saschafierce78 · 4 years
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Draco by Lorandesore
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saschafierce78 · 4 years
thank you for this intervention. As a French person, who live just next Conflans, I’m tired of the international medias who either weaponise (and sometimes mistranslate) Samuel Paty’s tragedy.
No one in France (at least not a significant share of the population) thinks Samuel Paty “deserves” what happened to him.
 People of all political backgrounds are mourning this professor and supporting all the others. 
Moreover, in France, it is well known now that Samuel Paty asked beforhand if the students wanted to leave the classroom  (if they did not want to see the caricature). So, no, no one (at least in France), can push the “white islamophobe” narrative without straight out lying or being ignorant. 
The problem now is that the current government is trying to alienate all French Muslims and profit off of the situation to push the tough-on-immigration policies they’ve always wanted to implement. They’re litterally stealing the leader of the far-right National Rally, Marine Lepen’s programm  (source). No longer than last night, our current Minister of Interior was proud to announce that a dozen of people have been arrested even if they were not linked to Samuel Paty’s murderer watsoever (source)
What I’m the most tired of in this situation is tribalism. No one can think beyond the binary. You’re either a naive liberal-cuck (and thus part of problem) or a islamophobic “patriotic” scum. 
Samuel Paty does not derseve that. His family does not deserve to go through this. To have their husband, father, son or friend’s death being weaponised. To such extent that Samuel Paty is no longer a person to some people. Just a martyr to “liberty of expression”, a polarising talking point during diner and for some an excuse to express their long repressed islamophobia/racism. So depressing...
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Samuel Paty was beheaded in broad daylight, on 16 October 2020, by a fanatic Islamist in Conflans-Sainte-Honorine. 
Paty was executed after in a class on freedom of expression, he shown his students a Charlie Hebdo cartoon depicting Mohamed. 
MSM outlets and intersectional activists are pushing hard the “he was just asking for it / just another islamophobe white supremacist” narrative [x] [x] [x] [x]
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saschafierce78 · 4 years
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saschafierce78 · 4 years
the universe wants this
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I woke up covered in sweat at 4am a month ago because the universe told me i had to draw this ╰( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )つ──☆*:・゚ ~If y'all want more i’ll be happy to draw more~
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saschafierce78 · 4 years
i love when you guys (@americans) hire french canadians instead (cough cough marvel movies cough). like, guys, we recognize the quebecois french accent ! but at least french is their mother language, i guess it’s a progress. 
@americans please hire french actresses and actors for your movies/shows when the characters are supposed to be french and are going to talk french. we can definitely hear the the accent and it’s... not pleasant.
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saschafierce78 · 4 years
disney: Kristoff is the manliest man ever  me:
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a wise disney fan girl once said: “if disney doesn’t give me what i want i’ll make it myself!” 
so here’s trans kristoff ! ~♥
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saschafierce78 · 4 years
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no one asked for it, I did it anyway ! Trans Kristoff : THE SEQUEL ! her name’s Kristina ~♥ 
buff waifus are the best waifus !
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no one:
not a single soul:
me: let’s draw trans Kristoff w/ a little more accurate Norwegian folk costume (=bunad) than in the movies
she needs a new name tho…
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saschafierce78 · 4 years
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because every hero should have an oil painting hanged on a wall
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saschafierce78 · 4 years
not only that but Tumblr is also the best social network so far when it comes to writing long articles as well as entire chapters of (fan-)fictions. whereas the numbers of characters and Instagram is all about photos - a perfect portfolio for artists, then. that’s why Tumblr is the perfect social network for writers as well as really talkative people. 
the reblog ratio sucks. it does. it feels like no one came to your art show. and interaction is down in general. but i think the reason is that people up and leave for instagram of twitter and to me i can't imagine doing that. going on insta fandom always means seeing screenshots of edits with 30k likes when the person who worked hard on the edit gets like 300 notes. i wish people would just give us the interaction those reposts get because we deserve it and tumblr IS a better platform for edits/gifs despite everything. it's hard for me to understand that part. but at the end of the day i love giffing, it's a great creative outlet and i love interacting with other content creators. i think we all need to support each other.
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saschafierce78 · 4 years
don’t murder people, kiddos ! ;)
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attempted murder with a lil homoeroticism
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saschafierce78 · 4 years
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Harry and Draco at the library 📚 
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saschafierce78 · 4 years
1.7% of people are intersex, 2% have green eyes, and 1.5 percent are redheads, but yeah red is a natural hair color, green is a natural eye color, and being intersex is a 'deformity'. Keep pretending gender isn't a social construct
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saschafierce78 · 4 years
I'm tired of non-asians on twitter trying to tell asians that we shouldn't be offended by the racial stereotype that is Cho Chang. I mean,
Cho and Chang are both last names
One's Korean, the other's Chinese (no I dont remeber which is which)
She got sorted into the Smart House
Her only interactions are following 2 white boys around like a lovesick puppy
Cho Chang sounds suspiciously like "ching chang" a term used to mock asians (This has been used multiple times against my family and other asian friends)
The only person East Asians can identify with, one of the 4 asians in the entire series (Patil twins, Nagini)
All of the Asian characters are only seen in relation to white men.
Honestly, we wouldn't be as mad if there was other East Asians that DIDN'T conform to that stereotype, but Cho is the only one we got. Thanks Joanne.
Also JK Rowling said the Voldemort's snake used to be an asian women named Nagini... who is now in service to him... and is basically his pet...
JK Rowling is a transphobic, homophobic, TERF, anti-semitic, and racist.
The only Irish kid blows shit up (ira) (Seamus Finnigan)
The most prominent black character doesnt have a dad. (Dean Thomas)
The other black Hogwarts students, (Blaise Zabini) his mom is implied to be a gold digger.
(Angelina Johnson) is good at sports (stereotype, but she's still badass)
The bankers are described as hook nose goblins... yeah.
Apparently she made aids/HIV a comparison to werewolves... where it was unwillingly given to Lupin by a man who targets children...
The only jewish character is a dude named Anthony Goldstein, who is never specified to be jewish in the books or movies, and I actually have no idea if he was actually in either.
Rita Skeeter literally described with manly hands, a strong jaw, and other traditionally masculine features... painting her as a trans women, and someone who is a liar, and is hated by everyone... and oh yeah, changes form to spy on kids.
The house elves love to be enslaved
The american wizard society, where she just shits on everything. Implying that the indigenous people had to be colonized so they could be taught "proper magic", mishandling of native cultures, and incorrectly grouping them into one entity
Saying later that Dumbledore was gay, but not putting it in the story, or into Fantastic Beasts 2, where the storyline is LITERALLY about his former lover.
I'm tired of JK Rowling. I'm tired of "it wasn't relevant to Harry's story, so I didnt include it" I'm tired of people outside of these communities telling us that we're overreacting, and that we shouldn't be offended by what we see.
I love the books, but I hate Joanne.
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saschafierce78 · 4 years
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Sornmii on Instagram
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saschafierce78 · 4 years
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saschafierce78 · 4 years
the thing I HATE the most about the harry potter fandom (potterheads)
I don’t do a lot of "drama” on my blog. most of the time I just post some art but now I’m done with you guys! (no I’m not gonna be talking about “you-know-who”, the mysterious “gender critical” author of the harry potter books. or maybe not today)
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 In our community, the potterheads who have read the books (they like to call themselves “the real potterheads”. that speaks volumes about their ego) like to look down on the harry potter films as though they were the shittiest film adaptations ever made and not even good films. First and foremost, the level of DISRESPECT, guys ! Besides, I know exactly why you’re doing that ! You want to be seen as intellectuals who prefer “elitist” medias such as books over “pop culture”. <<Because pop  (air quotes) “culture” is for the masses. hew ! >> If you were not blinded by your elitist big ass ego, you would’ve realised that the Harry Potter films are one of the best - if not the best - film adaptations from books ever (ex: Percy Jackson’s and Artemis Fowl’s fans know what I’m talking about).
2. “It’S nOt LiKe ThAt In ThE bOokS” type of whinging 
I don’t say that we cannot make valid criticism about the films (ex: treatment of Ginny Weasley) but most of the time, the critics of “elitist potterheads” revolve around the “iT’s NoT LiKe In ThE bOoKs” type of arguments. 
So let’s address the main point of my argumentation: 
First and foremost, adaptations which are quite similar to the original work they’re based on, aren’t necessarily good. I would go as far as to say that they are unsurprisingly bad. Let’s take for example the Japanese live action film adaptation of ‘Death Note’ released in 2006. I’m a big fan of ‘Death Note’, and yet I felt like I was attending a bad cosplay contest when watching this film. Almost everything is exactly like in the manga, but cheap.
More generally, such adaptations carry no ambitions, but to satisfy fans. These kind of films can be successful and praised by the fans in question, but they are hardly good or even interesting.
Now here are some examples are film adaptations which are the furthest from faithful to the original work adapted but are yet considered as great films. Comics such as “Men In Black” and “The Mask” are indeed particularly dark in comparison to their adaptation. In these cases, modifications were made in the adaptation to enable a larger public to discover a work that they would have never known otherwise. For example, children who watched “The Mask” back in the 90’s must be all grown up now, and thus, can read the original work without being traumatised. However, if the film “The Mask” was as dark as the comics, it is most likely that most of these children wouldn’t have known either the film or the comics.
Finally, I think, we must asses the quality of an adaptation like we would for a ‘regular’ film. 
On YouTube as well as on a lot of social networks, a lot of cut scenes of Harry Potter films can be found. Scenes that, according to Potterheads, should have been part of the film as if the directors decided to delete them on a whim, which is utterly wrong.
First and foremost, in the American film industry, the final cut doesn’t belong to the directors rather to the producers of a film. Only the most popular directors such as “Tarantino and Friends” are granted this final cut. Although the final cut lines up with the director’s cut most of the time, I’d just like to remind you that almost all directors are strings attached when it comes to the final edit of a film. And if you think such “minor” modifications to a film cannot ruin it, go see the remake of Rollerball (2002) which - as evidenced, by a lot of questionnable edit choices-  ended up being nothing like it was supposed to be. We can speculate hours about how the “real film” looked like but, unfortunately,  we’ll never know.
All I want to say is whether a scene is removed from the film (or not) it is for a reason ! 
Moreover, books and films are two different mediums. 
In a book we must TELL and in a film we must SHOW. That’s why it is difficult to re-transcript internal thoughts in a film, for example. That’s why some scenes, line of dialogues and even characters can be necessary in the books but completely irrelevant in a film. 
 For example, the scene in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part. 2, in which Draco ran toward Harry and throw him his wand. This scene would have made it more self-evident that Draco deeply regrets his past as a Death Eater and would have taken Harry’s side if given the opportunity. However, his reluctance to join his parents in itself can be considered as a proof of repentance. Moreover, Tom Felton’s sad look conveyed all of Draco’s feelings. That’s what I call acting ! And  good one ! 
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do we need unnecessary lines of dialogues to see the regret in his eyes ?????
To conclude, (1)  don’t be an elistist moron (2) don’t criticise a film too harshly if you don’t know shit about cinema and (3) WEAR A MASK ! 
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saschafierce78 · 4 years
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objective: draw fanarts of Draco wearing ALL the outfits (2/8)
waiting for Harry to invite him for a date ~♥ 
i realised a little bit too late that my Draco was a little bit too muscular... 
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Happy late birthday to Draco Malfoy! My friend and I are writing a fanfic and these are a few of his outfits in it. We love a chaotic bisexual dark acadamia icon
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