sakuraetc · 2 months
July 2024.
Again, I indeed forgot to make an entry for this month because of overflowing happiness I've felt for these past few days. Forever thankful for those people who made my July 2024 unforgettable. :))
I spent my birthday here in the Philippines twice. One at my hometown, and the other one is here in Baguio. Even though I wasn't able to celebrate it with my parents, I didn't feel any guilt or sadness on those days because I still have bunch of people who wished me a happy birthday. After years, I finally be able to celebrate my birthday with my own theme with my own colors. Pink, white, cream, and green are actually my favorite colors. I wanna thank my Baguio friends for knowing me so well, despite of knowing me for only a year, they still made my birthday extra special and gifted me the most thoughtful gift I could ever ask for. As usual, pink and cream.
I also wanna thank Ray for doing his best to surprise me with the stuff I want. So so grateful for him by knowing every single detail of me. He knows i like Rom&nd so much that's why he bought me 3 melting lip balms from them and a plushy. He also know that I really like Marie from The Aristocats. He bought me a purse with marie on it and decided to put it on my table with fancy bandaritas and balloons.
I also wanna thank my parents for giving me the gifts I deserve. For the past years that I haven't celebrated my birthday the way I like it to be, for once, I knew what I like and the people around me decided to make it like that FOR ME. I hope that the remaining months of this year would be better for everyone and I hope that this July could be the starting point of my wonderful adulthood journey. 🍒
To be loved is to be known.
Happy 21st birthday to me!!!!!
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sakuraetc · 3 months
June 2024.
It's been a while since the last time I posted an entry here. I know I've been feeling happy lately cos i barely check my social medias—living the life up to the fullest and while it lasts.
It's been so refreshing lately, mom and i went to thailand and UAE. :)) actually, im still here at Ajman. Finally experiencing the life I once dreamt of have been fulfilled right now. Since im a very sentimental person, it's so difficult for me to erase useless shots from my phone as if all of the photos taken need to be printed as a proof of life in the future lol.
Anyway, I really miss PH, especially Ray. He's the only reason why im still longing for PH. If he never existed i'd definitely live in UAE for good, or even in other countries except Philippines. I love him so much to the point I decided already not to take any international vacation because we both know we hate ldr so much lol. 2 months without his presence is tough, really tough.
Im so torn if I want to slow time in order to enjoy the moments here abroad or make it move faster so I can hug him already. I miss you, Ray. See you soon, my darling. 😝💗
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sakuraetc · 5 months
May 2024.
It's been a while since the last time I posted an entry on this app. It's crazy how we forget many things just because we're happy and being unapologetically authentic around people we trust.
We finally finished our product testing for VegetaPaw! :)) It's just a smol beany product but it means a lot for us, Tahomies. We managed to established our brand without fighting each other and luckily, some of our profs liked it too and fed it to their furbabies 🐾
Ray and I were busy recently. We seldomly see each other due to incoming finals. It's fine hehe cos we still try our best to find time to communicate with each other and somehow this is a great way to grow separately without breaking up. 🌱
Lately, I've been feeling happy and contented. I like to savor this kind of phase before I spend my vacay in Thailand and UAE this incoming June-July.
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sakuraetc · 5 months
April 2024.
I am known for being a very sentimental person but there are things I sometimes refuse to film not because it's not quite worthy of remembering, but it is my way of reminding myself of things that deserve to be lived and seen while they're happening at the moment.
No one knows how lucky I am to be with a man who likes to do tiny stuff for me. Behind ig highlights and facebook reels, I never had the chance to film those small details he does in order for me to experience convenience and easy life. He likes to brush my hair whenever I wash it before bedtime. He always give me flowers and things that reminds him of me because he said he's happy whenever I'm happy— he knows me too well.
Yesterday night, I told him about my feet being sore due to nonstop walking for hours while I was outdoors doing school stuff. He then began to massage my feet without telling him to do so. He also made me a nice sandwich in order to pass time while we wait for dinner. After minutes of waiting, he sorted out what to be bought from the store and voluntarily cooked our dinner which is Sopas. I was just laying on the bed, appreciating the whole him, thinking and hoping we could sort things out and live together forever despite of not experiencing a healthy and loving home during my childhood until becoming a grown up— I never lose my hope for love.
As someone who always do the cooking in every places I've been invited to go to, for me, the most savory feeling of all is the fact that I am with him for almost 7 years. He's my world; he means everything to me. He's my salt in every bland situations I am into. He keeps stirring my life for me to never stop living happily—the reason why I still choose to live and enjoy every seconds of my life.
Cooking is my happiness, so is being with Ray.
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sakuraetc · 5 months
“If I had a flower for every time I thought of you, I could walk through my garden forever.”
— Alfred Lord Tennyson
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sakuraetc · 5 months
“Speak only when your words are more beautiful than silence.”
— Imam Ali
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sakuraetc · 5 months
““i hope you find someone who knows when to give you space and when to hold you close.” - r.h. sin”
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sakuraetc · 5 months
“I will be all that I am capable of being.”
— Lailah Gifty Akita, Pearls of Wisdom: Great mind
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