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Announcing Deck the Haus 2.0!
A huge thank you to the 144 of you who participated in our poll!! Due to the overwhelmingly positive response, we've officially decided to bring Deck the Haus back for a second year!
❄ Deck the Haus is a winter-themed OMGCP prompt fest. All types of AO3-supported fanworks are welcome! ❄
Prompting will be opening tomorrow, so keep an eye out for the AO3 link! In the meantime, start brainstorming ideas that fit into the following themes: winter holidays, winter sports, winter activities, and winter vibes.
Some important dates to keep in mind:
Prompts Open: Monday, October 2 at 12pm EST
Prompts Close/Claiming Begins: Friday, October 13 at 12pm EST
Works Due: Friday, December 15 at 11:59pm EST
Works Posted: December 18-22
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CHECK, PLEASE!: YEAR FOUR Kickstarter backers—We've fulfilled 5,457 orders, but 667 of you have *not* confirmed your address. Check out the last Kickstarter update for info on getting your stuff!
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Well, hello there, honey! Fancy meeting you here!
The weather is (finally) warming up in the Samwell area and we're extremely pleased to announce that Madison & More, a new Check, Please! prompt fest, is now happening!!!
Here are some important details:
☀️The overall theme is Summertime, which could include Madison-based works (timely, since we figure Madison may be on people's minds now that the comic is appearing in mailboxes around the world now!), however prompts and works can be related to any characters or ships doing anything summery (hence the 'More' part of the fest name)!
☀️Prompting will open on AO3 beginning Monday, May 22nd at noon EDT. More on prompting guidelines will be posted here closer to that date!
☀️Prompts will be open for two weeks (until Monday, June 5th) at which point prompts may be claimed.
☀️All types of fanworks are welcome as prompt fills: written fics, podfics, filk/vids, any type of art or handmade fanwork, etc!
☀️Finished works will be due Friday, August 18th at midnight EDT so you'll have pretty much all summer to write, pod, draw, create!!
☀️Works will begin posting the following Monday, August 21st for everyone to enjoy as summer comes to a close.
We had so much fun bringing you @omgauplease in the spring, we just couldn't wait to do it all over again! We hope you will join us for Madison & More!!!
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samwellstudentunion · 2 years
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Hey, everyone! Admin Tea here with another promo post!
Sign-Ups for the inaugural issue of "Zine, Please!" are open! They close February 1, 2023.
Important Info:
The 1st issue's theme is #AFTERCOLLEGE and follows the lives of the Check, Please characters...well... after college!
The zine will be be available to all as a free digital pdf upon publication
the zine will be rated the same rating as the main comic (pg-13)
We are accepting fics (3.5k word limit) and art (of all mediums!)
Contributions do not need to be 100% canon-compliant. AU's are acceptable, but they should be within theme for the issue they're submitted for.
We have a discord server where you can connect to other contributors and contact the admins! (joining is not mandatory. we have other forms of contact available <3)
Sign-ups end on February 1, 2023 (2/1/23)
For more information such as our faq, an expanded explanation on submission content, and contact info, please visit our carrd! Reblog to share this info with your check please friends! <3 All contact info (discord, email, etc) will be on the carrd as well.
Carrd: >>omgzineplease.carrd.co<<
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samwellstudentunion · 2 years
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Prompting for AU, Please! is now OPEN
If you have an idea for a Check, Please! AU, head over to AO3 and leave a prompt! And if you still need more time to get those creative tub juices flowing, don’t worry! Prompting will remain open until January 30th.
A few important notes:
You can leave up to 15 prompts per AO3 account
Prompts are anonymous by default
All ships and all characters are welcome!! If there’s something you want to see, prompt it!
We encourage all types of creative works for this fest. So prompts don’t just have to be for fic - you can also prompt fanart, podfic, multimedia creations, and more!
Prompting is open to anyone with an AO3 account! You do not need to be a creator nor do you need to claim a prompt in order to leave a prompt.
We can’t wait to see the ‘swawesome ideas y’all come up with!!
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samwellstudentunion · 3 years
Okay, team! Consider this your heads up that a Check, Please! podfic fest is coming soon! Any ship, any length, any experience level. More details to follow but I am exciiiited!! Follow, reblog and watch this space! 👀
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samwellstudentunion · 3 years
Check Please offerings in Fandom Trumps Hate
Check Please fandom! @fandomtrumpshate is back, bigger and better than ever! (Bigger for sure; better is a guess.) Here’s a brief listing of all the available auction items in the Check Please fandom with links to find out more. 
@jenroses is offering 1k of fic per $10 bid, details here
MaraMcGregor is offering 5k-10k of fic, details here
Meansgirl is offering 5k of fic per $10 bid, details here
westernredcedar is offering 5k-10k of fic, details here
@jaskierstransmascswag is offering 5k-10k of fic, details here
smashthatlikebutton is offering 5k-10k of fic, details here
@doggernaut is offering 5k-10k of fic, details here
motionalocean is offering 5k-10k of fic, details here
anyawen is offering to remix an existing fic into a freeform poem, details here
AtoTheBean is offering 5k-10k of fic, details here
@inthewild-flowers is offering <5k of fic, details here
@cricketnationrise is offering 5k-10k of fic, details here
@transswaguline is offering <5k of fic, details here
@mcbangle is offering a banner, book cover, or moodboard, details here
@denois is offering a drawing/painting, details here
RattleandHum is offering 20k-50k of podfic, details here
Aliteralgarbageheap is offering 1k of podfic per $5, details here
Fan labor (these are all listed as “Any fandom” but are being offered by people who I know are in the Check Please fandom): 
@denois is offering specialist expertise in accounting and college instruction in the US, for a fic of 20k-50k, details here
@cricketnationrise is offering specialist expertise in theater (perfect for a fic focusing on Ford, or for a theater AU!), details here
I (lincyclopedia) am offering beta services, America-picking, and specialist expertise regarding autism (I am autistic), for a fic of 10k-20k, details here
Especially if you’re looking for fan labor or fanart, you may have luck looking at the “Any fandom” tag as well! I am so excited for bidding to open tomorrow!
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samwellstudentunion · 3 years
Update: June 23rd
Current status: finalizing the timeline and rules.
So…. what is a big bang anyway?
A big bang is a fandom event where writers and artists are matched together to produce a brand new fic and accompanying piece of artwork. Big bangs vary across fandoms and organizers, so some have artists make works to go with fics, while others have writers write fics based on a piece of art! Some have minimum word counts as low as 5k or as high as 50k+.
This year’s Check Please big bang will be pretty lowkey. Writers and artists will have tiered levels of commitment starting at one 5k+ fic and one piece of art, but you can always go bigger.
How does matching work?
Writers will sign up first and get to work. Mods will organize multiple check ins, including a mandatory submission of a summary and outline of the writer’s fic. These summaries and outlines will be shown to participating artists, who will submit their matching “wishlist”. Mods will then send out pairings, based on wishlists and both the writer and artist’s commitment tier. 
What are check-ins?
Check ins are mandatory work updates organized by the mods, from both writers and artists. It’s low stress and just to make sure everyone is on track! Check ins include providing a plan for your work and updated WIP submissions.
How will all of this be communicated?
Glad you asked.
There will be a discord server to have all the information in one place, but mods will also be posting on this tumblr and communicating potentially via email. Emails will be kept confidential, however, all participants are encouraged to use a fandom email for privacy. For check ins, participants will be asked to fill out google forms answering questions about progress.
Is it guaranteed that I will be matched? 
Yup! We tend to have more writers than artists for these events, but mods will make sure that everyone gets at least one piece of artwork for their fic. We can’t promise the medium of the art, however, since that is up to the artist following our guidelines. But seriously, we got your back.
What happens if someone drops out? 
It sucks, but it happens.
We have a few ways of preventing this. First, we have mandatory check ins between artists, writers, and artist/writer teams with the mods to make sure everything is going smoothly. Second, we have drop out dates that minimize impact on writers and artists should anything happen. All participants will be reminded of fandom etiquette surrounding dropping out, and will be given warnings. Third, should anyone drop out, we will have sign ups for pinch-hitters to replace the original participant’s work so their partner isn’t left hanging. These pinch hit works might not follow the same posting timeline or length/quantity, but they will be there. I will be a pinch-hitting artist myself (though just not fanart because no one wants to see that).
If a pinch-hitter isn’t for you, you are welcome to organize your own pairing to get the job done, and exceptions will be made surrounding posting times and work quantity in that situation as well.
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samwellstudentunion · 3 years
Zimbits Wedding Event
This event is all about creating and sharing content about Jack and Bitty getting married! The event will be four days with a schedule as follows:
Thursday June 24th: Pre-wedding (#bestmangate, ring shopping, wedding planning, bachelors parties, etc.)
Friday June 25th: The main event! (any works that feature the actual wedding)
Saturday June 26th: Post-wedding (honeymoon, newly wed life, etc.)
Sunday June 27th: Free day (this is your chance to post things that got done late, and/or recommend wedding related works created prior to this event!)
Tag your posts with #zimbitswedding and tag @zimbitsweddingofficial. Any questions can be sent to this blog via ask or direct message.
Have fun!
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samwellstudentunion · 4 years
OMGCP Anniversary Week
As the anniversary of the OMGCP finale is coming up later this month, it seems like a good time to celebrate with OMGCP Anniversary Week! This week is all about celebrating Check Please, but it's also about celebrating the fandom and our creations from this past year!
Each day will have an optional prompt (listed below) but you can create whatever you like!
Here's the schedule for the week:
Monday April 12: Characters Tuesday April 13: Friendship(s) Wednesday April 14: Relationship(s) Thursday April 15: Free day! Friday April 16: Updates, Extras and Arcs Saturday April 17: Headcanons Sunday April 18: Fandom Creations
The last day is the most important, as its for showing off your favorite fan creations! Recommend fics, writers, art, edits, blogs, anything or anyone you think deserves love!
Tag your posts with #OMGCPAnniversaryWeek and tag this blog so we can reblog it! Any questions can be sent to this blog through ask box or direct message! (You can also contact @birkholtzlovebot)
Have fun everyone!!
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samwellstudentunion · 4 years
OMGCP 12 Days of Ficmas!
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Welcome to the 12 Days of Ficmas!  This is a low-pressure, choose-your-own-adventure-style fandom event celebrating Check, Please and its content creators. 
There is no fic minimum!  While holiday-themed prompts/works are encouraged, they are not required.  What we’re stressing is a fun event that anyone can participate in.  
If you don’t write or create artwork, you can still participate! Share your favorite Check, Please fics in a fic rec post, create a playlist, make a post about your Check, Please holiday headcanons, or submit a prompt.  The event’s goal is to share transformative works, inspire creativity, and show appreciation for our community and all things Check, Please. 
We’ll be taking prompt suggestions until Saturday, December 5, and post the list on Sunday, December 6. Writers and artists may choose from the prompt list or come up with one of their own. 
There’s no first-come, first-serve, simply choose your prompt and create! Post your creation anytime between December 24, 2020 and January 6, 2021 using the hashtag #omgcp12days so we can reblog on the official 12 Days of Ficmas Tumblr.
Have a question?  Check out our FAQ.  You may also contact your event mods: @doggernaut​ and @wrathofthestag​ or submit your question here.  Feel free to signal boost!
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samwellstudentunion · 4 years
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Welcome to a new, low-pressure event for all OMGCP content creators! 
Our goal for this event is to help fannish creators of all kinds clear out their WIP folders and find homes for your plot and art bunnies by submitting them for others to work on. Deadlines and checkpoints are there to help you get the fanworks of your hearts complete and out into the world for others to enjoy. 
We will invite participants to a Discord server where they can workshop content and get encouragement and critique as needed. In addition, before posting starts in March, creators will have the chance to post previews or teasers for their work to drum up interest.
In this challenge, there are no claims to stress about and no need to worry about defaulting. All we want is for you to finish those WIPs that are haunting you so we can have a whole bunch of new content for the fandom in March!  
And if you don’t complete the work after all? Well, we hope that at the very least you are able to have fun along the way.
Signups and submissions begin Saturday, 28 November!
For more details, check out the following links:
Rules Schedule
Mods Missweber (Sophia_Prester) & Emi (emimix3)
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samwellstudentunion · 4 years
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Happening Thursday September 3rd. Join in and spread some love, there’s no time-stamp on fandom!
If you’re reblogging a post, tags don’t show up in searches. Feel free to @ me and I’ll reblog the post to @17piesinseptember with the #omgcptbt tag. @samwellstudentunion
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samwellstudentunion · 4 years
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@Omgroleplayplease, a Check, Please! roleplay server, is officially open!
@Omgroleplayplease is an 18+ Discord-based RP hub where Check, Please! fans can find roleplay prompts, partners, resources, and more! We’re even host roleplay threads right in the server!
This server is open to anyone! New to roleplay? We’ve got tons of resources for you! Enjoy crossover roleplays? We have channels for you! Not sure about roleplaying, but wanna lurk? You’re welcome, too!
Join the server here!!! || Code for mobile users: kgKVrs2
(Thanks to @karin848 for the graphic! They’re currently accepting commissions!)
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samwellstudentunion · 4 years
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Check Please Heartbreak Fest sign-ups are now open!
How Sign-Ups Work:
Before signing up, please make sure to read through our Rules & Guidelines as well as our FAQ. To sign-up for Heartbreak Fest, fill out our google form with your likes/dislikes and submit it.
This form will be open until 6/21 11:59pm EDT.
Further information about the subsequent claiming period and related procedures will be released closer to the end of sign-ups.
If you have any questions, please reach out to our moderator team through email at [email protected] or send us an ask.
We look forward to seeing what everyone comes up with!
Sign up here!
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samwellstudentunion · 4 years
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Happening Thursday June 4th. Join in and spread some love, there’s no time-stamp on fandom! Tags on reblogs don’t show up in searches. Feel free to @ me and I’ll reblog to @17piesinseptember with the #omgcptbt tag.
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