salmon-yellow · 5 years
But I already have myself
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Get you a man who looks at you like Hux looks at Kylo (With hatred and contempt)
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salmon-yellow · 5 years
Lost at Sea
I've got this ball of emotion
A storm on the ocean
Of my soul
In the midst of this commotion
I have nary a notion
Of where to go
With tumultuous waves around me
And no light by which to see
Lost in the dark
Then, a flash of lightning
Waves surrounding
A wish to have drowned at the start
Dread to breathe this sadness in
When suddenly, hope; a beacon
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salmon-yellow · 5 years
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The cakes I decorated for my friends' birthdays awhile ago
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salmon-yellow · 5 years
Going off my previous post about God's incestuous poly relationship; Jesus is already God's son as we all are God's children. He is also God's literal child depending on what you follow. Taking this into consideration, that would make him God's son^2.
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salmon-yellow · 5 years
If you think about it, God's either an asexual male, asexual female, or asexual non-binary. And in all those situations They ended up in a queer incestuous poly relationship because Their great something grandkids fucked up and needed a savior.
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salmon-yellow · 5 years
Sharing to this blog because this is where my creative stuff is supposed to go anyway lol
My body is a temple
My body is a temple. Some people say this in regards to religious texts denouncing marking yourself in anyway.
But, when have you known a temple to be barren?
My tattoos and piercings are the artwork depicting my religion's greatest achievements. They are the statues of Saints and the alters at which I pray.
My body is a temple. One I've chosen to decorate a little differently than you.
You meant that my body is supposed to be how God has willed. Why would you change what They have already deemed perfect? But have you not changed your own temple, even without tattoos? You tan because you don't like to be pale. You cut you hair because you like that style, or are tired of the old. You drape yourself in tapestries meant to show who you are and how you feel. Each stroke of make-up is a gift left at your alter. Each scar and freckle and mole is a decoration which tells your story.
That is not to say that you should decorate your temple the way that I do. Each temple is different. Each is sacred and revered. You are holy ground.
Our bodies are our temples. The alters might be different, but the intent is the same.
You meant that I should be kept pure, but am I not pure when I live my life to the best of my abilities? I have hated my temple for so long, looking to change it. I could not understand, why was this temple mine? It was not beautiful to me. But, I live each day trying to be kind. To provide sanctuary and solace to those in need. Sometimes to myself. And I have realized that this temple is mine. And how can something that provides such joy and kindness to others be so terrible? So impure?
So, I have added things to my temple that make me happy. That tell my story. I am just hanging up another painting. Placing another statue. Decorating another alter. I want everyone to see the Deities I worship. I want everyone to know the Saints I love. How is it any different to the cathedrals, temples, pyramids, mosques that mark the earth?
My body is a temple. But so is yours. And I do so love what you've done with the place.
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salmon-yellow · 5 years
Prompt #6415
“We don’t know what these lights are. But we do know they’re beautiful.”
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salmon-yellow · 5 years
What if you willingly got possessed to commit tax fraud?
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salmon-yellow · 6 years
Someone told me giving head makes your lips more chapped but they said chapter and I was thinking does that make giving a handy reading in Braille and head an audio book?
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salmon-yellow · 6 years
PSA: Dobby is short for Dobert.
Now back to your regularly scheduled program.
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salmon-yellow · 6 years
And if my sins were printed on my skin,
I'd peel it all off and start again.
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salmon-yellow · 6 years
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My new babies. Bellatrix is the darker one. Asher is the lighter.💖💖
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salmon-yellow · 6 years
I want tapeworms in my brain.
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salmon-yellow · 6 years
What's with beauty/makeup bloggers making slightly pouty faces the whole video???? Girls (and guys) no one's watching your mouth while you put on that amazing eyeshadow ensemble. Who cares if you gape like a fish while you concentrate? I just want to watch you blend that pink with that maroon. Like damn.
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salmon-yellow · 6 years
Breathe in the magic fart dust of the universe
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salmon-yellow · 6 years
I'm high on Life. No seriously, I just crushed up some cereal and there's cinnamon sugar stuck up my nose now.
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salmon-yellow · 6 years
I have an abundance of fingernail
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