Posting again soon :D [will be deleted on my next post]
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"They say that love is forever. Your forever is all that I need. Please stay as long as you need. Can't promise that things won't be broken but I swear that I will never leave. Please stay forever with me." -james dean and audrey hepburn
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a thousand years later...
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Merlin : "Don't play with fire cause you'll get burned." Morgana : "Maybe I want to get burned."
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Katie and Colin
So, wouldn’t it be perfect if they made a movie of Tana French’s The Secret Place with Colin Morgan as Stephen Moran and Katie McGrath as Antionette Conway?? They already have the right accents and amazing chemistry. I think this would be brilliant. 
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“Once upon a time we fell apart You're holding in your hands the two halves of my heart”
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"I'll crash and burn if it's with you, meet me in the wreckage."
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"Can I talk you out of not leaving?" "Just don't go falling in love with someone until I come back."
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What Happens Next for Merlin 6: Kingdom Come?
Thank you for your tremendous support of Episode 13 — and of all the episodes. You’ve been brilliant. Again, it is a wonderful compliment to our team that so many people across the globe believe our work is worthy of being filmed as the official sixth season of Merlin.
Now, many of you have asked if you could share our script with the BBC & the Merlin cast. If you truly believe in this project, and would still like to see it onscreen, now is the time. Please promote it as much as you like. Spread the word. Spread it everywhere. To the cast, the crew, anyone who would enjoy it. Let this Kingdom Come. If everyone tweets about it, perhaps you can get it trending on Twitter (use the hashtag: #Merlin6KingdomCome), or at least alert more readers.
You will likely not receive an answer directly from the BBC. We believe you would have the most luck with Alex Vlahos and Eoin Macken (and the other actors who played Knights), as they interact more frequently with fans via social media.
Keep in mind, the likelihood of this becoming the official sixth season is still quite remote. And we do not want to pester the cast (again we loved the show’s original finale). But we firmly believe that if the actors themselves read our season 6, they would love it and perhaps could exert some influence at BBC. In addition to developing the plotlines and hints already in the show, much of our character development was shaped by opinions and preferences the actors expressed during interviews, etc. So we believe they would genuinely love it. If nothing else, we’d love to share it with members of the original Merlin team, even if only for their enjoyment. Whatever comes of that is up to them.
 We have already corresponded with BBC, Shine, etc., so there are no further steps we can take. However, perhaps your response could make a difference.
Whatever happens, we have loved every minute of the journey, and thank you all from our hearts for all the feedback and support. Cheers!
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Merlin 6: Kingdom Come Trivia #13
Morgana’s speech is one of our favorite scenes in the whole season. We cry almost every time we read it, and we’re the ones who wrote it.
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Master List of Merlin Kingdom Come Episodes
For your convenience, here is a master list of all 13 episodes of Merlin Season 6: Kingdom Come.
IMPORTANT: For anyone who isn’t aware, we have edited and uploaded soundtracks to our youtube account to accompany your reading. Soundtracks will be indicated by the red numbers in brackets that appear at various points in the text (example: [1] means play soundtrack #1 on the episode playlist). Everyone’s reading pace will be different, but we did our best to time each track to the pace of each scene.
Episode 1. “Rise and Shine”: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxDP7ZIg44qTYmpUUjFoYmd4eE0/view?usp=sharing Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLRQeEiytos&list=PLmYjGZaPihxMCNKafex9v21GhQqNe9Ayv
Episode 2. “A King Without a Kingdom”: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxDP7ZIg44qTMEs4QzF5YWxURkU/view?usp=sharing Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9CfdTXqKgEQ&list=PLmYjGZaPihxN2V0mE4Y-OgTIUQJxbB44a&index=1
Episode 3. “The Madness of Merlin”: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxDP7ZIg44qTRlVaZ0dxLWt4Q1U/view?usp=sharing Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hkGy9yDiMC0&list=PLmYjGZaPihxN8gEjRk_WqJoydk4e1ePNk
Episode 4. “Their Sound Shall Reach the Stars”: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxDP7ZIg44qTUEY0Zmd1NUtWSnM/view?usp=sharing Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzfhkFw24dE&list=PLmYjGZaPihxOwytghMKqI4DvTXLlRM9Gq
Episode 5. “The Witching Hour Part 1″: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxDP7ZIg44qTT2ZPNXBVXzRqZG8/view?usp=sharing Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VPpJxizr8Kk&list=PLmYjGZaPihxO69G6MbH4aTgdkBnDXV2iu
Episode 6. “The Witching Hour Part 2″: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxDP7ZIg44qTQUluc1VaM19wZTA/view?usp=sharing Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YXZ7dW84zgc&list=PLmYjGZaPihxOI-Unw_7giY6IquJTLc_Hc
Episode 7. “The Servant King” MID-SEASON FINALE: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxDP7ZIg44qTLVY4Y3BlS3VWTW8/view?usp=sharing Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tvgba4LBJ5M&index=1&list=PLmYjGZaPihxO5ZKNbIX7spki9Kkz4TgKj
Episode 8. “The Good Knight”: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxDP7ZIg44qTSzBNd24tcExuRlE/view?usp=sharing Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cj2E8lol_Vw&index=1&list=PLmYjGZaPihxPdqRyvPlzOqbzCMyAH2DzV
Episode 9. “The Sole Equality”: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxDP7ZIg44qTNEhmNkNMcjlHdk0/view?usp=sharing Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjVTe1hkZMM&list=PLmYjGZaPihxNOi6mOvenJP3B0Fw1YWhAg
Episode 10. “Witch Hunt”: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxDP7ZIg44qTbVdjNktuUkE0SEk/view?usp=sharing Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6rFLWMKS8U&list=PLmYjGZaPihxOJ1cqGVcBcJyAe38R1x0o_ Episode 11. “Slings and Arrows”: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxDP7ZIg44qTUHhNZVdwZTBfblE/view?usp=sharing Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eHhc080N_c8&list=PLmYjGZaPihxPhyKjHhDdRh1j7ZVeBg6es Episode 12. “Judgment Day Part 1″: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxDP7ZIg44qTeTFqWW9VdGo3RFU/view?usp=sharing Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=muVATLDLMaE&list=PLmYjGZaPihxM3gLu02ltfOZgexfOeg4ke&index=1
Episode 13. “Judgment Day Part 2″: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxDP7ZIg44qTTjJnM2x0TUVPcGs/view?usp=sharing Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXW-siWwRS8&list=PLmYjGZaPihxPKbRhyM0fFiJDKqRMD_tZZ
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Modern AU Reincarnated Morgana meets Merlin who had live for a millenia; She didn't remember. He did.
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"I'm addicted to madness,"
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"You know it's love when she's the most beautiful thing you've ever seen. Everytime you see her."
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"You can barely breath and they won't tell me how to save you."
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Then there’s the love Merlin can never have, which is Morgana.
Colin Morgan (x)
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She can be chaos and calm. How else would I call her my everything?
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