sapphicallyill · 7 years
Sappho wants every wlw to be able to rest their head on their gfs chest after a long day and i think that’s beautiful
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sapphicallyill · 7 years
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barbie is gay now
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sapphicallyill · 7 years
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Today we mourn, honor, and remember the transgender people who were murdered because of their gender identity or expression.
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sapphicallyill · 7 years
Happy Trans Day of Remembrance my loves!!!! - Mod Bri
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sapphicallyill · 7 years
👏🏼  trans 👏🏽  wlwoc 👏🏾  are 👏🏿  important 👭
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sapphicallyill · 7 years
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Sadie Lee, The Actresses, 2008
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sapphicallyill · 7 years
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Woke Zine is a Boston based zine, curated by and for marginalized people and their allies, from across the globe. Our mission is to amplify voices and experiences that are often unheard.
We are looking for submissions for our first issue which is based on the topic of “femininity.” Anyone can submit but we are especially looking to publish work that captures the perspective and experiences of marginalized people (trans people, people of color, disabled people, lgbtq+ people, etc!)
Whether you have a passion for art/writing, or it’s just a hobby, we want your work! You could even submit a playlist, interview someone or review a book/song/movie/etc! And if you have creative friends tell them about this opportunity to get published!
Visit this link: instagram.com/wokezine or go to @/wokezine on instagram to discover more about how and what you can submit!
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sapphicallyill · 7 years
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sapphicallyill · 7 years
Shout out to abuse survivors and victims who feel more like a statistic than a human. Or survivors and victims who don’t feel human anymore. It’s scary, but I’m rooting for you 💕
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sapphicallyill · 7 years
mlw ..
im reclaiming it from the straights its actually “me loving women”
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sapphicallyill · 7 years
I’m here, I’m queer, and my joint pain is moderate to severe
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sapphicallyill · 7 years
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look at her bow
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sapphicallyill · 7 years
wheres the love of my life wtf!!! i got things i want to do with them tf
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sapphicallyill · 7 years
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Credit: [x]
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sapphicallyill · 7 years
freshly baked warm bread and lesbianism. thats what its all about baby
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sapphicallyill · 7 years
Gillian Anderson, Kate McKinnon and Aubrey plaza : the trifecta of  transphobic female celebrities who never apologized and that fake allys will never hold accountable
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sapphicallyill · 7 years
can you do a what kind of gf each sign is
Aries: the adventurer, she will be your human alarm clock and morning coffee all into one, she will tease you a lot and say ‘just kidding!’ at the end of it, she is very touchy-feely, warm and has a heart of gold. her love is priceless and strong. you’ll wake up with her in a tent in a foreign country as she sleeps nosily next to you and you’ll pull her in closer with a smile on your face.
Taurus: the poet, the one that relates every song she hears, movie she watches, and poem she reads, to you. she cares for you like no other with every empathetic bone in her body. she will love you through the very roughest of times. you can never win an argument against her though. when she is sad, when she is happy, when she is angry: everything she says will sound like a poem and you’ll wonder how you got so lucky.Gemini: the kitten, she will make every day different, her kisses will slow time, her laugh will echo through your bones and sometimes you will get annoyed that she is so loud but when she is gone, the silence will feel like torture. she is playful and erratic, she studies you every day and leans you slowly. she guards her heart like a game but gives you whispers of walkthroughs in her smile.
Cancer: the daydream, the one that isn’t afraid to tell you how much she loves you every single day. will avoid confrontation like the plague. she will want to do every romantic thing in the book with you like slow dance in the kitchen at 2am while you make dinner together. she could write you a novel about the little things she loves about you that no one else even notices. she feels like home.
Leo: the pleaser, she will want to share her life with you, will be very open, loving and generous. her friends become your friends. will not stop taking selfies of you two together though. she will indulge in your happiness. she will make time for you through her busy day as if you two are the only sole survivors of an apocalypse. she will protect you from the things she had to endure.
Virgo: the submissive, likes to pretend she is tough and in control but she is willing to do anything you ask of her tbh. she likes to make you happy and see you smile. she wants to be your best friend and the love of your life at the same time. she can get snappy when she’s having a bad day but most of the time is very chill and humorous. she’s the type to drop all her work and show up for you when you most need it.
Libra: the mediator, the intellectual, the flirt. she will wake you up with rose petals but make you chase her all day. she loves to just talk to you 24/7 and keep the peace. she’s the type to plan a busy day for the both of you tomorrow but she won’t wake you up because she thinks you look too perfect and you’ll both spend the whole day cuddling instead.Scorpio: the warrior- will never want to leave you no matter how badly you treat her but can make your life a passive aggressive hell instead. she will respect you, always listen to you and court you- she’ll want to tell you her deepest pains at 3 in the morning while you sleep as if you are her own personal diary. she’s the type to show up in the rain at 2am after a fight and angrily kiss you without saying a word, it’ll feel like heaven and hell collided.Sagittarius: the traveller, she’ll travel your mind in ways you never thought someone could- she’ll ask just the right questions to known you better than you know yourself. she always knows what’s wrong and she always knows what to say. she’s the girl to tell you how it is, she doesn’t live in a fairytale but she makes reality seem like a dream. when you lay in bed with her at night you’ll be pinching yourself to make sure.Capricorn: the teacher, she’ll teach you how it’s like to live as her, she’ll teach you how to be a better person. she’ll teach you so many things about yourself that you feel lost without her. she puts her walls high, but she expects you to make the effort if you care about her. she is deeply romantic and compassionate: her love with soothe any pain you face throughout your days and she’ll teach you that you’re never alone in anything you do if you have her.Aquarius: the stranger, she’s so wonderfully unique and insane you’ll never find a love like hers again. she’s like flirting with a stranger on the train. she’s the most interesting conversation you’ve ever had. she’s like a once-in-a-lifetime photo captured, right in front of you. she will detach much like a stranger, then go all in like you’ve known her your whole life. she’ll make you question everything about love and it’s purpose, you will decide it is painful and strange, and yet you will still fall madly for her.Pisces: the princess, once you slay the dragon and make her yours, she will sacrifice a lot for you and work to keep you happy. she will introduce you to her perfect dreamland and provide a place at the throne. to her, you are royalty and she treats you like you are irreplaceable. she is a princess: graceful, friendly, strong. she loves to be loved, by you, and everyone. she dreams of a prince who can make her feel as loved as the heroines she constantly reads about.
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