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doxxing myself for your viewing pleasure. i swear to the gods if i get any more fucking vampire comments I’m gonna commit a felony /j
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no offence but the more you say you're not a vampire the more I think you're a vampire
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If you also like old Pokéstar cartoons DON’T go to this website where some SCOUNDREL has uploaded them all in high quality for free
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I’m not excited to see what happens now that Mickey Minun is public domain. All we’re gonna get is a year of slasher movies and then everyone is gonna forget. Where’s the joy? Where’s people making their own child-friendly cartoons with him, or with Felix, or Betty? Why is media for children considered a frivolous thing, when it can hold so much creativity and imagination and meaning? I swear, people view “child-friendly” as a limitation, when it actually opens up a whole new world for artists and writers.
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Landed a new poster just the other day. Weird… I don’t think I recall any shorts about a haunted house. I tried looking it up, but this is the only evidence of it I can find. Maybe it was too scary for children, but standards for kids media were way different then than they are now, so I don’t know. If anyone has any more information, please hit me up. My asks are open now, im pretty sure.
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why are there so many criminal and terrorist organizations on this app i just want to post about cartoons arc damn
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Here’s an older scan I fully touched up!
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Surprisingly good Alolan representation for the time. Sally even has a verse where she sings Alolan!
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say hello to my bathroom mirror
I HAVE A REFLECTION @that-one-poison-trainer
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Oz, dear. Are you alright? Do you wish for some hot chocolate and soft jazz? Perhaps a joltik pile?
yeah, I think so. maybe you can tell me what the fuck is going on with your ghost eyes
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Okay, back to posting about cartoons. Did you know that Felix the Meowth has a star on the Walk of Fame? It’s true! He starred in around 200 films and was one of the first cartoon characters ever!
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Pelipper mail!
Glitter bomb! :3
you just lowered the property value of my house permanently. it’s in the carpet. it’s in the walls. it’s everywhere
vampire m!a 3/5
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Sorry if this is a touchy subject, but originally I never actually believed you were a Vampire
Honestly you don't even look like one, besides the neckles. You just brought it up so damn much, and I guess teasing is how I show affection.
But now with all this weird lineage/amnesia stuff going on with you, I honestly wouldn't be too surprised if you were one. I think the possibility of you being an amnesiac Vampire who forgot about their Vampirism is very much on the table. But what do I know?
like I said I know this is a sensitive subject, this was just my two cents on the matter
I don’t think I want to know who I am. I’m a human. That’s what I am. It doesn’t matter what I can’t remember. I’m just a weirdo that likes cartoons.
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hey man you doing ok? I'm starting to think this blog is actually an analog horror project with the way things are going
I’m fine! I’m just watchin movies in the basement
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Honestly the vampire allegations aren't as bad as one may think. At least in my opinion. Those fuckers were absolutely amazing, hell some traces say they're still around to this day. Me and my beloved did genetic tests a while back and apparently her family could be traced back to the late 16th century. Put some research into that and saw a Countess with her last name in the roster, and no record of death or birth. Records also show she could absolutely knock the socks off of any girl she met, so that runs in the genetics. People also call me a ghost and I mean, they're not wrong. Thinking about it yeah it could get kinda annoying if they keep on coming like they know the answer but. man that's a revelation and a half in the middle of an ask. off topic but if you ever need any assistance with restoration let me know, we here at Fredbear and Friends make restoration and preservation of the past our living.. and by extension so does my wife's rail company. Massive props to you for doing it solo, takes a LOT of work and dedication.
Thank you man! It’s easier to restore this stuff because most of it has already been converted to video and there isn’t really a lot of other material for me to go through. As for the vampire and ghost stuff… uh… can you see if there’s anything you can find related to the Sumire or Driscoll families?…
I promise I’ll get your help if I need it. Hell, maybe if I don’t. I kinda like working with other people on stuff!
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I was never a big Sally Smeargle fan as a kid but looking through this blog has me sooo nostalgic. When I was a kid I used to watch a bunch of old Mickey Minun and Donald Ducklet cartoons, my mom had these DvD compilations.
I'm also an advocate for media preservation and I wish you tons of luck
DONALD DUCKLETT 💙💙💙💙 bro has NEVER had a bad adaptation or a bad voice actor, he is a blessed character
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Still working on this scan. Fran was always a favorite character of mine, and in later shorts with voice acting her actress gave her so much character and presence. I know she’s technically a “bad guy” but how could you not like her? It’s just so fun to watch her get mad.
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