santhip · 6 years
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Check out my Flipboard magazine, Brainiac http://flip.it/CPsVah
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santhip · 8 years
The Vedas declare, ‘The mind, indeed, is this fleeting world. Therefore, it should be purified with great effort. One becomes like that which is in one’s mind–this is the everlasting secret.’
(via rainingcrazy)
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santhip · 8 years
To see the beautiful woman in the old hag To see the green in the brown leaf To see the old man in the child To see the flower in the dead tree That is to see life for what it really is Eternity staying still
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santhip · 8 years
In ancient India, the monks who were seeking their true self were initiated by self-realized Gurus. The initiated ones were called Swami. "Swam" - is oneself, "mi" is onself. Or the master of oneself. These were the ones who later went on to create the ancient civilization that was India. Not a surprise that the ones who are building civilization today are masters of themselves or a "Swami
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santhip · 8 years
Wherever you go you will find your teacher, as long as you have the eyes to see and the ears to hear.
Shunryu Suzuki http://quotes.justdharma.com/finding-your-teacher/ (via programminglifenet)
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santhip · 8 years
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Astronomical Table with Vovelle, Worcester England Oxford (probably) / England (Place created), 14th century, shortly after 1386
(via 1, 2, 3)
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santhip · 8 years
A man with outward courage dares to die; a man with inner courage dares to live.
Lao Tzu (via purplebuddhaproject)
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santhip · 8 years
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#bushido #ruororinkenshin #ronin #samuraix #samuraicode
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santhip · 9 years
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santhip · 9 years
whispering winds speak of the secrets of beyond the path to light and darkness  the choice to pain and beauty Love my dear .. calls one to suffer in angst for it never gives one what they truly seek Love purifies the soul of its suffering  for in it we become who we really are  angels of light  whispering secrets in the middle of the night
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santhip · 9 years
If a man wants you, nothing can keep him away. If he doesn’t want you, nothing can make him stay.
Oprah Winfrey (via purplebuddhaproject)
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santhip · 9 years
What does it take to fly from this place into the unknown that is beyond here right now What does it take to be somewhere else  somewhere else where thoughts go free Right here right now I say  Right here right now I say  I spread my wings and just fly away  into the place where I can be who ever I can be into the place where I can do whatever I wanna do and dive right down into the earth  into the ocean of memories and beyond  What does it take to truly be away now.. tell me you .. for now I go deep deep deep into the deep the abyss that makes me sick calls me forth  into the deep here I go let's go lets go lets go into the black I go ..  out of the block I go black black black is all I see I see it finally .. the truth of my own being .. the truth stares back into my face has been staring all this time.. I now see it for what it is.. the truth that is black.. the black that is truth .. the black light shines from here on out  the black light shines from here on out
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santhip · 9 years
And I opened my eyes 
only to fly like a butterfly
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“Let’s get down to it So you can get down on me”
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santhip · 9 years
What does it take To move forward from this point  A song to sing  outside looking in Love to just fly  and be far away from here  back into the same cage right now so you .. right.. am stuck lets go forward from this point.. choke.. lets not get stuck at this point .. slap..  lets just be here right now.. pain  pain .. pain .. pain ..  it feels so real right now..  so still.. the silence that is here right now.. never to forget this moment.. never forget this moment..
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santhip · 9 years
from now on instead of saying “my heart is breaking” I will say “my heart is opening” 
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santhip · 9 years
Life as a moving spiral We speak in terms of coming full circle in life. Rich man becomes poor. Poor man becomes rich. The defeated becomes the victor. The victor becomes the defeated. Life truly does come full circle on many occasion. Yet it isn't the idea of a circle that keeps us dazed. It is the image of a swirling spiral staring back at our face. The spiral keeps on swirling. All the while, leaving us staring at it, over and over and over again. Life truly does come fully circle, only when you are looking at it to make the circle clearly evident. For in truth life is ultimately a spiral. Geometrically the statement makes perfect sense. When you are looking at a spring vertically, all you can see are the circular rings. Yet when you look at it horizontally, you begin to see the spring for what it is. a spiral that ends when it hits the ground. Look at your own circular life. You made shit. You got shit. Shit got broken. Suddenly shit starts becoming something else. Finally you end up making some shit. Life can make you look at it as if it is a circle. Yet the truth is that it is a spiral. Though the circumstances in life appear to be circular, you have become a different person through that experience. The experience has matured you as a person. You have learned lessons through it. Sometimes it may be painful. Sometimes it may be beautiful. No matter what be the nature of experience, the spiral nature of life becomes evident. So guess what, when you find yourself back at an all familiar place in life. It's not going to be the same thing happening all over again. You really have that unshakeable feeling that you have two choices to go from here. To move forward in life, or to move bass-ackwards. Many a time, we choose to move forward, as it seems logical. Sometimes when we find ourselves moving bass-ackwards, especially out of habit, moving forward in life can appear to be a radical choice. Sometimes we all need a fucking wake up call to actually wake the fuck up. The spiral of life. Staring back at us. Dazing us by its mysteries.
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santhip · 9 years
I find myself staring at the mirror of life To see myself in every thing that has happened Be it good, bad or the ugly .. To see myself in every body I have come to know My friends, my enemies, my brothers, my lovers .. To see myself in every thing i have done My successes, my failures, my labors, my pains .. To see myself in everything I have spoken My words, my messages, my voice, my screams.... To see myself in every emotions that have passed through My happiness, my sadness, My fears, and my tears.. To see myself in every thought that has passed through My dreams, and my pipe dreams my strength and my weakness, my love.. I find myself staring back at myself in the mirror of life, Or was it the mirror of life that was staring back at itself within me?
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