sasusakuforum · 3 years
Sasuke didn't just "randomly" develop feelings for Sakura just because they "Travelled Together"
Can Someone please tell me why, in these moments...
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...The background ALWAYS turned white with petals flowing all around, and Sasuke always had a shy smile with hidden eyes, if there was nothing mutual going on between these two, and everything was just "one-sided" ?
Also by "something mutual", I am NOT saying that they were "lovers" or "were in love" or anything. But there definitely was something from both sides. Because Uchiha Sasuke is not someone who "randomly" develops feelings for someone. His feelings grew over time.
Whatever led their relationship to bloom in the blank period had *roots* from their childhood, it couldn't be just because they travelled together - from what I have heard many SS shippers say and believe - because Sasuke travelled with other women too - Karin, Chino, etc, but he didn't develop feelings for any of them.
It's same as his relationship with Naruto was because of what bond they shared in their childhood, since they never got to spend much time afterwards, since Sasuke is always away from Village.
What I mean to say is, After the Curse of Hatred was broken, just like he accepted that Naruto will always be his "best-friend", even if they rarely meet eachother. The same way, Sasuke would still have the feelings that he had *grown to feel* for Sakura, even if they never traveled together or never got to spend much time together in blank period.
He didn't start having feelings for her because he got to know her during the blank-period or anything(He didn't need to do that, he already knew her). But because of the past and the bond they shared in their childhood. It might not have been "love" back then. But their was something from Sasuke's side too.
It's just like Sasuke's voice actor, Sugiyama said - "Sasuke's feelings had always been *consistent*" - Whatever they were for Sakura - I guess, we will never know exactly what - had always been and will always be *consistent*.
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sasusakuforum · 7 years
The Pilfered Bride, an InuKag oneshot
*a little bit of post-canon silliness based loosely on a trope I *adore* which is Kagome getting put in an arranged engagement/ being stolen away to become someone elses bride, and Inuyasha having to go save her
***except too many old fics like this from back in the day have Kagome being all helpless and ‘oh there’s nothing I can do about this’ or (worst of all) actually being like ‘well why not let’s give this a try’ ???? LIke???!!?!?!  So I had to write my own version of this trope, though granted it’s not strictly adhering to it. Honestly it’s mostly inspired by lots of Ranma ½ and Urusei Yatsura episodes of fake fiances and failed marriage attempts. Plus I just really wanted to write some sassy Kagome.
Rating: T (suggestiveness and language)
Genre: Romance/Humor
Words: 5,021
Setting: Post-Canon
“Kagome, wait for me, I’ll go with you! Hanako, come back here right now- Oh Kumiko, not you too!”
Shaking her head and smiling as the young mother ran after the giggling twins, Kagome continued on toward the light-speckled forest path, warm sunlight draping her shoulders comfortingly. She’d been feeling so stiff and tired lately, and her body was aching for some relaxation. “Don’t worry Sango” she called back, almost sighing at how perfect and pleasant a day it was, “I’m just taking a quick dip in the river- I’ll be back before you know it!”
Keep reading
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sasusakuforum · 8 years
I love how gaiden is mostly about the love between sasusaku through sarada’s pov
here we get sarada questioning what does sasuke feel about sakura
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while having a flashback of the times she saw sasuke respecting sakura and being confident in her ,his wife
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two pages later and she witness this
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She realized the love between them when she saw how Sasuke cares about sakura.
but it does not only end here 
she also asks sasuke about his feelings and he straightforwardly answers positively 
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and this time unlike the first chapter her question (”what makes you confident/sure about that”) does not get cut off . and sasuke answers that what makes them certain/sure about it is her (sarada) existence. 
It means Sarada ,their child is a proof of their love.
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Kishi ends the gaiden with this statement 
“What reflected there was the real deal LOVE”
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sasusakuforum · 8 years
Have you heard how some antis say that despite having numerous chances to kill Naruto, Sasuke never went through with it, because he cared about him too much?
Yes I have, and this statement boggles the mind. Once again, they place SasuNaru on a pedestal on the basis that it’s supposedly free from the criticism that’s levelled in SasuSaku’s direction, when it’s really not.
The only time Sasuke had an opportunity to kill Naruto but didn’t go through with it was at the end of their fight during Part 1, where Sasuke let him live “on a whim”, not because he cared about him too much.
Other than that, he genuinely tried to kill Naruto during their Part 1 fight:
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But Naruto prevented Sasuke from striking his heart at the last second. Sasuke was going for his heart here:
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And the extremists think he couldn’t go through with killing Naruto? Okay…
Sasuke also tried to genuinely kill Naruto during their reunion at Orochimaru’s hideout:
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And he would have gone through with it, if it hadn’t been for Sai’s interference when he blocked his attack:
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And the extremists think he couldn’t go through with killing Naruto? Okay…
Sasuke also tried to genuinely kill Naruto during their final fight at the end of the manga:
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And he would have gone through with it, if Naruto hadn’t countered the attack at the last moment:
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And the extremists think he couldn’t go through with killing Naruto? Okay…
So where do they get this stuff from? How are these attempts any different from Sasuke’s murder attempts on Sakura where they were also prevented at the last moment? The notion that Sasuke apparently couldn’t go through with his murder attempts on Naruto is complete nonsense.
Sasuke genuinely tried to kill Naruto on at least 3 separate occasions, and would have gone through with it on each occasion. People need to stop embellishing Sasuke’s negativity towards Naruto with falsehoods for the sake of elevating SNS, it’s beyond juvenile.
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sasusakuforum · 8 years
“Canon!Sakura is weak!1!1!”
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sasusakuforum · 8 years
Hello! Can you explain why sasuke says "with this... I can finally be alone" to Naruto when sakura and kakashi still alive
As we know, Sasuke strove to make the whole world hate him in order for his revolution to work. He wanted himself to be a symbol of the world’s hatred, so everyone could focus they’re hate on him, and would therefore be united under that premise.
Sasuke thought he was very close to achieving that; he thought that he had the world’s hatred placed on him. Well, everyone except Naruto, because he was still there fighting him. He thought that Naruto was the only one keeping him from being all alone, because Naruto was the only one with the power to stop him from achieving that goal.
It’s not that Sasuke never considered Sakura or Kakashi as important, it’s just that he no longer believed that after this fight, they would still consider him a friend, and he would thus be all alone; Naruto was essentially the final hurdle:
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Sasuke wanted to be all alone, and thought that everyone in the world (including Sakura and Kakashi) would hate him after the conclusion of the fight. Therefore from Sasuke’s perspective, he had already succeeded with making Sakura and Kakashi hate him (even though he was wrong). That’s why he made that comment; he thought that at this point, Naruto was the only one was still hindering his goal to be al alone, because he was the only one powerful enough to stop him. Once Naruto was taken care of, there’d be no one left to get in the way of his revolution. Yes, Kakashi and Sakura would still be alive, but they wouldn’t be able to stop him. That’s why he made that comment. 
Even if Sasuke had lost, he still thought that Sakura and Kakashi would no longer want anything to do with him.
This was shown in 699 during his apology:
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He’s under the impression that Sakura won’t forgive him, and now that he’s been freed from his hatred and can see clearly, he realises that this isn’t what he wants at all. He deeply regrets his actions, but thinks it’s too late. But despite this, he still persists with the apology, because regardless of whether she forgives him or not, he knows it must be said:
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And even when he initially says I’m sorry, he trails off, and waits for her response. He doesn’t force the apology on her, he instead waits for her, to see if she even wants to hear it. This is how hesitant Sasuke feels about the situation; because he felt as though she hated him. For the first time, he is the completely vulnerable one in their relationship, and Sakura has all the cards.
I hope that answered your question. It’s not that Sakura or Kakashi meant nothing him; it’s that he felt that at that point, Naruto was the only one who could still stop his revolution and desire to be all alone :)
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sasusakuforum · 8 years
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SasuSaku Month - Day 8: Mission Impossible
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sasusakuforum · 8 years
Not the first time this happened
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sasusakuforum · 8 years
No wonder Non-tan and Chie gave such intense performances on all our SasuSaku moments, regardless of the animations.
So far, we knew for sure SS was set in 2006, now 2001/2002 is confirmed. Just waiting for the 1997 evidence, besides what the manga already shows.
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Q: Although the anime is still running, in the manga the triangle concluded with Naruto and Hinata, Sasuke and Sakura. Did you guys expect this development? Junko: Yes…or rather, in fact (we) heard about it when (we) met with Kishimoto in the past. Chie: When the anime just started airing, around the second time (we) met him. Non-tan: Since then, he said “Sasuke and Sakura will be together in the end”
They were intended to be together since the very begginning. (♥♡∀♡)
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sasusakuforum · 8 years
While I was rereading Naruto Gaiden Chapter 10, I noticed this:
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Out of all the panels, the only one having a completely black background is this one with Sakura blushing while looking right into Sasuke’s eyes before he left for his mission. 
The other panels with Sakura have a white background, this suggesting that they were seen from a reader’s point of view. For example:
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However, the black background from the first panel suggests that it is showed from Sasuke’s point of view. This is probably the way he saw Sakura while she was blushing and staring affectionately at him.
This is like the moment he looked her in the eyes, nothing else mattered. He remained speechless and surprised, just like this panel emphasizes:
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He was looking at her and only her. During this moment, he didn’t see anything else, but her, fact which was emphasized by the black background. 
He probably realized once again how beautiful she is. He also knew what she was waiting for. This, her amazing cuteness and the fact that she was blushing probably made him blush, too, or, if that’s not the case, he most likely got shy and embarrassed of the fact that their daughter was watching them and that’s why he had to immediately turn away and get going. xD He probably didn’t want to show his shy side. 
Also, in the next panel, he was smiling and his eyes were hidden, just like in almost every really important SasuSaku scene:
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He smiled because he probably thought that he’d save what Sakura really wanted for later, when he would finally be back and while the two of them would be alone and intimate. 
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sasusakuforum · 8 years
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so i was going through my naruto volumes for some ideas (I want to finish my cover art already but i cant come up with background to save my life) when I stumbled over this cutie piece of coincidence that the moment naruto accepts that nothing will come out of his crush, neighbour page is pretty random tidbit of team 8
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sasusakuforum · 8 years
Popular Claims About Sakura.
- “She’s weak”:
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- “She’s flat”:
This doesn’t even matter, but:
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- “She treated Naruto like shit”:
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- “She’s useless”:
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- “She never tried to understand Sasuke”:
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- “She was only after Sasuke’s D”:
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- “She was still the same 12 year old fangirl”:
From this:
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To this:
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- “She didn’t develop at all”:
From this:
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To this:
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From this:
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To this:
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From This:
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To This:
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- “She’s an abusive mother who lied to Sarada for 12 years and threatened her with physical violence”:
She never lied to Sarada once. Lying and withholding information are two different things. Nothing she told Sarada was ever incorrect.  
The nonsense of the 2nd point demonstrates a clear misunderstanding of how to threaten someone with physical violence. All Sakura did was punch the ground, and then for some inexplicable reason, many think it was this that drove Sarada to tears, when it was actually Sasuke’s absence, which was the whole point of the conversation in the first place… People believe anything as long as it makes Sakura look bad: 
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So much for an abusive mother…
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- “She gave up her Medical career and aspirations to become a simple housewife”:
*Opens a Children’s Mental Healthcare Clinic in Sakura Hiden*.
*Was important enough to be at the 5 Kage meeting in Naruto Gaiden*.
And is still the head Medic in Boruto the Movie:
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And I’m sure we all could have found plenty more examples which prove each statement wrong. *Sigh*.
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sasusakuforum · 8 years
Did Kishimoto confirm that hinata and Sakura were going to be trophy wives for naruto and sasuke?
Yeah he did actually!
It was during the very same interview where he also confirmed that:
SasuKarin was supposed to happen, but due to popularity reasons, he changed it at the last minute.
NaruSaku was supposed to happen, but due to popularity reasons, he changed it at the last minute.
SasuNaru was supposed to happen, but due to heteronormativity, he changed it at the last minute.
Forehead pokes are a sign of deception, manipulation, bullying, rudeness and any other negative thing you can think of.
Sarada’s mother is open for interpretation.
He plans to divorce SasuSaku in the future.
He hates all the canon couples because he was forced into making them, and so he put subliminal messages into subsequent material for the readers to be able to formulate critical theories in order to decipher his important underlying messages.
You see, Kishi confirmed all of these crucial things in one huge pipebomb interview which just broke the internet anon, and it subsequently had to be taken down. That’s why you see so many antis saying these things so adamantly, and yet they don’t have the slightest ounce of proof. It’s because they saw this interview, but they just can’t find it anywhere. But Maddy has it! >:D Oh yes, for I am omniscient, I am pansophical, I am… Infinite.
Feast your eyes on the notorious interview that evaded every anti extremist!
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sasusakuforum · 8 years
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Couples that are meant to be are the ones who go through everything that's designed to tear them apart and come out even stronger together
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sasusakuforum · 8 years
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“Sakura… never stopped wanting to save you. Never… The only time when you need a reason is when to hate someone!! Besides, all Sakura wanted just now was to be yours! She only wanted to save you! This girl here… who you’ve been more ready to kill.. Even now, she’s crying tears filled with thoughts of you… Because she loves you so much, it’s breaking her heart..!!”
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sasusakuforum · 8 years
Why didn't sasuke kiss sakura before leaving? She clearly wanted to kiss. He is such a douche sometimes then walking away while smirking ? Rude.
I’ve grown to love that moment. Sasuke is far from rude.
At first, I thought Kishi did it because he’s shy and to keep the fans waiting. Longing is more powerful than succeeding, at times. Was Kishi afraid to ruin all of SasuSaku’s build up with an unworthy climax? I, too, hoped that Sasuke would have healed emotionally enough to have normal bonds. But there are some traumas you cannot recover from. This is substantiated by his decision to refuse the zetsu arm, even though he could have easily had one like Naruto. Sasuke doesn’t want to forget his past. While he’s overcome his grief, he wants those memories there, to guide him in this atoned new life.
How does it affect his behaviour? I’d like to look back at 220-223. You probably remember that little Sasuke yearned for nothing more than his father’s approval. Instead, Fugaku would tell him “keep this up, and you can become just like your brother”. When Sasuke finally impresses Fugaku with a giant katon, what does the father do? He turns on his back, and only then he speaks.
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We later discover Fugaku does so because he talks non-stop about Sasuke with Mikoto, so he feels awkward around Sasuke. Fugaku loves Sasuke so much, he cannot handle confronting him directly, so he turns his back to conceal emotions.
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Does this sound familiar? 
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Sasuke is unable to deal with Sakura face-on whenever he has to confront his feelings. The 181 love confession happens almost exclusively while Sasuke turned away from her. Same goes with the entire war arc, because Sasuke’s emotional eyes belong to the privacy of the two of them alone.
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Now I see it that 710 was the most sensible choice. Sasuke loves Sakura so much, he’s too awkward to show his feelings anywhere but in private. You see, Sakura expects a kiss (or better, a poke, the way she presents her forehead!), because she knows the real 1-on-1 Sasuke, and she’s confident he wants that kiss as much as he does. But he’s overwhelmed, so in order to conceal, he turns and walks away, just like his father with him.
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But that smirk..
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the way he grips onto that waifu’s handmade lunch…
Sasuke doesn’t need to display his affection. His thoughts and memories bind him forever to his family. He knows and she knows their feelings won’t ever change.
“Their hearts are connected, and that’ all that matters.”
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sasusakuforum · 8 years
At the end of Gaiden. When Mr and Mrs Uchiha stopped talking  panels ago, and your the one who has to translate all the body language and eye smex.
Sakura: Forehead poke?
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Sasuke: nsfw
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Sakura: Im sad  your teasing but be safe husbando
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Sasuke:, my waifu (that was too beautiful not to tease),  wait for me.
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