sarahzstories · 2 years
Part Two: Caffeine Queen
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sarahzstories · 2 years
Part One: “Are you new here?”
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sarahzstories · 2 years
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sarahzstories · 2 years
🦇✨The not so new girl: An Eddie Munson Insta story✨🦇
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It’s a modern day Hawkins, Indiana and Kat now works at family video with her best friend Steve Harrington and Robin Buckley. Kat has lived in Hawkins her whole life but one day Eddie notices her and swears he’s never seen her and if they went to the same high school he would’ve known. So he treats her like the “new girl”, follow along on how they meet and how over protective Steve handles it through Instagram posts as well as text conversations in my newest Insta Story!✨
Read it: Here and watch fun extras on TikTok Here!
*a/n the upside down isn’t mentioned because sci-fi isn’t something I’m good with and Billy’s character isn’t a racist asshole*
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sarahzstories · 3 years
✨Interview with Princess and Narry✨
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✨*A/N This is in the format that Niall, Harry and Princess are having a sit down interview with someone for a magazine. I have a Part 2 ready if you are interested, also feel free to send in questions you want the three of them to answer! Enjoy!*✨
Q: How did you really meet? And when?
Niall: At a Christmas party in New York about what like eight years ago?
Princess: Yeah they crashed my aunt’s party and Harry ran into me and spilled a drink all over me.
Harry: It was an accident and I have apologized several times since it happened.
Princess: That’s true he does apologize every year on our friend-anniversary.
Q: Is there a group chat?
Princess: Yes duh.
Harry: It’s called the Three Amigos.
Niall: I love dat it’s been da same name since we made it eight years ago.
Q: Who is the most annoying in the group chat?
Harry: Me
Niall: For sure Harry. He’s da bloody worst at sending incomplete thoughts instead of just thinking about what he’s tryin ta say and sending one long paragraph.
Princess: He just tells us things as they pop into his head is all. It’s not annoying.
Niall: She’s jus sayin dat cos she’s nice.
Harry: No she’s saying that because she does the same thing just not as much as I do. Remember that time she was trying to tell us she ran into Orlando Bloom at Starbucks?
Niall: Bloody hell that was such a shit show of a text conversation.
Princess: I was star struck! I couldn’t form complete sentences!
Q: What are yours names in each other’s phones?
Niall: Harry is jus saved as H an Princess is saved as Princess wit da crown emoji an a heart.
Harry: Niall is the Irish One in my phone and Princess is Bestfriend and it has a sparkle and heart emoji next to it.
Niall: *rolls eyes*
Princess: Oh Harry is saved under Little Lanky Baby with a red heart and Niall is My Little Irish Marshmallow with a clover emoji.
Harry: What? Are you serious?
Niall: Have Ya never noticed our contact names when she sends screenshots?
Harry: I’m not lanky?
Niall: Are ya havin a laugh mate? Yer arse is lanky.
Princess: You really are and that’s okay! Everyone loves it!
Harry: I don’t know how I feel about this...
Princess: You’ll survive.
Q: When do you three actually become as close as you are now? Was it instant?
Harry: I think it was maybe a month after we met. We got really close very fast because we talked all the time.
Niall: I agree, it was pretty fast we jus clicked and I think it was like after a month or so that we invited her to a show and after dat it was like we knew each other fo ever.
Princess: Texting and talking on the phone really helped speed up the getting to know you process. They’ve had a key to my apartment since like six months after knowing them. We all just meshed really well and it’s been great.
Q: Have you ever been in a fight? If so what was it about?
Niall: Oh god...
Harry: Yes. One fight and I don’t like to talk about it. But it was about my debut album details getting out before I was ready.
Princess: He’s so sensitive about this subject but yeah only one so far and it only lasted like three days so wasn’t too bad.
Harry: Wasn’t too bad? It was horrible. We didn’t speak for 72 hours.
Niall: It was all a misunderstanding type thing cos Harry over reacted and got mean and then just didn’t know how to fix it.
Princess: He didn’t overreact. He was right to be mad at me.
Harry: I’m not getting into this.
Niall: It’s been years mate let it go it’s okay you got upset at her, no friendship is perfect, even ours.
Harry: You wanna talk about how you also got mad at her the same day? Or no?
Niall: Jesus Yer in a mood today, m’fine talkin bout our little fight cos it only lasted a day and it was cos I blew things outta proportion.
Princess: Once again it’s fine we are allowed to be upset with each other. Next question?
Harry: Yes. Let’s move on.
Q: Is jealously an issue between the three of you?
Niall: *looks at Harry*
Princess: *also looks at Harry*
Harry: Excuse me, may I help you two with something?
Princess: Wanna talk about getting jealous?
Harry: I don’t get jealous.
Niall: Are ya fuckin jokin? Yer arse is the reason why we have ta have a group calendar so no one gets more one on one time than the other Ya knob!
Harry: That has nothing to do with being jealous. I like to be organized with my time that’s all.
Princess: That’s all? You sure?
Harry: I’m sure.
Princess: So it’s not because one time you realized Niall and I had seen each other three times in one week without you?
Harry: I mean three times in a week is a lot.
Niall: Yer ridiculous mate jus admit ya get jealous whenever P hangs out wit anyone besides you.
Harry: I’m choosing not to respond to that.
Q: Who’s the most protective?
Princess: It’s a toss up between the two of them.
Harry: I’d say i get more protective while Niall is the first to want to fight anyone who makes P feel uncomfortable or makes her cry. But I’m the one who wants to just prevent it at all costs.
Niall: what he means is he would rather P never leave da bloody house.
Harry: It would make it easier...
Princess: I get protective over them as well though!
Harry: *looks at Niall*
Niall:*looks at Harry*
Princess: What? Remember that time I yelled at that man who was trying to take pictures of us at the beach?
Niall: I mean yer right, ya can get protective an are always the first ta tell paps to fuck off.
Harry: She can be very ferocious when she wants to be.
Niall: *laughs*
Princess: Both of you are assholes.
Harry: I didn’t say anything!
Q: Was it easier being friends when Niall and Harry were both in the same band?
Princess: Yes I mean it wasn’t as chaotic trying to figure out what dates work best to see who but also it was a whole different type of chaos when I’d go visit them while they were in One Direction.
Niall: Ya it was wild as hell when she’d come cos we were literally always doin somethin fo tha band either all five of us or dey would separate us into groups and it would be Harry and I and the rest of da boys and we would be shootin promo or even recordin a bloody album!
Harry: It was always her getting shoved in a backseat with us in a car or getting little fifteen minutes breaks to talk and actually see each other between whatever the hell we had to do the days she was on tour with us.
Princess: But the shows were so much fun, but I’d honestly say getting to visit them while on their solo tours is better than when they were in One Direction simply because they get more down time and it’s not always go go go like it was back then.
Niall: I agree, when we get to the venues of our shows we don’t have ten thousand things ta do before the show so we get to chill and hang out.
Harry: It’s really such a different world going on tour now than it was when we toured with One Direction.
Princess: But I honestly would put up with the craziness of visiting them while in One Direction still if I had to.
Niall: Is she-
Harry: Hinting that she wants a One Direction reunion tour? Yes.
Princess: What? That’s not what I meant.
Harry: Mhm...right.
Niall: *laughs*
Princess: *rolls eyes*
Q: Okay but really who do you enjoy hanging out with more?
Niall: *looks at Princess*
Harry: Hmm...
Princess: Is this just a question for me? *raises an eyebrow*
Harry: I have the most fun with Princess.
Niall: Same. Harry makes me wanna smack em upside da head too much when it’s jus tha two of us.
Harry: I could say the same thing about you, you little hobbit.
Princess: I don’t have a favorite. I get asked this all the time on my Instagram and I feel like no one believes me? But I truly don’t have a favorite to hang out with and actually like it when it’s all three of us together.
Q: How do you deal with dating while being so close to the boys? Does it get weird?
Harry: Threats. Lots of threats.
Niall: Oh please we aren’t tha most threatenin set of blokes H. It doesn’t get weird tho cos P doesn’t really date do ya Princess?
Princess: I go on dates yes, I haven’t been in a serious relationship is a while but it’s not weird, everyone I talk to knows I’m friends with Niall and Harry.
Harry: I’d like to think we have more than just a regular friendship...
Princess: I mean yes it’s a bit different. But I let them know before it even gets to us going on dates that the two of them are a massive part of my life.
Niall: Same goes fo us though, I tell the people m’interested in bout P and the fact she’s one of the main people in my life and most of em are fine wit it.
Harry: Everyone who knows me knows about my relationship with Princess and knows that nothing comes before it. She will always come first, like it or not.
Princess: He is so dramatic i swear he makes it sound like I’m the only person in his life that he’s like this with, it’s the same with his family. Not just me.
Niall: Harry is dramatic though but it’s true, everyone that even tries ta get wit H knows three things for sure and it’s that he loves a good Gucci suit, loves his family and his friendship with Princess is untouchable.
Harry: Oh now who sounds dramatic?
Princess: We are going to be single forever aren’t we?
Niall: We could do one of dem packs about getting married if we are single when we are thirty.
Harry: I’d rather not marry you when I’m thirty that’s when I’ll just be starting to thrive.
Niall: Oi! Then when? Ya wanna be so old ya won’t enjoy it?
Harry: You’ll enjoy it no matter the age it happens you knob.
Princess: How about sixty? Still young, I mean look at Bruce he is thriving!
Harry: *rolls eyes* you’ve been dying to bring up Bruce Willis haven’t you?
Niall: Deal.
Harry: I guess I can agree to that.
Q: Favorite thing about each other?
Niall: I’d have to say I enjoy Harry’s opinions, he doesn’t sugar coat em he knows I don’t like all that fake ass stuff so he tells it to me straight.
Harry: You’re quite welcome for always telling you when you’re being an asshole.
Niall: Ya gotta ruin every moment don’t ya? Anyways I’d say my favorite thing bout Princess would be...her ability to jus know what I need and when I need it.
Harry: It’s kind of freaky how she does that though right? The texts are the creepiest.
Niall: Right? Like when she can jus sense ya’ve had a bad day so she sends ya Dis heartwarming text and yer jus like how the bloody fuck did she know??
Princess: I just know you both so well! I can’t help it.
Harry: It’s great love, we love it.
Niall: doesn’t make it any less creepy though.
Princess: Well I’d say my favorite thing about Niall is that he has this ability to make everyone around him instantly feel comfortable and like at home if that makes any sense?
Harry: I can agree, he’s very good at making everyone around him feel at ease.
Princess: And my favorite thing about Harry is he has this weird way of knowing how you need to be comforted. Like he knows when to just hold your hand, when to pull you in for a hug or just when you grab you and hold you. It’s lovely.
Niall: Ah yeah dis is so true. Always tryin ta hug me.
Harry: Well I don’t see you fighting me off.
Niall: Oi yer arse didn’t answer what yer fave things are bout us, do ya not have one?
Harry: I love Niall’s sense of humor, we both have the same type of lame humor and laugh at the stupidest stuff. My favorite thing about Princess is probably how she just gets me and lets me be me.
Princess: *sniffles* Can we move on?
Niall: Way ta go got er all watery eyed now.
Harry: I’m not the one who asked the question! I just answered it. You got her all emotional too you knob.
Q: Have you written any songs about your friendship?
Niall: Yeah Harry have we?
Harry: *rolls eyes* yes.
Princess: Go on, just tell them.
Niall: Yeah H jus tell em. Get it off yer chest.
Harry: You’re in such a mood today. Fine. I wrote meet me in the hallway about when Princess and I had a fight.
Niall: And...
Harry: I wrote Adore You with her in mind about her effect on the people around her. That she has no clue she has.
Princess: What about you Niall?
Harry: Yes hobbit what about you hmmm?
Niall: I wrote the Tide while thinking about her when she was datin that one arsehole.
Harry: And?
Niall: Fine you arse I also wrote Mirrors about her as well.
Harry: Oh and if you’re wondering about One Direction songs the main one we wrote about our friendship is Drag Me Down.
Niall: S’pretty obvious though, s’fo her and da whole fandom really.
Princess: That is my hype song. So damn good.
Q: What’s a memory the three of you cherish?
Princess: Oh that’s a good one!
Niall: S’gotta be when we all went ta Cabo fo a week like three years ago and we jus laid in the sun by the beach all day and got drunk off wine at night an it was one of tha most relaxing vacations I’ve ever had.
Harry: That was a great trip.
Princess: Mine is when we had our first sleepover at my tiny ass New York apartment. When we did face masks and ended up passing out on my bed watching Will and Grace. I think that next morning is when I really realized you two were going to literally be my humans forever.
Harry: Oh the good ole days of our sleepovers and trying to squeeze onto your loveseat. Mine is the time when Niall and I had to go get you from the bar when you got too drunk on a Monday night.
Princess: That’s your most cherished memory? Really?
Harry: Yes, because that was the first time you ever used us as your like emergency contact and the first time we had to come save you. You weren’t super wasted, Niall and I just had to make sure you got home safe and it was nice because you kept telling us how much you loved us.
Niall: Now we always gotta come save er, member that one time we had ta crash her date wit dat golf dude?
Princess: Oh god
Harry: That was fun! He was a proper dick.
Princess: Next question?
Q: This is the last one, who said I love you first out of the three of you?
Princess: It was Niall
Harry: I know everyone is gonna be shocked to hear it wasn’t me.
Niall: I mean yeah it was me. M’not ashamed of it. I was tellin P bye and was like love ya and she said love you too Ni and then Harry got all mushy an was like, what did ya say H?
Princess: He said and I quote “if we are saying we love each other I want to be involved because I love you too!”
Harry: Sounds about right.
Niall: That was like what three months into the friendship?
Harry: Yeah five or take a few weeks.
Princess: Now we say it all the time!
Harry: So that’s it then yeah?
Interviewer: Yeah that’s it! Thank you so much for your time this was so fun.
Niall: It was fun gettin ta hear what people wanna know bout the three of us. Hope it wasn’t borin.
Princess: Us boring? Never.
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sarahzstories · 4 years
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*A/N this is an interview with Gwen and Harry Styles from my Instagram story that you can read here! This is done as if the interviewer is sitting in their living room asking them questions for a magazine! I hope you enjoy this little glimpse into the Styles marriage!*
Q: Harry what was your first impression of Gwen?
Harry: I thought she was dead at first.
Gwen: That’s so lovely honeybuns. Why don’t you elaborate on that?
Harry: Right well, I was walking down the beach after a few cocktails at this bar I went to a lot in Jamaica and uh...well there was this body just laying in the sand and uhm...I’m not going to lie I did contemplate kicking her when I first approached her.
Gwen: That’s a good first thought process to kick a body you assume is dead.
Harry: Don’t be mean lovey. I’m being honest.
Gwen: Please go on...
Harry: But I didn’t have to kick her or anything because as soon as I kneeled down to like touch her she opened her eyes and gave me this huge smile as if she’d known I was there the whole time and in that very moment I remember going “oh wow”
Gwen: He did in fact say that out loud.
Harry: She was honestly mesmerizing and it had nothing to do with the drinks I’d had before seeing her.
Gwen: I’m sure the booze had nothing to do with it. *pats Harry’s leg*
Harry: So my first impression was “is she dead?” And “wow” does that answer the question?
Gwen: I hope you’re comfortable? This is going to be a while...was that just the first question?
Harry: *rolls eyes*
Q: Did you instantly hit it off?
Gwen: I’d say yes, because after we met on the beach we spent the rest of my time in Jamaica together.
Harry: Yes we hit it off right away. We just sort of had a spark and I just didn’t want to spend time without her if I didn’t have to, honestly I’d never met anyone like her before.
Gwen: He’s still like that.
Harry: It’s true. i don’t like to be away from her if I don’t have to be.
Q: Who made the relationship official and when?
Harry: I did and it was the day my album came out and honestly it wasn’t planned it just sort of happened.
Gwen: He was on FaceTime with me while I finally got to listen to his album and he just kind of blurted out that he loved me.
Harry: Yup. I said “I love you” and she smiled and said it back so naturally I followed that up with “so, can I call you my girlfriend now or is that lame?”
Gwen: And to that of course I told him “sure” ya know super casual.
Harry: That’s us right? The picture of a casual couple.
Gwen: Gucci isn’t casual honeybuns.
Harry: It can be if done properly.
Q: Where do the nicknames honeybuns and love comes from?
Gwen: I mean look at him! He is sweet and makes me feel all warm and fuzzy like a honeybun.
Harry: She’s just always been my lovey? I don’t remember a time where I didn’t call her that.
Gwen: He only calls me other names when he’s upset with me.
Harry: True...but that’s very rare
Q: Gwen did you honestly not know who Harry was when you met him? And was that weird for you Harry?
Gwen: I had heard of him yes, I mean I didn’t live under a rock and I’m from California so the name Harry Styles I’d heard before. But I honestly didn’t know what he looked like before meeting him. I wasn’t a huge One Direction fan and he hadn’t had any solo stuff out yet so I didn’t really see his face anywhere.
Harry: You didn’t like One Direction?
Gwen: Do not start with me. I didn’t say I didn’t like One Direction, I just said I wasn’t a huge fan. There’s a difference. That type of music just wasn’t my thing. But I listen to it now with Vivienne.
Harry: But really it was sort of not weird but refreshing? The fact that this human whom I’ve completely become enamored with has no clue who I am other than what she sees and knows because of things I’ve told her, it was very exciting because it just assured me that she really liked me for the real me and not Harry Styles from One Direction.
Gwen: When I found out that he was this massive superstar it didn’t change anything about him in my eyes. We met in a situation where no one treated him any different than everyone else so it wasn’t until I got back home and told my friends who I had met and what had happened that it all sort of came crashing down that “wow he is like a really big deal huh?”
Harry: I remember being so scared about what was going to happened when she left Jamaica since I still had loads to do with the album and such and I just didn’t want what we had built together to get ruined by like the reality of the real world if that makes sense? I didn’t want her finding out about “Harry Styles” to ruin it all because I really liked her.
Gwen: It makes sense honeybuns. We met in the weirdest of circumstances so that’s a very rational fear to have. But look at us! We’ve come so far!
Harry: So far indeed.
Q: Who is more romantic?
Harry: Gwen.
Gwen: See I was going to say you!
Harry: Me? No way. You leave me those cute little notes in random places that have those little poems on them.
Gwen: Yeah but you send me flowers randomly and will text me in the middle of the day reminding me of random things you love about me.
Harry: So it’s safe to say we are both equally romantic? I will say this though, Gwen knows how to plan a romantic date that would put even the greatest romance movies to shame.
Gwen: I do love a good romantic date.
Q: What’s Harry like in the mornings?
Gwen: Annoyingly cheery.
Harry: Ah love a good morning.
Gwen: Really he is a dream in the morning because me and mornings don’t mix well so he’s quite lovely to have around in the morning. He makes my coffee and sometimes if I’m really in a mood he will put my slippers on my feet for me.
Harry: That happens about four days out of the week lovey...
Gwen: Like I said me and mornings don’t mix well so he’s good to have around.
Harry: *smiles*
Q: Do you think you two have a healthy relationship?
Harry: Uh I mean yes? But I’m not afraid to say I’m a very codependent type human and Gwen is who I have clung to over the past few years but that’s just me being honest.
Gwen: I think we have a healthy relationship. Every couple is different and Harry and I just prefer to be around each other anytime that we can. But that’s what happens when you meet your soulmate.
Harry: I agree lovey. Gwen is literally my human. So if you’ve met your human than you get it? It’s almost painful to be without them. But I don’t think that’s unhealthy? We can go places without each other we just don’t enjoy it as much.
Gwen: I let him go to the grocery store without me. I loathe that place.
Harry: True. She hates it so yes I go there alone once a week and it’s fine.
Q: What’s something a lot of people get wrong about your relationship?
Gwen: That it’s all perfect all the time, like people really think we don’t ever argue and I’m like what? We broke up for like five months at one point. We aren’t perfect.
Harry: Yes people seem to think the two of us are just such a perfect match that we aren’t allowed to disagree or fight. We have disagreements but we are adults so we handle it and move on.
Gwen: He thinks that glitter belongs on everything and I disagree. There is a time and a place for it.
Harry: That time and place is always and on everything. So you see? We are just going to move on now because she knows that’s a hill I am willing to die on.
Gwen: He will defend glitter until his dying breath.
Q: Why did you two break up? Who initiated getting back together?
Harry: I was selfish and assumed Gwen was going to always be okay with having her dreams be on the back burner until I got my career where I wanted it. So naturally she just got tired of it and left, I completely deserved it.
Gwen: I didn’t just leave though. It wasn’t quite that dramatic, we had a long conversation and decided it would be best if I moved out and at that point he had just started all his Gucci campaign stuff so he left for Italy while I moved back into my old place.
Harry: Also I initiated the getting back together process because Gwen knew that I just needed my time to really process what I wanted and that when I was ready I’d find her again.
Gwen: It was all very mutually respectful, I knew what he needed and he also knew that I needed to go and do some things for myself so it wasn’t this big sad emotional thing because I think we both knew we’d end up together it was just a matter of when.
Harry: Oh yeah I knew you’d be mine again I just needed to get my shit together first.
Gwen: Honeybuns! Language...
Harry: Oh right! Sorry...
Q: Was Vivienne planned?
Harry: Yes. Everyone assumes she wasn’t and I think that’s solely because when we announced Gwen was pregnant we weren’t engaged or anything.
Gwen: Harry and I have known we are it for each other since the very beginning so wanting to start a family was a very natural next step for us even though we didn’t have the labels of husband and wife yet.
Harry: Exactly, we’d been together for a while and I kept telling her how our house could use some more heartbeats and not ones that belong to cats.
Gwen: He made it pretty clear he wanted a baby and one night I told him “a baby would be nice” and boom two months later I found out about Vivienne.
Harry: I don’t like to waste time.
Q: How did you two find out about Vivienne?
Gwen: I was tired a lot and that’s very much not my thing.
Harry: She may hate mornings but she isn’t one to lay in bed all day. So we kinda knew something was off.
Gwen: So I went to the doctor and got some blood work done and they came back with a smile on their face and I just knew. I was like “I’m pregnant.” And I cried because I mean I’m carrying a little human! It was very emotional for me.
Harry: So naturally she had to call me to come get her because she wasn’t in any condition to drive and when I got there she was a mess and I could tell by how she was smiling probably the biggest smile I’d ever seen on her face that it was good news and I just started getting all watery eyed myself because being a dad is just... something I’ve wanted for a while.
Gwen: I didn’t get to tell him in some elaborate way, I’m not very big on that type of thing so that whole situation of him having to come get me is very us.
Harry: Yes very us indeed, crying in the middle of a lobby over Vivienne.
Q: What was Harry’s proposal like?
Gwen: Very casual because I was very pregnant and we were laying on the couch and he went to go get my heating pad and I had Lancelot on my hip and Merlin was laying on my feet and when he came back into the living room he laughed and I was “are you laughing at me? Why are you laughing at me?”
Harry: It almost went very bad very quickly because she doesn’t like to be laughed at if she didn’t intentionally do something funny. It hurts her feelings.
Gwen: But anyway he comes in without my heating pad but he has this little box in his hands and then he got down on one knee and leaned over the couch and grabbed my hand and at this point I’m crying and Lancey and Merlin are looking at him like “why are you hurting my mom? I will kill you” because they got very protective of me while I was pregnant.
Harry: I mean it makes sense. You’re their queen...
Gwen: True. But then Harry placed the ring on my middle finger because that’s the only one it would fit at the moment and goes “Please allow me the pleasure of being yours for all eternity? I promise I’ll never stop loving you.” So I said yes and we both cried as usual and it was very sweet.
Harry: Best decision I’ve ever made was asking Gwen to allow me to love her forever.
Q: What was the wedding like?
Harry: It was perfect. It was exactly what we wanted and very small and intimate. Gwen looked like an absolute vision.
Gwen: It was very romantic and not on a beach as everyone assumed it would be. It was very low key and it was just a dream. I loved every moment of it.
Harry: *stares at Gwen with a grin on his face*
Gwen: He’s thinking about it...
Q: How many kids do you want? What do you want next?
Harry: Six
Gwen: He’s been saying six for like a few weeks now but we for sure see ourselves with at least four.
Harry: Why not add two more and make it six? Six is a solid number.
Gwen: I’ll have six if one set is of twins.
Harry: That’s fare lovey, I’d love a set of twins.
Gwen: But as far as what we want next we don’t care. Gender is a social construct that we don’t really abide by.
Harry: We just want healthy children.
Q: Harry have you written any songs about Gwen?
Gwen: Oh yes good question. He doesn’t answer when I ask this and I only truly know of one song.
Harry: Yes I have.
Gwen: What songs?
Harry: That wasn’t the question lovey.
Gwen: *rolls eyes*
Q: How have things changed since you’ve gotten more personal on social media Harry?
Harry: I think people can see a side of me that normally they wouldn’t. I’m still very private with things but Gwen shares a bit more than me and I love that the fans or just anyone who’s interested in our lives can get a little glimpse of what’s really going on. It’s been nice.
Gwen: We are still very private and don’t show certain things, like we didn’t post a picture of Vivienne until we were already safe at home and all that. I love Harry’s fans to death and they for the most part love us as well but I also know not everyone is on our social media out of love for us so I think we have a nice balance of showing the real us while keeping somethings to ourselves.
Harry: I agree. We keep a good balance and it’s been great.
Q: Who is worst at answering texts?
Gwen: Me
Harry: She is the worst.
Gwen: He will text me and I’ll just call him and he’s like “lovey there is a reason I texted instead of calling you..” and he’ll be in a meeting and I’ll feel horrible.
Harry: Happens all the time. She doesn’t like to text.
Q: How do you make your marriage work while Harry’s gone a lot for work?
Harry: We communicate very well. We have routines we do every day while I’m away and it helps tremendously. Also I don’t go away without my girls a lot so we don’t have to do this often.
Gwen: Yes communication is key! We FaceTime about four times a day when he’s gone. But he’s right a lot of the time we go with him. Like if he is filming something or shooting something Vivienne and I will go with but not go to the set until he tells me he’s almost wrapped up for the day then we go over and get to see him do his thing for a bit witch is always fun.
Harry: I just do better when I know my girls are close by. I know that makes me sound so odd but really I’ve said it so many times but I don’t enjoy myself when I don’t have Gwen around and Vivienne well she just lights up my world.
Gwen: Like nobody else?
Harry: Was that a One Direction lyric quote lovey? You do listen!
Gwen: I told you I listen with Vivienne so she can hear her dad in his younger years.
Q: Is there anything you’d like to say to the fans?
Gwen: Thank you for loving my honeybuns and I so much. We adore you all so much and are truly grateful for the opportunities we are given because of how much you love us.
Harry: Yes, thank you so much. I have nothing but an endless amount of love for each and every one of you. Thank you. 
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sarahzstories · 4 years
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Liked by harrystyles, taralcassandro, shawnmendes and 693029 others.
delilahgrace I’d just like to say that if your partner doesn’t look at you like this while you’re eating your weight in gold fish then they aren’t the one. This was when we first started dating and Niall STILL looks at me like this when I’m eating, that’s true love😂😊❤️
shawnmendes He truly is always so impressed by how much you can eat in one sitting😂
niallhoran It’s true love all right darlin, I’ve been watchin ya stuff yer face fo what? 6 years now?😂 Yer da prettiest eater I’ve ever seen.
ruerueboo That hair! Also Niall is bf/husband goals we’ve been known this😂🥰
delilahgrace @ruerueboo don’t get me started on the hair😭😭😭 i miss it so much it hurts.
autumnal Niall is always just looking at you like he’s not quite sure if you’re real or not😂 and I love it.
horanhoe Holy fuck look at him!!!😭🤤
taralcassandro You two are just goals and I’m so mad I didn’t get to see you two in the very beginning of your relationship😂 I’ve heard it was very wild and entertaining!
niallhoran @taralcassandro it was wild cos Delilah was even more hyper active back then an cold finish 2 bottles of wine in on sitting an den go back to our place fo tequila shots😂
onedirectionupdates Awe I love seeing older pics for yalls relationship!💖
luna-tic Adore the look on his face!!!! Precious little Niall James!!😊
phoebe_buffayee You two are annoying with how perfect for each other you are. Like no one else would deal with the amount you drink and eat besides Niall😂 love you two❤️
delilahgrace @phoebe_buffayee Omfg you’re so right😂 he truly is my soulmate. We loooovvvveeee youu!!!
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sarahzstories · 4 years
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*a/n this is a variation of the same Niall insta story I have on wattpad*
Niall and Delilah have been together since she bumped into him in 2015 and this is a look inside their relationship via Instagram! Enjoy!
Same Look
She’s back
Forgot Something
Too Hard
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sarahzstories · 4 years
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*this is a variation of the Life With Narry insta story I have on Wattpad*
Princess met Niall and Harry in 2013 when they crashed her aunts Christmas party in New York City and they’ve been inseparable ever since, this is the story of their friendship told through Instagram posts! Enjoy!✨
Power of NYC
He’s Listening
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sarahzstories · 4 years
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This is the friends to lovers Instagram story about Princess and Harry, originally from my Life With Narry series/Instagram story. Watch them go through ups and downs as their love story unfolds through their Instagram posts.
*this is a variation of the story I have on wattpad that you can read HERE*
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sarahzstories · 4 years
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Hi babes! So here is a list/links and a brief little summary of all the insta stories I have on wattpad since I get a few asks about them!
Life With Narry : (Completed) This insta story is just the posts you’d make if you were bffs with Niall and Harry it goes along with the Life With Narry series! It varies from posts made by Niall, Harry, You and sometimes Nick and it’s just a fun little look into the world of life With Narry!
Life With Narry Book 2! This is the second book in the Life With Narry insta series! This is a look into the life of Princess as she goes about her everyday life with her friends and a new love! This has posts made by Niall, Harry, Princess, Dylan and some others!
Dad Narry: This is a little look into the lives of Niall and Harry as dads. You’ll see photos of Niall’s twin girls Maggie and Shelly as well as Harry’s son Oliver and little girl (she’s not named yet) that go along with the Dad Niall and Harry I write about!
Instagram [N.H]: (completed) This is the story of Niall and Delilah told through their insta posts. This follows them from the time they met and everything that happens to them along the way during their romance!
Instagram [H.S]: The love story of Harry and Guinevere, this shows you their journey as a couple through insta posts. You’ll see the struggles as well as the sweet moments in their relationship!
Chris Evans Insta Story: This is the love story of Chris and Ciara who’ve been together for a while and are just enjoying life as a couple! You’ll see them go through ups and downs all told through their Instagram accounts!
The Beginnings: This is the more detailed story of how Princess met Niall and Harry all while maintaining her friendships with Delilah and Guinevere.
Modern Olympus: A look at how the Gods and Goddesses deal with modern life such as social media. This features all the commonly known gods and goddess like Hades, Persephone, Apollo, Hermes, Zeus and more!
Dylan O’Brien Insta Story: This is the love story and Rose and Dylan who’ve been best friends for years and have just turned their friendship into a romance.
Niall and Delilah Book 2: This is the second book all about Niall and Delilah’s marriage and how they manage to juggle being parents, having friendships and still keeping the roman e alive!
Harry and Princess Insta Story: This is the one that I’ve had requested for a while and it’s the story of how Harry and Princess (Parry) go from the absolute best of friends to dating and who knows where their romance will take them…read it to find out!
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sarahzstories · 4 years
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Hi my loves! So I’ve done it, I’ve restarted the Life with Narry insta stories on wattpad and if you’re interested you can go read it here!✨💖
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sarahzstories · 5 years
love how wholesome this is
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sarahzstories · 5 years
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Get you a BFF that will talk shit about This Town with you also I’d never ACTUALLY toss a shoe at Niall while he’s on stage 😂💖 @agoddamnbeautifulidiot
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sarahzstories · 5 years
Interview with the Horans!
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This is a compilation of questions I’ve received for Niall and Delilah to answer and I did it as if they were sitting down doing an interview, I hope you enjoy and that it helps give you an insight into the lives of the Horans! If you have no clue what I’m talking about Niall and Delilah are from my Insta Story you can find here! 
Q: How did you two meet?
Niall: At an after party of a sports event I believe? She’s gonna kill me if I got it wrong. 
Delilah: Really? An after party? You’re so annoying. We met at a sports event that I didn’t want to go too but my friend Phoebe dragged me to it and I ran into Niall at the bar it was all super casual.
Niall: Ya sure, if ya call her almost knockin me over ta order a bloody drink casual. 
Keep reading
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sarahzstories · 5 years
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This is the friends to lovers Instagram story about Princess and Harry, originally from my Life With Narry series/Instagram story. Watch them go through ups and downs as their love story unfolds through their Instagram posts.
*this is a variation of the story I have on wattpad that you can read HERE*
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sarahzstories · 5 years
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