salemnevada · 2 years
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“Ooo your sketches must look so nice!” No. No they don’t. They’re drawn on post it notes with ballpoint pen. Lol
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salemnevada · 5 years
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*whispers* I’m really into MDZS - please save my soul. Lol
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salemnevada · 5 years
i just stumbled on to your blog and WOW LOVE THE ART SO MUCH :00
Aww thank you so much Hojichan! that’s so sweet of you. I haven’t posted much here since the great tumblr purge, and a lot of my Mchanzo art got taken down -- but I may start posting here again in the near future. :) 
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salemnevada · 5 years
How do I feel about Sylvix and Dimileth?
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salemnevada · 5 years
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" Dimitri, I know you are not an animal..."
" I've become nothing more than the rats I feed on !"
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salemnevada · 5 years
Wow. New Starwars comic is giving everyone the Kylux feels eh? :) 
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salemnevada · 6 years
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We're live working on a logo for our dating sim Moonrise
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salemnevada · 6 years
I've been really sad. I've lost all of my friends and my only friend now is going away to basic training in a week. I'm lonely, sad, slipped into another depressive episode. I feel like I don't have anyone. I can't find any discord servers to make friends on. I feel so alone. :(
Oh no ! I’m sorry to hear that anon. When I’m feeling lonely and like I have no friends I like to watch art streams ! BethbeRad is good and so is nictehhorst
They each have a discord you can go into and make some online friends. But if things are real bad reach out to a professional ! I want to see you safe and happy my little star. 
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salemnevada · 6 years
*clears out some cobwebs*
My dash is so boring now.  Like I know what happened,  I know everyone bailed. But I have literally not seen a single piece of new fan art across my dash. It’s spooky guys.
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salemnevada · 6 years
Hey friends ! Christmas drawstream this afternoon at 1PM EDT. Were working on our Reaper76 Christmas comic ✨💎✨
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salemnevada · 6 years
Bumping as a reminder my little stars !
Just letting all my followers know that they can always follow me on instagram ( where I post most of my art these days) or on twitter. I don’t post much/any NSFW stuff – but I do make a lot of queer positive content and well you know how that goes. 😬
Instagram: salemnevadart
Twitter: nevadasalem
Thanks for all your continued support ! :)
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salemnevada · 6 years
Who doesn’t love a good redemption arc? Watch the Maris tonight earn that holiday loot and climb the competitive ladder. Tonight at 8PM EDT. www.twitch.tv/quasarcats !!!
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salemnevada · 6 years
There’s a lot of mermaid Connor out there. But have you considered this:
Mermaid Hank.
Connor and Nines like to spend the weekends floating in a boat, allegedly fishing but actually just escaping from the world at large. There’s stories about avoiding a section of the sea because of sirens tempting sailors to their death but they think it’s actually just a hidden sandbank that strands ships.
They skirt around it usually, until they both accidentally fall asleep in the warmth of the sun and the wind carries them to the forbidden patch.
In reality, it’s avoided because ships sink there for no reason. There are no sandbanks, no hidden rocks. But the sea floor is littered with sunken wrecks. It’s the tipping of the boat that wakes Connor and Nines. They peer over the side of the boat with curiosity and worry. Connor falls flat on his back when a grouchy face peers up at him from the water.
The sea is home to a clan of mer-people. Hank is usually the one to chase off intruders from their territory and uses whatever means he deems necessary. Since he got an apprentice (Gavin), those means have turned a little less friendly and a lot more destructive. It’s a fun way to let loose any built up frustrations, plus any wreckage brings more hiding places and living spaces for the mer-people.
Together, Hank and Gavin had been prepared to wreck the intruding boat without much consideration for its passengers.But seeing the two, near identical, faces gave him pause for thought. Then Hank’s pet octopus decided it wanted to make friends. Oddly, Gavin had been pretty quiet about the whole encounter which Hank finds off. Until he looks over to see Gavin is transfixed on the other human, eyes wide and tail curling in a subconscious mating display. Hank would laugh except he realises he was doing no different.
Anyway. Long and short of it: mermaid Hank.
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salemnevada · 6 years
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salemnevada · 6 years
Just letting all my followers know that they can always follow me on instagram ( where I post most of my art these days) or on twitter. I don't post much/any NSFW stuff -- but I do make a lot of queer positive content and well you know how that goes. 😬
Instagram: salemnevadart
Twitter: nevadasalem
Thanks for all your continued support ! :)
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salemnevada · 6 years
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A little story about that time Gavin had to stay a little while longer in the hospital and Nines had to cat sit for him. ♥️
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salemnevada · 6 years
Look at the beautiful card my beautiful friend made for meee !!!
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Cover of the card I gave to @salemnevada and her new hubby with their wedding gift. We play tons of overwatch together and this is pretty much how it goes.
Congrats again, I’m so happy for you two!
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