saichifest · 5 years
Celebrating my OTP ♥
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hajime saito in hakuouki sekkaroku
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saichifest · 5 years
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saichifest · 5 years
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hajime saito in hakuouki sekkaroku
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saichifest · 5 years
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Saichi in the snow 
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saichifest · 5 years
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Hakuouki Sekkaroku || Saitou Hajime
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saichifest · 6 years
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saichifest · 6 years
Tea for Two
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photo credits @petri808 (taken on her trip to Japan) (my edits - and teapot from open source)
Saichifest 2019 ~ Unspoken Affection (or Respect) / Snowfall
Saito hefted the garbage and took it outside - Chizuru watched as her husband negotiated the dimly lit alleyway. A sudden thought occurred to her and she hustled into the kitchen, readying the kettle for one last pot of tea.
Back inside and brushing snow off his shoulders, Saito smiled at his wife. “This was a wonderful party, but you mustn’t trouble yourself every year on my account.”
Chizuru added the finishing touches to the tray, marching into the living room. Saito trailed behind like a puppy. “Your birthday deserves everything and anything I can do.”
Saito sat next to his wife on the couch as she presided over the tea pouring ritual. “You spoil me.”
“I’m blessed that I’m the one that gets to spoil you.”
“Thank you.” Saito sipped from his cup and set it down carefully, next taking hold of Chizuru’s hands, pressing a soft kiss to her knuckles. Love, affection, and respect shone in his eyes. “Thank you.”
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saichifest · 6 years
Dangerous Connections [late submission for Saichifest 2019]
by impracticaldemon a modern, non-canonesque, 4200-word vignette
Rating:  M / Lemon   Read also on FFN | AO3
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Author’s Note: I have no idea where this story came from. Unfortunately, it nagged at me until I wrote it, which delayed other writing. Part of the inspiration came from @nospringonions fanfic for Saichifest 2019 (although that fanfic feels brighter, and has a beginning, middle, and end).  This is one of my very few non-Shinsengumi-era stories. The setting is a modern Japan AU that has a slightly? darker feel to it than Hakuouki SSL. Partial inspiration for the feel—and Saito’s motorbike—go to @kurokiorya
As a final note, the entire second half of the story is more or less about sex.
Dangerous Connections
“I found you a tutor, Hajime-kun!”
Saitō eyed his friend warily. That particular grin always made him nervous.
“Tanaka-sensei said that she would find somebody appropriate, Sōji. There’s no need—”
“Tanaka-sensei has already approved my suggestion.” Okita’s smirk became even more pronounced. “She agreed that it made sense to get somebody who knew the club, and wouldn’t mind working around your weird schedule. Besides, it turns out that Chizuru-chan was already on her list of candidates.”
Saitō felt himself tense. “Yukimura? Sōji—that's—I don’t think that’s a good idea at all.”
Okita laughed. “Worried you won’t be able to concentrate? On the bright side, you won’t want to embarrass yourself, right? I figure you’ll be speaking and writing English like a pro in no time!” He punched Saitō lightly on the arm—lightly for Sōji, at least.
“There must be other—”
“Get a grip, Saitō! Your family said you had to pass your English competency exam, or quit the team.” Okita’s expression darkened. “And this year we’re going to win the championship, so don’t you dare let them force you to quit!”
“I don’t intend to!” replied Saitō with rare heat. “You shouldn’t have gotten involved in this.”
“Oi, what’s with you? I thought you’d be pleased. I’m pretty sure you’ve had a thing for Chizuru-chan for ages—and didn’t you mention that your dad wanted you to find a suitable girlfriend? I mean, you’re twenty now, and graduating uni in a couple of years, and—”
“Stay. Out. Of. This.” Saitō turned on his heel and stalked off, shoulders rigid.
Okita was so surprised that he watched him go.
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saichifest · 6 years
Belated Happy Birthday, Saitofu!
Belated Happy Birthday, Saitofu! xD
You’re so hard to draw, you visually perfect creature! XD
My OC gave Saitofu a scarf for his birthday
Yes, she made him strip so they could “make sure” that the scarf suits him UwU XD
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Saitofu is smiling…
Saitofu is happy about his gift XD
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saichifest · 6 years
SaiChi Festival’ 2019, Day 4: Unspoken Affection
(Crack Fiction? Because it suddenly came into my sleep-deprived mind just as I was about to crash into bed.)
(Hakuouki Reimeiroku, Saito’s Route)
There he was! The familiar face that I had been waiting for, finally appeared by my window. And just like everyday, I never got bored of admiring his fine features. His eyes were a pretty color of dark blue that seemed to peer into the soul of anything he saw. His indigo hair tied into a side ponytail that cascaded down one side of his strong shoulder. And his handsome face always display a look of calm determination that I adored.
I recognised his light blue haori. I imagined how happy I would be if I could accompany him on his patrols, and be held in his strong and steady hands. I believed with every fibre of my being that I could be useful to him, if only he would give me that chance.
I knew that everytime he came by, he would always stare fixatedly at that one figure alone, and I could clearly see the passion burning in those deep eyes. I admired that single-mindedness of his, although I could not help but feel jealous of the object of his affection. Sometimes if I was lucky enough, he would look at me, but sadly, it was always just a glance and never anything more.
I sighed forlornly as I saw him leaving in a hurry. I hoped to see him again tomorrow, so until then, I would allow myself to indulge in my imagination of the two of us together.
The long day was finally coming to an end. I was admiring the beautiful orange sky when I saw his face again surrounded by the warm glow of the setting sun, appearing by my window. Was this a continuation of my imagination? No… He really came back! I was elated to see him again for the second time today.
However, my excitement soon dissolved away as I observed his expression changed from bewilderment then to worry. I quickly realised what he came back here for, and sadly, it was not for me.
“Excuse me,” he greeted in his low and deep voice.
“Ah, it’s you!” The shop owner gave him a welcoming smile that soon turned into a rueful one, “that sword you’re interested in has been sold earlier.”
I saw his face turned ashen, and he began grilling the shop owner about what kind of man had bought his desired sword.
I continued watching him being so concerned about that famous, celebrated sword, and it finally dawned on me that he would never be interested in me, an unknown, nothing special sword.
I was dejected. If he would not have me, then I hoped nobody would. I only wished to stay unsold in the shop, so I could catch a glimpse of him whenever he passed by on his patrol duties. I would pray for a miracle to happen, so that one day he would finally notice me. Until then, I would be content to cotinue waiting and dreaming of the day when I could have that chance of becoming his sword.
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Tagging: @saichifest
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saichifest · 6 years
Saichi Festival’ 2019, Day 3: Memories/ Birthday
(Modern AU, Epilogue)
Part 1 | Part 2
“On behalf of everyone in Yukimura Corporation, I sincerely thank you for giving us this award. This is truly a great honor to us, and…”
Chizuru smiled fondly at the television showing the live telecast of an award presentation. She glowed with pride and admiration watching her husband delivering his acceptance speech on the stage. He looked so smart and handsome in his tailored three piece suit, that she could not help but fall in love with him all over again just like on the night when they first met.
Three years had gone by since her father announced his retirement and handed over the company rein to both of them. A lot of things had happened since then.
For one, the influential Kazama Group, specifically its heir, Kazama Chikage, had viewed her engagement and subsequent marriage to Saito as a personal slight, and launched hostile maneuvers towards their company in the middle of an increasingly challenging business climate.
Then there was the internal strife with Itou and his cronies who made use of the change in company management to further their own agenda. Malicious rumors were spread, and multiple traps set up to discredit Saito and justify Chizuru’s incompetence in leading the company.
Additionally, it was also around this time that former Chairman Kodo’s health deteriorated and he had to seek treatment overseas for an extended time. They lost the main shareholders’ support after that, and Itou had very nearly succeeded in his uprising.
Looking back, it had been a tough three years, and Chizuru was really grateful to have Saito by her side. Not only had he worked tirelessly to safeguard the company, he was also a constant source of support and comfort to her.
It had not been an easy journey to get to where they were now, she reminisced. But these days, life was a lot more peaceful and smooth-sailing. The company was expanding well in the right direction, staff morale was at an all time high, and the shareholders were satisfied with the rising share price. Her father’s health condition had improved too, and Saito and her were going to…
“Ah!” Chizuru felt a sharp pain and dropped the glass of water she had been holding.
Hearing the loud smashing noise, Heisuke who was busy in the next room with the other guys came barrelling in, “what happened, Chizuru?”
His eyes went wide upon seeing her clutching her stomach in pain, “Oh my God! Somebody call the ambulance! Call Saito!”
After the awards ceremony was concluded, Saito had insisted to go home straight instead of returning to office. He had noticed Chizuru acting a little weird since yesterday, but she had maintained that everything was fine.
“Hijikata-san, do you mind driving a little faster, please?” Saito requested. He took out his phone and frowned, “mine’s run out of battery, may I borrow yours?”
“Relax, Saito. We’re reaching your house soon,” Hijikata smiled, hiding the fact that his role for the day was to stall Saito until the agreed time.
“Alright, but I can’t shake off this odd feeling I’ve had all day long,” Saito said, “anyway, thank you for offering to drive me home, Hijikata-san.”
“It’s fine. You had a few customary glasses at the ceremony earlier, so it’s safer that you don’t drive. And it’s my job to assist you, boss,” Hijikata teased to lighten the mood.
“Please, don’t call me that, Hijikata-san,” Saito’s face colored and he continued sincerely, “I’ve always regarded you as my mentor, and it will not change no matter what position I hold in office.”
“You’re making me blush, Saito! But, thank you,” Hijikata laughed.
Saito opened the door to his home and was surprised to be greeted by the empty, half-decorated living room. Colorful streamers and balloons were strewn across the floor, while a banner with the words ‘Happy Birthday, Saito!’ was half-hanging on the wall, looking like it had been ripped down. The television was left on, and there was broken glass on the floor.
“What happened… Where is everybody?” Hijikata muttered in confusion. The scene looked very far from the surprise party that they had all been planning for.
“Call the police!” Saito exclaimed, ashen-faced, “you remember the recent kidnapping attempt on one of our business partners, don’t you, Hijikata-san?”
“Wait, wait! It can’t be a kidnapping. All our friends were supposed to be here. Let me try calling them first,” Hijikata said, trying to calm Saito down.
Hijikata took out his phone, and as if on cue, it began to vibrate and he quickly answered. “Where are all of you? No, I didn’t check my phone, I was busy and then I was driving! Saito’s phone ran out of battery. What’s going on? She what? We’re coming now!”
Saito walked into the hospital room and sat down on the chair by Chizuru’s bed. He reached for her hand and clasped it tightly, “I’m sorry I wasn’t there with you, Chizuru. It must have been tough on you. How are you feeling now?”
Chizuru lightly squeezed her husband’s hand to assure him, she looked tired but radiated happiness. “It’s alright. It was unexpected, but we’re fine. And who said you weren’t with me?” She moved her hand so that his palm was on her wrist, and her sakura petal mark fit into his like matching puzzle pieces, “see, we’re always connected.”
A contented smile spread across Saito’s face, and he kissed his wife’s forehead lovingly, “you really scared me. My mind went blank when I couldn’t find you and saw the state of our house.”
“I’m sorry, you must be really worried. I wanted to surprise you with a proper celebration. You’ve been very busy the past years that you’ve forgotten your own birthday,” Chizuru explained, “and this year, I can give you a very special birthday present!”
Saito marvelled at the sleeping baby nestled in the crook of his arm. His little girl had come into the world a few days ahead of schedule to share his birthday. It felt so surreal, there was this tiny new human who shared both his and Chizuru’s features. She was small and light, but he felt like he was holding the whole world in his arms. He stared long and hard at their baby, then turned to look at Chizuru as if to ask her if this was only just a dream.
She giggled in response to the funny expression on his face and pulled him in for a kiss, “happy birthday, papa!”
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Tagging: @saichifest
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saichifest · 6 years
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Unspoken Affection / The Ghost
[“You’re dead.” There, she’d said it, denying his living existence as firmly as possible. I wonder if his ghost has eyes of the same dark blue as the summer sky after dusk? Not that it matters, but still…] 
Fanfiction by @impracticaldemon​ Read it here :)
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saichifest · 6 years
Unspoken Affection:
In with this we reached the final Saichifest 2019 day… The alternative title here is “When someone, who is personally terrible at relationship, gets tired of slow burn”.
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 Chizuru was finishing washing bowls and tea cups. The snow had melted but it had been replaced by a dry freezing wind that made breathing painful. She had done her best to finish quickly so she would be able to come back inside as fast as possible. She had some laundry to fold as well.
 Finally she put the last bowl down on a tray with the rest of the dishes. She got rid of the water and took the tray back to the kitchen, suppressing a violent shiver.
 She was finally starting to get warmer while putting everything back in the cupboards when she was interrupted:
“ - Chizuru-chan, are doing anything?”
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saichifest · 6 years
SaiChi: Whispering Hearts
Saito was up at dawn. That was nothing new for him as he was typically one of the first awake but, stepping outside into the morning sunlight he saw something he wasn’t expecting. Chizuru was awake, already sweeping the compound. She was working so diligently yet she looked distracted as if she was thinking about something. Walking up to her, his hair tied back with the tie she had given him for his birthday the day before, he smiled faintly.
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saichifest · 6 years
Sake for Saito
by impracticaldemon for Saichifest 2019 Day 3 (Birthday!) Prompt Words: ~ 2700 (was supposed to be 500, but who am I kidding)
Author’s Note:  This is a romp, pure and simple.  Happy birthday to my dearest Chibi Saitô! With major appearances from Souji and Harada.  Also: Lamp-san.  Drunkeness.  I think Souji spiked Saito’s drink.
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Sake for Saitô
“You think so too, don’t you Sano-san?”
Harada tilted a quizzical eyebrow at the green-eyed man slouched against a wooden pillar nearby, but didn’t answer.  …Although he had a fair idea what Souji was getting at.  In the courtyard below, Saito was methodically slicing apart cylindrical practice dummies with deceptive ease, the three-foot steel blade barely slowing as it passed through the tightly packed straw and knotted cord.  Not far beyond him, somebody wearing a pink kimono had stopped sweeping the flagstones to watch.
“Do you suppose the others have noticed?” Okita continued, as if the tall red-head had responded in the affirmative to his first question.
Harada shrugged noncommittally.  So they were talking about Saito’s interest in Chizuru-chan.  He’d thought he was the only one who’d paid attention to the unusual care the reticent captain took around the girl, and the way that he allowed her to invade his privacy.  Saito had a knack for making himself sort of… invisible… when he didn’t want people’s company, but Chizuru could always find him.  
Mind you, it shouldn’t be a surprise that Souji was aware - the First Division Captain was extremely observant, and he was closer to Saito than he was to anyone, even if the bulk of their interactions involved sparring, joint patrols, and silence on the part of Saito.  Souji adored Kondou-san, but Saito was the person he treated most as a friend and a - Harada searched for the right word - a peer.
“Hijikata-san might have an idea,” he told Souji at last.  “You know how he is - he’ll curse you up and down, but behind it all he worries a lot.”
Okita snorted derisively.  “Well, he wouldn’t have to worry so much if he could learn to take a joke - or just lighten up in general.  One of these days he’s going to snap, and start stomping around the compound telling people to cut themselves open for the crime of enjoying life.”
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saichifest · 6 years
Happy Birthday Saito
Saichifest 2019 Memories - Feb 18/19 
“Stop telling Sanosuke his smile is creepy.” Chizuru stopped her admonition of her husband to turn, glaring at Sen who covered her smirk with her fan. “And why is this funny to you? Sano is your boyfriend.”
Saito held out his hand, waiting for Chizuru to take it, and then pulled her close, murmuring in her ear, “It’s an inside joke from work.”
“Still, it’s not nice.”
Sen giggled, lowering her fan to tap Chizuru’s shoulder. “Sanosuke likes the attention, so don’t worry.”
“He likes just about everything - at least that’s what’s written in the bathroom stalls,” Souji smirked at his friends. “What does that say about his choice in women?”
Saito and Chizuru both frowned at Souji’s rudeness, but Sen only gave the snarky man a cool look. “Mmm, and why are you so upset? Mad that I didn’t want to date you?”
“Do you want the truth or something that allows you to feel better about yourself?” Souji lifted his can of beer in mock salute to Sen. “I should offer a toast to my lucky escape.”
Sano showed up behind Sen and gave her a hug. Having overheard most of what Souji had said, and knowing what the other man was like, Sano decided to keep the party free of bloodshed. “We all know you have no chance in hell of handling my better half. You should ask Sannan for a potion to assist you in developing a better personality.”
At this point, Heisuke joined the conversation. “Are you sure Sannan would give him something that worked or something lethal?”
Sano shrugged. “Does it matter?”
“Cold, dude.” Souji laughed - and just like that, all tension dissolved.
Chizuru smiled to see her husband enjoying himself. His birthday party was going miles better than she’d hoped. The mix of co-workers and long-time friends was chaotic. Having their house full of guests was unusual - but - celebrating Saito was a wonderful thing. All-in-all, Chizuru was thankful. Any and all memories they had the chance to make was a good thing.
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saichifest · 6 years
Happy Birthday to our sweet, silent samurai, Hajime-kun!! 💙💙
May your cake be made of Tofu.
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