quick you have one ask left, do something cool before you lose the ability too!
vampire m!a 5/5
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I’m not excited to see what happens now that Mickey Minun is public domain. All we’re gonna get is a year of slasher movies and then everyone is gonna forget. Where’s the joy? Where’s people making their own child-friendly cartoons with him, or with Felix, or Betty? Why is media for children considered a frivolous thing, when it can hold so much creativity and imagination and meaning? I swear, people view “child-friendly” as a limitation, when it actually opens up a whole new world for artists and writers.
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i do because Oz doesn’t make mistakes
I’m not excited to see what happens now that Mickey Minun is public domain. All we’re gonna get is a year of slasher movies and then everyone is gonna forget. Where’s the joy? Where’s people making their own child-friendly cartoons with him, or with Felix, or Betty? Why is media for children considered a frivolous thing, when it can hold so much creativity and imagination and meaning? I swear, people view “child-friendly” as a limitation, when it actually opens up a whole new world for artists and writers.
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I’m not excited to see what happens now that Mickey Minun is public domain. All we’re gonna get is a year of slasher movies and then everyone is gonna forget. Where’s the joy? Where’s people making their own child-friendly cartoons with him, or with Felix, or Betty? Why is media for children considered a frivolous thing, when it can hold so much creativity and imagination and meaning? I swear, people view “child-friendly” as a limitation, when it actually opens up a whole new world for artists and writers.
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Hey it's us again! Cassidy's currently busy but she asked me to send this question your way since our uh, 'discovery', so to speak. would you like the email of our therapist they do WONDERS in regards to a lot of paranormal trauma.
I don’t have the insurance for a therapist but I’ll check it out I think. Didn’t know people specialized in “paranormal trauma” but I doubt my trauma is paranormal. I don’t even have trauma. I don’t.
vampire m!a 4/5
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Pelipper mail!
Glitter bomb! :3
you just lowered the property value of my house permanently. it’s in the carpet. it’s in the walls. it’s everywhere
vampire m!a 3/5
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damn, guess you're never beating the Vampire allegations now
Anyways do you have any cool super powers now? Wouldn't hurt to try
wouldn’t you like to know, weatherboy
~posted from upside down standing on my ceiling
vampire m!a 2/5
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Magic Anon: Gastly hoard. They don't do anything, they're just sort of there, floating around your house and through your walls. They might be illusions actually
i don’t know what i just did but i hissed on instinct and now they think im their god or something
vampire m!a 1/5
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magic anon! You're actually a vampire for the next 5 asks
I don’t feel much different and I don’t like that
the sun hurts different now. like it used to suck but it sucks different
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Magic Anon: You feel extremely well-rested and comfortably fed and hydrated for once in your Very Autistic Life
woah. my mouth isn’t dry anymore!! i haven’t yawned in an entire minute!! how the fuck did you do that im scared now
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I don’t believe in magic anons but im feeling magical tonight. Send me some and we’ll see if im an idiot. I don’t think I am.
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what pokemon do you have? I remember you mentioning having a Noibat/Noivern (I forgot which one)
I’ve just got the one Corn. Hasn’t evolved yet, thank the gods. I used to have a Finneon when I was younger.
…I think. I don’t remember much.
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I really don’t. I’m alive. I’m going to stay alive.
Oz, dear. Are you alright? Do you wish for some hot chocolate and soft jazz? Perhaps a joltik pile?
yeah, I think so. maybe you can tell me what the fuck is going on with your ghost eyes
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if I like the taste of small coins then that’s my problem
Sorry if this is a touchy subject, but originally I never actually believed you were a Vampire
Honestly you don't even look like one, besides the neckles. You just brought it up so damn much, and I guess teasing is how I show affection.
But now with all this weird lineage/amnesia stuff going on with you, I honestly wouldn't be too surprised if you were one. I think the possibility of you being an amnesiac Vampire who forgot about their Vampirism is very much on the table. But what do I know?
like I said I know this is a sensitive subject, this was just my two cents on the matter
I don’t think I want to know who I am. I’m a human. That’s what I am. It doesn’t matter what I can’t remember. I’m just a weirdo that likes cartoons.
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Sorry if this is a touchy subject, but originally I never actually believed you were a Vampire
Honestly you don't even look like one, besides the neckles. You just brought it up so damn much, and I guess teasing is how I show affection.
But now with all this weird lineage/amnesia stuff going on with you, I honestly wouldn't be too surprised if you were one. I think the possibility of you being an amnesiac Vampire who forgot about their Vampirism is very much on the table. But what do I know?
like I said I know this is a sensitive subject, this was just my two cents on the matter
I don’t think I want to know who I am. I’m a human. That’s what I am. It doesn’t matter what I can’t remember. I’m just a weirdo that likes cartoons.
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Oz, dear. Are you alright? Do you wish for some hot chocolate and soft jazz? Perhaps a joltik pile?
yeah, I think so. maybe you can tell me what the fuck is going on with your ghost eyes
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that sounds nice right about now actually. Thank you
hey man you doing ok? I'm starting to think this blog is actually an analog horror project with the way things are going
I’m fine! I’m just watchin movies in the basement
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