saracausey1 · 26 days
Shh. You’re not supposed to pay attention to that! Part-time jobs that don’t pay a living wage and government jobs? No, you’re supposed to think the private sector is churnin’ and burnin’ with full-time roles and if you’re unemployed, well, it’s your own damn fault.
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saracausey1 · 27 days
In May of 2023, I published a podcast episode to warn that I felt we were moving out of the Opening Act into Act 1 of this economic nightmare. I believe the November election will usher in Act 2. What exactly will this look like? I dunno. Quite frankly the information I'm hearing is not good.
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saracausey1 · 28 days
Remember Bill Hicks’ routine about government-approved rock? Don’t you wanna be at a concert and look over to see Dan Quayle standing next to you? You know you’re partying then, you know you’re on the edge! We might be up til 11pm tonight! 😆
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saracausey1 · 29 days
John Wright’s predictions of what would happen with a tight money and high interest rate policy happened. Following Volcker, Alan Greenspan was appointed and led a supposedly booming economy. He also told people that it was impossible to know an economic bubble was happening while it was happening, which is absolutely absurd.
The US economy is based on consumption rather than production. So what happens when the consumer can’t consume? Will hiking interest rates to the moon really solve the problem?
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saracausey1 · 1 month
I'm sure corporate profits did go up. Have these profits trickled down to John & Jane Q. Public living paycheck to paycheck and using BNPL for food? 😒
The people (or bots, who knows) in the comments section seem bent on making this a partisan issue of Senile Old Man versus Orange Man. I don't. I don't like either one and feel like we're effed either way. It's not about "oh, if you like Biden, the economy is healthy" and "if you think the economy sucks, you must be pro-Trump." Don't get sucked into this divisive narrative. It's like the cartoon of the cow who has two different entrances to the same slaughterhouse. 
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saracausey1 · 1 month
These notions of permanent inflation and “you don’t want deflation, little peon” are priming the pump for you to get the fantasy out of your head that we’ll ever see 2018-2019 prices again.
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saracausey1 · 1 month
We’re expected to believe the system has simply always been as it is now, like a yo-yo dieter who loses a few, gains more back, loses a few, gains more back, on and on. Like a system dominated by the Fed and its bullsh!t cycles of QE and QT is the best we can do and we should accept it and go back to sleep. Reminds me of Bill Hicks:
Go back to bed, America. Your government has figured out how it all transpired. Go back to bed, America. Your government is in control again. Here’s American Gladiators. Watch this, shut up. Go back to bed, America. Here is American Gladiators. Here is 56 channels of it!
The questions we’re not supposed to ask are WHY do we live this way? WHO profits from it? HOW did it get this way? You’re supposed to shrug your shoulders and blithely say, “I guess this is how the world works.”
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saracausey1 · 1 month
Once you've done all that you can, what's the point in panicking or getting super pessimistic? Anything we accomplish starts with a thought. If we get into a negative thought loop and we expect disaster all the time, guess what? That's what we'll get.
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saracausey1 · 1 month
That’s because people outside of the top 1/3 are tapped out. As I’ve warned before: you can’t run an economic engine on consumption alone. Something’s gonna give.
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saracausey1 · 1 month
I had a friend who worked in print journalism for years and loved his job. He admitted to me, “I knew the industry was dying and I knew layoffs were coming, but I chose to ignore it because I hoped maybe it wouldn’t happen to me.” He was unemployed for a long time before he was able to make a career change. In the process, he obliterated his savings account and experienced a lot of stress.
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saracausey1 · 1 month
The Fed doesn't give two đŸ’© about John & Jane Q. Public. Now they can trot out to the MSM and say that they want to avoid unemployment but, golly gosh, in order to do it, we gotta keep inflation up. Do you really believe that? It seems to me they are setting us up for a scenario of: you can live with high inflation or we can crash the job market and you can be out of work, what do you want? 
In reality, I believe we'll have to deal with both. 
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saracausey1 · 1 month
That’s true for so many people in the middle class, working class, and poor. There was a perhaps a path but if it’s still there, it’s a lot longer and harder.
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saracausey1 · 1 month
"40-year-old homeowner says economy doesn't add up: "I'm making the most money I've ever made, and I'm still living paycheck to paycheck" -https://fortune.com/2024/03/15/why-economy-bad-making-most-money-ever-living-by-paycheck/
If this is new news to you, who have you been listening to?!?!
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saracausey1 · 1 month
*Gestures broadly*
Here’s the thing: these uncertainties are not isolated to the auto industry. I understand this sounds pessimistic, but I know what I am seeing in real time. Even contract and freelance gigs are harder to come by, let alone a full-time job that pays a living wage
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saracausey1 · 1 month
I’m just going to stop here because I really want you to think about that for a second: by 1981 $1 is worth about 45 cents. That’s how bad things got by taking away the gold standard and saying we need to be able to print up reams and reams of fiat currency at will. That’s how much devaluation happened just in that span of time. I want you to really think about that because whenever you hear these talking heads and social media morons that are drunk on their own toxic positivity or they’re paid shills or they’re bots, who knows. And they say, “We would never have a dollar collapse, we would never have a dollar devaluation, we’re always going to be the world’s reserve currency. Everybody respects America, respects the dollar, right?” Believe that at your own risk.
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saracausey1 · 1 month
If having a strike really worked as a long-term solution, John & Jane Q. Public would never be allowed to do it. These allegations against YT Music are particularly damning because they made the unionized folks train their own replacements . . . who are overseas workers probably making pennies on the dollar.
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saracausey1 · 2 months
Now I know why Edvard Munch created “The Scream.”
The disconnect is intentional. As I have warned many, many times across platforms: you can pay an economist to say anything you want. If they are wrong, they face zero consequences. I’ve also warned that some of y’all gonna listen to these so-called experts and go right off a cliff.
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