samwitchbingo · 3 years
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Mod card fill 3: “Little Witch” by @butterflyslinky​
“Dean! Look!”
Dean looked up from his comic book. Sammy was standing in front of him, wearing an odd assortment of clothes that he seemed to have pulled from the donation bins at Goodwill. Which he probably had, the last time they went foraging. It was supposed to be for school clothes, but they had been working fast and Dean wasn’t paying that much attention to what Sammy was taking.
Sammy was wearing a pair of black shoes with buckles that were a size too big, a pair of red and black striped tights that were a size too small, an orange tutu, and a purple turtleneck clearly meant for a grown man. Adorning it all was a floppy, pointed hat with a big blue flower pasted on the side.
“Sammy, what…”
“I’m a witch!” Sammy grinned. Dean couldn’t help but grin back; Sammy was only five, he didn’t know anything about what most people found acceptable. “For Hallween!”
“You sure are,” Dean said. “That what you wanna wear trick or treating?”
“Yeah!” Sammy’s eyes were huge. “You promised we’d go this year!”
“Yeah,” Dean said. “I’ll take you...Dad’s not going to be back for a few more days anyway.”
Sammy trotted over to Dean, slipping in his too-big shoes. “What’re you gonna be?” he asked.
“I dunno, Sammy,” Dean said. “I’m too old to dress up.”
“Are not! Come on, Dean!”
Dean shrugged. “I guess I’ll just cut some holes out of a bedsheet and be a ghost or something.”
Sammy pouted. “That’s boring.” He cocked his head slightly. “What about a vampire?”
“I don’t have the stuff for that.” Dean patted Sammy on the shoulder. “But don’t worry...you’re the best little witch there is. No one will care about me.”
Sammy smiled again and skipped off. Dean just shook his head. His brother was a weirdo, but he was pretty darn cute.
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samwitchbingo · 3 years
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Mod Fill number two: Hex Bags by @powersuitup
Sam loves crafting hex bags. Not the ones that cause pain and suffering, filled with baby teeth and bits of bone, but the ones that do good.
A hex bag for good fortune, tucked in the glove compartment of the Impala, dried hydrangea and orchid petals, small chunks of amethyst and clear quartz.
Protection charms, crafted with more exotic ingredients, against ghosts and hostile witch craft, curses, hoodoo. Sam spends a lot of time experimenting on those, combining herbs and talismans and sigils, passing them to Dean or Cas or Eileen on hunts.
Warding hex bags, with the hardest to find bits, rare flowers to block demons, seeds from extinct fruits to sneak past archangels, sanctified finger bones of righteous men to duck gods.
He is excellent at this and what he wants to achieve he will. Persistence, knowledge, and a dash of wild intuition that allows him to make something entirely new from known parts.
And sometimes. Very rarely. But sometimes. A few scorched baby teeth, a bit of bone from a rabbits jaw, a few drops of your blood, from a split lip or a bloodied nose. Sam is a kind man. But if you hurt his family? He knows how to make it hurt.
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samwitchbingo · 3 years
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The mods’ card fill one: Fallen by @butterflyslinky
The thing about transformations is they happen slowly.
One day, it’s just a few sips of demon blood. It makes him stronger, makes him better at his job. It’s not a big deal, no matter what his brother says.
Then he starts learning the spells. They go with the blood, enhance it, give him more power. He exorcizes the demons easier, he’s stronger, faster, his visions are more accurate and come when he wants them. Dean is suspicious, but Sam is just becoming a better Hunter. No one can object to that.
And then he hears the question. Do you want to save the world? Do you want to save all of them? Do you want to see your brother happy?
Of course he says yes. There was never any other option. Just to see the world be saved, to see Dean get to live a happy life...that was worth everything. Blood, spells, letting the devil himself in...it would all be worth it.
Lucifer doesn’t count on Sam’s power, though. He doesn’t realize that much demon blood, that many spells...almost nothing could withstand it. The struggle is brief, bloody, but in the end the devil is subdued, though Sam lets him out now and then when he needs a little more power.
He starts with Hell, bringing the demons under his rule. Most of them are happy to serve, happy to follow him. They had been preparing for it from the start. And with an army of demons, and all the knowledge of the Hunters, he moves on to Earth. Any demon can take a vessel, anyone who tries to fight is crushed. Sam keeps drinking blood, keeps finding bigger and darker spells. Soon, he can destroy angels as easily as demons, can pull them from their vessels and absorb their grace into his own. He takes the Earth, and Hell, and soon he will take Heaven.
The Boy King sits on his throne, the devil screaming in his mind, as the demons drag the sword before him. Sam looks down, sneering at the man. This is Michael’s vessel? This is the one who’s supposed to defeat him?
Dean looks up, his face bruised and bloody, his eyes still gentle. “Sammy,” he whispers.
Sam should kill him now. Destroy the vessel, take the soul inside to Hell to rot.
“Sammy.” Dean looks at him, gaze steady, and there’s so much in that one word, that one look.
“Your Majesty,” one of the demons says. “Should we…?”
“Lock him in the Pit,” Sam orders. “If we destroy him, the angels will bring him back...but if they want him, they’ll have to fight for him again. And I’m stronger than all of them.”
The demon nods and drags Dean down. Dean looks back, eyes full of tears. Sam watches him go, knowing what Dean wants to say, what he wants to say in return.
I love you.
I’m sorry.
The narrative is crafted too perfectly. Sam is the angel, the well-intentioned, the little brother. Sam is the King. Sam will take everything, because he was written to be the devil.
He had to fall, but God pushed him.
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samwitchbingo · 3 years
Posting is open!
Share your creations with the tag #samwitchbingo or crosspost to the AO3 Collection.
Posting is open until December 31st at midnight EST.
Happy Witching! We can't wait to see what you create!
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samwitchbingo · 3 years
Today is the last day for sign ups! Sign ups close at Midnight EST.
If you want a card, submit here for one today!
Sign ups are now open!
Fill out the form here to receive a custom bingo card (4x4) or grab any prompt you like from our prompt list (pinned) and tag your fills with #samwitchbingo or post to the AO3 Collection.
We have extended the posting deadline for fills to the end of the year, so post any time you like until December 31st!
Happy Witching!
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samwitchbingo · 3 years
Sign ups close in one week!
Sign up to receive a custom randomized card.
Individual prompts will still be available after sign ups close.
Posting opens Oct 24th and goes until Dec 31st.
Happy creating!
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samwitchbingo · 3 years
Changing Prompts
If you would like to switch out a square (or multiple squares) on your card for any reason, please send an email to samwitch.winchester@gmail with the prompt(s) you'd like to exchange.
A mod will update your card as soon as possible.
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samwitchbingo · 3 years
Sign ups open until October 15th! Sign up now and receive a randomized card!
Sign ups are now open!
Fill out the form here to receive a custom bingo card (4x4) or grab any prompt you like from our prompt list (pinned) and tag your fills with #samwitchbingo or post to the AO3 Collection.
We have extended the posting deadline for fills to the end of the year, so post any time you like until December 31st!
Happy Witching!
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samwitchbingo · 3 years
Grab a prompt or request a random card here.
Boy king/Blood Freak sam
Psychic sam
Hex bags
Spell books
Banes twins
Kid witch sam
Magical mishap
Love potion
Astral Projecting
Kitchen Witch
Full moon
Summoning Spell
Dark/Explicit Prompts
Ritual Sacrifice
Animal bones/sacrifice
Blood magic
Fertility ritual
Spell backfire
Fuck or Die spell
Child sacrifice
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samwitchbingo · 3 years
Sign ups are now open!
Fill out the form here to receive a custom bingo card (4x4) or grab any prompt you like from our prompt list (pinned) and tag your fills with #samwitchbingo or post to the AO3 Collection.
We have extended the posting deadline for fills to the end of the year, so post any time you like until December 31st!
Happy Witching!
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samwitchbingo · 3 years
Update to Rules and Policy on NSFW Content
Hello, all,
After receiving your feedback and some further discussion among the mods, we will be changing our policies regarding explicit and triggering content.
All warnings and ships must be tagged on all works. The main blog will still be hosting family friendly content only. However, we have set up a second blog, @samwitchafterdark. All explicit and triggering fills will be reblogged there, so that minors and others who don’t wish to engage with such content can easily avoid it. All fills are still welcome on the AO3 collection with proper tags.
We understand that shipping is a very personal and often controversial topic, especially for Supernatural fans. As previously stated, there is no way to address the issue that will make everyone happy. Therefore, reblogs to either Tumblr will be done entirely by moderator discretion. 
We are striving to have an inclusive event while also respecting our own boundaries, and the boundaries of our audience. In the end, we all want to celebrate Sam in all his witchy wonder, and create things to show our love.
If anyone has any further questions, concerns, or comments, please feel free to send them into this blog.
Thank you,
Mod Slinky
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samwitchbingo · 3 years
Sign ups open in one week!
October 1st-15th, receive your custom card for the Sam Witch Bingo!
Please review our rules post and get ready for an excellent Sam Centric Samhain.
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samwitchbingo · 3 years
Sam Witch Bingo- A Halloween Event
We are pleased to announce the first Sam Witch Bingo event!
Create art work, fic, gif sets and more, celebrating the witchy potential of Sam Winchester!
This will be a mini Bingo event running through the month of October with posting on the week leading up to Halloween.
Sign ups will be open from October 1st to October 15th, with the full prompt list dropping on October 8th. Sign up for a personalized bingo card or grab your favorite from the prompt lists!
Share your creations between October 24th and October 31st using the tag #samwitchbingo and/or by adding to the AO3 Collection.
Please see our Rules post for our content and tagging requirements.
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samwitchbingo · 3 years
Rules and Requirements
What is NOT allowed:
We want to encourage as much creativity and freedom in this event as possible. The only things that we will absolutely not allow as fills are 
Explicit content featuring characters under 18.
Explicit content from participants under 18. 
Harassment of any kind! This is an event to celebrate all the witchy wonder of Sam Winchester, not to spread ship or character hate. Please use the required tags and filter appropriately for your comfort.
What IS allowed:
Everything else! All ships and content ratings are welcome. However, to keep this event as friendly as possible to all participants we are requiring that the following content be tagged to allow proper filtering. 
Any and all ships
Explicit sexual content (NSFW)
Major Character Death
Graphic Depictions of Violence
Underage (must be non-graphic) 
Any fills with this content should have the appropriate warnings, as well as any additional tags you care to provide above a read more. The content should be underneath the cut. 
All properly tagged fills are welcome in the AO3 collection (Sam Witch Bingo 2021). If you are creating a fill that must be tagged, please crosspost! We want all works to be accessible but easily filterable. 
If a fill is found in the SamWitchBingo tag or Collection that contains any of the listed content without proper warnings or without a read more, you will be asked to either tag appropriately or remove the SamWitchBingo tag. 
To maintain a family friendly and easily navigable blog we will not be reblogging fills that have any of the required content warning tags to the main blog. Explicit and triggering content will be reblogged to our second blog, @samwitchafterdark. We will also require that fills over 500 words have a read more to be reblogged.
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