sassenach-potter · 2 years
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sassenach-potter · 2 years
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my edits
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sassenach-potter · 2 years
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I was talking to my therapist about some anxiety symptoms --- "In my mind, I know I'm going to be perfectly okay, but my body doesn't listen and reacts anyway" --- and she recommended TIPP as strategies to keep in my toolbox of dealing with distress in the moment. I really appreciate having more than one option to try in moments of overwhelm!
Transcription below:
If you're feeling overwhelmed by anxiety or other strong emotions, TIPP is a set of techniques that use the body's natural physical responses to bring you back into balance.
TIPP stands for
intense exercise
paced breathing
progressive muscle relaxation
The body naturally lowers its heart rate in response to cold. If anxiety is making your heart race, try an ice pack, a cool washcloth, or a walk outside in cool weather, and it should help you calm down.
Intense exercise:
Anxiety is typically a symptom of your body going into fight/flight mode. If your body is coursing with nervous energy, burn it off with 10 minutes of jumping jacks, dancing, climbing stairs, or another cardio activity to complete the stress response cycle.
Paced breathing:
Deep, slow breathing from the belly can also help signal the body to come out of fight/flight mode. Try inhaling for a count of four and exhaling for a count of six until you feel more relaxed. (I like to hold the breath for a count of two between each inhale and exhale.)
Progressive muscle relaxation:
If anxiety makes your body tense up, try this. Start by squeezing the muscles in your toes and feet for five seconds, and then intentionally relax them. Move up to the calves, up your legs, and every region of your body to purposefully let go of extra energy.
When you're feeling overwhelmed, try one or more of these to see what works for you.
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sassenach-potter · 2 years
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ask me
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sassenach-potter · 2 years
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sassenach-potter · 2 years
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sassenach-potter · 2 years
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By @psych2go
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sassenach-potter · 2 years
I’ll forever be the person who says "It’s okay, I understand" even when my heart is literally shattering.
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sassenach-potter · 2 years
i am tired. i am exhausted. from my head to my soul to my bones i am so fucking tired.
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sassenach-potter · 2 years
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my edits
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sassenach-potter · 2 years
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One thing I wish my partner knew was that he doesn’t trigger my anxious thoughts. I’m an over thinker, always have been. I still lay awake at night sometimes and my brain will bring up an incident that happened 5+ years ago and I’ll spiral into how it should have been handled differently. Sometimes nothing triggers these thoughts and it’s just a hard day. I work hard every day to not let the intrusive thoughts win out, but some days they take over.
This past weekend was rough, partly my fault because I missed a night on my medications that help me not be as anxious. Missing that dose brought on really rough anxiety dreams where I was ripped apart from my family in a horrible way and I couldn’t locate them. I woke up in a panic and didn’t get much sleep. This is something my partner cannot relate to, yes he has his own problems, but he has the capability of pushing through almost anything. He doesn’t live with crippling anxiety brought on by years of bullying and being told over and over and over again that I am not good enough. These thoughts are so ingrained in me from both past friendship and relationships.
I had a friend share with me that a past partner is still acting like a victim when in fact they emotional abused me for almost 2 years. It took every ounce in me to leave that very unhealthy and toxic relationship, and to see that they barely take any responsibility is triggering in itself. I was so belittled in that relationship and it took me moving to Florida and being away from them to know that I didn’t love them, that what I was a part of was not love, and it wasn’t healthy.
All this to say, I really need to remember that I am not my anxious thoughts. I am deserving of love and friendship. I am a great mom, a great friend, and a great partner. These thoughts do not reflect who I really am.
Thanks for reading.
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sassenach-potter · 2 years
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The brother who perpetuated the cycle of abuse vs the brother who broke the cycle of abuse ( from @theoriginalsapphic)
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sassenach-potter · 2 years
When do the thought of “am I good enough” leave? When do the triggers lessen that push me back to the abuse I have experienced in my life.
Lately these triggers have been overwhelming. The self doubt has been very prominent and being alone majority of the time is hard since that is when these intrusive thoughts win out.
My anxiety has been tenfold the past few days and the anxiety riddled dreams have become more intense than simply my teeth breaking and falling out of my mouth.
I am tired of reminders of how unimportant I have been to certain people in my life. I’m tired of doubting if my partner feels the same way about me now that I am fully at home caring for our kids and being a housewife. I’m scared of being a burden to potential partners that I have been talking to since my partner and I decided to become poly almost 2 years ago.
The self doubt is exhausting and not having places to go to just be an adult is also exhausting. I don’t want to come off desperate to these potential partners that I’m starting to care deeply for, but I also want to know if my effort is even worth it.
Thank you for allowing me to vent if you got this far.
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sassenach-potter · 2 years
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Yeah so this is my personality
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sassenach-potter · 2 years
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♡ 365 days of delena ♡ ↳ (177/365)
— 6.13 | The Day I Tried to Live
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sassenach-potter · 2 years
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Rhys, Cass and Az - A Court of Thorns and Roses
Artist: @itswibell_art
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sassenach-potter · 2 years
Disclaimer: this post contains major spoilers from House of Sky and Breath
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This was so much fun to make, it'll make everyone's lives easier including myself haha so happy reading everyone! I tried my best to include accurate info🤍
Posted on Instagram
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