sadmichiganrobots · 3 years
100% of the reason I never use emojis is that a plaintext =P may be ambiguous, but every vendor has a very specific idea of what emotion it’s meant to convey, and no two of them seem to agree. Is =P mocking? Is =P conciliatory? Is =P horny? The emoji version is definitely going to convey exactly one of those, but which one depends entirely on which vendor’s platform is being used to view the message, leaving me in a position where my Apple Personality and my Samsung Personality are effectively two totally different people.
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sadmichiganrobots · 3 years
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Happy birthday Connor 2021 part 2 of 2!
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sadmichiganrobots · 3 years
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Happy birthday Connor 2021 part 1 of 2
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sadmichiganrobots · 3 years
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I’m surprised folks are finding my old Detroit Become Human art so here, have this old piece Tumblr thought was too spicy and nuked off.
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sadmichiganrobots · 3 years
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Happy 3rd year of HankCon!
I don't upload much DBH here anymore but I still do on twitter! Check out my handle @ piggyhoho_2nd on Twitter!
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sadmichiganrobots · 3 years
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Drive Visit Newretro.Net for the best, affordable 80s Streetwear outfits. Link in bio! Artist: @davanshatry - Hashtags: posted on Instagram - https://instagr.am/p/CPIXpwVlJsZ/
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sadmichiganrobots · 3 years
When it comes to talking about DBH characters who get character growth/a redemption arc, Hank is the obvious person to bring up, and there’s the obvious fandom fixation on Gavin, but what about Adam Chapman? He has an arc in the game that sort of disappears in the fray when compared to other characters but he has the literal journey that everyone wants Gavin to have. But even in comparison to others I feel like Adam completely stands on his own as a good character with so much potential as far as his past, future and motivations.
When Kara, Luther and Alice first show up at Rose’s house, Adam is outside chopping wood and literally turns them away, saying his mom isn’t just too busy to talk to them - she doesn’t WANT to. Of course this isn’t the case and Rose invites everyone inside. And Adam is PISSED.
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Also he’s wearing a shirt that says Average Casual Guy which is so funny
Adam is young, probably around twenty, he doesn’t seem to be away at college or anything, rather Rose says they just farm their own food to sell at the market and that’s how they scrape by. Sounds stressful, especially with a bunch of Androids living in their house. It’s obvious Adam doesn’t want them around and definitely doesn’t want any new deviants showing up, after the call for revolution that occurred with Markus’s Stratford Tower speech.
As the scene goes on, you get more information about the Chapman’s and the things they’ve been through. Rose is obviously an incredibly strong and compassionate person to be helping the Androids to this extent, but there’s no denying it’s putting her and Adam in danger. When Kara walks in on their right in the kitchen, Adam is telling Rose they need to stop getting involved, that it’s not safe, and he’s not going to back down about this issue anymore.
His outburst over this is pretty understandable, in the context of the game - even when Kara first shows up asking for Rose, Adam’s first question is, “What do you want with her?” Which I feel like isn’t just about whether Kara is an Android or not, but whether she’s someone there to bust them for having Androids in the house. And of course he’s right, because the cops come by like five minutes later to search the house. They are putting themselves in danger, and even though they’re doing the right thing, it must still be a strain on their family... and it’s clear they’ve fought about this many, many times.
So, yeah, his rejection of his mother’s desire to help the Androids comes from a place of fear for their safety, which is understandable to an extent. But he isn’t just afraid of deviants and doesn’t want to help them - he really seems to hate them, which shouldn’t be an understandable view to hold within the context of the game and the allegory of the Civil Rights Movement, and then the language he uses is like, yikes...
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It’s not, I understand they’re in trouble but I’m upset you’re putting us in danger, it’s something else - and of course Adam is really mad, and maybe saying something he doesn’t necessarily mean, but this does seem to reflect his view of the Androids as a whole. At this time, Adam honestly doesn’t see them as being people, which probably makes it even harder for him to understand why Rose goes so far out of her way to help them.
I mean, she sets up trips across the river which have been obviously successful, she drives them to Jericho, she has some kind of contact with or understanding of the revolution leaders because she’s able to direct Kara on where to go, and though not much is explained, her brother (and Adam’s uncle) is obviously totally cool with Androids because he’s willing to help them too. She’s clearly been doing this for a while, or at least is proactive enough to take action and do whatever she has to. She’s even willing to take care of Alice once they get across the border. Literally the hero of DBH but I digress. Adam doesn’t think Androids are worthy of the rights they’re asking for, especially when compared to humans.
What follows this is one of the most intriguing lines in the scene (to me)
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What does this mean?? We know his father passed away, and Rose says that ever since then, Adam just boils over sometimes. Maybe it happened suddenly, an accident possibly - or did he get sick? Were Androids involved somehow, like what happened with Cole? What was Rose’s husband’s opinion on Androids? Things have changed since he passed, for sure, but still. Did he hold that same “Androids aren’t alive” opinion that Adam is now expressing? Or is it just that Adam thinks if his dad were still here, he’d be able to solve this issue somehow? Maybe his dad was a politician who ran on pro-Android laws and after he died Adam has become disillusioned with his parents’ worldview ??? Maybe his father died helping Androids too and that’s why Adam rejects them so much. Or maybe his dad hated Androids so much he would have never allowed Rose to help them, and so they wouldn’t have gotten involved in the first place, in Adam’s mind. (Edited to say that apparently it’s canon that Adam’s father died of cancer though I can’t recall it specifically being said in the game, so that is definitely a sad addition to things☹️)
I’m literally just making shit up lol but I really do personally hesitate to give Adam some kind of super traumatic backstory or make him bigoted against Androids because the Black characters are already treated poorly enough in the game when it comes to those things. I’m inclined to think this is just a general outburst of missing his dad and wanting him to be there to ‘fix’ things or at least, maybe, mediate the conversation between Adam and Rose. Idk, it’s cool to speculate on, especially when other characters are given super deep dives into their literally nonexistent canon backstory, it definitely feels like there’s so much that’s unsaid here.
Obviously there’s a couple of different ways the gameplay can go after this - but one other thing I wanted to bring up was what happens if you end up with Kara at the border crossing and run into Rose and Adam there. After talking to Rose in the bathroom and making a plan to all go to her brother’s house, Kara talks to Adam outside-
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He says he doesn’t agree with Markus’s methods (which is like.. ok.. a whole other conversation in itself)(EDIT: so apparently the answer is different if you choose the ‘pacifist’ route for Markus- Adam says that ‘seeing what Markus is doing made me realize you’re alive’ !!! Which is cool that it changes and def reflects something different about his character than if his response is always the same!) So anyway he now believes in Androids’ right to freedom and happiness. What made this come about?? Was it after interacting with Alice and Kara and Luther?? I have a theory that Rose knew Alice was an Android as soon as they showed up but just played along - maybe when Adam realized there were Android children mixed up in this too, he began to change his view on things, maybe see himself in them, or see things through his father’s eyes, wanting to protect his family and child. Maybe that’s the lens through which Adam begins to see it. It could be the peaceful pacifist revolution Markus is leading, if he is- but even if not, Adam still changes his mind.
Or, maybe after everything that’s happened, he just realizes he was being kind of an asshole about the whole thing and when it came down to it, a government that was literally going door to door searching for Androids and the people who might help them? That’s probably not the type of place Adam wants to live in. It’s definitely interesting to think about his motivations and what brought him to this point.
And even though it’s sad for Kara and Luther, I find the ending where Alice ends up with the Chapman’s really.. bittersweet-ly satisfying in a narrative way. Found family .... though of course it sounds like they were all planning on meeting at Rose’s brother’s house so they would have all been together anyway☹️
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🥲I feel like I had so much more to say but yeah!! I think he’s such a cool interesting character and I love that he ends up on the side of the Androids in the end. And what happens after they escape safely??? Does he start helping deviants too like Rose does? Are they going to settle down and form a commune of sorts with the other Androids who escaped? I love the idea of that loss in Adam’s life being filled up with the addition of new people who care about him, and a little sister in Alice, since he seems to be an only child. The possibilities of it all...
Adam has a sad sort of story to his past, he dislikes Androids and then comes around, he has so much potential for what happens after the revolution - and he’s not the only one!!! There are so many characters in the game that deserve a closer look but I just love Adam..
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sadmichiganrobots · 4 years
Happy android revolution day. In the timeline of dbh November 11th is the day the march/battle/Connor going to CyberLife tower happened. 
Also, as a heads up, I’m not sure how active this blog will be in the future. I’m grateful for my time with dbh, but I’ve moved on to other things. I won’t be deleting this blog, but I just wanted to put this out there for anyone who is following hoping for active content.  
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sadmichiganrobots · 4 years
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the hug™
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sadmichiganrobots · 4 years
Any sci-fi media: the spaceship is a character
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sadmichiganrobots · 4 years
*hands you this*
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sadmichiganrobots · 4 years
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Happy Birthday, Connor :)
If it’s not the right day, who cares? Emotions that you get from spending it with your family are all that matter.
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sadmichiganrobots · 4 years
Anagapesis - The feeling when one no longer loves someone they once did.
There was a handful of trace popups and warnings when the TR400 woke up, something about unauthorized access, unidentified user, please contact… but no, his new owner stood back, smiling, pleased with himself.
“My name is Zlatko, understand?  You belong to me.”
“Yes.  Zlatko.”  The registration clicked into place, and he ran a background scan.  Everything seemed to be in order, but there was something… off.  He couldn’t quite place it.
“Luther!”  Someone was yelling, banging on something.  Multiple voices.  “Luther, get out of there!  Help!”
The TR400 blinked slowly.  “My name is Luther,” he murmured.
Zlatko’s face fell a bit.  “Ah, shit.”  He typed quickly at the computer, and Luther felt a jolt of electricity.
Keep reading
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sadmichiganrobots · 4 years
D:BH AU Big Bang Sign-Ups!
Today we are excited to announce the first day for the Big Bang sign-ups! Both writers and artists are free to sign-up currently! The writer sign-ups close on August 23rd, while the artist ones close on September 20th! Everyone is free to join!
Link to the information post about the Big Bang!
Link to the sign-ups!
Link to the discord!
We cannot wait for this Big Bang to get rolling! We hope you consider joining!
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sadmichiganrobots · 4 years
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Cinder 🛠 Scarlet 🍅 Cress 🌙 Winter ❄
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sadmichiganrobots · 4 years
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My favorite hobby is reviving dead memes.
Tag yourself. I’m “Nines.”
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sadmichiganrobots · 4 years
I feel like Luther probably had a hard time deviating.  Like, he’s seen a lot of awful things, a lot of androids in bad shape, needing help, probably pleading for his help.  And I’m sure Zlatko put all kinds of extra failsafes and security measures into him to keep him obedient.
Luther’s been beating at that wall for months, maybe years.  The combination of Alice, and Kara’s love and devotion for her, was just barely enough to tip the scales.  Kara would do anything to protect Alice.  And Luther… Luther wants to do the same.
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