sashaslytherin13 · 4 years
I need somewhere to say this and I know I will get hate but oh fucking well.
Do you know why you have people storming a capital building?
Because they were told they can.
They were told they could because when the BLM riots kicked off, the media, the politicians, fellow citizens and noncitizens all said they were justified and defended their actions.
So... you now have people, that believe (even if you don't agree, lord knows I dont) that they were wronged. Therefore they do something about it like riot or storm a capital building. Someone died in that building, but several died in the BLM riots, and noone mentioned that.
People in the riots were called thugs, rioters, terrorists and so on, therefore you should call the people that stormed the capital building the same.
However I will not play dumb, after hearing once again that my city is still in strict lock down but they will be allowing professional athletes to play and travel for sports, but I cant shop or see 1 friend, or do my own sport, has me wanting to storm a capital building too.
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sashaslytherin13 · 6 years
We are a pack - Chapter 3
Remus wakes in a cell and grunts. He quickly gets up to his feet and looks around, feeling his shoulder to find his wound poorly healed but at least healed. He takes in his surroundings and notices that all the bars around him are silver. Idiotic scum, he thinks as he taps one bar with his nail. While it burned most werewolves he oddly had a tolerance for it. Fenrir chuckles from the cell across Remus.
“Pup? You alive?” he asks the smirk clear in his voice.
“Yeah, across from you. Damn Blacks” Remus replies. He snarls when the silver touches his arm as he reaches through the bars to fiddle with the lock with his nails. He is close to getting it when Fenrir chuckles again.
“Anyone else awake?”
“Nah, they are all light weights when it comes to magic. You know that” Remus gets the lock and pushes the door open before going to Fenrir’s lock and starts working on it. Fenrir stands and waits by the door.
“They are going to turn us into pets. Try and break us of any information we know. You have to be strong Pup. Got it?” Remus nods and gets Fenrir’s gate unlocked. Fenrir runs a nail over the bite mark that turned Remus on his shoulder.
“We are the only ones who know where all the packs are. The rest only know about one or two others. If I die Remus, you need to get out. No matter what. Play nice, play the obedient little pup and play stupid about the packs. You need to live pup” Fenrir sinks his teeth into the side of Remus’s neck and he shivers and arches into it. They hear footsteps coming and Fenrir shoves Remus back towards his cell. Remus locks Fenrir back into his cell and then gets into his own, locking himself back in. Remus keeps his eyes on Fenrir as the guards come and unlock his cell. Remus’s eyes change color and his fangs come out as he gets ready to fight but he sees there are too many. They wait for him to step out of his cell, wands all on him as he does so. They circle around him and he lunges at one of them but stops short as a silver collar is slapped around his throat. He snarls but gets yanked to his knees by the throat. Chains and handcuffs go on and around him as he feels the slight burn of silver. He glances at Fenrir who just smirks and nods ever so slightly. Remus allows himself to be hauled off. He memorizes how to get back to the cells as they go, keeping an eye on everything around him. The walls of the castle are smooth; clearly it took a long time to make them so even. There is silver and green everywhere around them. Two guards open the doors to a large set of chambers and Remus is once again shoved to his knees. He doesn’t make a sound as his knees bite into the stone. He looks up instantly at the pompous arse that is sitting in his chair sipping wine from a silver goblet adorned with emeralds. Can these people really not get over their stupid house colors? Remus notices the Black Family Crest ring on the man’s finger was also silver. Remus looks him over, his eyes roaming just as the foolish man’s eyes are roaming him. He stands and approaches Remus. His long black hair is tied back, his eyes pure grey and piercing. He has high cheekbones and well defined features. It’s clear he is nothing more than a palace drone as his skin is flawless and smooth. He looks to be about the same age as Remus but has clearly never seen a hard day in his life. The guards are waved off and the, boy, Remus decides, sits back down sipping his wine. Remus is tense under the silver, feeling the slight irritation everywhere it touches. The boy flicks his wand and the silver falls off Remus except for the collar. Remus flexes his muscles but stays on his knees, eyes pierced on the boy in front of him.
“The name is Sirius Black. You have been gifted to me by my mother, Walburga the Queen. I am their Heir, but my younger brother Regulus Black is also an option to them. Now you probably haven’t eaten or drank for a bit. I would like to remedy that, however I cannot feed you human flesh so please tell me what is best to fetch you” he says calmly. Remus stares at him and sniffs at the air. Not even the scent of fear, there is however a slight smell of arousal and Remus is aware he can exploit that.
“Deer, ideally bloody would work. It’s actually what we eat the most and water” Remus says plainly. He catches the young Black staring at his shoulder where his bite mark is and tilts his head. Sirius flicks his wand and the doors open and a servant enters.
“Get the mutt some bloody deer and water. Be quick about it” he snaps and the servant bows then exits quickly. Remus can hear that once the doors closed again the servant is running. Remus looks back at the boy.
“So your name is Remus Lupin, you were Fenrir Greybacks second in command, but alas that is all I know about you. Surely you had other things you could have done besides be a play thing to him?” the boy sips his wine. Remus feels his fangs slide out and his eyes flash gold.
“Ta, surely you have other things you could do than be a puppet for your mother?” Remus rebuts with a harsh smirk. Sirius flinches, it’s clear to Remus then that he wasn’t used to people being so harsh with him. Sirius flicks his wand and Remus feels the collar tighten some but he shows no signs of it bothering him except a slight tremor through his body.
“Try again Lupin. When were you turned and taken from your family?” Sirius spits harshly.
“5” Remus says, voice steady despite the lack of air in his lungs. Sirius loosens the collar again.
“Lupin is not your family name is it?” Sirius continues to ask questions with an air of curiosity but also an air of superiority. Stay alive pup Fenrir’s voice plays in Remus’s head.
“It is not. Remus is the name I was given at birth but Lupin is the name I chose” he says plainly, in a bored tone.
“You’ve been with Fenrir for how long?”
“20 years” Remus smirks and runs his tongue over his fang. Sirius’s eyes are drawn to that motion.
“How long have you been by his side for?”
“I was always his pup, but I wasn’t allowed out of my pack until 15. Been by his side ever since with no pack to call my own. Just him” Remus starts growing tired of this game. Hunger and thirst driving him mad.
“Why pup? Fenrir turns every werewolf himself, so you weren’t anything new. Why are you the one he calls pup?” Sirius leans forward in his chair. Remus laughs darkly.
“I cannot speak for Fenrir. He does what he wants when he wants. He takes what he can’t readily have and shows no shame in it. I am just another one of those things for him. I do as my alpha says, obey as he orders, listen to what he says and follow it to death” Remus says darkly, some light reflecting off his eyes as he tilts his head further. Sirius’s eyes go to Fenrir’s fresh bite mark on his neck. Before Sirius can ask another question there is a gentle knock on the door. Sirius flicks his wand and the doors open showing 4 servants carrying a whole freshly killed deer and another two carrying large pitchers of water. Remus can smell the fresh blood and his nostrils flare. He fights with himself to stay kneeling on the damn stone. Sirius orders them to put it down in front of Remus, which happens to be exactly halfway between Sirius and Remus. The water pitchers are put down beside the deer and the servants all leave, shutting the doors themselves. Remus’s mouth is watering as he stares at the food but not daring to move.
“Answer these questions honestly and I will let you eat. Is it true a werewolf was seen running away before the fight started? Did they get away? When and how did you get that set of teeth marks, because it appears very fresh but you were in cells before coming here” Sirius leans over, elbows leaning on his knees, eyes piercing in a stare at Remus, daring him to lie. Remus feels a spell trickle over him and recognizes it as a simple lie detection charm. Remus lifts his eyes from the food.
“Yes some wolves most likely got away but I cannot say for sure as I was preparing to fight. I unlocked the cells you see so Fenrir and I could speak and potentially say our goodbyes. He gave me the mark shortly before the guards showed up to bring me here. May I eat now or do you feel like playing more truth games?” Remus snaps, growing impatient. The smell of blood driving him mad but he refuses to look away from Sirius who is tapping his wand against his chin.
“Silver doesn’t burn you like it does other wolves” he remarks. Remus shrugs but keeps his attention on Sirius.
“Lots of things are different about me from other wolves. Silver doesn’t burn me, full moons are painful for me but I keep my entire mind during them. I can take most spells wizards throw with little reaction, can throw off others easily. I am stronger and faster than any wolf I have yet to meet. It can’t be explained but it is how it is” he says and watches for Black’s reaction. There, over the smell of blood, is a clear smell of arousal. Remus smirks and licks his fang again, drawing Black’s attention to his mouth. Sirius motions for him to eat and Remus does.
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sashaslytherin13 · 6 years
We are a pack - Chapter 2
Sirius walks into the courtyard and stretches. He ties his long hair up and sits on a bench. He reads his book in silence, just listening to the animals as they scurry around in the gardens. He hears a few whispers and then someone appears at his side after 30 minutes of reading. He looks up to find one of the young guards and he sneers.
“Yes?” he asks with little patience. The guard stutters.
“The Queen requests your presence in the Throne Room” Sirius rolls his eyes and stands. He hands the book to a servant and makes his way to the throne room. His mother always insists on holding meetings in the throne room. She likes to sit on her throne and stare down at Sirius and Regulus. Sirius sees his brother pacing outside the large doors and shakes his head slightly. Regulus settles but is visibly still worried.
“Ta brother. She probably just has news about the fight. Breathe” he says softly as he swings the doors open and enters the throne room. Sure enough his arrogant half crazed mother is in, wait is she on his father’s throne? Sirius pauses mid-step and looks over at his brother who has also paused. Sirius keeps walking then and stands in front of his mother. His brothers blue grey eyes are full of worry, his black hair smooth and down. His mother is grinning like a mad woman, which Sirius knows can only mean one thing. His weaker minded father is gone and his mother is taking his place. Regulus starts looking between Sirius and their mother.
“Orion has passed at the hands of Fenrir. Him and 7 other wolves have been taken hostage and are in the cells. Pray tell what shall we do with them? Hmmm?” Walburga continues to grin. Sirius straightens his spine; he knows this is a test. In the corner of his eyes he sees Regulus flinch.
“Fenrir has many packs yes? Father just barely found this one. We need information from these wolves to find the other packs. I am assuming he would be rather tough to break but what about the other ones? If we can get information that would be faster than us trying to find them on our own” Sirius says smoothly. Regulus stares at the wall above their mothers head. As Walburga considers this, Regulus coughs softly.
“Perhaps give Fenrir to Bellatrix? She always wanted to get her hands on him. Perhaps she could think up a fair punishment for him at the end of a leash?” He says a little shakily. Sirius considers this just as much as Walburga does.
“Yes. I agree with you both. Sirius, you will get Fenrir’s loyal pup, Remus Lupin. Remus was considered Fenrir’s second in command. He never had one steady pack but floated with Fenrir always. Break him Sirius, that mutt has more information than he lets on. We will torment the others to see what we can get from them. Now go.” She snaps and waits for them to bow and leave and then she goes down to the cells.
Sirius watches as a messenger makes a run for the stables and takes off on one of the fastest horses they own. He listens to the gossip of the guards and servants, hearing many tidbits about what may or may not have happened at the battle. Sirius has no doubt his aunt and Bellatrix would be making their way over soon. Sirius makes his way to his chambers and for once allows himself to pace, but even then it is calculated. Every movement planned and organized, smooth and seamless. His family for years kept werewolves as pets and it seemed like they would be continuing that tradition again. Sirius chews his inner cheek, he wasn’t sure he could handle breaking a werewolf. After an hour he hears some commotion outside his door and he pauses his pacing. He sits in one of his chairs and sips his wine as the guards drag a wolf into his room. Sirius eyes him; the wolf lifts his head and stares back at him, no fear in his eyes. He has short tawny hair that is in tight curls. His eyes are glorious amber with flecks of gold in it. There are scars littered all over his face, neck and torso. Currently he is wearing a silver collar, chains and hand cuffs. There seems to be very little burning on his skin from the silver, which is highly unusual. He is most likely Sirius’s age, but he barely looks it. He is in amazing shape, muscles bunching and tensing as Sirius looks him over. Sirius waves his guards off, but they stay outside his shut doors. Sirius sits again and sips his wine, taking in the beast in front of him.
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sashaslytherin13 · 7 years
We are a pack - Chapter 1
The cold air freezes his lungs as he takes a deep breath as they walk towards the pack. He glances over at Fenrir who just stares straight ahead sniffing the air. He always looks so wolfish to Remus, lots of hair, eyes always reflecting the light and nails always sharp and pointed. It was rare to see Fenrir without his fangs out and a haunting smirk on his face. Remus can feel the blood in his veins chill as he catches the scents of a large number of people. They both take off in a full blown run, Remus faster than Fenrir but only just. He looks around trying to find long tawny hair and golden eyes. He spots Fenrir ordering some of the other wolves around but he can’t spot Jenny. He spins in a circle still looking as he hits the middle of the pack, a few of the other wolves eyeing him curiously but all too busy preparing for a fight. Many of them had their fangs out, their nails long and pointed, bodies hunched slightly and eyes reflecting the light. They were all preparing for a massive fight, and Remus knew it wouldn’t be pretty. A soft hand clamps tightly around his wrist and he looks down to see his sister at his side. He tugs her into a tight hug and whispers in her ear.
“Run Jenny. Get yourself out of here and somewhere safe. Please, it’s the Blacks. We aren’t winning this fight and you won’t survive if the Blacks get you. Go” he hisses. He glances over to see the other wolves have all begun to head towards the group of men, and he stares back at his sister. Her golden eyes searching his, and he pleads her to leave. She looks so young, younger than 18 like she is. She has high cheekbones and unlike most of the wolves around, is completely unscarred. He prides himself on the fact he’s kept her unharmed, even though he got more than his fair share of scars doing so. There is a look of innocence to her and he would do anything to preserve. She gives him one last hug and then runs; he watches her go for one moment and then runs to join Fenrir at his side. Remus can feel his fangs grow and his nails sharpen. Fenrir smirks at him and Remus smirks back.
“Ready Pup?” he chuckles and licks his teeth. Remus runs his tongue over his one fang.
“Always” he smiles and gets ready. 40 men in leather armor approach, wands out at the ready. Remus eyes them up and tilts his head curiously. He sniffs the air and grins. Oh this would be gloriously fun. Some of the wolves hesitate but most of them are crouched, ready to run and attack at the simplest order.
“Fenrir! Give it up Mutt! If you come quietly we will allow your foolish mutts to live! If not, well it won’t be pretty” one on a horse yells. Remus bares his fangs and gets ready to rip that one’s throat out. Fenrir just chuckles.
“Pup, meet Orion Black. He thinks he is above us. Always has and always will. Arrogant fool isn’t he?” Fenrir smirks and Remus chuckles.
“Most wizards do think they are invincible. It’s what makes them easy prey” Remus says loudly, running his tongue over his fang again. Fenrir snarls and takes a step forward.
“You won’t win here Black. This isn’t my only pack you see. You may get me but my packs won’t die. You can’t erase the wolves” he yells back and many of the wolves around Fenrir howl in answer. Remus starts growing tired of the standoff. He craves to sink his teeth and claws in their throats. He wants to take as many down with him as he can. A quick glance told him many felt the same but with their alpha ordering them to wait and they all would. Fenrir nods at Remus who smirks and makes a run for it so he can get behind them. He moves quickly and silently, within a blink of an eye he is behind the group of men. A few seconds later 10 other wolves join him. They all wait behind him, waiting for his signal. Remus pulls his shirt off, it feels too constricting. His scarred torso practically shined in the moon light. The only parts that don’t are his many tattoos that cover his body. He licks his one fangs again and he notices many of the other wolves have also taken their shirts off. He wishes he could cast a loosening charm on his pants but would never risk revealing himself to the wolves or these wizards. Fenrir, Jenny, and he had all worked hard to keep their magical sides quiet. Even shrinking and transfiguring their wands into small items, like tooth picks. Remus watches quietly as Orion orders his men forward. Fenrir growls and the wolves lurched forward, moving as fast as they could. Remus motions for the other wolves to go, his eyes on Orion as he moves after him. Orion starts cantering away on his horse but Remus is faster. He makes the horse spook causing it to rear and then buck before bolting. Orion falls hard to the ground, out of breath. Remus snarls and jumps onto his chest and begins clawing it. Orion screams so loud that it catches the attention of a few men who start sending stunning spells at Remus as well as some slicing spells. Remus gets a slicing spell in the shoulder but instead of fighting back he drags Orion up and in front of him, his claws digging into Orion’s throat. He bares his fangs at his neck as well.
“Ah Ah boys. Play nice or your little master is done” Remus snarls. Orion gasps for breath and the men all stop throwing curses and stand, wands at the ready. Fenrir breaks through the line of spells and grabs two of the five men and bash their heads together causing them to drop to the ground. Orion begins struggling in Remus’s hold trying to get his wand. Remus digs his nails in deeper and snarls. He grabs the wand and snaps it in one hand throwing it aside and Orion gasps for air again as Remus tightens his hold. Fenrir finishes off the other three by snapping their necks. Remus throws Orion at Fenrir’s feet and then heads to join the rest of the pack fighting. Fenrir grabs his arm as he walks past.
“Well done pup” he smirks and then turns his attention to Orion. Remus runs his tongue over his fang and joins the others, feeling the blood trickle out of his wound, slowing him down slightly. As the men around them dwindled dead or dying, wolves were lying motionless from spells, others dead. Soon it’s just Remus, Fenrir and 6 others left standing. Wizard’s apparate in and soon there are 30 more men surrounding them. Remus catches the eye and scent of another Black, but this one is female. She looks at the mangled body of Orion and then steps forward towards the wolves left.
“You mutts fought hard, I will give you that. My husband may be dead but that is of little loss here. Surely you have figured out he was a mere puppet. Now it’s my turn. Men, take them to the cells. I will see if we can turn my boys into men soon” she snaps. Her hair blows all around her face and is fully black. She has dark hooded eyes that pierce through to your soul. Remus guesses that this is Walburga Black. The look on Fenrir’s face confirms that to him. Remus watches as some of the wizards begin killing wolves that are still alive but down, others killing the wizards past healing. Remus tenses beside Fenrir as the wizards raise their wands, he bares his teeth at them before everything turns black.
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