samueltimon · 10 years
What if your soul mate (or what ever you want to call them) was born in the wrong time from you? Like they where born in the 1940's or something? What if they were killed in another country? What if they went to fight during war II and you weren't there to comfort them? What if they are to be born in the future and they are having a difficult time and you aren't able to help even if you'd have been the only one which would of. But we won't know. It pains me to think of it. To think of what I missed.
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samueltimon · 10 years
What if your soul mate (or what ever you want to call them) was born in the wrong time from you? Like they where born in the 1940's or something? What if they were killed in another country? What if they went to fight during war II and you weren't there to comfort them? What if they are to be born in the future and they are having a difficult time and you aren't able to help even if you'd have been the only one which would of. But we won't know. It pains me to think of it. To think of what I missed.
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samueltimon · 10 years
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Met this wee fella out side Tesco.
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samueltimon · 10 years
New here. Can someone explain what cis, cishet is please?
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samueltimon · 10 years
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じーっ(ФωФ) http://nekopple.com
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samueltimon · 10 years
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samueltimon · 10 years
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samueltimon · 10 years
I'm sam. I live in America. I'm straight. I try my best to be a good guy. I like cats and dogs but my current apartment doesn't allow them.
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