of flowers. Then when I actually got up to you... My heart nearly stopped."
"Wh-what do you mean?" I was so confused.
"I mean... that when I looked at you my whole world changed. I looked down at you and you were surrounded by the flowers but you were still more beautiful than them. My heart stopped before it started to stutter. I couldn't control it and I couldn't..." He was interrupted by a loud wail. He visibly stiffened. The sound sent fear up my spine.
"K-Katsuki..." I whimpered.
"Sh." He quietly hushed me. I saw his ears twitching before another, closer wail ripped knew the air and his ears laid back. "Shit." He pushed me down onto my back and laid over me.
"What are you..." He covered my mouth with his hand.
"Covering your scent with mine." He whispered. I suddenly felt the ground thumping and a growl came from Kat's chest. "Don't move until I tell you." I nodded. The thumping got closer and closer until it passed. Kat pushed up slowly. "Okay, get up slowly and follow me. And whatever you do, don't look behind you."
"Okay." He got up and helped me up slowly. Curiosity was running high and I just turned my head slightly when he caught my chin.
"No. Trust me. Don't." He looked at me solemnly and gently before his eyes darted from mine to behind me. He held onto my hand tight and we slowly walked away. That was until a huge gust of wind hit us in the face. "Shit."
"What?" He didn't get to answer. A loud roar shook me to my bones. Before he could protest I turned to look. A grotesque beast that had to stand at least 10 to 12 feet tall was on the other end of the meadow. It was brown colored for the skin and fur. The beast was very lanky and ugly with large, long stained teeth and white eyes that sent a chill up my spine. It was sniffing at the air before it turned and locked on us.
"Run." Kat said plainly before taking off like a shot. He pulled me along as the beast roared. I stumbled a little but Kat kept me on my feet.
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"Where are we going?" I yelled.
"My cave. He can't get to it." He yelled. We bobbed and weaved through the trees. We didn't stop until we reached the Oasis. "Go on. I'll try and stir him away."
No! You said he can't get to the cave. So just come up with me!" He sighed, ear going wild as the beast got closer. "Please!"
"I have too. Now go!" He grabbed my waist and tossed me up onto the ledge the path was on. I groaned as I landed before looking down at him.
"Katsuki Please!" I reached down for him. He huffed in annoyance before a growl ripped from his throat.
"Go!" He growled at me in an altered, deep voice and glowing eyes. It scared me but I knew he was just doing it for my own good. I got to my feet and gave one last pleading look at him before running towards the cave. I ran all the way in and started to panic.
"Shit. Shit. Shit." I raked my hands through my hair, looking around. I didn't know what to do, there was nothing I could do. Nothing but sit here and wait. I stopped to listen but was only met with the sound of the stream. No beast and no Katsuki. I whimpered at the silence.
Over an hour later, he still wasn't back. I was curled in a ball on the floor, leaning against the ledge of the bed. I looked up at the entrance before getting up. I walked over to the stream to get a drink. I stalled when I heard rocks being kicked across the floor. I got up apprehensively and watched the entrance. I only relaxed when Kat walked in.
"Katsuki!" He trudged in with his head hung low and holding his side. I looked closer and saw one of his ears was bleeding and there were other spots of red here and there. "Kat?"
"I'm Okay, just..." He was breathing heavily. "Just a little bit beat up." He stumbled before sitting down at the table. I quickly ran over and knelt in front of him. I lifted his head and gasped.
"A little?" I scoffed as I saw his busted lip, bruised cheek bones, and a cut that was bleeding above his eyebrow. "Take off your jacket." He did and groaned while doing it. "Bandages and stuff?"
"Black cabinet." He mindlessly pointed behind him. I found them and came back to him. I started disinfecting his wounds.
"Where do you get all this stuff anyway?"
"It's not hard for me to hide my tail and ears, you know." He grumbled. I sighed and put a bandage on his forehead. I looked up at his ear and went to touch it. He stopped me.
"I'll take care of that one." He brought my hand back down before pressing a gentle kiss to my knuckles.
"Okay." I smiled, moving on to some bad claw marks on this forearm. They weren't deep but still tore up. Luckily he didn't need stitches. "Okay, now I need to see your side."
"Fine." I backed up on my knees as he moved. He stood up and pulled his shirt off. I froze in shock. My eyes locked on his six pack.
"Aa, Um..." I gulped. He chuckled. I looked up to see him smirking.
"See something you like?" He asked. I blushed before looking away.
"Just sit down." I muttered. He laughed before groaning in pain. He sat down and I glanced at his side that was turning black and blue. "What did you do?"
"You don't want to know." He said quickly and sternly. I reeled back in shock before nodding. I softly touched his abdomen and he tensed for only a second. I felt around for any broken ribs but felt nothing wrong.
"Nothing broken at least." I sat back on my heels. He nodded as I grabbed more bandages. "I'm guessing that is the worse thing in the woods?" I asked. He nodded. "Where did that thing come from and what exactly is it?"
"I'm not sure what he is. Some sort of mutant wolf I think. He's been here longer than I have and is the actual monster of these woods that no one knows about." He sighed. "I've had a few run ins with him but this is the first time he's come out in the day time. I don't understand it. I normally never go head to head with him but I couldn't let it hurt you." He looked me in the eyes with such intensity my heart started racing. I looked back at what I was doing. The conversation from before all this came back. He didn't get to finish.
"What were you going to say...before this?"
"Oh..." He looked at me surprised before he smiled. "What I was trying to say was that now, I can't think of life without you." My movements stopped slowly looking back up at him.
"What?" He locked eyes with me. I saw honesty, admiration, and love in his eyes.
"I can't imagine spending the rest of my life without you by my side. I want to wake up every day next to you. I want to see that smile of yours every day. I want to be able to hold you, kiss you, and everything a couple does." His words went straight to my heart. I set my hands on his arms as the words set in.
"Katsuki..." I whispered.
"I know it's stupid and ridiculous but I can't help but want this. Want you. But it's practically impossible and..." I pushed up and pressed my lips to his.
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He immediately responded, cupping my face and pulled me in closer. I gripped his arm tight as our lips moved against each other. I pulled back and was breathing heavily.
"It doesn't sound stupid to me." I said earnestly. His eyes were blown in happiness, love, and even desire. I'm sure mine matched. The most genuine smile crossed his face. He moved fast as he reached down and picked me up by my thighs. "Ah!"
"Ha!" I latched onto his neck as he moved and dropped us on his bed. He hovered over me, watching me. I just smiled up at him before reaching up to cup his face. "Please tell me you're not joking."
"I'm not. I promise. I feel the same way even if I don't understand it. How these feelings could come on so fast." I said while I ran my fingers through his hair and over the uninjured ear. He shivered and fell to his elbows by my head, caging me in.
"It has to do with me being a wolf." He gasped. "Wolves mate for life and their feelings are strong and undeniable once there." He looked at me with soft eyes. "I knew immediately as soon as I saw you in the meadow."
"After hunting me."
"I was not..." He exclaimed before cutting himself off. I giggled as he groaned. He placed a soft kiss on my lips. He then laid his head on my shoulder. We just laid there in splendor until he spoke up. "I can't take you away from your family."
"You have family and you're not from around here. I can't take you away from that." He pushed up and had a pained look on his face.
"Katsuki. Don't you dare choose for me!" I snapped. I pushed him off me. He landed on his back and I got up off the bed. "I can make my own decisions. I am old enough to choose what to do with my life. I can choose to stay or leave."
"Y/N, you have a life away from here."
"A life that hasn't amounted to much. I've still been trying to find my place in life and I've found it here." I said honestly. I stepped up to the bed. Kat sat up to be close to me.
"Please don't send me away." My voice cracked. I could feel tears coming up. Kat reached up and shushed me. He pulled me into his lap. I buried my face in his neck.
"I would never." He said. "I just don't want you to throw anything for me."
"I wouldn't be." I said. I pulled back to look at him. I placed my hard on the junction of his neck. "It's not going to be easy but we'll figure something out."
"Okay." He relented. He pulled me in by my shoulders and kissed me. He wrapped his arms around me and cuddled me. I buried my head under his chin.
"Ha. Is the big bad wolf actually a softie?" I teased. I felt the growl before I heard it. He squeezed me before pushing me onto my back. He moved on top of me but stopped as he flinched. He grasped his side. I pushed up on my elbows. "Your adrenaline has run out?"
"Yeah." He groaned.
"Come on. We need to finish patching you up." I pushed lightly on his chest. He nodded and got up. He towered over me as he stood up.
"As long as you kiss it better afterwards." He smirked and I blushed. I rolled my eyes as I got up. I grabbed the ring on his collar and pulled him down.
"I just might." I sang before letting go and walking back to the table.
"Fuck, what a woman." I heard him mutter. I bit my lip in giddiness as he walked up behind me.
Tag List: @spicy-therapist-mom @dxnaii-rxse @sxturn-stars @iris-shihabiry
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saddestofthesad ¡ 3 years
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So let us runaway-Chanyeol
This is my favorite song on the album, I dont get how people can hate this masterpiece.
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saddestofthesad ¡ 3 years
Guys, I just realized something.
Carlisle Cullen is older than the US.
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saddestofthesad ¡ 4 years
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remember, loneliness is still time spent with the world.
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saddestofthesad ¡ 4 years
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Enemys to lovers
Royal version
They had no choice but to dance together, as they will be getting married. Having no say in this.
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saddestofthesad ¡ 4 years
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The person we all want to be
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saddestofthesad ¡ 4 years
I know probably no one knows this book from wattpad. I just re-read it again and it has such a strong message... like i am bawling my eyes out because of it. For me the book is about loosing someone you love by a thing that you cant stop. And you just look at the love of your life not being abel to help them in any way shape or form. And then one day just losing them, feeling them slipping from your fingers.
I just hope that it doesnt happen to any of you. I just had to get that off of my chest and i knew that this is the only place i wouldnt be made fun of.
The book is called "Hating the Player" by xThePineappleGirlx(if you want to read it)
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saddestofthesad ¡ 5 years
Would it Ruin Everything?
❖ Seventeen, Dino
❖ fluff
❖ wc: 237
For: @sominniej​ @exoareweone​ @whazzaspam​
“W…would it ruin everything if I kissed you right now?”
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You and Dino were sitting on the floor of the Seventeen dorm, enjoying a movie night. None of the other boys were around, and you weren’t exactly sure why. But Dino did. He had asked them (more like demanded) that you two be left alone tonight. 
You two were sitting against the back on the couch, a blanket draped over both of your laps, sides pressed together. You couldn’t tell, but Dino’s heart felt like it was about to beat out of his chest - he was so nervous, but he was going to follow through with his plan…
Your head leaned against Dino’s shoulder, and he immediately moved his arm to wrap around you, making the position more comfortable for both of you. As you lean against him, snuggling into his side, he takes a deep breath before turning to you.
“Y/N…” You looked up, a questioning look in your eyes. “W…would it ruin everything if I kissed you right now?” You blink at him before your lips turn up in a small smile. With a little nod, you lean in, meeting Dino halfway for a sweet kiss.
“Finally!!” You both break away from the kiss quickly and turn, seeing Hoshi, Jun, and Minghao peeking over the back of the couch at you. 
“Yah!” Dino shouts and quickly gets up to chase his hyungs for spying on you two, leaving you laughing on the floor.
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saddestofthesad ¡ 5 years
‘movement’ by hozier but you’re hiding in an abandoned warehouse while it’s thunder-storming outside. (headphones recommended)
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saddestofthesad ¡ 5 years
Tchaikovsky- Pas de deux
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